Subdued Soul Chronicle

Chapter 214: Mita (16)

Chapter 214: Mita (16)

Flags were fluttering on the snow-covered land with torches burning.

It was a long nights adventure.

The Hwarangs and trainees each lined up according to their troops. And their bloody robes fluttered in the snowy wind.

The leaders went around and checked the number of people present. They checked who was wounded and what their condition was.

They could see a lot of things behind them. The chest of gold given by the King to the Hwarangs, the alcohol sent to survive the cold, dried rice, and many more

Since they were all kids of wealthy families, even their families sent a heap of items. It was a scene at every nights training.

Its done.

The White Tiger Troops, which had the least number, finished first. Everyone stood waiting while the Golden Ring Troops, who had the most numbers, were left last to finish.

Soon, they were done.

Jin Rim went up to the podium and looked around.

As everyone knows, another disaster is about to happen to our kingdom. Its something that cannot be explained by humans, but we did our best to stop it. Tonight will be a moment of testing. No matter what happens, we must prevent tribulation from happening in the world. These are the words of the High Governor.


Everyone answered loudly.

Then, according to custom, the leaders moved among the members.

The Hwarangs and trainees took out a piece of paper, tied it with a string on their arms, and handed it over to their leaders. It was a will that they left for their family and friends.

The leaders gathered all of them and put them into a sealed box.

Seol Young, who was standing on the side, watched that and then went to put his own.

Jin Rim looked at Zaha.

High Governor?

I will put it first.

Ah, yes.

The seal was locked. With this, the preparations were complete. After looking back at the troops for the last time, Jin Rim said,

Lets go!


A loud reply rang out. With beating drums and the flags of each troop being waved, everyone left the palace and set off for Danseok Mountain.

Far away, the lights shone brightly in a pavilion where the banquet was being held. They would be watching the procession there.

The Hwarangs began to travel. The ghosts knew how to hide themselves. Even the goblins didnt play around during the day.

Only the strong ones remained. The ones not afraid of the Hwarang troops.

Fortunately, it isnt that difficult to manipulate the tower

Follow the system

Zaha and Jin Rim checked the plan as they walked.

Seol Young followed them and slowed down his pace. He passed by all the troops and met the White Tiger Spirit Troops.

Second-rang, are your injuries alright now?

Everything is fine.

Song Ok smiled and patted him. While subduing the ghost, he got injured protecting a trainee.

A branch that was like a blade struck him on the waist, tearing the skin on it.

Did you come here on purpose because you were worried?

No, the High Governor and the Governor were talking about something, so I came here.

Seol Young glanced back at the group of trainees behind them. He was very curious about his Hyungs and the kids who came, risking their lives.

But of course, he didnt want a bad situation to happen to them.

Seol Young turned his head and looked at Baek Eon.

Great-rang, I can be cautious and do well, right? All we have to do is open the Ghost Bridge and send it back.

No matter how smart Baek Eon was, how could he answer this question? Seol Young knew it, too. He just wanted to hear yes from him.

Right, right. You will do well.

As always, Baek Eon knew what Seol Young wanted and gave him the answer.

Dont worry, Seol Young.

Hyo Wol, who was beside him, said,

They say that the hardships that people face are usually determined long before. That is why even if one has bad luck the first year, the second one can be better. Seol Young, you suffered enough by meeting the second Hyung, who has a bad temper Ack!

Hyo Wol had to stop talking because the bad-tempered Hyung pinched him. And Song Ok said,

Havent you already gone through your own share of ordeals before? You lost your parents and came to us? But then you were accused of something. You have suffered so much for your coming three lives. Nothing will happen now.

Right. Nothing will happen.

Baek Eon repeated Song Oks words.

If anything happens today, dont worry. The Hyungs will make sure you dont get hurt.

Seol Young felt his nose go cold.

That isnt what I want. Neither the Hyungs or the kids should get hurt. I want no one in the world to get hurt even a bit.

Baek Eon smiled and held Seol Youngs cold hand under the wind. Warmth spread, and firm faith came through his hands.

No matter what his decision was, it felt like his Hyungs would always understand.

Seol Young looked at them and went back to his place. Zaha and Jin Rim were done with their talks and were walking silently.

And seeing Seol Young return, Zaha clicked his tongue.

Seol Young-rang. I thought you were smarter than this and would escaped

I wanted to do it too, but I couldnt.

Seol Young just walked away, and the snow-covered yard was full of people watching the procession.

Please dont worry about next year.

There were a lot of people who prayed for the sky. Did he recall the legend of the Maitreya Bodhisattva who saved all the living things?

As if he thought of something while looking at them, Zaha said,

Ah, I am busy, so I ended up forgetting it. Why is the Great Heavenly Pavilion this quiet?

Seol Young flinched at that. Zaun was what rushed to his mind at the word.

The Heavenly Pavilion Head has recently been staying outside the shrine doors and has been asking for revelations several times.

Jin Rim answered.

Is that so? Then, there had been no revelations until now?

Zaha said,

In the end, its all up to us.

Yes, right.

Jin Rim mumbled as he pursed his lips.

The three of them looked ahead again, and the procession quickly crossed the capital.

After walking for a while past Mt. Seondo, where the White Tiger Troops were originally located, they arrived at Danseok Mountain after 2 hours.

They are here!

All the villagers at the foot of the mountain said.

The Danseok Mountain was a training ground for the Hwarangs, so it wasnt just once or twice, but it was a sight that widened their eyes every time.

Jin Rim told the villagers,

There might be some noise and strange lights, but dont be too shocked.

Yes, yes, I understand.

They just hoped that people wouldnt be too surprised. Everyone climbed Mt. Danseok under the eyes of the villagers.

How far did they climb through the snow?

Finally, the first point appeared.

Team 5 forward.


At the call of the Governor, the Hwarangs and the trainees of Team 5 moved ahead. They were equally assigned from each five troops.

You remember my warning? How do we respond in cases of emergencies?

Yes, Governor.

Jin Rim pointed to the pillars planted on the border.

In the worst case, the entire area must be sealed off by splitting it with a Sword Spirit and breaking the seal, understand?


All the little ones answered. If the space was blocked, no one could get out alive, and in the worst case, everyone would die here.

Team 4.


According to the order, each team went where they were supposed to and spread out. The Hwarangs took over the entire mountain. Arranging them one by one, they went up to the very top.

Seol Young, Zaha, Jin Rim, and the leaders all climbed up the mountain, walking ahead.

The rocks and stone pagoda were covered in stone. Everyone stopped right in front of the barrier.

The time had come to end this. The place where the God of Cataclysm first made an appearance eight years ago and the training ground of the Hwarangs This was their final attempt to take it down.

The beginning and the end are the same.

Seol Young thought, looking around the summit.

Zaha stepped ahead in the snow.

Everyone already knows, but

He reminded them of the plan for the last time.

Opening the Ghost Bridge is something we have to be careful about. And swiftly do, too. We need to decide in a short time.

And he gestured for the Governor and Seol Young to step forward.

The Governor will open the stone pagoda while Seol Young-rang will summon the God of Cataclysm while the Ghost Bridge is open. And he will send it to the other side as soon as it appears. I am here to prevent it from coming back. Then, the Governor will close it again. In the meantime, the leaders will be defending them so that nothing happens.


Everyone answered.

Then, go to the 2nd position.

Zaha ordered.

The Hwarangs, who had arrived, surrounded the barrier, and among them were Song Ok, Jung Pung, the second member of the Black Tortoise.

Seol Young-rang.

The Hwarangs of the Golden Ring went up and handed them bows and arrows. They would use it to send Mita to the other side. Seol Young took it and entered the barrier. Then Zaha, Jin Rim, and the leaders followed.

In the dark, they could see the lights from the kingdom below. Right now, this place seems three thousand worlds away.

Is everyone ready?

Zaha looked around and asked. Then, his gaze stopped at Seo Geom.

Seo Geom-rang always ruins the plan to help us, and Im not sure if he will do it this time, too.


Seo Geom stroked the back of his head and let out a shy laugh. Seo Geom alone laughed. Baek Eon and Mu Won were silent, and Hwa Un bit his lip.

If something happens, I will end everything without leaving this area.

Dont do that

Zaha sighed and said,

If thats the case, we will move by ourselves. Why did we bring everyone? Make sure to work with the thought, I need to live. We have made the necessary preparations so you can respond from below.


Seol Young looked at them and hesitated for a moment before saying,

I wont fail this time.

There was silence for a moment. All they could hear was the wind.

Because they say there are 1000 people behind a successful work.

Jin Rims words broke the silence.

He had done enough. Perhaps because of that thought, his expression looked relieved. He stepped ahead and stood in front of the old stone pagoda,

Then, lets start.


When Zahas words came, Jin Rim pushed the Yin-Yang plaque into the pagoda.

The stone pagoda moved. The pasa stone pagoda, which was inside, was revealed. And Jin Rim knelt down as he sat there. And then, he put his hand inside until the bottom to activate it.

Seven stones, which were floating at intervals, stuck together. At that moment, there was a thumping vibration.

A beam of light shone from the top of the pagoda and went straight for the sky. Then, from where the light reached, a round halo spread out.

Was that the Ghost Bridge?

Everyone watched, not knowing the answer. And Zaha turned to Seol Young.



Seol Young took out the sealed pouch he had in his arms. And the remains of the God of Cataclysm were inside.

At this moment, he prepared a string containing a binding spell. And he tied the bone to that.

Now was the time to summon their enemy. When he infused spiritual qi into it, the bone fragments glowed blue.

But the moment he was about to draw a magic spell for the ritual,


Jin Rim frowned, looking at the sky. The cluster of lights that were spreading in the air had distorted. The light, which had been stable, was now shaking, and it was about to go wrong before the bridge even opened up.

Is it reacting to the bone? Or are the heavens stopping us?

Zaha pulled out his sword and stepped ahead. Whether it was the spiritual qi or sorcery, he wanted to show his will to stop the injustice pushed into the world.

At that time,


The sky rumbled, and some powerful pressure burst from behind. The power was immediately suppressed and subdued to stop any abnormalities.


Everyone seemed surprised.

The figure of someone appeared behind the Hwarangs surrounding the barrier. A person was climbing up the mountain with confident steps, wrapped in a robe of white fur.

It was the Great Heavenly Pavilion Head.

Holding a sacred object with a bell, she shouted loudly,

Goddess of Heaven and Land, please protect us!

Protect us!

The heavenly officials who followed her shouted. And the halo of light regained its form and color.


Seol Young and Zaha both looked at them, not even hiding their surprise.


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