Strongest Mystic

Chapter 44 Simon

On Earth, in the outskirts of the city of New Ork, Ethan gazed out the car window, taking in the sight of the secluded community. The houses were enormous, their walls made of sturdy brick or stone and their windows lined with black steel bars.

Each residence was surrounded by a high wall or fence, and several had gates with imposing metal spikes. The streets were wide and well-paved, lined with carefully trimmed trees and landscaped gardens. Ethan noted that there were no parked cars on the street and only a few people walking around.

As they approached the community center, Ethan saw that it was a spacious building with a large open area in front, surrounded by benches and flowerbeds.

Ethan sighed. So this was where his new life would begin.

"Ethan, I really don't think this is a good idea,'' A voice broke him out of his thoughts.

Ethan turned to face his friend, Henry who was on the driving seat. The thin office worker looked worried as he glanced back at Ethan. Henry had a sharp nose and thin lips that were currently pressed together in a concerned frown. His short black hair was slicked back neatly, and his glasses glinted in the light.

He smiled. "I have told you many times that my decision is final."

"Ethan, not even ten days have passed since you got out of jail. Now you will participate in something dangerous again."

Ethan shook his head. "What else do you think I should do? I… I had killed him."

Henry bit his lips. "It was an accident."

Ethan looked ahead. "He still died. And even if you say so, you also know it was my fault. If I had more control over myself it wouldn't have happened." He sighed sadly. "Amelia wouldn't have left me."


"And that led me to see how bad this world could be. The corruption of the police, the twisted mind of those criminals. Staying there, I decided I had to do something. I… I won't be able to ignore what I have experienced."

At that moment, someone knocked on Ethan's side. Henry's face became tense, and Ethan turned to see a young black man standing beside the car. The man wore a crisp white shirt that was tucked into his jeans, and he had a black leather jacket slung over his shoulder.

He tried to make himself look dangerous, with a scowl on his face and a slightly hunched posture, but in reality, he looked kind of funny. His curly hair was styled in a way that made it look like he had just rolled out of bed.

Ethan lowered the window and asked, "Yes?"

The man sneered. "I should ask you that. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I am here to see Simon."

The black man looked at him in contempt and said, "You want to meet the leader? You don't have the qualification. I am his left hand man, Andre. Tell me. Oh and first get out of the car."

Ethan nodded and was about to get out when Henry called out. "Ethan…"

Andre replied instead of him. "You chipmunk, stop being a woman and get out."

Henry exchanged a quick glance with Ethan and both of them stepped out of the car.

After Ethan told Andre that he was the one who had killed Marcus and wanted to meet Simon, Henry almost died of shock. Wasn't it asking for a bullet in his head?

Marcus was part of their group! To his surprise, Andre burst out laughing. "You sure have guts coming here. Great! I like you."please visit

Andre stepped closer and said, "Follow me," before turning on his heel and striding off down the street. Ethan and Henry followed him, Henry especially feeling uneasy as they passed groups of rough-looking men loitering on street corners.

Ethan glanced at Henry, even without saying anything he signaled him to go back but Henry shook his head.

Suddenly Andre stopped and let out an oh. He turned around and checked their bodies for any hidden weapon.

Then Ethan and Henry followed Andre into the backyard of the simple looking house. A group of ten rough-looking men gathered there looked like they had seen their fair share of action, with scars and tattoos crisscrossing their skin.

In the center of the group sat Simon, a bald man who exuded an air of quiet authority. He was casually smoking a cigar on a rocking chair. As they approached, Simon's gaze lingered on them for a moment, as if assessing their worth.

Simon's dark skin glistened in the afternoon sun. He was a middle-aged man with a noticeable paunch, and he wore a simple white shirt and khaki pants. Despite his lack of imposing physical stature, there was a quiet authority about him that commanded respect.

Andre went near and whispered in his ears. Seeing a frown forming on Simon's face, Henry tensed even more and even Ethan felt a bit uncomfortable. He had heard a lot about this vigilante and that he was a figure who one could freely talk to. This vigilante group was the biggest and most popular in the city, other groups also operated thanks to their support.

Simon was known for his sense of judgment and Marcus wasn't that popular in the group because of his personality. But what if that was false and he really did shoot them without any talk? That was why he didn't want Henry to come with him but Henry was really stubborn.

Then Ethan and Henry watched in surprise as Simon suddenly slapped Andre's head and pushed him away. "Stop acting like a hotshot, you brat," he scolded. "These two could have introduced themselves."

Andre pouted, but Simon's stern look silenced him. "Stay back," Simon snorted, then added, "For being late, you'll be punished."

The rest of the group sniggered, finding amusement in Andre's imminent punishment.

Ethan and Henry stood silently as Simon turned his attention back to them, his gaze piercing.

"What brings you here?" he asked, his voice low and serious.

Ethan took a few moments before taking a deep breath and speaking. "I was the one who killed Marcus, and I want to replace him in his work. I want to become a vigilante."

The words Ethan spoke seemed to hang in the air, and he felt the weight of the group's judgmental stares upon him. Simon's expression remained unreadable as he considered Ethan's request.

The silence was deafening, and Ethan could almost feel the group's disapproval, their eyes fixed on him as if he were a fool. Yet, despite the overwhelming pressure, no one spoke, and the tension continued to mount as they waited for Simon's response.

"Alright," Simon said. Andre protested, "Leader!"

Simon growled. "Shut up. This is a serious matter."

Simon then barked orders to his men, who quickly scurried off to bring ta tied up man. Henry's heart raced as he watched them approach with the struggling figure, confusion etched on his face. Meanwhile, Ethan tried to keep calm. Simon directed the men to make the man kneel at a distance, then turned to Ethan with a stern expression.

He handed Ethan a gun, and everyone collectively gasped in shock. One of the men even whispered, "What is he doing?" under his breath.

Simon seemed unfazed by their reactions as he continued, "Marcus was our best shooter. If you want to replace him, you'll have to prove yourself. You'll have to shoot that man."

Ethan's hands shook as he hesitated, looking from Simon to the tied up man and back again. The group surrounded Simon protectively, ready to react if Ethan tried anything rash. "Go ahead," Simon urged, his voice cold and commanding. "Prove yourself."


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