Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 21: Skills!

Chapter 21: Skills!

[Serena's POV:]

'Something is wrong… '

I still couldn't believe my eyes that the strongest first-year student, maybe stronger than Aru-kun, actually lost so pathetically.

And the reason for my astonishment arises from the fact that President Seth isn't a warrior but a mage. And there were rumors too, that physically the President isn't very strong, that's why he mostly avoids practical classes.

At first, I thought that he would be placed against someone weak but it turned out the management team had some other plans.

The way Kevin lost to the President, I feared even Aru-kun would have ended up in the same way. He just seemed like an entity that was looking down upon everyone.

I might feel sick because of such a personality but the President had such capabilities which backed his arrogance.

"Huh… Where is she going?"

My as well as others' eyes followed the back of the strangest girl I have ever come across. Anabelle.

First, she practically announced such a sensitive topic of Laila and the President's engagement annulment. Then she volunteered to offer him a handkerchief so casually that she knew him for a long time.

And even the President was flustered, maybe by her beauty?

'I bet he is setting her as a target… But would he also leave her as he did to me… '

I tried to brush off such thoughts but to no avail. I still could remember that night vividly and still was pondering what happened in that very moment when Seth pulled away.

The only conclusion I was able to land upon was that the President was disappointed by my body.

'Why am I even… '

I couldn't help but think that way since it was the first time I have shown my naked body to someone other than my mother and more to it, a person of the opposite sex.

And what I got was utter rejection.

It's not like I was regretting it. I would never want to give my virginity to someone whom I despise. But as a woman, my pride was hurt that day.

"Isn't she trying to get too close to the President?"

It was Amanda who spoke as she eyed Anabelle and the President having a small conversation. Due to my train of thought, I missed what they talked about but well, not like I care…


[Seth's Pov:]

'Hmm… It's working… '

Currently, it was around five in the evening as I sat inside my office, all alone. I've already told Ciel to leave on her time since I would be regularly staying late.

There was not much time remaining for vacations and even not wanting, I have to return to Dukedom.

Well, there was another reason why I was staying in the Academy this long. But it was quite highly unlikely Haruka-sensei would meet me by chance like yesterday.

'Well, let's see now… '

I was revolving two metal balls in mid-air through my psychokinesis while utilizing only that much Soul Energy that was required.

Previously I was discharging needless Energy which was backlashing my vessel and also the final results weren't impressive.

Before trying to use any other skills I possess, I need to get a hold of my Soul power since I don't know when I would end up in a problematic situation.

Psychokinesis is the basis of my Skill, which is now working to make me accustomed to this newfound sensation.

I have four abilities in total at the moment:-

1.)Mind Control: - As the name suggests it helps me rule one's mind and make them see what I want them to. I can make them do what they hate and push away what they adore. But the more strong will a person has, the more it difficult it becomes to keep them in check.

2.) Manipulation: - It's a level easier than 'Mind Control' since in this I just have to make someone believe what's actually not true. It's just an alteration of any specific memory one possesses. The most difficulty arises when I have to erase a presence from someone's memory. Like Serena. If I have to make her forget about a person she met only once or twice then it would be no problem. But to make her forget Arata would be nearly impossible due to the deep impression she carries for him.

3.) Psychokinesis: - As the name suggests, I can move things on my will. At the moment, it's just limited to small things but as time passes I can even move people. There's no limit to this Skill that's why if I practice enough, I would be able to lift forts….maybe.

4.) Lull: - Strangest Skill I possess yet never used. It just makes people calm around me and if misused, it can work as a coma discharge. Like I can literally throw people into oblivion forever.

There are some other skills I still haven't unlocked but I wouldn't be hastening the process. I think the current four skills are overpowered enough for me to escape most of the dangers.

'Fuck… I feel dizzy….'

Due to my train of thought, I continuously used my Soul Energy on the two balls. My vision started darkening slightly and a sensation like I have gulped some alcohol took over my brain.

Dropping the metal balls down to the table, I rested myself on the big chair comfortably before I felt drowsiness attacking me violently.

'Well…there won't be any harm if I… '


A/N: - Drop a comment if you are liking the story so far~


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