Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 14: Haruka~2!

Chapter 14: Haruka~2!

The cafèteria of Pristine Academy was divided in two. One for the staff and professors and another one for students.

Any student regardless of their position in the school is not allowed to enter the teacher's eatery but teachers have no such restrictions at all.

That's why Seth urged his Professor for the treat and brought her to the cafèteria allotted for the students. The latter didn't mind as she followed the Council President on a whim.

In Haruka's eyes, Seth is a brilliant child who has attained his position for the Council Supreme through his hard work and wits. If he says that it was appropriate to take her to a meal as in to thank her, then there must be some deeper meaning that Haruka failed to understand.

She has a lot to learn from the Prez.

"Please wait here, Professor. I will order something for both of us."

Haruka nodded with a smile upon seeing how gracefully he pulled a chair for her. Seldom do people show such behavior around her these days which makes her feel like a lady.

Truly, Prez is a well-raised child.

Seth put his bag and other stuff on the opposite seat of Haruka before he turned on his heel and started walking to the counter.


'I am freakin nervous… '

Loosening his necktie a little, Seth gathered his breath since being around this woman was incredibly dangerous for his heart yet tempting enough to not push her away.

He was sure that his past life self would have stuttered for half an hour to properly voice out a complete sentence. But thanks to the least affection which the previous owner of the body carried for Haruka, Seth didn't have many problems while conversing with her.

The cafèteria was long enough for him to blow off some steam before Seth halted in front of the counter.


Since school hours were over, the reception chef was back in the kitchen. Hearing the bell, the said person voiced, 'Coming! ' from inside before a round-bellied man appeared.

Seeing the President after a long time or to say only for the second time in person, the chef became startled as he asked in a respectful tone.

"Is there anything important today, President? For you to be here?"

Seth narrowed his gaze since he doesn't remember even talking with this man who visibly was shaken because of his presence. But well, most people in the school have a weird and horrifying image of Seth in their perception.

Haruka was one of the exceptions because she is a good woman to mind such rumors. She doesn't treat him differently since she is a maiden with a pure heart.

(A/N: - At this point, he is just comforting himself.)

"Two pancakes with hazelnut chocolate syrup and no honey. And a red-meat salad."

The man wrote down the order in a fluster before he saw Seth walking away from the counter.

The chef was stunned at his place for some seconds because of the unexpected turn of events before he rushed back into the kitchen to prepare the best food of the century.

As Seth approached the table, he saw Haruka arranging some papers with a troubled expression on her round face.

She looked like an adorable child who gets stressed just because of too much homework given at once.

"Can I help with something?"

Hearing the manly voice, Haruka hurriedly put the paper back inside her handbag since she believed it was rude to look at work while with someone.

"N-No it's alright."

Seth took the chair and sat opposite her while enjoying her flustered reaction. Pouring down some water, Seth lifted the glass but soon halted as his hygiene freak side suddenly hit in.

Slowly descending his hand he put down the glass and made a mental note to carry some water from tomorrow.

"Can I take that? I am really thirsty for a while you see.."

Haruka didn't wait before she took the glass and started gulping down the content eagerly as if she really hadn't passed her throat anything for a while.

Due to the haste, some droplets slowly slid down her chin before sliding down her neck and completely disappearing beneath. Not one but many streams dripped down in the same manner, giving an unforgettable memory for Seth to memorize.

"Fuah… "

The teacher slammed the glass on the table after finishing it in one go which caused her face to brighten up a little. Thanks to the strong thud, Seth was pulled out of his daze before he extended his handkerchief toward the woman.

"Oh, thank you."

Haruka received the gesture as she wiped her face before her eyes fell on the trolley being pushed in their direction with the fat chef behind it.

Her face lit up in an instant as she saw the dishes the chef served on the table.

"Please enjoy your meal."

In normal cases, people have to collect their orders by themselves but the kitchen in-charge wasn't stupid to call the President to do such trivial formalities. He has a budget to secure after all.

The chef departed not soon after serving the plates.

"I hope my choice is to your liking, Professor."

"Hmm? Not just liking, I love pancakes. Thank you, Prez."

Well, it was given that Seth would utilize the knowledge he have gained regarding Haruka. In normal circumstances, he could never have guessed that someone can actually eat pancakes for dinner.

The sight of Haruka trying to take bigger bites with her small mouth was adorable enough to fill Seth's appetite at once. But to not look odd, he also took a fork and after piercing the lettuce and some meat, he steadily brought it to his lips.

Seth's dining etiquette didn't allow him to make any kind of noise while eating and the older one was so hungry that she felt her mouth always full to even speak a word at the moment.

The man seems neat and serious. The woman acts free-spirited and true to her desires.

Indeed a strange couple.


A/N: - Her character is a bit complex which I will take my time to unravel.

And also, from now on, the length of chapters will increase.

Drop a comment~


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