Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 381.1: Station

Chapter 381.1: Station

Apparently, in the basement of the Explorer Association Headquarters, there is a Teleportation Magic Circles that connects to all over the world.

By borrowing one of them, we teleport to the town closest to Code, then use a carriage that was prepared there to head to Code’s stagecoach station that the Explorer Association has located.

It is rare for the Explorer Association to go to such lengths in their preparation for a request that Hunters received. This stunt also makes it clear that they are just using the Level 9 Certification Exam as a justification for this request.

The Explorer Association did everything they could to prepare, but there are still many things we don’t know. What’s worse is that we know very little about the inside of Code. It cannot be helped that there is no map of the inside, but not knowing anything about the population, culture, or government system is something that would never happen in a normal hunt.

However, how to make up for the lack of information is also where the skill of a Treasure Hunter comes into play. A first-class Hunter must be prepared to deal with any accident that may occur.

After several hours in the carriage, we pass through lush green meadows and enter a barren, desolate area where not a single plant or tree is growing.

Our destination, the station, is located a short distance into the wasteland. Its scale makes it more like a small town than a station, and the sturdy stone walls surrounding the several buildings inside give it an ominous atmosphere.

According to the information gathered by the Explorer Association, this station was built in cooperation between several organizations that reign in the underworld and do not belong to any country. In terms of location, it is located at the very edge of Code’s range of attack and it is apparently the only group that is not attacked by Code, which unconditionally attacks groups above a certain size.

No ID is required to enter the gate. I show my passcard to the few soldiers guarding the entrance and am let in without any problems.

The reason for this lack of check is probably due to the fact that not all the people using the station are friendly towards each other. This is a miraculous buffer zone created by the underworld, which has temporarily joined forces to facilitate transactions with Code.

I see, if it is like this, there is no need to worry about being discovered even if outsiders like us are among them. In fact, the city isn’t even that wary of outsiders. It may sound strange, but there is order here because of the absence of rules.

The first thing that catches my eye after entering the gate is the narrow roads and the closely packed buildings. And then, there are the piercing-eyed people gathered here and there. They range in all ages and genders, but they all share the same imposing aura and are all armed. They are clearly not ordinary people.

The sun has already set. There are street lamps, but the light isn’t very strong, and darkness appears here and there between the buildings, giving the illusion that if you step in, you will never be able to come back.

In contrast to the violent atmosphere that permeates the place, the surroundings are quiet. There are a fair number of people there, but it is as if everyone is holding their breath. The atmosphere alone is similar to that of the Abandoned Metropolitan Area of Zebrudia, but this station is probably even more dangerous than that area.

While I am being swallowed up by the atmosphere, which is more dangerous than I had imagined, Kaiser grabs an armed man walking nearby and starts talking to him.

“Hahahahaha, you there! This is my first time at this station, but it’s really quiet. Everyone is looking at me, but no one is talking to me!” (Kaiser)

I think the reason everyone is looking at you, Kaiser, is because you are dressed in a way that deserves attention, you knooow.

The man, who is suddenly called out by Kaiser, is taken aback for a moment by his momentum, but then he answers in a disciplined manner.

“………… O-Oh. Yeah. Fighting is forbidden here. Even organizations that are usually enemies have to forget their differences here. This place is already within the attack range of Code, so if we cause trouble we might be burned to the ground. You saw it right, not even a single plant grows around here.” (Man)

“Come to think of it, I didn’t see any Monsters either.” (Kaiser)

“I guess they instinctively sense the danger of this place. Only we humans go near Code.” (Man)

The man smiles deeply and says threateningly. Come to think of it, when we were coming here the grassland suddenly turned into a wasteland…… Could that also be the aftermath of Code’s attack?

“Are you going to Code too? We are planning to go there soon――But we haven’t been told anything about Code. If you have any information about the city, please tell us――” (Kaiser)

Says Kaiser while showing off the card. The man’s eyes widen at the metal card.

“No…… I am not going in and I don’t know anything about it. You guys must be really talented to be given the right to go to Code. Although there are more and more of them recently――” (Man)

“Hahahahaha, even if I am like this, I never forget to keep on training. I pride myself on having the strength of a High-level Hunter. By the way, what do you mean there have been more of them recently……?” (Kaiser)

“…… It seems that Code is gathering a large number of people who can fight. Until now, those cards were hardly available in circulation――But recently a considerable number have been issued.” (Man)

I see…… That explains why there are so many people. It is unclear how reliable the information the client brought, but it seems to be true that something happened with Code.

But Kaiser, you, you don’t seem to be intimidated no matter who you are dealing with………… Honestly, that’s so helpful.

There, while Kaiser is having a pleasant conversation with a man from some organization, Saya whispers.

“I looked into it. There are some fairly strong people here, but inside this station――Inside these walls, there is no one who can match us. It would be a different story if there was someone as skilled at disguise as you, though――” (Cry)

………… How did you find that out when you were right next to me the whole time?

The buildings are densely packed together and even if you say inside the walls, it seems like it would be quite a large area…… Not even a first-rate Thief would be able to investigate without properly walking around.

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“………… It is because it is nighttime now.” (Saya)

Says Saya as if she is making an excuse.

Not only could I not see what she had done, I didn’t even realize she was doing anything. I can’t decide if I am terrible at it or if Saya is amazing, but I am sure it is probably both.

And the good news is that there is no one as powerful as Saya or Kaiser. Well, there aren’t usually many bandits that are equivalent to a Level 8!

Kaiser raises his hand and says cheerfully.

“Leader, I’m going to talk with him for a bit. You go and rest first!” (Kaiser)

“I am going to explore this area a bit too. There are some things you can’t understand unless you see them with your own eyes.” (Saya)

Kaiser puts his arm around the armed man’s shoulder and leaves. Saya, unintimidated, also enters the building where an armed group is gathered.

What on earth am I supposed to do, being left alone without any escort――.

Wherever I look to the right or the left, all I see are tough-looking people. It seems like the basic rule is to travel in groups, and every group is looking at me, who has suddenly been left behind. Both Kaiser and Saya are too used to traveling solo. If two people in a Party of three are solo, then the third person will naturally act alone too (Obviously).

………… Well, it seems fighting is not allowed here, so it is still fine.

I have a tendency to get into trouble easily. If I am alone in a place where a lot of people from the underworld hang out, I would usually get into trouble within seconds.

As I sigh, wondering what I should do next, I suddenly hear a low, threatening voice from behind me.

“Oi, Nii-chan.” (?)

“………… Oi, oi, fighting is not allowed here.” (Cry)

I turn around. What I see is a group of five guys standing there, all looking like thugs.

Their slender yet toned bodies bear old scars here and there. All of them carry large, broad swords at their waists. The man in the lead is shorter than me, but his wide eyes are glaring at me rudely, and he seems way too used to intimidating people.

This is what happens as soon as Saya and Kaiser are gone…… Before feeling any fear, disgust comes first.

“………… Who is this? Maybe you got the wrong person?” (Cry)

The short, fierce-looking man standing at the front, likely the leader of the group, smiles threateningly.

And then, he says something outrageous.

“You know. One of my friends says you took care of him, a long time ago. In my family, when someone does something for us, we have to thank them back. 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》, do you remember this guy’s face?” (Leader)

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“Hih………… I-It’s been a while, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. I, never thought, I’d meet you here. S-So, have you finally become, a Red Hunter?” (Man)

A man comes out of the group as if being pushed out, and says in a frightened voice.

He is a man with dark brown hair and eyes with a poor appearance. However, even after hearing his voice and seeing his face like this, I cannot remember him at all.

Thanks for reading! Haha not even 1 second after Cry is alone that someone is trying to pick a fight with him What will happen to this poor soul (Of course I am talking about the Red Hunters)


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