Strongest Mystic

Chapter 46 Linking Together

A car dashed through the city highway, in the backseat, Ethan gazed at the twinkling lights of buildings in the dark night.

Though they only talked for sometime, Ethan and Sydney seemed to have formed a repo. He was able to persuade her to eat something and rest. After that, he left the room after giving one last look to the sleeping beauty.

Remora then prepared clothes for him, she had someone buy the same clothes he had worn before. She even arranged a driver and was currently sitting beside him, silently looking at her mobile.

It was clear that she wouldn't let him go until she got her answers and also that she had some say in the mystic control division.

After meeting Sydney, he had felt a bit calm but then her words stuck something inside of him. The system message was clear proof of that.

"Listen to my heart," Ethan muttered under his breath. Ethan mused over it and felt that first he had to take care of his wild thoughts that had fogged his mind. But how?

He first had to know what it was and where he got it from. He turned to Remora and asked softly, "You have any idea what affected us?"

Remora stopped fiddling on her phone and told the driver not to listen to their conversation in an ordering tone. The man obliged and took out earbuds, and inserted them in his ears.

Ethan blinked and questioned, "You have a high post in the division?"

Remora chuckled. "No. It's just that the leader likes me and I take advantage of it. Of course, I can not go too far, otherwise the leader will just kick me out no matter how likable I am or what my ability is."

Remora then spoke seriously, "I don't know what exactly it is but after thinking about it, I am sure that it affected our soul and not our physical body." She then groaned. "If I didn't help you then I wouldn't have been affected by it."

Ethan asked another question. "Why did your pain stop when I used my ability on you? Let me tell you, it doesn't have healing capability and  is just for pleasure… and pain."

When he said pain, he saw her licking her lips. As if not knowing that she did that, Remora complained, "Why are you going off track?"

Ethan shrugged and leaned back. "My thoughts are messed up. All different shits are piled in my poor brain. For example, I am thinking about your breast size."

"Oh," Remora said, "it's a C cup… anyways your ability to give pain and pleasure should be psychic. My body is a bit special and psychic stuff is a lot more effective on me."

"Mmh. So I can kill you right now if I want to."

"Yeah, that's a bit scary to be honest." She said calmly. She must have some countermeasures with her, anyways. Ethan went back to thinking about this 'weird thing that affected them'.

It was something that he got after Nyx was no longer active. There was a high probability that it was Sam. 

When he inquired about it with Remora, she quickly guessed that Sam was the culprit but unfortunately, she didn't know much about this matter. Sam's body was too messed up and taken for further investigation.

"Can you tell me more about the dark moon group?" Ethan pressed, "I am of course not asking for confidential things but something that you can share."

"Mmh.." Remora said, after a brief thought. "I don't think that telling you their crimes will be of any help. But let me tell you that your brother, Derek Dawson is an integral part of that group. And yeah, the bomb in the van was remote controlled."

Ethan got stunned—only for a few moments—as he knew that Derek could become a criminal, and he did become one.

Ethan snorted at Remora. "He is not my brother." and then asked. "Did he get caught?"


If it was Derek of the past then Ethan knew that he wouldn't target anyone else but him. That was how egoistical he was. But currently he doesn't know. People changed with time after all.

Sensing his worry, Remora said, "The leader has already increased the security in your area but still, I will recommend you to some trusted organization where you can get security. You just need to have enough money."

Ethan nodded, a bit grateful to her and closed his eyes. He tried to filter out important stuff from his messy thoughts.

Things were starting to link together. Like how they found out about his identity. Derek knew that Chase hated police to the core, so his decision of going to police must have surprised and alerted him a lot. So he triggered the bomb, not to kill Ethan but to get rid of Sam.

But because of his sudden new ability, Ethan knew what would happen, and Sam got in the hands of mystic control division. Sam affected him with something and the way he had attacked him made him feel like some zombie.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Ethan linked this trait with the Rave virus and then with the assassins who had attacked him. Normally, he wouldn't think of it in such a way. But right now, his train of thoughts weren't normal.

Wait, if Sam was somehow linked with those assassins; it meant that the dark moon was also linked with Zero.

Ethan shook his head. That wasn't important right now. What was important was how he got infected by Sam. He hadn't come in contact with his blood then how? Maybe just being around the transformed him got Ethan infected? 

Ethan's eyes suddenly snapped open as he asked Remora in a sense of urgency. "Was Izora also affected by this? I know you can tell that."

Remora gulped and didn't answer him promptly. She thought about any and every hint, as by his reaction, she knew that he'd do something to her if she answered wrongly.

In the end, she shook her head and said, "No, she is fine. Both physically and spiritually, she is unaffected. I have seen her blood report as well as the energy surrounding her."

Ethan felt confused, then how? He wisely decided to let this go. Then the next question, what could he do to stop this shit.

What did Ethan have? Of course, it was system. So he opened the system screen in hope of finding something that could help him, also taking a note that he would explore everything about it in detail later on.


[Name: Ethan Chase] | [Title: Heir ] | [Level: 25]

『Health: (63/100) [x 3]』

『Arcane Points: (100/100) [x 3]』

『Stress: (100/100)』

『Charm: (100/100)』

『Special Points: 1000 ℗』

『Fragments of Obsidian used: (210/??)』


『Strength: 19 (+17.5) [x 3]』|『Agility: 9 (x 3) [x 10]』|『S. Stamina: 20 (+20)』

『Health RR: 4.2 [x 3]』|『 Arcane RR: 73 (x5) [x 3]』|『IQ: 125 』

Everything was the same in the status screen, besides a new symbol in the special points. Ethan willed and information about it appeared in front of him. It was a message from Nyx.

[Nyx: Ethan, I don't know how but something happened and I got corrupted. I'll have to fix it so it will take some more time for me to get back. Don't worry about me. I changed a few things and now you will be able to use special points to create abilities until I get back. 

Don't worry, it will not be difficult. You just need to think about what you want in detail after pressing on the symbol. Then the system will prompt you with the number of special points it will consume. 

If it will require more points than you have then you will be prompted to accept if the system can make changes accordingly and lower the cost. As you know, the system is really friendly so as long as you don't think with your dick then everything will be alright. ^^ ]


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