Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 131: I Just Got Promoted! Why Is This Happening!?

Chapter 131: I Just Got Promoted! Why Is This Happening!?

"It's already 4:00 pm, where the heck is Leo?" Amanda said grumbling to the woman beside her, Michelle.

Right now, they are standing at the wall facing the cemented road that connects the Stronghold and Hope 101 with a scowl on their faces.

"It's already been hours since he left and he even told us that we'll depart by 3:00 pm but he's already an hour late!" Michelle clicked her tongue with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Shall we go and look for him in Hope 101?" Amanda turned towards her and asked.

Michelle didn't answer immediately as she held her chin with a thoughtful look on her face and the a few seconds later, she turned towards Amanda and said, "Alright, let's also bring Biscuit and Cookie with us"

"Let's go then!"

The two women was about to go down the wall when a frantic and hurried voice called out behind them.

"W-what!? W-wait! My ladies, you guys can't leave! The boss would kill me!"

Amanda and Michelle stopped in their tracks and looked back at the panicking man behind them.

"Then try to stop us..hmmp!" Amanda coldly snorted and continued going down the stairs and Michelle just gave an apologetic smile towards the man before following behind Amanda.

"Wait for me I'm coming with you guys!" the man finally snapped out from his daze as he hurriedly followed behind the two women and when he reach the end of the stairs, he immediately ordered the men keeping a watch there to follow him.

Then after that, the gate of the Stronghold slowly opened as two SUV vehicles sped out of the camp and rode on the road connecting the two camps.


"Is the map malfunctioning? There's nothing here" Leo said with a confused look on his face as he stood there looking at his surroundings.

Currently, Leo is standing a few meters away from the base of the mountain as he looked around confused of why he can't find that guy earlier that escaped towards here even though his life signal directly points on this very mountain.

There are trees of different kinds and with other floras around him and there were even some Mutant Beast that saw him earlier but they didn't dare to even get near him.

"I've already scoured the entire mountain but I haven't even see a shadow of him" Leo said as he rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming of how troublesome this guys is. He knows that the guy is still around here as he would see that, that person's life signal on his map would move from time to time.

Suddenly, Leo heard the sound of wings flapping then a sudden ear piercing sound above him.

Leo look up and saw a huge black bird with a wingspan at least around seven to nine meters and it was currently diving towards him like a fighter jet as its beak was slicing the air in front it!

And when it was near Leo, it opened its wings as it halted its descent a bit and this time, it's gleaming talons is heading towards his head.

Due the sudden interference of this mutant bird, a bulge of veins appeared on Leo's right temple.

"Die! Then I'll turn you into a fried bird!" When the mutant bird's talons was a meter away from his head, Leo pulled his greatsword from his back and swung it towards his attacker while leaving after images behind it from how fast that sword swing was.

*Swoosh!* *Slash!* *Boom!*

And then suddenly, like it was frozen it time. The bird just froze in mid air with its talons just a inches from Leo's head. Then blood started gushing out from his head and then the mutant bird was split in half and landed on Leo's front and right side!

But that wasn't all, his swing was so fast and powerful that it created a sharp blade made of wind as it rampaged on the poor ground and it toppled trees and the floras it passed through, only stopping when it hit the base of the mountain and revealing an obscured tunnel within.

"It's been a while since I've eaten fried- Eh?" Leo was about to say fried chicken when he finally noticed a dark tunnel just enough for fully grown man to walk inside on the base of mountain in front of him.

"Heh~ so that's the reason why I can't find you. After all, the best hiding place on a mountain is inside of it" Leo clicked his tongue then he crouched and stored mutant bird's carcass inside his Inventory before he started heading towards the tunnel.

Leo then stopped just at the mouth of the tunnel and contemplated for a bit while rubbing his chin.

"Better safe than sorry" Leo muttered before he pulled out his sword from his back.

[Armor On!]

Leo's overpowered Armor Suit has emerged again as he was now again inside his PROTECTOR-Class Armor Suit!

"I'm coming little rabbit" Leo said smiling and then put his sword on his back where both sides of its blades were clamp together.

Then he pulled out his DMR from his Inventory and then he opened the torch lights attached on his helmet to light up the way before he cautiously proceeded forward as his heavy footsteps echoed in the dark tunnel.


In Hope 101.

Inside the largest building of the Military HQ of the camp.

"Where is he?" Amanda said impatiently to the man in front of her while hugging a white cub with black stripes on her arms and Michelle who is sitting on a sofa also has the same cub but hers was black with brown spots around the cub's body.

"What~? Who?" Austin who after coming back from the short expedition was finally appointed as the Garrison Commander of the Hope 101 camp looked at the Amanda with a confused expression on his face.

"You know who I'm referring to" Amanda angrily said.

"Well, I don't" Austin shrugged his shoulders.

"Austin! I need to know where the heck Leo is!" Amanda out of anger punched the desk in front of her causing it to break into two parts.

Then after that was just an awkward silence. Amanda had a dumbfounded look on her face as she stared at her fist that caused this scene even Michelle had a shock on her face as she stared at the destroyed desk.

"Good thing it just a crappy desk" Michelle suddenly commented on the side.

When Austin heard her, the corner of his right eye and his mouth twitch as he angrily thought inside, 'Yes! It was crappy but I work hard making that desk! Now, you guys destroyed it!'

Austin really had the urge to lash out at them right now but at the same time he was helpless as he didn't dare to do it cause he knows how unreasonable these two women are sometimes and most of all, even Leo hadn't raised his voice towards the two women before.

"Alright, alright! All I know was that the Boss was chasing someone outside the camp. That's all I know"

"What? Okay, we're gonna look for him. Let's go Michelle!" Amanda turned around and immediately called to Michelle and both of them immediately left the room.

"What!? No! Dammit! I just got promoted today! Why is this happening!?" Austin yelled angrily and kicked the broken desk in front of him before he ran out of the room and not even a second later, he came back and took his rifle before running out again and the only thing he saw when he exited the building was two SUV's exiting the compound.

"Dammit! Eagle One! Follow me!" Austin cursed as he jump on a nearby motorcycle and immediately zoomed out of the compound and not even five seconds later, a military truck zoomed out of the compound and hastily followed behind him and on the back of the truck are full of soldiers armed to the teeth.

"Dammit! This position better be worth this trouble!" Austin yelled and the people on the streets immediately got out of his way.


In a dimly lit room inside the mountain.

"He's coming" the man that Leo is looking for released a grim laugh with a massive grin on his face.


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