Substitute Marriage: Reborn As The Top Big-Shot

Chapter 454: 166: The undisputed top scorer in the College Entrance Examination! (Second update)

Chapter 454: 166: The undisputed top scorer in the College Entrance Examination! (Second update)

Translator: 549690339

Hearing this, Professor Alnwick stood up, “Mr. Jean, you called me.”

“Yes.” Mr. Jean nodded.

“Mr. Jean, what’s the matter?” Professor Alnwick walked over to Mr. Jean.

Mr. Jean pointed at the composition on the computer, “I want to apply for a full score for this composition, please take a look.”

“Full score?”

Hearing this, Professor Alnwick was momentarily stunned.

Having worked at the examination institute for ten years, this was not his first encounter with such a situation.

However, the last time a composition received a full score was three years ago.

Ten years ago, a boy named Logan wrote an essay titled “Hometown,” which earned him a full score.

In that era when communication was not yet highly developed, the essay quickly went viral on the internet once it was published.

Even now, the essay is still very popular.

It is held in high esteem by many students.

“Let me see.”

Mr. Jean gave up his seat, “Please have a seat, Professor Alnwick.”

Professor Alnwick sat down at the computer, scrolling the mouse, looking carefully at the composition.

He initially thought that this composition could not be much more impressive than the one from three years ago.

Logan had already achieved godlike status; was it possible that someone could surpass him a decade later?

Unexpectedly, the content left him dumbfounded.

The emotions in the essay were genuine, and the writing was brilliant, making one want to describe it with the most beautiful words in the world.

The author eloquently discussed the concept of “living” through historical and contemporary examples.

In the short text of five hundred words, many famous literary works were cited, showcasing the author’s extensive knowledge.

After reading the essay, Professor Alnwick was extremely excited, and if it were not for the anonymity of the student, he would have wanted to find the student and discuss it with them immediately.

Who could have thought that such an essay could be written by a mere teenager?

However, Professor Alnwick quickly calmed down and said, “Have you checked for plagiarism?”

To receive a full score, they had to confirm whether the essay was plagiarized.

The College Entrance Examination was completely fair and impartial.

If the essay was indeed written by the candidate, then they would certainly give a suitable score after consultation.

Mr. Jean shook his head, “Not yet.”

“Go and check it carefully several times, then I’ll discuss it with a few other professors.”

“All right.”

Mr. Jean opened the plagiarism detection software and entered the essay.

Excluding the quotes from famous figures and writings used inside the article.

Plagiarism rate.


Mr. Jean checked several more times to make sure there was no problem, then informed Professor Alnwick, who immediately consulted with a few colleagues.

After reading the essay, everyone unanimously decided to give a full score!

“This student is truly amazing!”

“If the composition gets a full score, then she may be the only one in this cohort to receive a full score in Chinese!”

A similar situation happened in the neighboring mathematics grading group as well.

This year’s final mathematics question was created by the Academy of Sciences, and the average score was as high as 0.31, with fewer than ten students in River City who managed to solve it correctly.

As a result, many students left the exam venue in tears after finishing the mathematics test.

After grading papers for the entire morning, the teachers did not come across a single student who was able to solve the problem correctly.

That is, until Mr. Ettinger switched to the next question on the computer.

Originally thinking it would be another ‘X’ for incorrect.

Unexpectedly, the answer matched the correct one.

Mr. Ettinger thought he was hallucinating, rubbed his eyes, and checked the answer again.

But the screen remained the same.

“Hey! Have you guys graded that last math question yet? I have a student here who got it right! And the formula is even more concise than the standard answer!”

As a math enthusiast, Mr. Ettinger was extremely excited.

Hearing this, someone curiously asked, “Really?”

Mr. Ettinger nodded, “Why would I joke about something like this? Come and take a look.”

Upon hearing this, everyone gathered around to take a look and then exclaimed, “This student is indeed talented!”

“Did you notice they used concepts from higher-level functions?”

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately took notice of the matter.

“Absolutely impressive!””Could he be a repeater who took the exam last year?”

“Even if he’s a repeater, it’s still amazing! That kind of advanced function is only encountered in college; not to mention repeaters, even regular teachers would probably take time to solve it, right?”

It’s a pity that the exam graders couldn’t see the specific information about the candidates.

“Do you think this candidate has a chance of becoming this year’s top scorer?”

“He’s already solved such a difficult problem, so his fundamentals must be solid.”

Soon enough.

The news of the full marks for the essay spread from within this circle.

But because the results of the College Entrance Examination had not been announced yet, there were only rumors about a Boss with a full marks essay in River City.

Nobody knew who the Boss was!

These days, the topic of the exam was already receiving a lot of attention. Additionally, because Viola Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson had made headlines due to an interview by River City TV station, the rumor, once leaked, caused a frenzy on Facebook.

[No need to guess, the Boss must be Emma. First, the full marks essay candidate appeared in River City. Second, although Emma’s parents have questionable moral characters, the parents’ issues should not affect their children. If she had no abilities, she wouldn’t be known as River City’s top talented girl.]

[Above, add one!]

[I’m dying of laughter, now you guys are praising Emma so much, what if it’s not her? Maybe it’s our own princess!]

[Yes, yes, yes! It’s your princess, everything is your princess! Full marks essay is your princess, the River City top scorer is your princess too!]

[Hahaha, I’m really going to die with laughter at this bizarre discussion, some people really treat the exam as a show. Even now, they are still showing off.]

[As I said, the full marks essay appeared in River City, so she must be Emma!]

In no time, Emma was labeled “study god” and “Boss” by netizens, and her Facebook fans soared to two million.

[Emma is so awesome! I remember the last time a full marks essay appeared in River City was ten years ago!]

[Are you guys talking about Logan? Now he is a big director of a foreign corporate group.]

[Suddenly, I find Emma quite pitiful. She didn’t do anything wrong, but she was implicated by her heartless parents. But that’s okay, from now on, Emma’s life will be bright!]

[Go, Emma!]

When she learned of this result, Emma was not surprised.

She had prepared too much for this exam.

All of this was within her expectations.

Emma looked at the Facebook comments and curled her lips.

Teacher Ye was attending a gathering when a friend rushed over, “Teacher Ye! Have you seen the news?”

“What news?” Teacher Ye asked, puzzled.

The friend continued, “The news about the top talented girl in your class! I heard her essay scored full marks.”

“Really?” Teacher Ye was very excited.

Although she had long known that Emma was extraordinary and had mentally prepared for her becoming the top scorer, at this moment, she was still overjoyed and proud.

Very happy!

The friend nodded, “Of course it’s true! You should check Facebook now!”

Teacher Ye immediately opened Facebook, and seeing those trending topics and comments from netizens, she was very emotional.

Not only did Emma benefit from her essay’s high score, but Teacher Ye, as her homeroom teacher, also gained some fame.

Many people found Teacher Ye’s Facebook account through Emma’s posts.

[Teacher Ye is amazing!]

[I will do whatever it takes to get my child into an International School.]

[Securing a spot in advance, waiting for the exam results to be announced.]

[Will Teacher Ye still be in the International School next year?]

Since graduation, Teacher Ye had never experienced such excitement. Her fingertips trembled just flipping through the comments.

At this moment, she remembered the bet she had with Jessica Girma and looked back at her, smiling, “Jessica, do you still remember our bet?”

The bet.

Hearing these words, Jessica was first taken aback and then nodded, “I remember.”

At that time, she and Teacher Ye had made a bet. If Emma could get the top score in the exam, she would pay Teacher Ye a year’s salary.

Conversely, if Viola Thompson scored the top place, Teacher Ye would owe Jessica a year’s salary.

Teacher Ye continued, “Jessica, regarding that bet, all of us were witnesses. You can’t go back on your word or plead poverty!”

“Of course,” Jessica was a woman of her word, “a gentleman’s word is his bond.”

Teacher Ye looked at Jessica, “How are you going to pay me?”

Jessica replied, “But the exam results haven’t been released yet. How do you know Emma is definitely going to be the top scorer?”

Before Teacher Ye could respond, someone nearby chimed in, “Emma got a full marks essay, she’s only an announcement away from being the top scorer! Do you really need to wait for the results to come out?”

Hearing this.

Teacher Ye’s face was filled with triumph.

Before, Jessica wouldn’t listen to reason, thinking that Viola was a promising candidate. Now that the exam had finally arrived, it was obvious how much Jessica must be regretting it!


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