Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 19: Broken Engagement!

Chapter 19: Broken Engagement!

".... it's true."

Laila was not sure from where this first-year girl Anabelle heard about it, but there was no denying the fact that her engagement had been broken.

The people around fell into silence as it was entirely unexpected to hear about the annulment. It was a subject of great conspiracy how a Baron child was engaged in Dukedom ever since the news of the betrothal broke out.

Serena's gaze narrowed once at Annabelle who had a surprised expression but she didn't focus on her and consoled Laila.

"It's okay, senpai. You may find a better man."

Serena has seen the true face of the Council President so in a way she was relieved that the innocent Laila was out of the wolf's grasp.

"Better than Kaichou… is a bit… "

The other two girls looked at each other in perplexion and disbelief, since what Serena said seemed nothing but shallow condolence.

Soon the murmuring started spreading among the students with Laila and Seth as its main subject.

Laila was evidently affected by the talks she was hearing about herself. Everyone was assuming that it must be Laila who became the reason for the annulment.

The pink-haired maiden cast her gaze down in shame and embarrassment when suddenly a manly voice came for her rescue.

"Isn't it shameless of you guys to chatter about someone else's personal matter?"

Laila as well as others redirected their gaze and found a raven-haired first-year youth standing there with a severe frown on his face as he directed his gaze to the groups of students.

"No one knows their circumstances yet you all are just blaming Laila-san one after another. Truly disappointing."

An atmosphere of shame and guilt aroused among the students as they heard Arata reprimanding them. Indeed, they were judging the situation irrationally.

Laila and Serena both smiled toward Arata on which his gaze softened. He nodded in understanding as his eyes fell on Annabelle as well. But she was just solemnly looking toward the ring without much interest at all.

'Seriously….she is something else. '

Arata was not sure why Anabelle did such a thing but he got the confirmation that it would take time to pursue such a complicated yet beautiful person.


[Back in the ring]

'The heck with that heroine? '

I know the main female lead should be aware of the engagement since she is a close friend to Ciel but announcing it at this place would result in unwanted hassle for both of me and Laila.

Well, not many have the guts to ask such personal things from me but Laila is going to be targeted with lots of gossips until the vacations. After some time people will forget about it so it's just about some days.

The troubling matter was that girl whose gaze I can still feel over me. It's creepy not gonna lie.


The referee hushed the audience as it seemed the preparation and formalities were taken care of.

I and Kevin stood at our marked spot as the referee began to narrate the rules.

"This is a friendly spar so please refrain from injuring each other. Choking is allowed but if I see intentionally tolling the hold for long, I won't hesitate to break the choker, understood?"

We both nodded as he continued.

"The spar would be of three points. Tapping out or a clean hit would grant you a single point. Throw down would get you two points. Be aware not to use your Soul Energy and avoid hitting critical regions. Is it clear?"


Kevin howled for both of us so I saved my words and took my stance.

Judging by the posture Kevin took he is going to attack front on and use his front leg to hit my chin and throw me off guard.

'It's a drawback to let your high spirit decide your first move… '

Well, I understand his sentiments and thought process since once I was also like him. Aggressive and all.

"Ready. Fight!!"

The referee stepped back after commencing the round as the surrounding seemed to be completely focused on the match since there was no noise at all echoing anymore.

I half turned my body and kept my left hand, which was in front, resting on my thigh. My folded right hand was strongly held behind my back with a tightly packed fist ready to be discharged.

This was by no means a proper stance of the fight but not like I'm obliged to follow the custom.

Kevin sneered for an instant before he went for the same trick I have evaluated from his formation.


He changed his stance after the first leap but I knew it was just a hunch. He was going to kick my chin with his right leg but-




I held his approaching kick with my left hand and before he could realize how marvelously his plan failed, I landed my fist right in the center of his stomach and felt his spit raining over my uniform.

A frown of disgust formed over my brows as I let go of the man. He fell down while holding his stomach in evident pain.

I wanted to wipe my uniform with something but I didn't have a handkerchief. It really felt disgusting!

"Here President."

My gaze widened slightly as I saw the person who held the pink border handkerchief toward me.


"Ah, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Anabelle. You can call me Ana or Bell whatever you like, Seth-senpai."


A/N:- She can't hide it… Oooooh.

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