Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 13: Humanity

Chapter 13: Humanity

*Squish. Squish.*

Han Seori, having pushed Kim Cheonsu outside, continues to peer inside through the glass with a puzzled expression.

“…Why did he do that?”

The ‘Damn Snot’ spits out a thick mucous towards Kim Cheonsu, who is in protective gear, and trembles with a sky-blue body stuck in the white corner.

The petite figure of ‘Damn Snot’, resembling a girl, renders its actions bewildering.

For Han Seori, watching someone ensnared in slime and dragged outside is frustrating.

Yet, the absence of communication puzzles her. She feels it’s about time for him to return.

“He didn’t seem particularly dangerous… Did some new traits manifest late?”

As Han Seori grows concerned over the still absent Kim Cheonsu, she fiddles with the communicator.

The door, previously closed, opens, and a dazed Kim Cheonsu walks in. Seeing him unharmed, Han Seori is relieved and teases him.

“You were wearing the hazmat suit. Why were you so surprised?”

He struggles to come up with a witty response.

Observing his attempts to project masculinity during their private encounters, Han Seori bursts into laughter. Unable to respond, he merely lowers his head.

The situation is embarrassingly awkward for him.

The mucus spat by ‘Damn Snot’ is harmless to people. Ingesting it can lead to choking and potential death by asphyxiation, but…

The same is true for konjac, jelly, and rice cakes.

These are hardly dangerous.

With mixed feelings, Kim Cheonsu justifies himself in a reluctant voice.

“It was unexpected, so I couldn’t help it. I mean… I didn’t see any information about spitting.”

“Hmm… Well, that could be possible. Those peculiar things… are quite unpredictable.”

Though Han Seori teases him, she isn’t without understanding.

Her observations from a safe distance contrast with the frontline perspective.


Pointing at the tiny silhouette behind the glass, she inquires,

“So, what was your impression seeing it up close? It’s so small that you can’t see the details from here.”

“Impression… Do you mean?”

“Yes. Even the trivial things are fine.”

Kim Cheonsu, scratching his head in confusion, sighs before responding,

“Well, uh… Cute?”



Han Seori looks at him incredulously. She shared the sentiment but never anticipated those words from him.

“Take a look. Aren’t you surprised too, Doctor?”

“…Is that relevant? Besides, I wasn’t asking for jokes, was I?”


As Han Seori asserts her authority amidst confusion, Kim Cheonsu straightens and speaks with a serious tone.

“To be honest, it’s difficult to say exactly what it is. It seemed terrified, but attacking suddenly doesn’t seem very friendly.”

*Thud, thud.*

Listening to Kim Cheonsu, Han Seori taps on the glass and speaks cautiously.

“…Did it really attack?”


“…It seems a bit too insignificant to call it an attack.”



“That might be more fitting. After being kidnapped by you.”

That means,

“Indeed… Whether it was a threat or an attack… it seems aware of the situation it’s in.”

What matters now is understanding the mindset of the tiny slime blob.

Regardless, giving it time appears to be the best course of action for now.

No matter the interpretation, its slime excretion indicates a highly unstable state.

“Let’s give it some time to calm down and then conduct further experiments.”

Han Seori decides while observing the jelly quiver.

She also acknowledges her own impatience.

It seems she was too hasty.

“…I need to conclude this investigation before the boss finds out.”

First, they decide to offer it food.

It appears to be a sound approach to confirm if it can behave in a human-like manner while calming down.

Mentally agreeing, Han Seori instructs Kim Cheonsu to deliver a hamburger.

<!-- slime -->

After the bulky figure departs,

I find myself huddling in a corner, lost in thought about what might become of me.

There’s no particular reason for me to be confined to this corner. It simply feels comforting.

Suddenly, I find myself yearning for the sewer.

The worst scenario imaginable churns in my mind: being processed into an MRE’s meat.

Though it’s merely a figment of my imagination,

the thought is horrifying.

Envisioning my jelly-like form, being crushed into tiny pieces and consumed by others makes my jelly contract in fear.

Previously, such macabre thoughts wouldn’t easily cross my mind, but now, with danger looming, they seem all too plausible.

My anxiety wouldn’t have been so intense had I not attacked, would it?

Why did I do that?

Shouldn’t I have communicated my intentions through means other than words?

If only I had acquiesced to that bulky figure’s demands…

Curse this foolish jelly of mine!


The sensation of my jelly quivering uncontrollably intensifies as I clasp my head firmly.

The cold, hard truth that I am no longer human confronts me.

While trapped in this corner, my form wobbles like jelly…


The sound of the locked door opening reaches my ears.

At last… it approaches.

But I am not prepared. Having already died once, must I face death again?

Yet, devoid of any means to express this, I merely jiggle my jelly in response.

A profound sense of helplessness envelops me.

Visions of my fleeting life flash before my eyes,

signalling that my time to die is likely near.

My existence as Han Hosu was brief,

and now, my short life as a slime draws to a close.


Don’t want to die…



*Bubble, bubble…*

I snap back to reality at the sound of something being placed on the floor.


As my vision clears, I see the door closing once more.



Observing what has been placed on the floor, I find myself perplexed. It’s because there lies a very familiar item.

So… um, it’s a hamburger.

Though somewhat surprised, that’s indeed the case.

A hamburger rests on a tray before me.

Absentmindedly, I sniff the aroma wafting from it as if I had a nose.

Looking here,

and there,

it becomes evident that only a hamburger and I occupy the empty room. Whether the person who left it has truly gone or simply vanished, it’s just me and the hamburger.

It’s as if we’re on a blind date.

Moving cautiously as if under a spell, I approach the hamburger.

Almost mesmerized, I reach out and take hold of the hamburger.

Wrapped in paper, the hamburger exudes freshness and warmth.

It’s the usual L Company burger I’ve come to rely on.

What could this signify?

Are they intending to fatten me up before consumption?

Or perhaps they’re offering forgiveness?

…Maybe there’s no plan to transform me into jelly gummies.


I decide to eat.

Though not physically starving, a fierce hunger gnaws at me internally.

Considering the energy expended, pondering my recent experiences, this hunger seems natural.

As I begin to unwrap the paper, I hesitate for a moment.

Then, opting not to unwrap it, I shove the entire hamburger into my lower stomach.

This act of laziness in unwrapping, coupled with a demonstration of my utility by consuming even waste neatly,

suggests I might be seen as convenient for maintenance if I leave nothing behind.

Admittedly, the taste of the melted paper is less than appealing,

yet the burger within is delicious. Some might dismiss hamburgers as mere fast food, but when analyzed, they fit into the realm of healthy eating.

The bread provides carbohydrates, and the patty supplies protein.

Add some vegetables, and despite the possibly excessive sauce, isn’t dressing also added to salads?

Separately, they constitute a healthy brunch.

Together, they’re dubbed fast food.

This irony amuses me.

…Naturally, potatoes and beverages are excluded from this healthy balance.

But the meal remains tasty.

Even though the paper’s flavour detracts somewhat,

I proceed to ingest the remainder of the hamburger without removing the wrapping.

As I watch the hamburger dissolve, its rich flavour becomes unmistakably clear.

After consuming the burger, my attention shifts to a plate left on the table.

I pause, contemplating whether to eat it as well.

What a conundrum.

To assert my utility and avoid being turned into gummy bears, I ponder whether I should consume it.

Should I? Would that seem too uncivilized?

What to do?

As I fixate on the plate with intense focus,


The sound of the door opening startles me.

Uncertain of my next move, I dart to a corner with the plate in tow.

In a frantic bid to justify my utility, I force the plate into my stomach.


It tastes akin to sucking on a metal rod.


As someone’s horrified scream fills the air, the plate slipping from my stomach falls out.


Watching my jellies leave with the plate sends shivers down my spine.

It feels as if they’re warning me, ‘You’ll end up like that too.’

As I sadly watch my jellies depart,

a new plate is offered to me.

There lies a new burger welcoming me.

It seems plates are indeed not meant to be eaten.

Yeah, that’s right.

I reach for the burger as I hear the door close behind me.



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