Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 10: Monster Under the Bed

Chapter 10: Monster Under the Bed

The door, which had seemed tightly shut, suddenly creaks open, revealing a hunched old man and a jovial man with a bright smile.

The old man yawns, his face almost expressionless, while the other man steps in ahead of him, his smile wide as he surveys the room.

Though he smiles, there’s a dryness to it.

His droopy, seagull-shaped eyelids barely conceal the cold scan of his pupils as they survey the surroundings.

Yet, he manages to speak in a voice brimming with sympathy.

“Looks like nobody’s home, huh?”

“Hm… I thought he wasn’t that sort of person, but you really can’t judge a book by its cover.”

The younger man’s gaze, scanning the floor, catches small and faint footprints left behind.

Small round footprints, seemingly left by a tiny animal, are evident. The old man, having entered with him, appears not to notice, possibly due to his failing eyesight, but for the younger man, they are as clear as day.

‘…I’m not sure if he left, but it definitely seems like he was here.’

Everything points to the temporary codename ‘Damn Snot’ having stayed here.

Lightly accumulated dust holds faint traces.

An odd arrangement of MRE pouches and cup noodles lies on the floor.

A messy box, clearly out of place, is visible to anyone.

…And finally.

‘This smell…’

The scent of a product from Soylent Purple Co. lingers.

Though it has faded, and the old man seems oblivious, the man, experienced in such matters, detects that faint smell.

It seems someone was in this room not long ago.

Merely from the scent, it’s impossible to ascertain whether ‘Damn Snot’ or somebody else was present, but combined with the other clues… it’s clear that it was probably ‘Damn Snot.’

‘…How peculiar.’

This indicates that ‘Damn Snot’ possesses intelligence.

Or they might have seen this place as their ‘nest,’ instinctively making their way here and integrating into this space.

‘It’s not for me to judge.’

Idle speculation only increases the workload and shortens the lifespan.

This principle is especially true in the environment where the man works.

Thus, the mere possibility of ‘Damn Snot’ having been here is sufficient for him.

Investigating further is impossible with the old man present.

Particularly the bathroom, the cupboard, and…

…under the dark bed, within the deep shadows.

Considering the risk of ‘Damn Snot’ potentially lurking there, he deems it too dangerous to probe these spaces, especially given the possibility of an ambush.

“I-I suppose it’s about time to leave, right? It’s not polite to linger in a room without its owner for too long.”

“Ah, yes. That’s true.”

The man takes a final glance under the dark bed before stepping away.

His report is straightforward.

Evidence of someone’s presence has been found.

Based on the non-human footprints, it’s presumed that ‘Damn Snot’ had stayed at the victim’s house.

Though the main entity wasn’t found, it’s highly likely it is hiding.

No additional comments are made. A mere listing of facts suffices for the man.

Quickly leaving the building, the man discreetly makes a call.

As he delivers his succinct report,

A figure, face obscured, enters the building.

<!-- slime -->

…Did they leave?

My jelly quivers, not flesh.

It seems my efforts to erase traces and gobble up what was tucked beneath the bed have worked; the homeowner and their presumed visitor depart without a word.

Perhaps I’m overreacting.

After all, they might have sent a stranger from my company.

It shouldn’t matter, but upon reflection, nothing really changes for me.

I still mustn’t reveal myself.

So, can I afford a moment’s relaxation now?

As I sigh in relief inwardly, I recall the recent scramble under the bed.

I hastily devoured the MREs without properly disposing of them.

Despite the unpleasant odor, I had no choice given the situation.

The taste was tolerable, even though it wasn’t particularly warm, unlike the smell.

Before becoming a slime, I would marvel at the convenience and flavor for the price, but now, what do I call it?

It tastes, somehow, indistinct.

Eating it felt like consuming cheap imitation meat rather than the real thing.

The sauce tasted familiar, yet the melting chunks of meat had a peculiar flavor.

It was a taste I had never encountered before; I could tell it was some kind of processed meat, but unlike anything I had ever tried.

Did my taste change with my transformation?

Yet, instant noodles and beer remain as they were. Perhaps consuming only fishy-smelling meat in the sewer traumatized me regarding meat?

I don’t know.

Something feels off, but I lack the information to resolve my doubts.


I wait until the voices and footsteps vanish, then cautiously emerge from under the bed.

Silently, I squat in front of the stacked MRE containers on the floor.

Instead of dwelling on the uncertain future, I find myself more intrigued by the mystery before me. That’s just who I am.

And since this curiosity connects me to my humanity, maybe I don’t want to let it go.

I might be a bit tipsy from dodging the person searching for me.

Squatting, I scrutinize the MRE packaging, turning my head to spot something previously unseen.

That’s when I fail to notice another visitor creeping up behind me.

No, this is peculiar. Having become a slime, I’ve grown quite sensitive to movements, so why didn’t I sense this?



Startled by the sound of something locking, I attempt to move, but my body remains immobilized.

Trapped as if inside a box, I can’t budge.

Regaining my senses, I scan my surroundings and realize I’m encased in some kind of rectangular contraption.

Looking up, I see a hand holding it in place.

Shifting my gaze, I spot an individual, their gender ambiguous, munching on what seems to be bamboo.

A bizarre figure wearing sunglasses, casually chewing on bamboo.

It’s not like he is a ninja to suddenly appear. This situation is truly bizarre.

But I can’t focus on that individual any longer.

With a rustling noise, the box-like contraption holding me becomes enveloped in dark fabric.

I hear a creaking sound and soon feel a sense of movement as if I’m being carried away.

My body jiggles in sync with the footsteps of my captor.

It’s only then I realize I’ve been caught and am being transported, seemingly abducted.

What’s happening?

Did my attempt at deception fail?

Or is this someone else?

A myriad of thoughts swirl in my mind, a mind I’m not even sure exists in the same way anymore.

What now? Am I doomed to be trapped and experimented on for life? Would it be better to reveal I was originally human? But can I even communicate that? And if I can, would they help me? Perhaps they could even restore my human form. Help! Is anyone there?


The sound of a car door closing snaps me out of my frenzied thoughts.

Gloom fills my mind instead.

I naively thought I could avoid capture by deceiving them.

Since transforming into this jelly-like form, my emotions have been more volatile than ever.


I hear the car engine start.

I’m definitely being kidnapped.

Confusion reigns within me, but it’s followed by a calmness reminiscent of facing a crocodile or armed individuals.

Though there’s no time to breathe, I exhale and hear what sounds like someone spitting.

“Um, everything is fine, but there’s this persistent nagging feeling…”

A male voice breaks the silence.

It’s a weary voice.

This man eventually starts talking to someone else.

“I mean, we’ve secured it, but is this really the right course of action? What? I-I should just proceed? But what if the doctor decides to punish me? I could end up in a dire situation, you know?”

My non-existent heart flutters.

The scenarios I vaguely imagined or joked about are starting to materialize.

“…Well, it should be okay, as you said, but given the circumstances… What? Ah… Okay, got it.”

The man responds gravely to whatever is being said on the other end, then falls silent.


The sound of the moving vehicle blends with the noise of other cars outside.

The man doesn’t speak again.

An oppressive silence takes hold.

…A silence whose end I cannot foresee.

Why did he stop talking? Being kidnapped, any information could be crucial.

Now… where am I being taken?

How much time has elapsed in this state?

The sound of surrounding traffic fades away.

It seems we’re nearing our destination.


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