Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 379.2: Level 9 Exam

Chapter 379.2: Level 9 Exam

“I would normally like to say that I should be the Leader, but I will agree with Saya-kun this time. I have no intention of competing with 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》, a Clan Master and Party Leader, called the Divine Strategist. After all, I am a dancer, not a strategist.” (Kaiser)

So Kaiser is a dancer…… Being able to reach Level 8 as a Dancer, Tempest Dancing is really amazing.

However, I don’t want to be expected to be a strategist. The fact that I have managed to continue as a Hunter up until now is nothing but the result of the efforts of my companions. Rather, I am a reverse strategist (?) where everything never goes as planned.

For a while, I wonder whether it is more risky to be the one giving instructions or the one receiving them, but then I let out a small sigh and say.

“Alright. Well, you are all Level 8 Solo Hunters, so I think it is best to let you move freely and only discuss things when we need to coordinate, but for now, let’s just confirm what we are good at. First of all, what can you do, Saya?” (Cry)

It is because if I don’t know who is strong, I can’t assign them as escorts. Saya answers my question immediately, without any sign of hesitation.

“One way or another, I can do everything.” (Saya)

Usually, Treasure Hunters have specific roles to play, but it is scary to think that a girl like this can claim to be able to do anything. ………… No, she is older than Kaiser.

“What about Kaiser?” (Cry)

“Hahaha, if you put it that way, then this 《Celestial Dancer (Hagun Tenbu)》 can do most things too. After all, a Solo Hunter has to do everything! I can even heal! Dancing is what I’m best at, but I’m also proud of my ability as a Healer.” (Kaiser)

Level 8 Hunters, man they are scary………… You are so different from me, who can’t do anything. But the thing you are the best at is dancing, huh………… I like how straightforward you are!

As I am wondering how to respond, Kaiser says with a mischievous smile.

“However, even if it is only temporary, we will form a Party. I’ll tell you as you’re the Leader, even this 《Celestial Dancer (Hagun Tenbu)》 has something it is not good at. And that is――Narrow places. My Tempest Dancing is a vigorous dance…… So if the stage is small, I can’t show my true potential. I’m also not good against robust opponents. On the other hand, what I’m good at is――Annihilating enemies over a wide area.” (Kaiser)

I see………… So he is not good at fighting in narrow places and against robust opponents, huh. And he is good at annihilating enemies over a wide area, hm. Since I am the one who asked, I have no choice but to write down the information in my head.

However, it is a bit surprising to see him reveal his weakness to someone he has just met. Hunters are supposed to hide the cards they have.

Saya then opens her eyes wide, as if startled by what Kaiser has said.

“Leader, there are some things I am not good at too. I am telling you now because it might become a problem when you plan our strategy.” (Saya)

“………… No, I don’t mind…… You don’t have to force yourself to say it……” (Cry)

Treasure Hunters have many enemies. Even if they tell me their weakness, I have no intention of revealing it to anyone, but the possibility of this place being bugged is not zero. Although measures for this kind of thing seem to be in place, there are still many unknown forces in this world. Adler’s 『Mirror of Reality』 is a good example.

Kaiser stares in wonder at Saya.

“So the 『Smooth Smooth (SaraSara)』, which has repelled hordes of Monsters that constantly attacked you, has things it is not good at…… That’s surprising. You didn’t mention anything when we talked together.” (Kaiser)

“Yes, there is. I just didn’t feel the need to say it at that time.” (Saya)

Saya takes a deep breath and speaks as if she has made up her mind.

“What I am not good at is――Mornings and afternoons. My supernatural power can only be activated at night.” (Saya)

I cannot help but widen my eyes at those unbelievable words.

Hunters are people too, they have their strengths and weaknesses, but I have never heard of a Hunter who can only use their powers at night.

I have heard that there are spells whose power changes depending on the time of day they are used, but――How did she reach Level 8 if she can only fight at night? Kaiser must have had the same impression. He frowns and says.

“That’s…… Quite an extreme power. But it is strange…… From what I heard, Saya-kun, you fought the army of Monsters all by yourself for seven days and seven nights――” (Kaiser)

“That’s……………… Not wrong. Your research is quite accurate.” (Saya)

Saya shrugs her shoulders and says as if it is obvious.

“As long as I am using my ability――Night will never end.” (Saya)

She speaks in a casual tone, without any threatening intent. That’s why her words have a strange persuasive power. I have always thought that the burning Baa-san is scary, but Level 8 is full of monsters…… What does it mean that the night never ends?

“Is that why you have the nickname of 《Little Witch (Yaen Saiden)》1………… You sure are going to be reliable. It would be hard to use on a mission like this where standing out would be bad, but I guess I am in the same boat.” (Kaiser)

“”Okaa-san (Adoptive Mother)”――The Branch Manager of Terrace told me not to fight too openly. It scares the people around.” (Saya)

“Hahaha, it is the same for me too. Those with power are expected to exercise restraint.” (Kaiser)

Maybe Luke and the others should learn a little from Kaiser. Maybe these non-combat abilities they have are one of the reasons why Level 8s are selected for this request.

Seeing the two of them like that makes me feel a little better.

It is said that the level of Hunters improved over the years. The quality of Treasure Hunters today is completely different from that of a hundred years ago.

No matter how impregnable Code is, it should be vulnerable to attacks from the inside. Even if we are unable to protect our targets, the royalty, at worst I can let Saya and the Kaiser rampage for seven days and seven nights, and they would probably be less inclined to invade countries, maybe.

Besides, just because the enemy this time is a city doesn’t mean I cannot accomplish my original goal.

There is no doubt that we will be able to enter the city. If we don’t know our way around the city, it would be impossible for us to protect the royalty, and if I am lucky, I would be able to go and buy Relics.

Saya then turns to me and asks.

“By the way――《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. Do you have any weaknesses?” (Saya)

“My weaknesses…… I have many weaknesses, but the biggest one is that no matter what I do, it never goes well. Well, Kaiser and Saya are here this time, so I am not too worried.” (Cry)

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“Hahaha…… 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 You have some nerve, considering you have a 100% success rate when it comes to requests.” (Cry)

Kaiser laughs. He probably thinks it is a joke or something. However, every time, all I can do is pray.

Saya says, sounding a little annoyed.

“However, this is no laughing matter, there are many uncertainties surrounding this time request. The biggest problem is that the client is unknown.” (Saya)

“Seriously. Such a suspicious request would normally be rejected the moment it is brought to them. I can see why the Explorer Association didn’t assign this request to other High-level Hunters as a normal request.” (Kaiser)

This request was apparently placed in a capsule made of an unknown metal and was apparently discovered near the Explorer Association Headquarters.

The capsule contained details about the request and the status of Code, but no information about the sender.

All we know is that the client holds a certain rank in Code.

Proof of this is the pass card to access Code that was enclosed. That corresponds to the limit on the number of people allowed in, but the metal card issued by the city’s system is the only legitimate way to enter Code, and it seems only those with fairly high status in Code have the authority to issue them.

After examining the contents of the capsule, the Explorer Association deemed it to be genuine and decided to accept the request as an urgent one that absolutely could not be allowed to fail.

“But I can understand why they had no choice but to accept it. And why they have to mobilize the few Level 8 Hunters they have. If they had ignored the capsule and Code started to move, who knows how many countries would have been destroyed――And in the last battle with Code, it seems that the client who accompanied the Hunters and helped infiltrate Code never returned. It is the worst disgrace for the Explorer Association. I’m sure they want to redeem themselves for that indelible stain, even if only a little.” (Kaiser)

I understand the logic behind it, but………… It must be terrible for those who get caught up in it.

As I sigh, Kaiser suddenly loses the serious expression he has until now, looks at me, and says with a smile.

“Actually, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. I have one favor to ask, to my new friend.” (Kaiser)

“A favor……?” (Cry)

What is he suddenly saying? As I open my eyes widely, Kaiser says in a light tone.

“What, it’s not that difficult. If this request goes as well as you expect――Could you please introduce this 《Celestial Dance (Hagun Tenbu)》 to “Emperor Radrick (Radrick-Kotei)”? Hunters who normally reach Level 9 may be famous all over the world, but this time we’ll be reaching Level 9 through an irregular test, so could you introduce me to His Majesty, Emperor of a Great Empire, right?” (Kaiser)

“!!” (Cry)

When I hear him say that I cannot help but open my eyes.

………… The person who spoke at the review meeting was the Emperor of Zebrudia, huh. You have to properly state that you are the Emperor or else it is troublesome.

As long as they do their best to complete the request, there is no problem with introducing him.

I am not that close to him either and I don’t know how I can introduce him, but I have Franz-san.

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“That’s easy…………………… As a bonus, how about I include the Princess of Yggdra as well? If you perform well, that is.” (Cry)

“!! That’s enough reward to get a Level 8 to move, my friend.” (Kaiser)

If you keep calling me your friend, I guess you can say that we are best friends now, right? It is a little strange, but it is a lot better than with that burning Baa-san, right?

Maybe inspired by Kaiser, Saya also looks intently at me and says.

“I………… Once this quest is completed successfully, I would like you to introduce me to your Party Members. I am interested in the Party Members of a Level 8.” (Saya)

“………… Okay, okay, I will introduce you. It looks like it will be pretty tough this time, so if you do well, that’s fine. Maybe Saya will become good friends with my Imouto.” (Cry)

They both seem like similar types…… No, maybe she could become friends with Liz and the others. Everyone loves strong Hunters, after all……

“!! That is…… The best reward possible for making this 《Little Witch (Yaen Saiden)》 move.” (Saya)

Saya’s calm demeanor changes dramatically and she eagerly speaks.

《Little Witch (Yaen Saiden)》, you are so cheap!! If I just have to introduce my Party Members, I will introduce you to as many as you want, so I would like you to be my escort.

“……………… Should I also include the Princess of Yggdra as a bonus?” (Cry)

“I don’t need that.” (Saya)

Serene…… You poor thing.

Oooh well. At any rate, it is a stroke of luck that I am able to get to know my companions before starting the request. How will they overcome the difficulty of infiltrating this Code? Let me see with my own eyes the power of a Level 8 from another country.

Do your best, do your best!!

Thanks for reading! Haha, funny how Cry is selling out Serene to Kaiser and Saya. The Emperor of Zebrudia and the Princess of Yggdra is just a bargain chip for Cry, sasuga Cry!

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  1. Yaen means Night Banquet or Night Feast and Saiden means Sanctuary.


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