Sublight Drive (Star Wars)

Addendum 3: Operation Storm-Door [CLASSIFIED]

Addendum 3: Operation Storm-Door [CLASSIFIED]

Following the failure of the Onderon Peace Summit due to the withdrawal of Republic delegates in the wake of an Attack on Coruscant, the perpetrator of which was swiftly identified as Admiral Dua Ningo, the galaxy has been spurred once more towards the flames of war.

The drumbeat of propaganda has only amplified on both sides, drowning out any hopes of reconciliation with unrelenting fervour. Moderation and reason have become perishingly rare among our political bodies. Citizen war support has exploded in both the Core Worlds and Outer Rim, as innumerous swathes of volunteers flood conscription centres galaxy-wide. With the Republic's military industry slated to continue expanding, the Confederacy of Independent Systems must regard the unshakable truth; our final victory is only becoming less certain.

While the Confederacy may have enjoyed a large materiel advantage over the Republic in the first year of the war, difference is now closing swiftly, and the Raxus Government is marching towards bankruptcy. While we do not know the exact conditions of the Grand Army of the Republic, the GAR have nonetheless made no action to disguise the mobilisation of their reserve armies.

Direct your attention to the display above. Naval Intelligence indicates the mobilisation of three reserve armies; the 2nd Sector Army, 3rd Sector Army, and 4th Sector Army.

According to our projections, in which we have full confidence, the GAR 2nd Reserve Armada is bound for the Mechis System, ostensibly to support the 20th Sector Army's existing efforts in the region. Meanwhile, the GAR 3rd Reserve Armada has been observed transiting the Perlemian Trade Route, towards Lantillies. It is our confidence that the GAR intends on reinforcing the deficit of troops in the region in the wake of Operation Trident. Lastly, the GAR 4th Reserve Armada has departed Alderaan and is bound for Gyndine, where we predict they intend on countering our counteroffensive on the Nanth'ri Route. At the same time, our agents in the Bilbringi Shipyards report the activation of the GAR 7th Northern Armada, last seen headed north to Ord Mantell.

In consideration of these new discoveries, the Confederate Armed Forces must take drastic action, lest the continuation of warfare eventually become untenable. Our intelligence efforts have already produced results; we have hard and presentable evidence that the GAR is planning two independent offensives in the Northern and Southern Theatres in an effort to seize key commercial sectors of the Confederacy.

Taken from Royal Road, this narrative should be reported if found on Amazon.

To this end, we propose Operation Storm-Door. We will mobilise every last of our operational military assets and advance on every possible front.

In the Northern Theatre, the 1st Fleet Group under Admiral Kirst will take forward defensive positions at Agamar, pinning down the GAR 8th Northern Armada and 9th Northern Armada. He will adopt a strategy of defence-in-depth, grinding down the enemy's numerically superior force while slowly retreating towards Celanon. Considering our lack of forces in the region, we advise that the goal of this operation is not to take territory, but to bleed the enemy.

In the Perlemian Theatre, the 2nd Fleet Group under Admiral Trench will execute a counteroffensive with the intent of liberating our lost worlds. We emphasize the necessity of taking decisive action in this decision, as the 2nd Fleet Group must break through the enemy's defensive positions and seize key worlds before reinforcements from the GAR 3rd Sector Army arrives in to the front.

In the Eastern Theatre, the 3rd Fleet Group under General Farstar will take forward defensive positions around New Cov and Kalarba. Our intelligence efforts have given us detailed insight into the GAR's strategy, and we can reliably predict their movements. With this consideration, a small strike squadron can attack the enemy from the rear when they arrive, via the Gamor Run. At the same time, units of the 3rd Fleet Group will continue counterattacking along the Nanth'ri Route, with the intent of liberating Mimban before the GAR 4th Sector Army arrives.

In the Southern Theatre, the 4th Fleet Group under General Ambigene will reverse the effects of the GAR's Hundred Days Offensive by launching a counteroffensive up the Rimma Trade Route. Once again, we urge haste in your decision, as the 4th Fleet Group must reach Yag'Dhul, and fortify their positions before the GAR 2nd Sector Army reaches the Mechis System.

Conclusion: The ultimate objective of Operation Storm-Door is to recapture our industrial and manufacturing worlds taken by the Republic, from which way may begin revitalising our military industry to gradually close our materiel deficits. The present outlook from the war proves foreboding for the Confederacy. Whether Operation Storm-Door is approved or otherwise, it is our belief that drastic and decisive action must be taken to preserve any hope of satisfactory outcome from this war. Political troubles on Raxus Secundus notwithstanding, we eagerly await your decision no matter the outcome.

*can you edit this? the supreme cmdr. wants to present it to the oversight committee

**why? isn't there a political crisis going on?

***the gen. stf. wants more transparency apparently. makes us trustworthy

****does this look good? i removed starlance

*****make the introduction longer and make it seem more urgent



*Edited for presentation to the Confederate Parliament

Attachment CWY21M02: State of the Galaxy:


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