Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 72,Part2: 2 - Money Issues ②

Chapter72,Part2: 2 - Money Issues ②

Chapter 72 Money Issues ②

Part 2

That “Infinite Variety” is running around asking money without caring as if there was no tomorrow.

That information quickly became known throughout the whole Clan.

The exchange was made in front of the Clan House entrance. There were many Clan Members but there were also many outsiders. There is no way that the top two of the Clan discussing together wasn’t going to go unnoticed.

It is an open secret that “Infinite Variety” have a large collection of Relics. Originally, Hunters hides their tricks but Infinite Variety collecting Relics was too important to be kept hidden.

You only see a few people who actually collect them, but it seems that he collects rare Relics, expensive Relics and even some cursed one which are too dangerous to be handle by ordinary Hunters. There are even rumors that the Relics used by “Strange Grief” Members comes from his defective Relics of his collection.

To Hunter, debt should be avoided like taboo. And if you borrow from another party, the most precious thing for a Hunter, his 『Trust』 could be ruined.

A Relic collector who is also a Level 8 Hunter want to get a Relic to the point of making debts.

What kind of power does it have? The effects are unknown… But it seems to be a dangerous Relic.

There is no doubt that it is a rare Relic that rarely appears. Maybe it could even be considered as a 『Trump Card』 for a Level 8 Hunter.

Rumors calls rumors. Initially, the rumor of the famous Zebrudia Auction who was starting soon was the focus of attention for many merchants, Hunters and nobles in the Imperial Capital.

A Powerful Relics is something that everyone wants to get their hands on it. For Treasure Hunter, it is for their hunt. For noble, it is for their authority. And for merchant, it is to have a trump card for their business.

What kind of power does that Relic have?

Those who doesn’t have money dreams and speculate about its power, those who have money want to get the Relics whatever the cost.

Merchants think. The opponent is Level 8, but he is after all just a Hunter. There should be a limit to the funds that he can collect.

Hunters think. Perhaps with that Relics, it may be possible to significantly raise your Certification Level.

Nobles think. If we have that Relics, can we prevent them from succeeding. Is it possible to greatly improve the war potential we possess?

After all, it is just a rumor. But it was a rumor that was too wonderful to be consider as just a mundane rumor.


“Arnold-san, looks like the auction will have a dangerous Relics appearing.”

Inside a bar. Hay tells Arnold, next to him with an exciting tone and shining eyes.

There were a lot of Hunters full of spirit and lively gathered in the tavern. The 『Fallen Mist (Thunder Dragon’s Mist) 』 who came from outside has also complete blended in.

Their exploration was doing well. Even if he was certified in the countryside, Arnold is still a Level 7. Among the Hunters who overflow in the Imperial Capital, he is in the top.

They got a rough start in their first tavern but after that Arnold and his friends haven’t seen any Hunters comparable to them.

Slamming the mug of ale on the table, Arnold asks.

“Hoo…? What kind of thing is it?”

“There aren’t any precise details… However, it is a Relic that makes a Level 8 Hunter going everywhere looking for money monger.”

“Level 8, eh…”

“Uh! I am sorry.”

When Arnold scratches his head Hay hurriedly apologizes.

The wound he got at that tavern has already healed. There isn’t any pain. But after that day, Arnold got the habit of scratching his head.

His body has healed. But his soul hasn’t forgotten about the humiliation he suffered.

Arnold speaks loudly without saying anything about his apology.

“Fallen Mist’s” savings can’t afford it.

The currency is different between the Mist Country and the Empire. On the long journey from Nebranubes, Arnold converted most of their money into goods. A Relic that even a High-Level Hunter is willing to borrow to get it, it isn’t totally impossible, but we shouldn’t try to get it.

Well, even if we have the money for it, instead on spending a lot of money on a strange Relic because another High-Level Hunter wants it, we should get one we decided on having.

Hay who is in charge of the party funding would probably have the same idea.

“Tsk. It is a good story for the country’s economy. … By the way, Hay. What happened to that Relic we asked to be appraised?”

“Argh. It looks like it will take a little more time to be appraise because his hands are full for the auction.”

“… I see.”

Arnold frown when he recalls the creepy Relic they found in the Shrine near Nebranubes.

It was a disgusting mask, as if it was made with raw meat.

The feeling of raw meat was giving them goosebumps, even to Hunters like Arnold and his friends who were used to the feeling of blood and flesh. It is a daunting Relics that after returning to the city, they asked themselves why they brought it back with them and started to regret it.

Nebranubes’ appraiser refused to appraise it, so they took it with them to find another appraiser.

It is probably not worth the effort. From its appearance, there is also the possibility that it is a Relic that gives the user some demerit.

For the time being, we asked for an appraisal and if it is not worth anything, we will request him to dispose of it.

“It would be nice if it could at least cover a drinking bill. Because it won’t be free if he returns it to us.”

To the word coming from Hay heart, Arnold groans instead of agreeing.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

That just show how a Level 8 Hunter words can make thing move. And cry is doing everything without him knowing this XD

He just inadvertently creates new rivals for the mask, better buy it quickly, but wait, is the owner… Arnold… XD

Did Infinite Variety plan everything from his encounter in the bar to now? XD

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