Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 180: Are you worried for her?

Chapter 180: Are you worried for her?

The turmoil had settled, with townsfolk cautiously heading back to their abodes and the soldiers remaining vigilant for any subsequent threats, especially from foreign lands who might exploit the aftermath of the Oni's assault.

Seth extended his apologies for the upheaval his team had inadvertently caused. He then made his way to his tent, only to discover it in shambles due to the earlier skirmish.

Fortunately, he had one more tent in stock but the question remained, "Where would we all accommodate." Maydeath raised the most obvious query since the tent was big enough to allow three people inside.

There was no argument for this, more like Arata never bothered thinking about the sleeping arrangement at all. He had already settled where he would be sleeping so he bid his farewell not so long after.

"Brian has reserved a room for me at his friend's place. See you guys in the morning." Arata somehow has built a good connection with the coach driver so he didn't hesitate asking for Brian's help.

No one said anything regarding such before they saw Arata walking away.

Since it was already dark, they decided to leave the premises the next morning. They had to cross eight hundred kilometers to reach the place where the treasure was located.

Now in possession of all three pieces needed to access the vault, Seth, despite his urgency, never proposed traveling at night. Beyond the numerous perils that could be deadly, they also lacked a carriage for transportation.

"You both can sleep inside. I will also look for some shelt-"Before Seth could have picked his files and walked away, Maydeath took hold of his arm, firmly.

"Please stay here. We will feel safe that way."

Upon witnessing the two girls' pitiable and vulnerable expressions, Seth's face became unreadable, as if he had come face-to-face with abandoned kittens shivering in the cold.

"And if you want...we can take turns so everyone can sleep peacefully without stressing over security," Anabelle added, strengthening the suggestion that Maydeath presented just now.

The irony wasn't lost on Seth; just hours earlier, the two had been at odds, fighting fiercely, yet now they stood in solidarity, backing each other's statements with fervor.

Seth didn't have any issue with it since he just wanted to have some peaceful time to finish out his pending work and truth be told, given the current circumstances, he felt it was nearly impossible to take any help from the strangers.

By this point, the townspeople had come to view Seth and his team as harbingers of misfortune, believing they brought further calamity to their already beleaguered town.

"...alright, just don't disturb me while I work."

*Nod* *Nod*


Maydeath oversaw the evening meal, given her expertise in camping. She gathered utensils and ingredients from the townspeople, who hastily contributed out of fear of the intimidating redhead(she just sweetly asked but her previous display of strength was enough to let people know what power she possessed). Meanwhile, Seth supplied some of the other essential items.

Maydeath created a makeshift cooking stove lining three stone bricks with a distance of two handspans between them and that gap was filled with coal and wood.

Lighting up the wood, she began boiling water in which she would cook rice and for the main dish, she had marinated chicken to make whatever she could.

"Hmm~hmm~hmmm" While humming melodiously, betraying the fearful image she has built across the town, Maydeath engaged herself in cooking.

Seth meticulously reviewed documents related to the Albeck Duchy, occasionally scribbling notes or marking important sections. Anabelle, sitting adjacent to him on a tree log, observed in silence, her presence offering a quiet companionship amidst the busy surroundings.

"Can't sleep?"

"Hmm?" Anabelle was plucked out of her reverie when she heard his voice before she redirected her gaze at the guy, only to find he still was working diligently.

A sigh leaked her lips at how captivating he could be just by doing nothing. Since earlier, she had been trying to avoid looking at him, but now, Seth had himself asked to pay attention to him.

"More like, I don't feel like. Just some sort of PTSD. That Oni was truly gruesome."

Anabelle shuddered at the memory of the colossal creature. For the first time, she felt an overwhelming sense of vulnerability, as if she would be defeated without even a chance to fight back.

Just the mere presence of that monster was terrifying.

"Hmm." Tearing his gaze from the documents, Seth looked at the girl before asking in a tone that held some essence of concern, "Any uncomfortable feeling or blurry vision? You were hit by a Soul-nullifying spell by me not so long before the battle ensued so you might feel nauseous from time to time."

Seth had undoubtedly gone overboard by using one of his most potent spells on Anabelle. However, at that moment, he deemed it the most effective way to prevent her from endangering the civilians.

Anabelle was slightly taken aback by being looked at with such gentle eyes before she somehow stuttered, "N-No, nothing like that. I feel dizzy when I suddenly get up...but other than that, I am fine."

Seth hummed in response before he went back to his work. Anabelle also sighed, at how quickly this conversation ended before her gaze shifted to Maydeath. Lacking culinary prowess herself, Anabelle hoped she might pick up a trick or two by simply watching.

After some minutes of silence, Anabelle allowed herself to be a little disobedient and asked something from Seth, "Are you...worried about Laila?"

This was something that had been clawing at her since a long while ago, ever since Anabelle heard about Laila's disappearance.

There was no animosity or any trepidation in her voice rather just plain curiosity to hear his opinion.

And as she expected, "Yes, I am."

Seth didn't have any reason to lie here. He indeed felt worried for Laila now. Maybe it was because he held himself responsible for her abduction or just Seth's past self was on full vigor these days, Seth found himself answering Anabelle in assent.

A subtle heavy silence descended between the two before Seth glanced at the girl, who was holding her arms and had shrunk down because of cold.

He sighed before pushing his files inside the storage and pulling out a blanket.

"Come here."

"Ah." Anabelle slightly yelped upon being pulled and before she knew she found herself acquiring Seth's left thigh and a blanket covering both of them.

The rapid thrum of her heart intensified as she felt the warmth of his proximity and the secure grip of his arm around her waist.

'Ehhhh....wh-why..what-why? How?' If someone had looked closely then some spirals might have been visible in her eyes with her cheeks turning flaming red

However, soon her panicking daze was broken when she heard Seth whisper from right beside her ear,

"It's not only Laila I care about."


....if the world were to crumble at that very instant, Anabelle would move 

to the afterlife with a happy smile on her face.


A/N:- Drop a comment~


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