Stuck As A Dungeon Mob

Chapter 37

Ed's first impression as he walked inside was poor. The architecture was as expected, low. The buildings if you could call them that were alike to flimsy cottages. With one glance one could tell that this so-called settlement wasn't meant to last, it was akin to a military camp or outpost.

'Still, it's the closest to civilization I will get for now...' Ed couldn't really complain as the settlement was much better than the eerie crypts.

The other orcs went to show off their new injuries or to get them treated. Some went into their homes and some hung around to party as the fake sun was setting. Ed however was completely lost on what to do. So he decided to snoop around.

'The settlement isn't huge... at least 200 orcs could fit here' He was getting worried that they would realize he was an outsider. If they were a close community which they did seem to be, it was almost a guarantee.

Ed roamed the boisterous streets a couple of times while making sure it didn't look too weird. He also kept an eye out for Shel who had previously spooked him. She had entered one of those aforementioned flimsy cottages, he could only assume it was her home.

Other than that tidbit of news Ed found nothing of substance during his snooping. It seemed a lot of the orcs were tired from the march and battle and went to rest. The ones that did stick around did nothing but fool around which was honestly expected.

'And to think I was looking forward to this...' It wasn't like the orcs had a public library for him to read.

'Damn but there is always a library or books to read for the MC when these types of things happen...' Ed now started to think he might not be the main character. That he just might be inconsequential.

'I am currently just a dungeon mob' He made little difference, live or die. As a matter of fact, the people outside the dungeon would probably wish him dead.

Ed then dismissed the depressing thoughts.

'Forget that, I don't need to put myself down' What mattered was what he thought and intended to do. And right now he planned to get more information.

'In that case, I should probably find Vorgarag' If anyone could help him without raising suspicion it would be the shaman. An orc shaman might sport the same brutish look of regular orcs but they are definitely extremely intelligent. In some stories, they can even receive future visions.

'I might have been exposed from the start if that is true' He was an orc champion. If his arrival wasn't guaranteed to be a vision, then what was?

As Ed had no way to be sure, he decided to simply try his luck. Worst case scenario he died.

'I guess the dungeon has its benefits...' All things considered he was now essentially immortal. If immortality was something he sought than defending the dungeon was the best way to go about it.

But Ed didn't seek immortality, he just wanted to live an average life.

'Now where is Vorgarag?' Ed glanced around while walking back to the gate.

He had naturally kept his eye out for the shaman while he snooped around but he ended up losing him at some point. It wasn't like he could listen in on conversations and look around while still keeping track of a target. Multi-tasking is impossible without some sort of supernatural power.

Just as Ed was nearly at the gates he was stopped by somebody.

"Are you looking for me?" The orc that had stopped him let out a soft smile. Of course, it didn't look that way, if anything it looked vicious.

Ed wasn't surprised that he was stopped and after hearing what the orc had said, he instantly knew it was Vorgarag who stopped him. He then sized up the seemingly young orc shaman. He gave off a weird sense of pressure, his large muscles were obviously not for show.

'How did he know I was looking for him, do they really have future vision?' Ed was secretly amazed.

"No, we don't." Vorgarag instantly rejected that notion.

'Wait what? Then d-'

"We don't read minds either" Vorgarag had once more shut him down.

They both looked at each other for a couple of seconds until Vorgarag hunched up in laughter. Ed just stood there awkwardly wondering what was so funny all the while.

"I always wanted to try that" Said Vorgarag while wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. All Ed understood was that Vorgarag had said the words without knowing what he was thinking.

The orc shaman clearly had a playful side to him. It made Ed all the more curious about how his magic skills fared.

"Anyways, you were looking for me right?" Vorgarag confidently asked.

"I was, how did you know?" Since he was exposed Ed didn't hold himself back when asking questions.

"Isn't it pretty obvious?" Asked Vorgarag as he looked up towards Ed. Their height difference wasn't by much but Ed still understood.

"Do I stand out too much?" Ed inquired.

"That's right, and I know all the faces of the orcs in this settlement" Vorgarag took a short glance at the partying orcs with a smile.

To Ed, they all looked the same but he didn't dare say so. Not that it mattered. Since Vorgarag confidently confronted him and even said he knew everyone here he must have been well aware he was an outsider. It was his time to ask questions. He still wanted to confirm it though.

"Then you must realize I am an outsider right?" If Vorgarag didn't really know the faces of his people Ed would look like a fool but he doubted that was the case.

"Hmmm... Outsider seems a bit harsh, what about a foreign comrade?" He paused for a second before continuing, "I am sure you have questions, follow me back to my cottage" Vorgarag took the lead and motioned for Ed to follow him.

Ed naturally complied, they then walked for a couple of minutes until they reached another worn down cottage. It seemed even Vorgarag did not deserve any luxuries. He motioned for Ed to sit on a crude wooden bench, it was more like a sideways log.

"So, ask away." Vorgarag then found his own seat to sit on.

Since Vorgarag himself had given him the go he wouldn't be polite. He jumped straight into the heart of the matter.

"What is god's blessing?" Ed calmly inquired.

It seemed the shaman didn't expect to hear such a question so it took him a bit to reply.

"It seems you are an outsider after all, hahaha." He let out a short awkward laugh before answering the question, "The blessing is a feast bestowed by the gods to the tribe that exhibits greater strength" Vorgarag still replied to his question even while realizing Ed didn't grow up in the land.

'A feast? I guess they do need to eat something...' As a skeleton, he was used to working 24/7. There was no need for food, water, sleep. He had almost forgotten about the matter entirely.

Still, Vorgarag's answer wasn't satisfactory so he asked again.

"And how exactly does this God provide a feast?"

"You really aren't from around here, where did you even come from? Anyways, our god will bless the winner with animals to hunt. It usually takes a day before the surroundings are full of wildlife and we then hunt them down." Vorgarag was still carefree even while talking about his god and the blessing.

All things considered, it was a logical answer. The dungeon was able to spawn mobs after all. The one day wait time could be due to a respawn timer or just as a way to allow the orcs to rest. Regardless it didn't seem like it was worth fighting for. Unless...

"What do you guys usually eat then?" If they had nothing to eat it was a different story. Ed did notice that the plant life in the plains and forest wasn't very diverse, as there were only trees and grass. He also found no animals on the way apart from a goblin...

"We eat the meat we hunt from the feast" He nonchalantly answered. But he then realized the answer might not what Ed was looking for.

"...Do you mean when we don't win?" Vargarag seemed to be apprehensive about the subject.

Ed softly nodded realizing that his thoughts were unfortunately true. It seemed that the orcs had to sacrifice themselves to obtain food. No matter how much orcs lusted for battles they wouldn't jump into a pointless battle.

"We just scavenge around for whatever critter we find. That reminds me, are you going to be part of the hunt tomorrow? You seem to be quite strong, we could use the extra hands." Vorgarag changed the topic which Ed honestly did not mind.

"I don't see why not" Ed would probably need to eat and sleep just like the others now that his body was not that of an undead. It wouldn't be a bad idea to settle down for a while. At least until he found a way out.

Vorgarag then happily stood up.

"That's great! We will be counting on you to keep the others away then." Vorgarag looked aside to think for a second. Ed then tried to interject but...

"Oh! That's right! You don't have anywhere to sleep. You know what, you can stay here. I will go someplace else." He then waved Ed goodbye and swiftly left the cottage.

"Hey-! Tsk..." Ed tried to stand up and stop him from leaving but... He was too fast...

'Dammit, I got played...' It looks like Vorgarag was actually looking for him instead. Ed only wanted to hunt some animals for food not hunt other orcs. That was obviously the tougher job, it was definitely something to give an outsider.

"I guess it also isn't too bad" Ed muttered to himself as he sat back down on the rickety bench.

If there was one thing he was lacking it was combat experience, maybe it was time to settle that problem.


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