Strongest Swordsman In One Piece

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

Dragon obviously didn't know that he took the blame for El's action for no reason.

Likewise, El had no idea that what he had done led the Five Elders to suspect that it was the revolutionary army who did it and if El knows it, he would definitely burst out laughing.

The only reason why he didn't take the trouble to sink those people together with the Gran Tesoro into the sea, was not because of his principle of not taking action against the innocent.

After all, there are very few innocent people who have the ability to stand at the Gran Tesoro.

El simply let them go to create a smoke bomb that would confuse the analyzers in the World Government.

Unexpectedly, El's smoke bomb was so effective, not only does it minimize his suspicions but it also increases the World Government's fear of the revolutionary army.

If Gran Tesoro is really destroyed by them, then the revolutionary army which is seriously short of money, can't let go of a large amount of gold in the Gran Tesoro.

According to Gild Tesoro's net worth, the sum of gold at the Tesoro Treasure is at least more than 500 billion Belly.

With such a large amount of money, the revolutionary army can't not only upgrade their weapons but they can also expand rapidly, making their threat level skyrocket several times.

The Revolutionary Army, which was originally the World Government's biggest enemy is far ahead of the four pirates emperor in terms of the threat level.

So, the World Government began to gather its forces scattered all around the world and began to intensify its efforts against the revolutionary army.

The revolutionary army, which had been shot while lying down naturally would not be oppressed in vain, so while resisting the sudden intensification of the world government's oppression, they also began to investigate the reason why the World Government suddenly went mad.

So, when they learned that the World Government believed that the mysterious disappearance of the Gran Tesoro was the work of their revolutionary army, Dragon and the other officers of the revolutionary army were all confused.

Of course, these are all for later.

Just when the major forces started speculating about the mysterious disappearance of Gran Tesoro and which force did it, El and the others had already returned to the City in the Sky.

However, it was still four people who came back, and there was no newly added crew, Baccarat, because El dropped Baccarat on the way and asked her to come over to the City in the Sky to join them.

After all, the whole world knows about the mysterious disappearance of Gran Tesoro, so if Baccarat appears directly in the City in the Sky the next day, would not they be telling the whole world that the mysterious disappearance of Gran Tesoro would be related to them.

Therefore, superficial efforts still have to be done, and dropping Baccarat on the way, El is not afraid that the other party will escape.

When he left Baccarat, El had already used Op-Op fruit ability to separate Baccarat's heart from her body, now her heart is in the corner of the space ring

At the same time, El is not worried that Baccarat will die on the way to the City in the Sky, because Luck-Luck Fruit, is also a top rule-type ability.

Once her luck takes effect, Baccarat will pick up money whenever she goes out and when she encounters danger, she will also encounter a savior, while she was thirsty, even if it's in the desert, the sunny and hot sky would be covered with dark clouds the next second and then it will start pouring rain.

As a guarantee for her safety and to prevent the people from troubling her, El still left his Den Mushi Mushi for her, so when she encounters a danger that cannot be avoided even if she is lucky, she can call him.

In just a few minutes, El can appear in front of Baccarat from any corner of the world.

It was already the start of the year 1519 in the Sea Circle Calendar when Baccara successfully boarded the City in the Sky and joined them through an interview.

At the end of 1518, the atmosphere in the world became extremely tense.

Even if it is the three pirate emperors in the new world, the pirates who are attached to the word freedom are little restraining themselves.

The Gran Tesoro is the biggest cash cow for the World Government, where they can at least get a hundred billion Belly as a protection fee from Gild Tesoro every year.

At the same time, the Gran Tesoro is also the holy place for entertainment that the Celestial Dragon often visit besides the Sabaody Archipelago.

The cash cow and the Celestial Dragon's playground suddenly disappeared, and the person who destroyed it was still World Government's worst enemy, how could this not make them furious?

The place where the revolutionary army is the most active is also the strongest and most chaotic sea in the world, followed by the first half of the grand line then the four seas ruled by the Navy headquarters.

So, if the World Government and the Navy Headquarters wanted to target the revolutionary army, they had to send their troops to the strongest sea, so even the strongest shields of the Celestial Dragon, the CP0 were dispatched.

The world Government and the Navy Headquarters rarely became extremely active so even the three pirates' emperors became vigilant and to avoid a sudden conflict, even Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, rarely instructs his son not to be too active at sea at the moment and wait until the World Government and the revolutionary army friction is over before they continue sailing freely.

Only the City in the Sky, which is the culprit responsible for this incident is slowly returning to the new world as if it has nothing to do with them.

After Baccarat passes the interview and lets her join the City in the Sky justifiably under the pretext of finding a new backer.

El who finish cultivating his mind and accumulating medical knowledge again for a few months began to use Baccarat's ability to help him find the trace of Fujitora in the vast sea of people, as well as the Super Lamp Anglerfish that is hidden somewhere in the deep sea.

Next year is the countdown to the first year of troubled times, so to prevent the Son of Destiny from having a great change like his brother because of his arrival, El feels that before the plot begins, he should get his last two targets before the start of the plot.


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