Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 14: I Got Caught...?

Chapter 14: I Got Caught...?


Once again, Yun Hao found himself covered in sweat as he was surrounded by bags that now look deflated. Just a couple of hours ago, they were filled with coins that weighed almost more than Yun Hao himself, and he had to drag it all the way to another city so as to not arouse any suspicions.

Even after a whole week of doing this, the weight of the coins still bothered him. His body was already trained to its full potential from all the years of training and work he had to do. Even when he was washing cars, the people there had asked him to lift gallons of water all on his own.

That gallons of water was probably heavier than the coins, but there was this certain pressure in carrying money worth more than he had ever held in his hand before.

After a week of distributing his coins in different channels and markets, Yun Hao had finally shaved off half of the coins that drowned the inside of his house. He initially thought that it would take months to do so, but ever since he got used to talking and mingling with the merchants, he almost certainly empties out his bag in the first 3 hours.

He had already deposited most of the bills he gained in 3 separate bank accounts, he planned to alternate it weekly to make it look like he was depositing a salary. But of course, he still kept most of the money physically with him. If he puts everything in the bank, then he would be in trouble if something comes up.

A week, 9 days in total if you count the first two days that Yun Hao started distributing his money.

And now, in just less than 10 days, he had approximately $200,000.

$100,000 shy away from having enough money to turn himself into a Cultivator. Yun Hao was confident that after another week passes, he would have already unlocked his meridians.

He was still wary that someone from the authorities would start making him out and investigate him, but even after a week of continuously doing this, no one had approached him. There were only the occasional stares from the people in the bank since his clothes weren't really that

...fashionable in a way. But once the teller sees that he actually has money, the weird looks immediately turn to a fake professional smile.

Speaking of which, he should probably start to spend some money to buy new clothes. He had heard before that rich people were now trying to look homeless, but that was obviously a lie.

He had $200,000 now, but he is not treating it as his own money, yet. It will be gone anyway once he goes to the Confederation to have his meridians unlocked. He doesn't know if there was a limit of usage to his powers, so he just limits it to using it once a day-- to check if it's still there.

And so far, only breaths of relief come out of his mouth. He needed to become a Cultivator as fast as possible so that he would be able to legally own a Beast Core. Once he gets his hands on one, he would immediately try and use his powers to duplicate it.

After resting for a while and gathering his thoughts, Yun Hao then checked the time through his phone.

Yes, he has a phone now. And the only contact he had in it was the female cultivator that sent an e-mail to him-- Huang Yi.

But besides him telling Huang Yi that he has a phone number now, he hasn't contacted her since. He doesn't really need to ask her anything. Just one click on googoru and everything he needed to know was there. The only entertaining thing he was doing with his phone was watching boxing matches until the sun goes down.

"It's only 1 in the afternoon?" Yun Hao could not help but mutter as he looked at the time. If it was like this, he should be able to go back to his house, gather some more coins, and distribute them once again.

He had already thought of transferring the coins to another location, but the safest place he could think of was still inside his house. No one bothers to go there, not even to check on him. Yun Hao initially thought that Long Yazhu was going to cause trouble for him, asking his father to kick him out, but he didn't.

Perhaps Yazhu's father doesn't even know that Yun Hao was now living in the scrapyard and not in the apartment that he gave him. But of course, there was no way that Yun Hao could find out not unless he can get his phone number and call him personally.

Yun Hao then shook his head as he started folding the empty bags wrapped around him, placing all of them inside a single bag before letting out a huge breath and standing up from his seat.

"...Time to go to work again," Yun Hao let out a small smile as he decided to go home and get more coins from his house. But not even 10 steps from his seat, a group of men wearing suits blocked his path. The other people that were leisurely walking in the streets quickly dispersed upon the arrival of these men.

"..." The smile on Yun Hao's face completely disappeared as he scanned the 6 men that blocked his path. All of them were dressed in the same clothes, as well as wearing huge sunglasses that almost covered most of their faces.

"Woah there, tall guy," one of the men said, "Where are you headed to?"

"...Home," Yun Hao calmly said even as the men started giggling for no reason.

"Why don't you follow us for a few seconds? We have some questions to ask you." Another man stepped forward, immediately placing his hand on Yun Hao's shoulder. Even with the 6 obviously built men, this one stood out the most as he was even taller than Yun Hao.

Yun Hao stared at the man straight in the eyes for a few seconds before nodding his head.

"...Oh, good." The group looked at each other, somewhat baffled that Yun Hao didn't even ask or hesitate to come with them. But still, this made their jobs even easier as they once again giggled at one another.

"Come with us then," the tallest of the group then placed his arms around Yun Hao's shoulders, forcing him to walk with them. The other people that were still around could only shake their heads, especially the merchants that Yun Hao has been in business with.

Yun Hao, on the other hand, remained calm as he stared at each of the men in suits. Even managing to remain calm as he was led to an isolated and dark alleyway with almost no people passing by.

"We've been watching you since this morning," the tallest of the group seems to also be the leader, as he was the one doing most of the talking, "...and you seem to have a lot of burden in your pockets."

"..." Yun Hao remained silent for a few seconds before shaking his head, "I earned all of this through legal means, sir."

"Oho, you think we care about that?" One of the men joined in on the conversation, "We just want everything you have, give it to us and you can be on your way."

"...What?" Yun Hao furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean what!? Give us all your money and we will let you live!"

One of the men was about to rush towards him, when Yun Hao raised his palm, "Wait"

"Good," the man that was rushing towards him stopped to catch his breath, "It would seem that you're not as stupid as you look--"

"You people are not from the bank?" Yun Hao then said, interrupting the man before he could finish his words, "What about from the government? Are you people not IRS or something?"

"What the fuck are you spouting about, boy!? Give us all your money so we can--"

Once again, the man's words were interrupted. But this time, not from Yun Hao's voice, but from the sudden loud thud that echoed through the alleyway as Yun Hao's fist made contact with the man's face.


The group, now only 5 of them, could not help but snarl as they saw one of their friends tumbling across the ground, straight towards the side of a garbage chute. They then all looked at Yun Hao, who was wiping off the sweat that accumulated on his face.

"Oh man," Yun Hao let out a long and deep sigh as he slightly shook his hand,

"I thought you guys were here to arrest me...

...turns out you're just here to get fucked up."


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