Stuck As A Dungeon Mob

Chapter 74

The problem was how long he would have to spend catching this person. While their plan could be considered simple it was beyond the thinking capacities of your average orc making it worthy of praise.

Well… Although it was pretty simple Duma seemed to be completely unaware regardless…

"Duma, this obviously a ploy by either a competitor or an enemy tribe" So Ed decided to inform him. He would then formulate a plan to catch the perpetrator, he would leave their fate for then.

"A p-ploy?!? Where's the honor!" Duma showed an outrageous expression, how could a proud orc resort to petty tricks!?

To Ed, however, his question of honor was incredibly ironic given Duma's cowardly nature. It was that nature that forced him to fight from a long-range.

After calming down from his outrage, Duma's face turned helpless. How was he supposed to maintain his leadership? Maybe a cowardly orc such as himself should have never succeeded the previous tribe leader in the first place…

Noticing his plight Ed decided to calm him down.

"We just have to lure them out and catch them" Ed could come up with a much more detailed or complicated plan but it might take much more time than he would like. He wasn't saddened since sometimes simple is better, things should work out.

Duma's depression left without a trace, he now saw Ed as his only hope and savior. Of course, that was only if they succeeded.

"Let's do this…" So Ed made sure to give him a detailed yet quick rundown.

Sometime later, Duma had once more gathered all of the orcs. Many of them however unlike last time showed dissatisfied expressions. The tense atmosphere this created and their bloodthirsty gazes made Duma's coward instincts kick in, he hid his trembling hands and instead gripped a couple of throwing axes for comfort.

At the same time, the coward instincts made him do his utmost in his given role. He solidified his resolve and after clearing his throat a couple of times he said the first words of the speech that would decide his fate, they were…!

"I know you guys aren't happy" Said Duma from atop a makeshift stage.

Ed who was listening in from the distance frowned slightly hearing this, he wasn't an expert on speeches but that was bound to be a political no-go. Nonetheless, he stuck to his task and kept his eye on the crowd. Occasionally assessing any suspicious personage.

[Opoguk (Angry)]

Member of the skull tribe, a stubborn orc even on the battlefield.

Some of the definitions such as Opoguk's made him raise an eyebrow in interest, It wasn't that he was interested in the people themselves but rather how much he was able to learn without ever talking to them. The skill was rather fascinating.

"Hey! I am trying my best here!" Yelled Duma in response to boos and jeers.

This caused Ed who was watching from a distance to facepalm subconsciously.

'Hm?' Ed then noticed in the corner of his vision a delicate looking female orc who showed a calm yet resolute expression hidden among the others in the back of the crowd.


Shaman leader of the bloodshed tribe. A shrewd and firm orc.

Ed instantly knew he had found the culprit, why would a tribe leader hide among the crowd? So without hesitation, he stopped standing from the sidelines and leaped towards the culprit.

Sharog noticed the incoming danger far too late as Ed managed to snatch her frail body from behind without too much effort. She was clearly solely treading the path of a mage which made Ed get the impression that Vorgarag was actually a rarity among shamans. He had yet to see another shaman that knew how to fight close quarters or had a toned body such as Vorgarag.

That aside…

"Let me go!" Sharog tried to resist Ed's hold on her body by thrashing about but this only made Ed embrace her tightly to prevent her annoying movement.

The commotion wasn't particularly small so some of the less agitated orcs were able to notice it.

Duma who had been waiting for Ed to catch the perpetrator had been especially vigilant so before the orcs started thinking about beating him to death following his speech, he yelled out the words he had been holding onto for a while now.

"Fools! You were played by the enemy who was resorting to underhanded tricks! They wanted to deal with our great Skull tribe from the inside and, SHE! is the perpetrator!" Duma's choice of words was still questionable but the attention had still shifted from him and was now on Sharog who was being held firmly by Ed's embrace.

Upon hearing Duma's words, Sharog realized she had been caught for good and gave up the meaningless struggle.

Her face instantly changed from that of a helpless maiden to one of commitment. Her eyes looked ruthless and unyielding as she stared directly into Duma's distant eyes. Duma couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine. Nonetheless, she couldn't do anything so she simply closed her eyes in contemplation.

"Is it true?!" Some orcs yelled angrily, these were the ones with a short fuse.

"I think I remember her throwing things at our leader before" For the orcs things started to now click into place. Some even calling Duma their leader anew without realizing.

Ed then sent Duma a simple signal that told him to conclude the matter while he took Sharog away.

"What are you doing?" Asked Sharog who opened her eyes as soon as she felt movement.

Some of the orcs in the crowd were similarly confused, where is he taking that person some couldn't help but ask themselves.

But this was only temporary as the words of some among the crowd lightened the situation.

"Wow, I can't believe we were tricked." Said one of the younger more impressionable orcs.

"Hmph, how else could they deal with us? I alone can take down any other orc" Said one as he boasted.

Similar exchanges happened among the crowd effectively diffusing the situation. Duma finally let out a sigh of relief but then realized he was still on stage.

"Ahem! I'll go deal with her then." Said Duma to the crowd boldly having regained his missing confidence.

Some of the smarter orcs started to think that maybe they had been on the right track by wanting to overthrow him…

Back in the cabin, Ed was face to face with Sharog who he bound using the entangle spell.

"Hello, my name is Ed, yours?" He already knew hers but she didn't know that so it was best to get it out of the way in case he slipped up later on.

Sharog scoffed at him but obliged nonetheless," I am Sharog, the proud leader of the bloodshed tribe"

Ed didn't know who this tribe was so he couldn't help but feel curious as to why their leader was doing covert operations in enemy lands. So he didn't hold back and asked her straightforwardly.

"I like your cunningness but why did you do it?" Although Ed was somewhat pressed for time, sating a simple curiosity such as this wouldn't delay him for too long.

"Does it matter? Will you kill me or not?" Sharog wasn't up for the small talk. It seemed that Ed would have to try and be more persuasive.

"Okay then, I won't ask that. Let's do this instead. Would you like to form an alliance with me?" He asked the tangled Sharog who could only narrow her eyes as she tried to figure out what could possibly be going through Ed's head.

"Are you going to let me go?" She asked confusedly, was he not part of the skull tribe or was he betraying them? She couldn't understand how things had turned out this way.

At that very moment, the cabin door swung open, it was none other than Duma.

"You impudent woman! You dare to try and trick our tribe! I will definitely teach you a lesson…?" Duma became puzzled after seeing Ed talking with the instigator and even pointing at him.

"He is in an alliance with me as well. I can let you go as long as you are willing to assist me in a coming battle" Since the opportunity arose why not take it? Getting a smart woman and her tribe to help would be of great help.

"Ha, you want my tribe in your alliance?" She said holding back a sneer.

"Yes." replied Ed simply.

"My tribe consists of less than 50 starving orcs, why would you want us?" Sharog could obviously tell that Ed didn't know much about her tribe so she found him to be a fool to offer an alliance under such circumstances. How did he know she wasn't lying earlier either?

Ed froze for a second but only a second, he immediately replied back.

"It doesn't matter to me. if you want we will help you get food as well. The more help the better." Ed said this for two reasons, one was that the previous battle was bound to bring a plentiful harvest for Vorgarag's tribe so they should be able to spare some food. And also because they were breeding the boars.

Sharog was surprised by Ed's continued insistence. Duma was even more shocked though, why were the treatment conditions so different? Was it her breasts? Well... upon taking a closer look... they were fairly sizeable....


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