Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 90,Part1: 1 - Puzzle

Chapter90,Part1: 1 - Puzzle

Chapter 90 Puzzle

Part 1

I positioned myself to be ready to jump at them at any time and observe the two persons who are wearing a creepy mask.

Is the motif a skeleton? The mask which is black, completely hide their face and you can’t even see their pair of eyes.

It isn’t a mask that any decent human would wear. Would people wear it if they are a member of a magic organization or a sect that follow the teaching of evil gods? Or is it mean to hide their identity?

The behavior of the two people sitting on their chair isn’t frightened at all.

On one side… The person called “Absolute Shadow” throws both of her feet on the table as if she was in her own room. And Sytry the one who previously came with “Infinite Variety” to negotiate, is stretching her back and sitting properly but isn’t showing any sign of being nervous.

This place is supposed to be enemy territory for the two of them but is this what it means to be a proud thieves?

On our side we have the advantage in terms of number. However, contrary to my companion who have an indecisive attitude, those two looks like they still have their composure.

Hay yells from the back of his voice.

“You, you bastards were a Red Party!?”

“… What do you mean by your share?”

There was no information about “Strange Grief” being a Red Party.

However, the appearance of those two people show that they are very used to it.

Are they erasing all the witnesses? Or is “Strange Grief’s” reputation allowing them to do small tyranny over this city?

If the opponents are just thugs or prowlers, then it would be easy to get rid of them, but the opponents are also Hunters that has absorbed Mana Material and strengthened themselves. Moreover, the certification level of the party which they belong to is higher than “Fallen Mist (Thunder Dragon’s Mist)”, they are Level 8. There are only two opponents, but the situation is bad to start a fight.

Arnold and his friends drank a lot of alcohol. It isn’t enough to rendering them unable to fight but they can’t fight like they would in their usual state.

Perhaps Sytry’s red Arnold’s thought, she calmly a slowly says.

“Please don’t take this posture, Arnold-san. Our Leader wants to solve this problem with a peaceful solution. And this wouldn’t be a bad story for “Fallen Mist (Thunder Dragon’s Mist)””

“Syt, you are too sweet. Because these guys were so slow, they bothered Liz-chan and her friends, so we have to do it properly…”

She strongly hit her foot on the table once while that mask is still facing Arnold.

Her murderous intention is comparable to the time when they were facing a Phantom, it is stronger than any Red Party Arnold and his friends had destroyed.

Her power level is probably comparable to Arnold who has a Level 7 Certification Level. It is a difficult opponent for Arnold who wears equipment that emphasizes destructive power by handling a large sword.

I don’t know the ability of Sytry who is next to her but if I assume that it is equivalent to Liz then the best course of action I should take is to obstruct them and run to the Knights Order who are maintaining the security in the city.

However, if I escape without fighting, it will hinder our future activities.

With Liz whose mood is to end them as quick as possible, Sytry touches Liz’s shoulder with a troubled look. Liz makes a small click with her tongue and remove her foots on the table.

Apparently, they didn’t come here for a fight.

Arnold and his friends are standing still, Sytry shrugs her small shoulders and starts talking.

“What I mean by share is ours from the auction. Arnold-san, the price of the relic you sold out jumped up because of Cry-san plans. We also have the right to get a part of the money.”

Hay who is standing behind me, argues while having his dagger pointing at them.

“… There is nothing to talk about. We have certainly sold it at an unexpected price but that isn’t your achievement. The one who brought back the Relic is us. But that was probably the result of the thoughtlessness of your Leader.”

“In the first place, Cry-san didn’t participate in the mask auction. If you look it up, you will know it immediately.”

“…… What did you say?”

Arnold opens his eyes to those unexpected words.

They are wearing a mask, so I don’t know their expression. But Sytry’s voice is laughing.

“The merchants, nobles and Hunters were all made to dance by the rumors Cry-san created. Didn’t you notice it?”

I didn’t notice it. I certainly didn’t notice it.

No lies were found in Cry’s appearance when he tried to negotiate. Facial expression. Tone of voice. His trivial behavior and astonished expression he showed when the noble raised her voice were real.

With an unbelievable expression, I look at the mask in front of me.

If all that flow was a bluff, then Infinite Variety is craftier than Arnold had thought

“…… That’s unbelievable. Why the hell would he do that…”

“That is a secret. However, I thought that Arnold-san and the other should have thought of this… Impossible, it is like a dream that such an unwanted Relic we found would have been worth more than one hundred million Gils, right?”

I remember the contents of our conversation in the bar previously. Indeed, we were wondering it.

It was impossible to appraise it and that creepy mask of flesh was sold for two hundred million Gils, it shouldn’t be possible considering Arnold common sense.

If everything was the result of someone manipulating behind the scenes, then it could explain this.

“Thanks to you, we have also achieved our purpose. Thank you very much.”

Sytry makes a small bow but… After that she continues.

“Even if you weren’t informed about it, Arnold-san and the others got more than what they normally should have got. We are Hunters too, so we can’t let you believe that we have lost to you. What I mean by share… Is as I have just explained.”

Her voice is calm but the strength behind it makes it hard to oppose.

It is a story hard to agree with. Even if we believe the story of “Infinite Variety’s” tactics being true, Arnold and his friends don’t have to hand over their share of money.

However, by doing this, there is a high chance that the negotiation would be shelved away.

In one moment, I consider all the advantages and the disadvantage from this situation.

This time auction, the one who lost was the noble. It would be a hassle if the real price of the product gets discovered.

Even if Arnold and his friends insist on knowing nothing, if they are being stared at by a powerful nobleman, their future activities as Hunters may be affected.

Obviously, this isn’t legal, but it is too heavy to face against a Hunter who can manipulating information good enough to turn a garbage into a product costing hundreds of million in just a few days.

It would be another story in the Mist country, but Arnold and his friends have few allies in this Imperial Capital.

Hay who understands the situation looks up at Arnold with anxiety. The other Members are also pale as if their previous good mood were a lie.

“…… Are you planning on taking everything?”

“Didn’t we say that it is our legitimate share. In the first place, the Imperial Capital is Liz-chan and her friends’ territory. Hmmh? You requested Liz-chan to drink with you, you made Liz-chan wait for so long and all we are asking is only two hundred million, you know? Think yourself as being lucky, or I will kill you.”

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Hahaha! Their share is all the money! They are certainly the ruthless! Asking for interest even though a few days just pasted XD

But it’s okay even if they refused because Liz just want to crush them and take the money XD

Thank you again Eric for your big coffee! I will translate an extra part for next Wednesday.

Tchao à plus!

Proud/fierce thief (盗っ人猛々しい): Looks like a Japanese idiom, probably being a thief but not being afraid when they got caught on the act or telling everyone that they are thieves.


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