Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 25: Han Seori’s Plan

Chapter 25: Han Seori’s Plan

“Well, this time, it won’t be stuffy! Of course, it won’t hurt either.”

The intelligent-looking woman made a nasal sound that didn’t suit her and lifted me up by shoving her hand under my armpit.

While I thought that her appearance was both unbalanced and cute, I was confused about how this person actually wanted to treat me.

No, if you’re going to treat me like a child, then just treat me like a child all the way.

At this rate, her eyes might suddenly roll back, and she might just chop off someone’s arm.

I thought she might be the kind of mad scientist that appears in various creative works.

She’s young and pretty, but… it’s a pity.


This time, she put me in a large glass container. While hanging onto her bosom and entering the container, I noticed a rectangular object hanging from her neck.

It had the name Dr. Han Seori written on it.

There were other things written, but my gaze was fixed there. It wasn’t particularly because her chest was in that direction, but just… I thought we had the same last name.

But still, a doctor.

At that age and with that appearance, she’s a doctor?

Could it be that she used some incredible science and technology to make her appear younger?

As she was putting me in the container, our eyes met. Feeling somewhat flustered, I averted my gaze, and Han Seori muttered with a somewhat satisfied expression.

“Hm? Could it be that you’re feeling embarrassed…?”

It was a ridiculous misunderstanding, but since I couldn’t correct it anyway, I left it alone.

…If I spit mucus on her face, I could express my dissatisfaction, but if I did that, my life might be in danger.

Well, I couldn’t tell how old the person inside was, but it was true that her appearance itself was pretty, so there was no need for that.

The woman named Han Seori, who put me in the glass container, soon took out a notebook from her pocket and started scribbling something.

Come to think of it, if I wanted to convey something… wouldn’t it be possible to scribble it in the notebook?

With that thought, I tried wiggling my fingers, but I thought it might be a bit ambiguous.

I solved the issue of picking up objects by sticking to them in a sticky way, but I was worried if I could write with these fingers.

Well, even if I scribbled roughly, I could probably convey the general idea…

But I thought I should wait a bit longer to see if it would be good for me.

Until now… I thought it was better this way.

There’s no need to go to work and no need for economic activities.

When it’s time to eat, they bring me food, and embarrassingly, they even put in toys so I won’t get bored.

If only I could somehow change these toys to something else, it would be a truly satisfying life.

…The problem would be whether or not I can trust this person named Han Seori.

If nothing special happens… maybe it’s not so bad to live like this.

If I gradually pretend to develop intelligence, maybe someday I’ll be able to enjoy a bit more of a civilized life.

As I stared at the notebook with such intentions, Han Seori’s eyes met mine.


She made a sound as if she had thought of something.

…Could it be that she noticed I was looking at the notebook?

I think it’s a bit too early… What should I write in the notebook to make it plausible?

As I was thinking such thoughts and jiggling my jelly, something fell on my head with a *plop*.

It has finally come.

Thinking that, I raised my gaze, and Alice, which I had thrown earlier, was on top of my head.

Feeling like I had become stupid too, I grabbed Alice in my hand, and a voice that felt somewhat satisfied was heard.

“Could it be that you were sad because you didn’t have a friend?”

…Are you really a doctor?

As I was holding Alice in my arms and feeling like I was becoming stupid too, Han Seori took out a small trowel from her pocket, and this time, she scooped up Daesik, who was wriggling on the floor, and put him in the glass container.

I touch Daesik with my bare hands, so why does she scoop him with a trowel?

She really seemed like a bit… of a strange person.

Anyway, the inside was wider than I thought, so it wasn’t stuffy like she said.

But what is she trying to do by shoving me in a glass container?

While feeling tense in an unfamiliar situation.

Seeing Han Seori’s somewhat dazed face made the tension naturally dissipate.

…Could it be a trap to make me let my guard down?

As I was pondering, my reflection faintly appeared on the wall.

The sight of me holding a doll looked every bit like a little girl.

It’s a cute appearance, even to my eyes.

…Could it be because of this appearance that she can’t get a grip on herself?

Then, I recalled the actions I had taken so far. The most vivid memory is of getting caught playing with the doll just a moment ago.

Maybe it would be better to just live as a slime like this. Revealing that the one inside here is a man named Han Hosu.

…It means I have to acknowledge that I did those antics in my right mind.

If that’s the case, maybe it would be happier to live as a slime that doesn’t know anything.

I thought I would observe a bit more for now.

But I feel a bit… deflated.


While I was doing that, the open lid was closed, and Han Seori grabbed the handle of what looked like a cart on which the glass container was placed.

“Well then, shall we go?”

A voice that sounded somewhat lively.

…Seeing her title as a doctor, the sense of discomfort is no joke.

When I only saw her pretty and intelligent face, I didn’t think much of it.

Is this my prejudice?

A doctor-discriminatory point of view?

Regardless of what I thought, the door soon opened.

The corridor I had seen when entering here began to appear.

At the same time.

*Squeak, squeak.*

The sound of wheels rolling was heard.

My field of vision is moving.

So… now I’m trapped in something like a glass container, loaded on a cart.

When we came out into the corridor, Han Seori didn’t make those unusual nasal sounds like before, so I became a bit anxious.

They say you only realize the value of something when it’s gone.

Because of that, I end up holding Alice tightly for no reason. As if my mood had been transmitted to him, Daesik also started trembling.

Still, it was one of the few opportunities to learn the layout of this place, so I carefully observed my surroundings.

The sight of rooms similar to the one I came out of stretching out in a row gave a feeling of some kind of hotel.

But seeing that reminded me of the person who was bleeding from the eyes and screaming when I came here, so I didn’t feel very good.

…Still, after being in a white room and coming outside… it’s not bad.

Yeah, people need this kind of stimulation, after all.

As we were passing through the corridor.

As if it were really a hotel, I saw numbers combined with KR written above the doors.

What could it mean?

As I was looking at the meaningless string of numbers, I heard murmuring sounds.

Soon, a group of people were seen approaching this way.

They were people who looked like they could handle themselves in a fight.

They walked over with heavy steps, then suddenly blinked as if they had seen something unreal.

Then they slightly bowed their heads to Han Seori and carefully asked.

“Uh… Doctor? This is…?”

“It’s 7496-KR, though?”

“That, ‘Damn Snot’… is it correct?”

Wait a minute.

‘Damn Snot’, you say.

Could they be referring to me?

While I was feeling dumbfounded, Han Seori’s blunt voice was heard.

“Are you still… calling it by that unofficial name?”

“…Haha, the memory of suffering because of that thing is so vivid. By the way… what are you doing?”

Seeing the man who seemed to be the representative unable to move in front of Han Seori, her stupid appearance from a moment ago became even more incomprehensible, but I also felt somewhat relieved.

Is this the feeling of a fox riding on a tiger’s back?

I feel a strange sensation.

Han Seori spoke confidently to the man’s question.

“To show how friendly 7496-KR is to humans… I’m going for a walk with it.”


Hearing those words, I somehow felt like a zoo monkey.

It was because people other than the man started gathering around the glass and staring at me intently.

Regardless of gender, they all had a rough appearance, so I felt intimidated for no reason and hugged Alice, and I saw the corners of their mouths twitching.

“Hmm… It is certainly cute.”

“Well, we did suffer for about a week….”

As expected, people… no, slimes have to be pretty to be looked at. If I looked like Daesik, they might be glaring at me fiercely.

…No, it’s not that Daesik is ugly, but isn’t there quite a large gap between Daesik and me?


If what Han Seori wants is for me to be friendly to humans, it seemed like it would be advantageous for me to respond to that as well.

To do that, it would be best to use Alice.

I attempted to hug Alice, which had a good reaction from them.

“How cute….”

Among them, one woman looks at me with a satisfied face.

Then, after exchanging some conversation with Han Seori.

She slightly opened the lid and slipped the chocolate from her pocket inside.


Feeling the chocolate touch my head, I reached out my hand to grab it.

Looking around, I saw gazes that somehow felt sparkling.

It was somehow a bit burdensome.

Since I knew what they wanted from me, I diligently unwrapped the chocolate.

This time, I also took the contents and had Daesik dispose of the trash smeared with chocolate.

I believe he won’t have any complaints since I left some chocolate for him.

Then, with exclamations, the lid opened again, and various snacks from their pockets poured down on my head like a rainfall of deliciousness.

…They say not to give this kind of stuff to animals at the zoo.

But then again, I’m not a zoo monkey.

While thinking that.

I felt a bit… you know.

Still, there were a lot of snacks that I hadn’t tasted in a long time, their flavors dancing on my tongue.

So it wasn’t too bad.

*Squeak, squeak.*

While I was diligently snacking, savouring each morsel.

The people who had gathered dispersed like leaves in the wind.

When I came to my senses, an unfamiliar space unfolded before my eyes, beckoning me to explore its mysteries.


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