Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 91,Part1: 1 - Strange Grief Want to Retire ③

Chapter91,Part1: 1 - Strange Grief Want to Retire ③

Chapter 91 Strange Grief Want to Retire ③

Part 1

Most of the things in this world is made up of things that I can’t do anything about it.

The reason why I succeeded to get to a Certification Level as high as 8 was because my companions has worked very hard.

It is already out of proportion with the status and power I have. It is also difficult to meet their expectations and demands.

So, from now on, I think I will continue to rely on my companion including Liz, Sytry or maybe Ark.

The only thing I can do is to work hard for my friends who come back from the battlefield.

I will prepare herbal tea and chocolate.

I bought a cake from a famous wester confectionery shop and even set up some candle. I am also cooling a good champagne that seems to be delicious.

My tension rises up and I started to decorate the Clan Master room. Eva stupefied looks at me.

“How about hanging a banner for Ark saying, welcome back?”

“… I think you should stop fooling around… As expect even Ark-san’s magnanimous heart isn’t infinite, you know?”

“No, it is infinite.”

And also, I am not fooling around. I just want to convey my sincerity. I just want to convey my passion for masks to him.

And if possible, I want him to sell it to me at a bargain price. I would be happy if he could sell it to me for about one million Gils. If that is the case, it wouldn’t be a problem if I borrow it from the Clan’s operating funds. Is it impossible?

“I know, not only tea, if I also prepare a potion effective for mental fatigue…”

“… Did you ask him to do a task so complex?”

Ark hasn’t come back after a while.

éclair-jou likes Ark. It shouldn’t have been a request with a heavy burden or maybe the Gladys family has just given them a warm reception.

Everything would be wasted if they don’t come back today. Aside from champagne and chocolate, cakes have a short expiration date. I even put on candles. I completely didn’t think this through.

“They are late… Ark-san should have been able to handle most things though.”

“Weeell, sometimes this kind of thing happens.”

Eva’s expression who just finished preparing everything got cloudy a little.

It is no wonder, I made a pointless request out of nowhere while she was busy. I apologize for the inconvenience I am always causing.

Since the decoration are completed, I have nothing to do so I restarted to assemble the puzzle again.

Why did I buy a fully white puzzle…? That was another one of my thoughtlessness actions. Aren’t I badass?

It is frustrating because I have to check every single piece one at a time. Is this really a piece of this puzzle?

“… Ano… Should I help you?”

“No, it is fine.”

As expect even I can do a puzzle by myself. This isn’t something meaningful enough to ask for help from Eva who is so busy.

When I face the puzzle as a way to escape from reality, Liz and Sytry came back after heading off to get some money.

When she completely ignores the rules and opens the door, she looks at the Clan Master room which looks different from the usual and have stars in her eyes.

“I am back, Cry-chan! Eh? What? A party?”

“That was fast. I am waiting for Ark to come back. It is because I made a request a bit cumbersome.”

“We are back, Cry-san. … Ah, it is the same as usual then.”

What is the same as usual?

After Sytry comes in, she tries to put a rather large bad on the desk but sees the puzzle on it, so she put it on the floor. There are noises of metal bumping against each other.

She said our money issues so I was wandering if they would head to a Shrine again, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.

Sytry reports while smiling.

“I have succeeded to earn one hundred and ten million Gils! Now, you can recoup the money on Lucia-chan’s account!”

“Eh!? … How did you do it?”

My monetary concept is almost numbed, but one hundred and ten million Gils are a lot of money. It is very helpful that I can recoup the money, but it isn’t an amount you can get by going out on a walk.

Sytry and Liz quickly answer my question as if they were competing to get the credit.

“There is no problem. We properly did this while following all the rules. At the end, there is no one who is unhappy.”

“We properly gave a lesson to those countryside bumpkins who dared to fight with us! It took longer than expected but it was perfect! Geez, when you come to the Imperial Capital, you have to make sure to come and greet Cry-chan!”

“Un, un, you are right!”

They are really exhilarated. One is still fine but if both of them are like that, I don’t feel like I can deal with them.

I wait a few moments for them to settle down and ask again.

“And in a nutshell?”

“I sold them a potion I made against drunkenness, so they don’t get a hungover for one hundred and ten million Gils! It seems that even though he is Level 7, he underrated the strengthening of his immune resistance.”

“No matter how high his Level is, he is after all a countryside bumpkin. I also want to be Level 7 but to be a Level 7 in the countryside is kind of… Nee, nee, Cry-chan isn’t there another way?”

A hungover potion for one hundred and ten million Gil… Is it a legitimate business?

I am not sure but some of the extremely effective potion are sold at an incredibly high price, well if it is a special product made by Sytry, it may not be an impossible story.

I wonder if I should become an Alchemist and start selling hangover potion…

“And at the same time, I withdrew the request for a Thunder Dragon. Looks like the other Party doesn’t intend to receive it… Thunder Dragons are always expensive, so there isn’t any problem, right?”

“Ah, there was something like that. Well, chicken taste better so I don’t mind.”

It was unexpected that Eva gave them that request. Certainly, as Sytry said, chicken taste better so there is no problem.

It is scary how my memories changed my perception. Perhaps there was a reason why it tasted so good when I ate it at the Shrines.

Sytry rides on the subject and put her hands together.

“So, as I thought, so I request them to hunt a “Big Chicken (Kyo Niwatori)” instead. If they deliver it, I will cook it again!”

“I said, you bastards are chicken so go hunt some chicken!”

Isn’t Big Chicken usually sold at the butchers… It lives in the wild, but it should have been a request for a Level 1 Hunter to make some pocket money.

I can feel various emotion in me, but it seems troublesome, so I just stopped talking and just smile.

There is nothing more to say at this point with Liz’s warlike declaration.

“Aaah… It was really fun. It is a pity that I couldn’t check how strong a Level 7 from the Mist country is, but this is nice sometimes. And I can hit him whenever I want too.”

Liz satisfied makes a big back stretch. Her exposed tanned and supple skin stretch accordingly. Somehow her behavior reminds me of a cat.

I couldn’t read what the situation was, but as I agree with the principle of growing when you are complimented, I praised her for now.

“You didn’t hit them… Great, great.”

“I would have hit them if Syt didn’t do something unwanted though…”

“I see… Sytry, great, great.”

I am worried if Liz is alone, but I am relieved that Sytry becomes her brakes when they are together. To my casual praise, Sytry shyly puts her hand on her cheeks.

However, to think that my worries about my debt to Lucia disappear without me doing anything…

I can feel that the situation is turning on my favor. Is it god?

“Somehow, I feel like this, so I think I will stay at Cry-chan’s place today.”

“You are troubling Cry-san. Come on, we are going home, Onee-chan! I will let you stay at my place!”

Liz is surely in a really good mood. She is laughing with a glossy look but Sytry is pulling her away.

It is good that they get along so well. If you have any tips, I would love to hear more from you.


My favorite Ark came back only late at night.

When I was doing a puzzle with Eva who finished her work for today, I hear some loud noise from downstairs.

It is very rare for Ark to break the entrance forbidden rules. The door opens widely in from of me and Eva who are raising our head.

When I see their appearance when they enter, I unintentionally open my eyes.

Ark is in tatter. His hair which is always groomed is messed up, his clothe are all loose as if he just returns from the battlefield and he is bleeding.

Even his expression is harsh. When he looks over the room with his sharp eyes, he immediately blinked at the decorated Clan Master room.

In return, I quickly take action and pop a party cracker I have prepared.

Eva follows after me in a panicked manner. Ark looks like a pigeon being hit by a bean gun. The Party Members who come in from behind are also in tatter and stupefy like Ark is.

I don’t know what happened but apparently something huger than what I had imagined happened.

There is an idiom saying that truth is stranger than fiction. My brain is only melted crap and I am so unlucky, so I was used to unexpected accidents.

This is the first time that Ark is in tatters, but I know how to deal with it.

When I stood up, I use one of my few special moves in front of Ark who is looking at me with his confused eyes… I release my Sliding Dogeza.

Since there was a carpet, I slip badly and made one full flip before returning to my dogeza posture. If you want to score point on a range of one hundred, I think I would have scored one hundred and twenty point.

“I am really sorryyyyyyyyyy!”


I bow my head while being satisfied with the success of my dogeza. I don’t know if it was my fault if an accident occurred but, in such case, it is better if I bow my head. If it is here, then there is no one else other than Eva.

Ark says nothing. I fully rotate my brain while feeling his line of sight above my head.

What could have happened for Ark to end up in tatter when he is called the strongest in the Imperial Capital?

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Haha Cry didn’t you know you are the godfather in the Hunter business? That’s why you can escape even if you sell a hangover potion for 110 million gils XD

And a sliding roling dogeza looks like your skills are growing XD

And I think it would be so funny if Ark did realize that you just slipped and said nothing XD

Tchao à plus!

Ano: Excuse me or well

Nee, nee: Japanese for hey

Great: Here it is “Erai” like how you compliment a cat or a kid for doing something good.


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