Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 12: Overran

Chapter 12: Overran

"Its a freaking tank!" Leo shouted as both Tom and him rushed beside car that already drove beside the Store as the women also got down and hid behind Leo and Tom as they look warily at the tens of soldiers surrounding a Stryker.

"If push comes to shove. I'll take out the Turret Gun even though I won't be able to use it though" Leo thought nervously as he looked at the soldiers killing the Zombies that went towards them because of how noisy their movements are.


A man with a 2nd Lieutenant Badge yelled as they stopped just a few meters away form Leo's group.

"What do we have here? A group of armed people and probably some weird dude wearing a Halo Armor" said the man as he and his group laughed.

Leo just looked at him calmly this time while thinking "Damn, I think we just met an arrogant prick".

"Drop your weapons, put your hands up and slowly come over to us" said the leader calmly but his eyes betrayed him when swept his gaze on both Amanda and Michelle lustfully.

Amanda noticed his lustful eyes and she slowly move neared Leo wanting to hide while Michelle just calmly stood there but her hands were slightly trembling.

"These asshole, the apocalypse haven't even started but this guy is already thinking perverted things" Leo gritted his teeth when also noticed the lustful looked of the man.

"No" Leo said blandly.

Tom was about to drop his gun on the ground but froze halfway when he heard Leo.

"W-what do you mean by those words?" the man stuttered for a bit before his voice grew heavy as his hands gripped tightly on his rifle.

"Dammit, just who is this guy!? Ever since I saw him I suddenly grew nervous facing him" they cursed confused on why he's feeling nervousness maybe even a bit of fear towards Leo.

"I said we are not throwing our weapons away. It's best if we just think that this didn't happen and just mind our own business" Leo's grew heavy. "Dumb f*cker, just say you want my Amanda!"

"Are resisting an order from an army officer!? We are here trying to save survivors like you!" the man yelled in anger as he pointed his rifle towards Leo and his men followed suit.

The women flinched from fear as they started shivering when they saw guns being pointed at them and Tom also pointed his AKM towards the soldiers but he was so scared that his hands are practically trembling hard.Rรชaฤ‘ lat๐’†st ch๐’‚/p/ters on n๐’/v/๐’†/l(b)i๐’(.)c/๐’/m

"Hmmp!" Leo snorted.

BOOM! ~ Clank! ~ Clank! ~

A huge "thing" suddenly appeared in front of Leo from out of nowhere that it startled the other people around him and when they saw what it was, they looked at it with awe, shocked and even fear.

"T-the heck! That's a gun turret!" the 2nd Lieutenant hastily yelled in shocked as he took a couple of steps back.

It was the Gun Turret that Leo got as a reward before. It stood tall over 1 meter and with two gatling gun attached on both left and right but it wasn't some ordinary one, this one looked more advanced than the ones attached to a battleship from the Navy.

Leo then moved behind it as he directed it towards the group of soldiers.

When Amanda and the group saw that a massive gun just suddenly appeared in front of them, they stood there slack-jawed thinking" What the!? Where did that thing come from!?" but the soldiers instead trembled in fear at being pointed at, everyone of them recognizes a Gun Turret as they saw it before on battleships but the one in front of them is more menacing. The only thing that they didn't understand is how this thing just suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Even though they also have the Stryker with them, everyone of them knows that it wouldn't even last a second in front of it.

"Host, you won't be able to use the Turret as it was specially made as a sentry on walls"

"I know, I'm only using it to scare them"

Leo disabled his helmet and said smirking towards the soldiers: "You were saying?"

The soldiers sweated from fear and didn't say anything while Amanda and the rest rejoiced from the sudden turn of events.

"Hmmp! You said you guys are rescuing survivors like us but why isn't there anyone following you guys?" Leo snorted looking at the pale man who was acting high and mighty earlier.

"I-I we-we" the man stuttered.

"Just f*cked off already, We're busy"

"Ye-yes, thank you!" the man took his team and immediately left.

"Dammit! Just who is that guy!? Is he using some kind of new technology or something!? I need to tell the higher ups about him" the man thought as he fled with his tails between his legs.

Looking the fleeing back of the soldiers, Leo shook his head thinking "Haist! Here I am thinking that I could probably get them to help us. I'm forgetting that this is the US"

"Come on! Let's hit the road!" Leo said as he stored the Turret back to his Inventory and jumped at the back of the truck.

The others just silently went back inside the car with new profound respect towards Leo especially the two pretty ladies as their eyes shone with desire looking at Leo.

Washington DC.

"Why did this happen!?" a white man inside a room was yelling at a group of people wearing military uniforms with ages between 40's to 50's.

"We're sorry Mr. President! The Zombie outbreak happened suddenly that we weren't able to prepare for it" an old man, clearly a 4-Star General bowed apologetically in front of the President while the rest just stayed silent.

The man just sighed because he can't really blame them for this but he was just so frustrated that they we'rent able to properly prepare for this even though they were already informed about it a few days back and especially now that the army is also busy suppressing the outbreak and with the stream of survivors flocking towards them caused him a immense headache as living spaces is slowly dwindling and with the problem that they are only able to form a temporary wall of over 1 kilometer radius around the White House.

"Did you already found out who was behind this?" the president asked in a serious heavy tone.

"We still haven't found the person Sir but we suspect its one of the scientist or researchers that took out a vial of the virus we got from the victims and spread it outside and the people who are only allowed inside are only you sir and the few of us here are allowed inside the lab. So it can only be among them sir" stated the same old man calmly.

"Damnable imbecile! F*cking bastard! Asshole!" the president cursed the person behind all this.

After a few series of more curses, the president huffed and sat down on his chair. He turned around to face the outdoor as he looked at the multiple rising smoke at the distance. Looking at it, the president sighed while thinking "God, is this your punishment for all of our sins?"

"What about our communications?Are they back online now?"

"Apologize Mr. President but it seems they won't be for the meantime as our communications just went offline without any reasons that even our best engineers can't figure out what is wrong" the old general said apologetically.

The president just sighed without saying anything as he slumped back onto his chair like he just grew older from worries.

The outbreak also happened in UK and some other countries around the world but China and some other Asian countries got it worse with their Capital being overran by the Walking/Jogging Dead.

Leo sighed and shook his head at the devastation around him as he remembered what the System said when he just landed at the airport.

"A Zombie outbreak is now spreading around US because of a sudden Human Intervention even before the time was up. Host must now always be cautious and careful."

Time to Apocalypse - 00: 59 : 30


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