Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 55: Hey There! What's up!?

Chapter 55: Hey There! What's up!?

"Fire at will!" someone said on the radio.

"Fire at will! Kill those bastards and protect the president!" a man wearing a three star general uniform barked through an old radio communicator that was probably around WWI or WWII.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Zoooom~~~~! Boom~~!

Surprisingly, there are two Spitfires fighter planes flying and swooping down from the skies as they would shoot at the packed of zombies on the ground, giving some aerial support for the defending soldiers below.

"Throw in the molotovs!" this command rang out around the makeshift wall made of galvanized roof.

Soldiers wearing military uniforms and holding old guns on their hands, picked up a bottle filled with petrol with a cloth covered in petrol, acting like a fuse.

The soldiers lighted up the cloth and then threw in the middle of the crowded zombies.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Melee!" a voice rang out from atop the wall after the fire cause from the molotovs started weakening and the soldiers below who are outside the wall, that are standing behind the barbed wires and concrete barricades started shouting.


The soldiers put their rifles on their backs and started pulling out different kind of melee weapons from kukris, machetes, axes and even butcher knives.

"Charge and kill as many as you can!" a soldier with a captain badge shouted as he bravely charged at the incoming zombies along with the rest of soldiers below.

Similar scenes happened around the wall as soldiers started attacking the zombies in close combat and the fight between the dead and the living reached its climax.

Everything was going well for around three minutes still with no casualties until a variable appeared.

A long grey tentacle shot out from nowhere as it pierced through the body of a nearby soldier before wrapping around it and it started dragging the body towards where the culprit was.

It was the same mutated zombie who attacks using a tentacle that would shot out from his mouth, killing it victims.

"It's a Striker! Retreat!" a nearby commanding officer immediately issued a retreat when it saw the attacking zombie and they started scrambling on their feet as they headed in the other side of the wall and inside they climbed up through the walking planks of the five meter tall wall, where they started shooting at the zombies below and some of them are sniping at the the mutated zombie they called Striker.

"A Hunter is here! Kill it!" a general climbed up the plank of stair and shouted at the soldiers standing atop the wall and he started shooting at the hunter zig zagging towards them.

On the south side of the wall.

There are still soldiers outside the wall fighting the zombies as the soldiers would hacked their heads off from their bodies or hack their heads open.

"Sir! The west wall are being attacked by a Striker and a Hunter and they are asking for reinforcements!" a nearby soldier hurriedly came over to a man who had a major rank who had just decapitated another zombie.

"No way! We are already outnumbered here! Tell them to hold it off for now while we finish off the zombies here and hope for the best that a mutated don't appear" the major immediately rejected it.

"But it's an order from General M-"

"Tell him to f*cked off!"

"But sir! That would insubord-"

"Shut up and just tell them what I told you! I would have been afraid of insubordination in peaceful times but were at war and there's only around five hundred of us soldiers and marines left! We need to clean up this place first before we can send some help to them! Go!" the major shouted at the soldier with anger as he swung his machete at the head of the zombie that was near him.

"Sir!" and the soldier just saluted afraid that he would lash at him again and darted back towards the barricade for cover and told the person on the other side of the walkie talkie of what the major told him.

At the west wall.

Screams and gunfire is everywhere as one soldier would fell victim every two minutes under the attack of "Striker" while they are able to kill the "Hunter" zombie already.

"Sir! The north wall said, they would only be able to send help after they cleared the zombies around them!" a soldier came to the side of the general who has a stern look on his face.

"What!? Is he defying my orders!? He's only a Major and I'm a General! How dare he disobey my orders!? After this I would get him Court Martialed for Insubordination!" when the General heard that they wouldn't get reinforcement, his face turned red with anger as he suddenly slap the soldier in the face.


The soldier who came over to report, held his cheek, eyes filled with resentment and hatred.

"F*ck off and go help them!" the General barked.

"Sir!" the soldier's face returned to normal and saluted before he turned back and ran towards his fellow soldiers while muttering under his breath "F*cking asshole, he's only a brigadier general and he doesn't even deserve it. He's just good at kissing assess. I wonder what the higher ups was thinking when they promoted an arrogant and useless piece of shit like him to become a general!? A coward who does not even fight in the front lines! We're already short on manpower and he's just there standing like an idiot doing nothing but watching us die one by one!"

The general looked the back of the soldier and said "Useless trashes!"

"Come with me! I need to report Major David's Insubordination to the president!" he said to the soldier beside him as he turned and walk fast towards the White House.

The soldier who was a Lt. Colonel followed behind him and looked at him with disdain and thought 'Stop acting like you're a proper soldier! You're just a kiss assing coward who got promoted yesterday!'

The General in question wasn't actually a proper soldier who trained, battle hardened and fought like the rest. He's someone whom people would call a second generation arrogant and braggart person just because he has connections towards the higher ups of the military like the Chief of Staff of the US Army. He's Angelo who's the nephew of the Chief of Staff of army and just because he knows how to shoot a little bit made him an arrogant person and every soldiers and even the civilians inside the camp hates him to the bones.

Angelo was just halfway through the White House when the ground suddenly started shaking.

"W-what!? An earthquake!?" he shouted in shocked as he tried to balance himself.

"No sir, this is not an earthquake!"

Suddenly both of them heard screams from the nearby eastern wall and then both of them looked at each other with fear on their faces before they started running but the Angelo wasn't heading towards the eastern wall but he was fleeing towards the White House.

The Lt. Colonel saw him and cursed "F*cking coward!"

Angelo heard him as he looked at him with a face full of rage but then ignored him as he continued fleeing.

The Lt. Colonel hurriedly walked through steps and what he saw at the other side of wall was devastation, zombies strewn everywhere and bodies of soldiers laid there on the blood covered ground mutilated into various small pieces.

"Run! You idiot!" he shouted at the fear stricken soldier who is the only survivor left there at the other side.

The soldier heard his shout as he awoke from fear as he started running towards the gates but it was already too late as huge shadow loomed over him and smashed him into meat paste.

"F*ck you Ol' Biggie!" the Lt. Colonel cursed when he saw what happened.

The Ol' Biggie he was referring to was the monster among the monsters that they had face so far.

It was huge Mutated Zombie standing around 7 foot and 7 inches. It was a muscular zombie with its arms being three times bigger than that of a gorilla, it's two legs are just as big as that of a leg of a bodybuilder, its body is almost the size of a small car and was just all flesh with no skin. It was almost impenetrable bullets except for armor piercing bullets and shotguns and the last time they fought one costed them a lot of lives with over fifty civilians dead and over one hundred soldiers died trying to protect their camp when 'it' destroyed a part of their wall and wrecked havoc inside.

"Don't dilly dally! Shoot it and throw the rest of the molotov cocktails towards it and you!" he immediately took command and shouted as he pointed at the shocked soldier beside him and said "Call for reinforcements from the other walls, they must have already figured out what happened!"

"Yes sir!" the soldier saluted and ran towards the person who had a radio on him.

The monster was just attacking and killing all of the nearby zombies before its attention was directed to the soldiers whose attacking it from atop the wall. It ran towards the wall full speed covered in flames.

All the faces of the soldiers changed to fear but mostly hatred.

"It's Coming! Immediately get down on the wall and form a human wall! We can't let it get further inside!" the Lt. Colonel immediately said as he ran down the steps and soldiers immediately followed behind and at the immediately formed a curve human wall with all their rifles pointing at the part of the wall where Ol' Biggie would come through.

There are also other soldiers from the other walls joining them as the ground shook harder as the monster is slowly nearing them.

All of them gulped down as tensions filled the air.


Ol' Biggie didn't disappoint as the wall shattered into pieces as it charged through inside.

"Fire at will!"


The ground shook as dust flew everywhere, the visibility was low as the dust acted like a smokescreen around 30 meters.

The soldiers covered their noses as they started coughing.

*Cough!* *Cough!*

"What the *cough* heck happened!?" the Lt. Colonel earlier said coughing as he fanned the dust in front of him using his hand while the other covering his nose.

As the dust slowly settled, the saw a huge blurry shadow within the cloud of dust as they immediately pointed their guns towards it.

The shadow slowly stood up and the thing was a huge blood red futuristic armor with a huge sword on its back! When they finally got a clear look of what it was, they were shocked and dumbfounded as their fingers that was about to pull the trigger stopped in mid air as they just looked at the newcomer with mouths wide opened.

Leo looked at the nervous soldiers in front of him and he slowly raised one of his hands as a greeting and said with friendly tone..

"Hey there! What's up!?"

And the soldiers were like.



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