Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 378.2: Review Board ②

Chapter 378.2: Review Board ②

I, Kaiser Sigurd, am confident in my own achievements and abilities, but I never thought I could complete all requests.

While some Hunters can be all-rounders in any situation, I am not that type of Hunter.

This is why I never neglect to conduct prior research.

I leave the conference room together with 《Little Witch (Yaen Saiden)》. Saya doesn’t complain at all, even at my sudden invitation.

Saya is supposed to be a different type of Hunter than me, but it seems she hasn’t been a Hunter for long for nothing.

Saya’s base of operations――Terrace, is an area known for its particularly powerful Monsters and Phantoms. And 《Little Witch (Yaen Saiden)》, who is recognized there as a Level 8, is undoubtedly a Hunter specialized in combat.

I enter the room next to the conference room and check the surroundings for presence. After making sure that no one is monitoring the room, I speak to Saya who is silent.

“Saya-kun, what do you think of this request?” (Kaiser)

“…… I don’t know yet. But judging from the reaction of the Explorer Association, I don’t think the chances of success are very high.” (Saya)

After all, Saya has the same impression as mine after hearing the chairman, huh.

I completely agree. That’s why I need to discuss it with Saya.

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“Considering you are supposed to be the strongest Hunter in Terrace, bravo for that judgment. I completely agree. And it seems like the Explorer Association has received a pretty nasty request, too.” (Kaiser)

The chairman hasn’t said anything yet, but several things can be inferred from the conversation.

“We can’t be away for too long, so I’ll just briefly tell you what I thought after listening to them.” (Kaiser)

I organize my thoughts as I speak.

“My guess is that this request would be difficult even for multiple Level 8 Hunters. If it’s difficult even for multiple Level 8 Hunters, it should be difficult even for a Level 9 Hunter. It is because the difference between Levels 8 and 9 is only basically a difference in trust. And the Explorer Association doesn’t want to lose out on Levels 9s and 10s――Or they think that no one would take it, so they decided to prepare a reward for succeeding called Level 9 Certification.” (Kaiser)

Saya listens in silence. Let’s leave aside my emotions and pride. There isn’t much time left.

We must decide on a course of action before the 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 begins to move.

“Because of the limited number of people, they have to send in Red Hunters, which would normally be impossible. Considering the other constraints――This exam is a very special request. Especially when it is set in Code――Anyone who knows even a little about that city would avoid accepting the request. At the very least, I wouldn’t accept it.” (Kaiser)

Code is a highly mobile fortress city, a city that has benefited from an Advanced Physical Civilization.

I know very little about the city. That’s because Code is cut off from the rest of the world.

All we know is that Code has a more powerful military than any other country currently in existence.

And――That the entire city is incompatible with human society.

Apparently, it was originally part of a Treasure Shrine of an Advanced Physical Civilization. Code was born when an unknown device was activated there.

The one who activated the city became king, and together with his allies, used the power of the weapons installed in the city to burn down the surrounding countries, unifying the countries by force.

Countries within striking distance of the city were defeated one-sidedly. Neither the official armies of each country nor the Treasure Hunters were able to stop this barbarism. That is how superior Code’s weapons were.

There is no branch of the Explorer Association in Code. It is because they don’t need one.

Code does not interact with other countries. It is because they can just steal it from them.

“As far as I can remember, no requests related to Code have ever been issued before. Probably because it’s too dangerous. Something must have changed since it’s a Level 9 Certification Exam. Considering that they are trying to gather multiple Level 8s, it seems that――Code will be the enemy in this exam. How dare they say that it is a feat worthy of a Level 9…… And besides, fighting countries isn’t an activity Hunters do.” (Kaiser)

The review process, which is the biggest hurdle in reaching Level 9, will be relaxed. I have been prepared for this to some extent, but this is unexpected.

Saya blinks her eyes and asks.

“Didn’t you save 15 countries?” (Saya)

“That’s true. However, there is a huge difference in military strength. The country I saved had no enemies for my Tempest Dancing. Hunters have their strengths and weaknesses. Saya-kun, I’ll especially tell you something now――The weakness of my Tempest Dancing is that………… Its power is modest. It has no problem against humans, but it can’t take down dragons. My true nature is unmistakably that of a dancer, not a warrior.” (Kaiser)

Still, if the enemies had average abilities, it wouldn’t be a problem. As a Hunter, I have also defeated Monsters and Phantoms.

But it is doubtful how far I can go against the pinnacle of Advanced Physical Civilization, the mechanized soldiers, who will no doubt be present. Modern civilization has yet to recreate mechanized soldiers with their thin yet strong armor. Enemies with strong defenses are my worst enemies.

“Saya-kun, are you confident that the 《Little Witch (Yaen Saiden)》 will be victorious against Code, which has burned countries to the ground and repelled countless High-level Hunters? I saw it, the moment the chairman mentioned Code’s name, the expression of your Branch Manager twisting in rage. That was anger towards the Explorer Association for not informing her of the details of the request beforehand.” (Kaiser)

Perhaps if we had known the contents of the exam, neither Saya nor I would have come here. This time, I came here after telling my Branch Manager that I wanted to take the Level 9 Certification Exam, but if the contents of the exam had been known in advance, it is highly likely I would have been turned down at that point.

To Branch Managers, outstanding Hunters of their branch are treasures. More so if it is someone they had personally managed, how much care would they have for them.

I sigh and confess to Saya.

“I’ll be honest with you. If I was the only one taking the exam, I would have given up on reaching Level 9 and gone home. Even if it had been just Saya and me, I think there’s a good chance I would have refused. It is pathetic to refuse after being so bold, but there’s nothing more annoying than accepting a request that you’re not confident you can complete. The risk is just too high.” (Kaiser)

Level 8 is the realm of heroes. The requests given to them are also dangerous, requiring urgency and certainty. It will not end well if you accept a request and then say you can’t do it.

“However, there is just one problem this time. The 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 who originally hasn’t applied for Level 9 is now enthusiastic about it after hearing about Code’s name.” (Kaiser)

《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. The youngest certified Level 8 in Zebrudia, which is known as the sacred land for Treasure Hunters.

The standards for Level Certification for Treasure Hunters are not necessarily uniform.

There is a supply and demand for Treasure Hunters. The smaller the total number of Hunters and the fewer the number of High-level Hunters in an area, the lower the hurdle for becoming a Certified High-level Hunter.

The Empire of Zebrudia is a large country. The number of Treasure Hunters is also far greater than in the place where I am based.

In such a fierce Treasure Hunters battleground, to be recognized as the youngest Level 8, beating out many talented rivals, is by no means an easy feat. Moreover, 《Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)》 achievements have already put him close to reaching Level 9. He is different from Saya and me, who are unlikely to reach Level 9 anytime soon if our application is not approved this time.

Saya frowns and says to me.

“………… He doesn’t seem like such an amazing person.” (Saya)

“As I said at the cafe, it’s foolish to judge someone by their appearance. His percentage of requests fulfilled is 100%. 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》, the Divine Strategist that makes plans that are almost like he is predicting the future. He has successfully combined information obtained from his own information network to carry out many ingenious plans that ordinary people would never think of and it is said that he has earned the trust of Zebrudia, the great nation of Hunters. Believe it or not, but the man named Radrick who corrected the information I gave earlier is Radrick Atrum Zebrudia――The current Emperor of Zebrudia.” (Kaiser)

“!?” (Saya)

I at least know the names of the emperors of the major countries. Even if I didn’t, the people called for this Level 9 prerequisite review are all key figures from each country. Such a person went out of his way to refute what I said in that situation. What can be the meaning of what he did?

“This is just my imagination, but――Right now, we are at a crossroads in our lives. We must decide whether to accept this extremely dangerous request or not.” (Kaiser)

The world is a big place. 《Celestial Dancer (Hagun Tenbu)》 and 《Little Witch (Yaen Saiden)》 are not that well known among Level 8 Hunters. But this time we have made our name known.

“Of course, at this stage, the decision as to whether or not to accept the request is up to us. But if, hypothetically, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 was to accept the request we turned down and resolve it――Then his ranking as a Hunter within the Explorer Association would be confirmed. He would be at the top, and we would be at the bottom.” (Kaiser)

“…………” (Saya)

“A meritocracy system is cruel. Needless to say, he is not at fault. However, just as there are Hunters who have become number 2 in our city because of our existence, the existence of 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 has made us pathetic Hunters who have ignored a request received by a younger Hunter under the pretext of considering the risks. And there is no doubt that this fact will affect our Level 9 review from next year onwards.” (Kaiser)

“……………… That is the worst.” (Saya)

Saya spits out those words. Where was her irritation really directed at? But at least it is not against 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》.

What is clear is that both Saya and I are determined to reach Level 9.

No way Level 8 is where I end. I would rather take risks and aim for victory than be defeated without a fight.

From the slight change in her expression, I can tell that Saya is thinking the same thing, so I breathe a sigh of relief in my heart.

“《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》  will probably, lead the Red Hunters prepared by the Explorer Association to tackle this request if we don’t accept. I don’t know if the Red Hunters would be able to fight Code, but if that were to happen, it would be an unbearable humiliation. I wouldn’t be able to face my friends back home who are waiting for the good news on my Level 9 Certification.” (Kaiser)

“…… I agree on that.” (Saya)

“I’m going to take this exam. Saya-kun, I ask you because the more participants there are, the higher the chance of winning. The matchup is a bad one, but we have a chance of winning. 《Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)》 achievements are genuine and he is probably the type of person who is more powerful the more companions he has. You might be surprised, but――He is still in a Party.” (Kaiser)

“He is…… Still in a Party?” (Saya)

Saya is amazed. I am a solo Hunter. Saya is probably a solo as well. The percentage of solo Hunters at Level 8 and above is extremely high.

The road to Level 8 is not something that anyone with average ability can manage.

It can be said that it is a rare phenomenon that he is still part of a Party when he has enough talent to be the youngest person in the Imperial Capital to be certified as Level 8.

“If Saya and I work together, I’m sure that 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 will lead the request to a success. There’s a lot we can learn as Level 8s working together. This is a trial, but it can also be seen as an opportunity. If we can complete the request, Level 9 is within our sights.” (Kaiser)

So…… What will you do, Saya-kun?

“…………” (Saya)

As I stare at her, Saya shrugs her shoulders slightly, but there is a small smile on her face.

Her irises, which were jet-black, are now tinged with a faint red. It is as if to show the power hidden within her.

The sixth sense I have developed as a Hunter alerted me to be on guard. She indeed has supernatural abilities. Saya slowly opens her lips.

“………… Kaiser, I never said I wasn’t keen on taking the test in the first place. I don’t think my powers will not work on Code, and――I am interested in fighting together. As I…… Have never been invited to join a Party before.” (Saya)

Even though most Level 8 Hunters are solo hunters, many have joined a Party in the past. Simply because it takes time for even the most talented Hunter to gain strength――That is until the gap in strength between them and the rest of the group becomes fatal.

A Hunter who has never joined a party. It is easy to understand what that implies.

《Little Witch (Yaen Saiden)》 ………… Maybe I am really lucky.

Saya says with a *kusukusu* chuckles to me as I stay silent.

“Besides, Kaiser, there’s one thing you haven’t mentioned. That is what would happen if only 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 accepts the request and fails. In that case, wouldn’t our decision to retreat be considered the correct one?” (Saya)

“Hahahahahaha, this is a matter of course, that’s why I didn’t say it. Because I want to think it is impossible for only 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 to take the exam. I hate to lose, you know. Even if I lose in terms of achievements, I don’t want to lose in terms of hunting spirit.” (Kaiser)

§ § §

I wait for a few minutes in the unbearable atmosphere. Kaiser and Saya, who left without me, came back. I am also Level 8 in case you are wondering…… So why was I left out? Maybe they thought that I would not be someone that is useful. They are right. Then there is nothing I can do about that!

Kaiser glances at me for a moment as he stands next to me and then speaks to the chairman with a dignified attitude.

“I’ve spoken with Saya. I have to say that even with the power of this 《Celestial Dancer (Hagun Tenbu)》, the exam is a very risky one, but I can’t leave it to Red Hunters. Tell me the details. This request that’s plaguing the Explorer Association, we will resolve it together, the three of us!” (Kaiser)

!? I haven’t said that I would take it yet…… But maybe he could tell that I was thinking that if the Kaiser and the others were there, then it might be okay to take it?

No, it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing, I wasn’t serious, you know…… Even I know that I will just be getting in Kaiser and Saya’s way, so I have no intention of accompanying them.

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“Wait a minute, I never said I was going to take the exam……” (Cry)

I raise my hand to argue, but Kaiser *kirari* flashes his teeth and says.

“Fuh……《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》, I know what you are thinking. I understand that you and I are different types of Hunters. I also understand what we are good at. Don’t worry, although we are at the same Level――We have no intention of getting in your way. Besides, our strength should rival that of the other members of your Party. We are still Level 8 after all.” (Kaiser)

You know what I am thinking? You understand that we are different types of Hunters? Could it be that this 《Celestial Dancer (Hagun Tenbu)》 has even seen through the fact that I am the type of Hunter who relies too much on my childhood friend?

And since he is on par with my Party Members………… Does that mean instead of Liz and the others, he will resolve the case? No, no, no, that is ridiculous――.

While I am confused and unable to understand the true meaning of what Kaiser said, the chairman speaks in a stern voice.

“Very well, 《Celestial Dancer (Hagun Tenbu)》, 《Little Witch (Yaen Saiden)》, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. If you, the Level 8 Hunters the Explorer Association is proud of, say that much, then I will――Entrust this request to you. We don’t have much time――At least, that is, the best we can do at the moment. So, let’s take a vote. If there are no objections――We will begin the Level 9 Certification Exam.” (Chairman)

The chairman looks around to confirm, but no one seems to have any particular objections.

I thought they would conduct a more thorough review, but is the request really that urgent?

Unfortunately, I seem to be the only one confused by this situation. Both Kaiser and Saya look at the chairman with serious expressions.

7 out of 10 I still don’t want to take the exam, but it seems like I can’t refuse anymore……………… Oh well, let’s look on the bright side. With two Level 8s on my side, being able to tour a city of an Advanced Physical Civilization under their protection wouldn’t be a bad idea. Probably, definitely, most likely.

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As I am talking to myself, the chairman sighs once and says in a serious voice.

“First, I must tell you about the place where this request will take place. Code, the highly mobile fortress city――This is not much public information, but if you are a Level 8 Hunters, you have probably heard of it. The feud between Code, the highly mobile fortress city, and the Explorer Association began the moment the city was first activated. And since then the Explorer Association has fought Code twice so far――And has effectively been defeated by it.” (Chairman)

Hmmmm………… Huh?

Thanks for reading! Let’s gooooo Strange Grief Anime will aired in October 2024!!!!! Just hoping the story not gonna be extra compress if it is a 1 cour and hoping that we will be able show Cry’s being our kami!

Well back to the chapter. Love Kaiser’s point of view on Cry and how Cry think that this request will be a walk in the park as there is 2 Levels 8 while Kaiser thinks that’s gonna be the hardest request he has ever taken

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