Stuck As A Dungeon Mob

Chapter 183

The impromptu tribe meeting came to an end. All of the orcs were left with mixed expressions.

Some were happy that Ed not only returned but also that he brought with him some good news. It was unfortunate that some of their comrades had died but ultimately that wasn't enough to sour their mood.

As for others… they were extremely reluctant to part with their settlement. At the same time, Ed's overwhelming strength left them with a deep sense of awe and admiration. They couldn't choose NOT to follow him over nothing but a simple building.

Some orcs lingered around the plaza and although wary, began to chat with Ed and Dakgu. Normally they wouldn't pay Dakgu a second glance but given that the young kid would not only be a part of them in the future but was also endorsed by Ed they had to treat him preferably even if subconsciously.

Of course, some other orcs had especially distinct expressions and thoughts. Shel for example was deeply depressed. She didn't even bother to consider walking over to Ed to talk. The small crowd of orc men and women had discouraged her.

Ed on the other hand was doing his best to keep up with the many voices conversing with him.

"WAHAHAHA!" Some even laughed oddly causing him to form even more question marks.

"I think you should all start packing up your things" In an attempt to escape, Ed made a suggestion that the others should not be able to refuse…

"What are you talking about? I only need my head on my shoulders and a woman on my head if you get what I'm saying, WAHAHAHA" His odd remarks made even Ed as a fearsome warrior a bit creeped out.

While he understood the message it didn't mean he could sympathize. If he had done anything like that before he certainly had no memories of it.

'Which reminds me…' It was an odd reminder but Ed looked past the small crowd trying to find the muscular Shel. She was always acting cute or making obvious advances towards him. He found it odd that she wasn't one of the first to run over.

'She didn't seem to still be injured from last time either' Which was a relief considering she had fallen from the tall walls and onto the roof of a house. The injuries must have initially been rather severe.

But since Shel wasn't injured then… Where did she go?

"Dakgu, come with me" Ed decided to cut the conversations short and directly addressed Dakgu to leave. While humans might find such a thing rude, the orc women seemed to have fallen in love while the men showed deep respect.

"...ok" Dakgu was still preoccupied with his own thoughts and insecurities. Thus far, it still felt as though he had completely failed Durgash.

"When we head back you'll have a chance to pass by your settlement, until then just practice on your own" Ed didn't know what Dakgu might be thinking but since he had taken him in he needed to at least provide him some basic instructions.

Dakgu was somewhat absent-minded but he definitely didn't fail to hear those words. He almost instantly perked up and came upon a realization. Durgash had told him to fight valiantly, and to do that he needed to train rigorously. Mopping around did not contribute anything.

After lots of walking and asking around, Ed finally got to know where exactly Shel was located. While he was heading there he dropped Dakgu off at a training field.

"I didn't think my simple words would bring him so much passion…" Ed muttered as he finally came across Shel's house. It was still the same one she had been assigned when they all first entered the settlement.

'Does Eloquence have such an effect?' While thinking idle thoughts, Ed knocked on the door a couple of times.

"...Shel?" After hearing nothing he finally decided to call her name.

That seemed to finally garner him a response as some movement could be heard inside of the small cozy shack. The door opened with a creak and revealed a depressed Shel.

"W- What's wrong?" Ed was a bit surprised to find Shel so dejected but he still knew to show concern.

Shel however only walked back into the house which had all of its windows closed creating some darkness. The whole place was depressing, Ed walked in after her nonetheless and even closed the door. He thought it was best to maintain whatever privacy they might be able to achieve in the place, he especially didn't want to see Shel looking so dejected.

"E- Ed…" Shel then turned to him and attempted to talk to her although some sort of inner struggle seemed to prevent her from opening up further.

"Yes...?" While confused, Ed decided to be patient and hear her out.

"Do you hate me?" Seeing that Ed was willing to listen, Shel got her question out in one sitting. Her previously reluctant expression even turned solemn. The question left Ed at a loss for words but he quickly gathered his bearings and answered.

"Of course not!" He wasn't even sure how she came to such a conclusion. If anything he was supposed to ask her that question!

"Then prove it" Shel then came at him with another bombshell still holding a serious expression. No, she seemed more than just serious… she was treating this as some sort of battle but... To prove it? How exactly did she want Ed to prove such a thing!?

Ed's mind raced to look for possibilities but ultimately drew a blank. That was at least until he saw Shel draw closer to him. No wait… that was an understatement.

"Woah!" Shel came upon the stupefied Ed and pushed him to the ground. Not having caught up to the events her push was successful.

"Wait… you mean…?" Ed finally found himself the only explanation leaving him even more stupefied. Wasn't this a bit too assertive? He seemed to be asking himself inwardly.

Indeed it was, Shel finally became tired of playing fruitless tricks and was instead far more straightforward. If he were to decline him at even such a moment then Shel would finally have to give up.

As for Ed… he was filled with thoughts and questions following the introduction of this new possibility.

'D- Did the dungeon…?' Ed wasn't sure if the dungeon had added such functionalities into the body. Well, he had already checked it was there but...

"Ed!" Shel then screamed breaking him out of his stupor. With the muscular women on top of him, he needed to make a decision.

"An- And you are sure about- about this?" Ed had known all along that she was interested but he had convinced himself he was not interested in dating an orc. Yet… he suddenly found himself to be hesitant.

He was certain he had not fallen in love but… the thought still seemed to fill him with an indescribable feeling…

"Yes!" Shel quickly ascertained even moving her head up and down as if glad that things were evolving in a positive direction.

'Well… if the dungeon did add the full package…' It seemed he would soon find out.


"F*ck!" He yelled in complete frustration as he rolled away from a sharp sword swing.

The party of four had been placed in dire straits and while it initially seemed they might be able to make it out of the situation unscathed… reality proved them otherwise.

To make matters worse, out of the weird earthen temple came out various metallic grey skeletons. Upon closer look, one could even spot a shiny core. They were liches. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. THEY WERE ALL LICHES!!!

Despair had overcome each of them but for some reason the death knight they faced motioned for the liches to stay put, and they did. While that came as a blessing it also signaled an undeniable truth.

They weren't worth anything. Liches were beings capable of summoning the dead and they were all more than sure that one of the liches had to be the master of the death knight. The master didn't need to get involved at all, it would handle them.

Being so sorely underestimated ignited their fighting spirit but… glancing past the death knight would throw them into the deepest ocean imaginable.

"Change of plans! Run!" The party leader, Dax, finally decided that things would not work out for them.

"Gaaargh! I'll buy you guys time!" The seasoned adventurer with the mace, Monty, declared with a face that suggested he would brave through the toughest of disasters.

As for the other two… the wind magician who had all along been in the backline didn't need a reminder. As soon as the order fell he went with the wind. The morality of abandoning his own teammates made him reluctant but once the orders fell it was no longer a problem, right?

As for the newest member, Brenna, she also didn't need any reminder. She was a new addition to the party, she didn't have loyalty, only pride. As a person with high chances of entering the B-class, she was certainly above certain things and abandonment just so happened to be one of them.

"Th- The hole is too small!!" Brenna yelled through gritted teeth as she watched the wind magician, Gusty, squeezing through the only hole.

The liches, Trench, Pioneer, Blaze, Zephyr, etc… Weren't willing to let them go so easily though. As Monty charged at Iron, Trench sealed the hole in which Gusty was in the middle of traversing.

"Aaargh!" Gusty's leg was caught as he attempted to make his retreat. The great distance made it so Trench's manipulation was delayed.

"Damn it!" Dax didn't miss any of these events and he was forced to consider how to handle the situation. His sword had already been broken in several places and his armor was full of gashes.

Monty was bleeding profusely and would soon be sending himself to his death, Gusty was stuck almost out but that left Brenna without a chance to escape.

"We are fucked…" he, as the leader, saw no way out.

He was right. With a sharp swoosh, his head was cleanly sliced off by a sword.

As for Brenna...

"Gurgh…!" Her throat was then impaled by an earthen stake courtesy of Trench.

And Gusty…

"Ah, ah! Let me f*cking go!" He was screaming hysterically at the earthen wall. Once he started to hear the battlefield grow quiet… he knew his chance was lost.

"F*CK YOU ALL!!!" Gusty did what any sane person would do when faced with little alternatives… he sliced off the stuck section with the help of the wind.

"Urgh…" The clean-cut led to profuse bleeding but as long as he was able to make it out Gusty was confident that it wouldn't matter.

He limped and skipped on one leg using his somewhat short staff to barely stabilize him. His expression was pale and sickly as he beads of sweat rolled off his body. He was essentially making it rain on the ground beneath.

Finally… he heard hope. It was the sound of approaching footsteps from the merging corridors!

"Save me!!!" he screamed loudly towards the direction. Soon, a party of adventurers came out.

"Ye- AAARGH AAAAAH!!" Gusty's happiness was shortlived though as flames suddenly came and charred him alive.

The adventurers who suddenly witnessed this were left frightened as they saw a skeleton atop a fortress wall. Whatever had happened there was beyond their capabilities!


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