Strongest Mystic

Chapter 38 Paranoia

I wasn't able to publish because I had writer block and exams. This chapter is a rough draft, but it's okay, I'll publish the edited version as soon as possible.


After immediately using chronostasis ability, Ethan's eyes widened, taking in the sight of Sam. The monster's face was a grotesque mess, as if it had been peeled off and left to rot. Blood dripped from his red, mad eyes and his mouth hung open, revealing a bloody, decaying mess inside.

Ethan knew that this abomination had to be destroyed, and fast. He scanned the area, searching for anything he could use as a weapon. His eyes settled on a large rock nearby, and he knew he had found his weapon.

Before he could act, however, he carefully set Izora aside, making sure she was safe. Then, with all his strength, he lifted the rock and brought it down on Sam's face, the sickening sound of bones breaking and flesh tearing filling the air.

Sam fell to the ground, blood and brains spilling out of his ruined skull. Ethan quickly backed away, avoiding the splatter of blood and gore. With a final, decisive blow, he crushed Sam's head completely, putting an end to the monster once and for all.

Ethan's body swayed as he supported himself with the nearby tree. He gazed up at the tree canopies that blocked the moonlight, only allowing a little light to enter. Just like these bastards who kept on coming in his way to peace.

Walking back to Izora, he hugged her, taking in her sandalwood scent. His head felt dizzy, his body ached all over... he just wanted to rest.

After the time resumed again, Izora already used to things happening all of a sudden was not surprised that Ethan dealt with Sam, but by how he hugged her... almost desperately.

Izora circled her arms around him and said softly, "Ethan?"

Ethan whispered, "I am tried," his voice expressing much more than just fatigue. Even though Izora didn't know his past, she still felt that he was similar to her.

Izora bit her lips and said, "Mystic control division is coming. We just have to hide for some more time."

Ethan stopped embracing her and sighed, "Those people already found us."

Izora was speechless. After Ethan told her to stay behind him and hide. He also said that she shouldn't look at Sam's state. Looking at his back, Izora felt a sense of sadness wash over her.

She was weak. She couldn't do anything, not in the past, not now. She gazed up at the dense canopies and felt that she was just like these branches and leaves. Entangled and messy.

Ethan hadn't used divine sense instead it was his awakened sixth sense that told him that there were people around him. As such, he couldn't point out, how many, where, and what they were.

If they were like the assassins he fought in the house then he would surely die. He had less than hundred arcane points left and his body was weak. He took a deep breath, trying to keep himself optimistic and jumped up the tree, he'd take advantage of the environment.

Fortunately Chase had also trained in light body movements, and with Hunt's current speed and the blowing wind, he might be able to hide his presence. At least he wouldn't be captured.

He jumped from one branch to another, and observed that he wasn't making that much sound. "Good," Ethan muttered.

He then rushed to the place where he had sensed people. Halfway through, he saw armed people, unlike the goons they were properly dressed with protective gears.

Looking at their movements, it was clear that they were trained. Some distance away from the group where Ethan couldn't see, he heard a female loud and clear voice, "Ethan, you don't have to hide. We are from Mystic Control division. I am Brislane division head, Avery Hebrew."

The armed forces became alert hearing her words as they weren't able to detect where he was. Avery's commanding voice sounded again, "Boys, stand by."

The people immediately and orderly went back. Ethan narrowed his eyes, taking support of the tree, he thought. What should he do now? This could even be a trap for him to lower his guard, after all they had already seen what he could do.

He said out loud, different voice, "How can you prove your identity?" And jumped to a few trees behind him.

Avery said, "Mystic Control Division received a call from Izora Weaver half an hour ago and we got in contact many times. We have already procured the evidence left in the van and safely kept away the bomb. It was all thanks to you that we were able to you that there were no civilian causalities."

Ethan told her to come near and show her face, changing his position once again. Who hadn't seen Avery Hebrew's face? But then he frowned and said, "How will you prove that what I will see is not an illusion?"

The movements ahead stopped and instead of Avery's voice, another female cursed. "Damn, aren't you being too paranoid?"

After a few moments, Avery apologized for her subordinate words and told him that she didn't have any way to prove that it was not an illusion.

She sounded sincere but that just made Ethan even more suspicious. Maybe he was really being paranoid but he had already faced so many unexpected events in such a short period of time.

He bit his lips and changed his plans. Instead of making them approach, he'd go near them. He could use chronostasis and psychic shield one last time. But after that? He didn't know.

Ethan jumped ahead, his legs trembling a little, and said, "Okay, I am trusting you in this." and added under his breath, "please be the real one. Otherwise..."

Just then, Ethan sensed someone running from behind. Turning back he saw, it was Izora. "damn!" He cursed.

She was being sharp so far so he didn't accept she would throw herself in danger like this. But this was understandable, not everyone was as suspicious as Ethan; Izora was also at the end of her string.

He heard her shout, "Ethan, I can see, it's really Miss Avery whom I talked with."

But Ethan didn't move. He focused, his eyes eyes sharp, ready to use chronostasis again.

Just then he felt like his body got electrocuted, and becoming completely stiff, he fell down.

Ethan saw Izora throwing herself towards him and catching him, just before his head could hit the ground. There was a thud and cracking sound. The people in front were now much closer.

But Ethan was speechless as he looked at Izora below him. Her head had collided with a rock. He could smell the disturbing smell of blood.


Izora pulled his head into her bosom and said weakly, "If you can bleed for your loved ones, why can't I?"

This was the last thing Ethan heard before he lost his consciousness.



[Name: Ethan Chase] | [Title: Heir ] | [Level: 25]

[Current State: Paranoid]

『Health: (60/100) [x 3]』

『Arcane Points: (70/100) [x 3]』

『Stress: (300/100)』

『Charm: (100/100)』

『Special Points: 1000』

『Fragments of Obsidian used: (210/??)』


『Strength: 19 (+17.5) [x 3]』|『Agility: 9 (x 3) [x 10]』|『S. Stamina: 20 (+20)』

『Health RR: 4 [x 3]』|『 Arcane RR: 70 (x5) [x 3]』|『IQ: 125 』


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