Strongest Swordman’s Re:START

Chapter 40: is provided to you by Re:Library)

“Are you close with Jonahim and the other members of Blazing Impact?”

“Close enough to ask them to write me a recommendation.”

“I see.”

Hearing Merc’s reply, Nano could only nod.

“That missy is amazing. Did ya hear? She was recommended by Blazing.”

“Whoa. Then that probably means she’ll become one of them once she passes the exam. She’s got her life laid out in front of her…”

“But she doesn’t look that strong… Maybe she’s Jonahim’s lover or something?”

“Now that you mention it. She’s quite the beauty all right.”

The area became quite noisy after it was discovered that Merc’s recommendation had been written by Jonahim.

What’s going on? Why are they being so noisy all of a sudden?

The gossip’s source, on the other hand, had no idea what all the commotion was about.

It was true that Jonahim was the leader of a somewhat famous party. However, it shouldn’t have been surprising for him to make a couple of recommendations.

Even if this was his first time giving one, he was currently no different than any other Grade 3 Adventurer. Merc couldn’t wrap her head around what all the fuss was about.

Even if this had happened 15 years ago, and if the person writing the recommendation had been Estert or Foldia, Merc believed there wouldn’t have been such a fuss.

“Shut up! If you say any more I’ll burn you all1!”

While Merc was still deep in her thoughts, Elea spoke as she slammed her spear down to the ground. The impact of Elea’s spear immediately silenced the room. Elea snorted to express her dissatisfaction after confirming the situation.

“What a reckless woman.”

“Really? I believe she did it to protect you Miss Merc.”

Nano muttered to Merc, who smiled wryly. In response Merc simply said,

“It would be great if that really was the case…”

After that half-crocked response, Merc turned to look at Elea.

It definitely wasn’t meant for me.

Jonahim, without a doubt, was the source of Elea’s rage. Elea had most likely become upset at those who assumed Merc was Jonahim’s lover. She was probably enraged that they suspected Merc of being Jonahim’s lover for even a second.

What a fierce woman.

“Um, excuse me, but I need to fill in the required papers, correct?”

“What? Oh, that’s right.”

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When Merc spoke to Nano, who had also been distracted by Elea, Nano swiftly regained her composure and handed Merc two pieces of paper.

“First read through this, after which fill in the required questions here.”


After being handed the papers Merc first looked over the paper which had important information written on it. The document included suggestions for what examinees should look out for when taking the exam, as well as suggestions for what to look out for when becoming an adventurer.

“It says here that the Adventurers’ Guild is not responsible for any harm that the examinees suffer during the exam. Is that correct?”

“That’s right. You are fully responsible for anything that might happen to you. Please take the exam only if you are okay with that.”

This just went to show how dangerous the exam was. However, danger was inevitable for those striving to be adventurers.

Hmph. Their systems and rules are well-designed.

While reading the document, Merc came across a passage that piqued her interest.

“The exam begins the moment a candidate declares an interest in taking it?”

Nano merely nodded after Merc read the sentence aloud, proving that the passage was correct.

“That is correct. In other words, you are being tested even at this very moment.”

“But didn’t you tell the other candidate just now that the exam is in three days? Does this imply that his actions throughout the course of the next three days will be evaluated?”

“That’s right. However, it doesn’t mean that we’ll be constantly monitoring him.”

“I see. How many exams are there in a month, by the way?”

“The exams don’t happen each month. They occur three times a year. In other words, once every four months. If you miss the one now, you’ll have to wait until August to take the next one.”

“I-Is that so…”

Phew… I barely made it then…

Merc replied, nodding, trying hard not to exhibit her inner turmoil.

If what Nano stated was accurate, she would have had to wait another four months if she had missed this opportunity.

Although four months was not a long period in the context of an elf’s lifespan, Merc would be disappointed if she failed the exam as a former Grade 1 Adventurer. She’d also have to ask for a recommendation all over again.

“Um, Miss Nano. What should I write in the Desired Role section?”

Nano simply stared at Merc with a curious gaze when she asked about a question that interested her.

“Um, the role you’d like to undertake if you form a party with someone. You can declare whether you wish to be in the vanguard, rear guard, or support role.”

“Oh, so that’s what it meant.”

“If you have a concrete role in mind, then you can write that down as well. Miss Merc, in your instance… I assume you’d be a swordsman, correct?”

Nano asked after seeing the wooden stick around Merc’s waist.

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“Would it be beneficial if I wrote down exactly what role I’d like to take?”

“It would simplify the process of issuing your adventurer’s license. It is not, however, required, so feel free to write whatever you want.”

“I see.”

Since Merc’s mind had already been made up she wrote down the specific role she’d like to take.

Merc handed over the paper after writing everything down, and Nano proceeded to carefully examine it.

“Merc Velchedo… What a strange name.”

“Is it? I’m quite fond of it.”

“I apologize if I came off as rude2. I notice you’ve expressed an interest in becoming a Healer. Is it okay if I inquire about your ability to use Heal?”

“I can use it.”

“I understand. A rule exists that allows Healer candidates to request a helper for the exam. Would you like to request one?”

“There’s such a system?”

When Merc thought about it, she realized that was understandable considering most Healers were not fighters.

Iriem, for example, was a better fighter than the average, but cases like hers were scarce. The general perception of Healers and other support jobs was that they were just there to assist the fighting roles.

This system, which allowed these roles to invite a helper, had most likely been created to give these roles an advantage.

“Can this helper be an active adventurer?”

“They can. However, lying about one’s desired role and receiving a helper for the exam is a major offense that will result in a harsh penalty. The exam will be canceled as soon as it is detected, and the examinee will not be permitted to take the exam again. Needless to say, if it is discovered after the exam has been completed, the person’s adventurer license will be revoked.”

“That’s quite strict…. But, I suppose, such measures are required.”

Injustice would be prevalent if the Guild did not adopt such precautions. After all, it was obvious to everyone that taking the exam with someone else would increase their chances of passing.

“Have you decided on a helper, Miss Merc?”


When Merc first heard the rule, she immediately thought of Jonahim and the other members of Blazing Impact, but she quickly dismissed the thought.

After all, she had already inconvenienced them to the point where she couldn’t bear to ask for another favor.

Furthermore, Merc was striving to become a Healer that could fight on her own. When it came to Merc’s fighting ability, she didn’t even need to be compared to the majority of other fighters.

“No. I can’t seem to think of anyone. I’ll take it by myself3.”

“I see…”

After first gazing over to where Jonahim was standing, Nano murmured quietly.


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