Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 7: Beyond Expectations

Chapter?7: Beyond?Expectations

Chapter 7

Beyond Expectations

“Eh? Ark isn’t here? Why not?”

“He was invited by a noble to capture『Prism Garden』a while ago... he won’t be back for some time.”

“Ah- I see. That’s some bad timing.”

While she was looking at some documents, Eva answered back without raising her head.

The party Ark leads – “Arch Brave” is popular in the Capital.

The leader is handsome and gentle mannered, a hunter with the uncommon trait of magnanimity. To top it off he is nonsensically strong.

It was a matter of course that nobles wanting to form connections would call on him.

I should have expected it this time in particular, since they had just cleared a shrine of high difficulty.

It’s probably more lucky that he hadn’t left until this morning.

But the timing is bad. I thought I could just choose whatever request and toss it over to Ark.

Ark works diligently, but being so busy has its own drawbacks. “Shouldn’t it be ok if you just go Cry-san?”


Are you telling me to go die?

There are people that look at Shrines sweetly, particularly non-hunters. If you ask me, their outlook is way too sugar coated.

There are no problems when an ordinary person only enters level 1 rated shrines, it’s only after that where things become more devilish. If an ordinary person enters a higher ranked shrine they will likely die, it’s that sort of world.

The main thing, is that I have already half retreated from the front. “You see, I don’t really hunt anymore, so I’ve become quite weak now.” “You’ve been skipping too many duties.”

Hunters are strong. The circumstances are different. One of the reasons they are powerful, is because of the accumulation of Mana Material.

Shrines are densely filled with Mana Material.

Hunters that capture them are exposed to strong concentrations of Mana Material, and by absorbing it they receive power that deviates from the normal human existence.

Through this method, hunters that enter higher level shrines have continuously increasing power. However, Mana Material does not subside inside the human body for long.

Although it differs from person to person, if you stay in a city that has low concentration like mine, the power accumulated in your body will be gone in the blink of an eye, and then you will return to being an ordinary person. This is the main reason why hunters that often capture Shrines are stronger than regular military soldiers.

Even when I was at my best my abilities were weak, compared to a year ago I am much weaker after avoiding the front lines.

A Shrine of Level 3 wouldn’t pose a challenge to the clan members, but for me who grows at one thousandth the rate of others, it was impossible.

Plus I had no motivation to do so.

If it was me that had to undertake the request, I would have rejected it no matter what. That’s right though. Even without Ark here, I still have Footprints.

“Well- all right. I’ll go look in the lounge to try and find someone that seems free.” “...Forcing urgent requests onto other people, that’s not right.”

Eva frowns as she looks at me with accusatory eyes. In my defence ‘Good jobs are done by the right people’, it’s something like that right.


On the second floor of Clan headquarters there is a lounge.

It’s a room with a high ceiling and sunshine that flows through a large window which brightens up the spacious interior.

Large tables are in place to fit each party down to the number of their members, and alongside a wall there is a bar counter.

Besides being used for meetings, the bar counter serves simple meals and drinks free of charge. Members will often gather together to relax in their free time.

In any case it was money collected from everyone, so I couldn’t just put it in my wallet. With the intention that it would all be used up I entrusted everything to Eva.

Nowadays it’s become our clan’s number one selling point. I’m not sure how it worked out like that.

I took a look around our prided lounge, but soon had a frown on my face. “...How rare. No ones here.”

“Master! Good morning. Today again, it’s your real face isn’t it... what happened to that『Mask』?”

“It broke.”

It’s daytime but only Tino’s here. Whats the matter with the other guys? I approach the sad sight of Tino sitting alone with an open book.

It had been her that was the ringleader of yesterdays partial pub destruction, but there was no sign of worry in her expression.

“Master, I think your regular face is much better than that weird mask you wear.”

“If you had told me you thought the mask looked better, I wouldn’t have been able to take the hit.”

Up until a week ago I had been concealing my face with a special Relic.

『Rebirth Face』 (Kanji – changing/diverting human face). A mask of flesh that can freely change at will.

Some Hunters can’t help but make their faces known to everyone, but I’m the exact opposite type.

But, the Relics already gone. It broke unfortunately.

I didn’t have a back up. Relics are created spontaneously, so unusual items are hard to find and sell at extremely high prices.

Incidentally, a Relic that can hide your identity up to a certain level of perception ability is infringing on several Empire laws. It’s something you would have to stumble upon with good luck in a Shrine, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to obtain one.

Now that it’s like this, I won’t be able to easily go outside. I want to throw up.

Tino nervously checked her surroundings, then with the aura of a lost puppy she spoke up.

“Master... Have you heard from Onee-sama?”

“If it’s about Liz and the others, they’re at a Shrine. It’s the Level 8 『Fortress』. This time they were real enthusiastic about getting somewhere deep and bringing something back. I have a feeling they’ll be there a while.”

It’s that bad timing again. If even one of them were here I could toss them the Punishment game.

And I’m not able to just wait for them to come back either.

To my words, Tino blinked several times and showed an odd expression, but soon she was smiling again and had thrust out her hand.

“That reminds me, Master. Look, I got it.” “...urk...”

In a flaunting manner, Tino unveiled something flickering in the palm of her left hand. A recognisable ring Relic was there.

I had unconsciously let out a weird noise.

Unexpected. Certainly Tino Shade had achieved remarkable growth, but she was still developing. In that place there had been several monsters that were stronger.

She had finished that boy Gilbert off with a surprise attack, so I could see how she had snatched the ring. But Tino didn’t have the level of power necessary to defend the ring to the last.

But then, the result was in front of my eyes... So it’s like that. While I wasn’t watching the sweet little sister grew up into a splendid monster.

“I don’t care about that lame person’s party, but letting Masters ring fall into the hands of some mere scoundrel is unthinkable.”

“No, it’s just a common bullet finger.”

『Shot Ring』is a Relic that lets you shoot magic bullets.

Rings are the type of Relic that are found most often, so they are also the Relic of least value.

That big sword of Gilbert’s was probably priced higher. The fact that Tino looked so delighted made me feel guilty.

“Going to that place, it was worth it. It was an interesting event, even that lame guy said so.”

“Hey Tino, it’s Ark.”

“Master... Will you really give this, to me?”

“I won’t tell a lie. Take it take it, I feel a little sorry for you though.” “Yes.”

While we are on the topic of Relics, ability and price can also be ranked. The amount of hunters that can make use of shot rings are limited.

Tino also shouldn’t have any use for it, but she let out a small cheer of joy and started whirling around without a care in the world. This girl is easily pleased. Tears were coming out.

...I only have Tino left here, but will she really be ok?

The request’s shrine level is 3. Tino is level 4, so she could probably come along. “Tino, are you free right now?”


Tino came to a instant stop, and her eyes widened slowly. From the start, she’s a solo hunter. Her time should be flexible.

Although they are called Hunters, they really don’t have much time outside of hunting.

Stacking on training is necessary to always be at top performance. And to capture a Shrine relatively safely, you need to spend time gathering information beforehand.

A clan can support you to some extent, but since they can die if they are negligent, most hunters keep themselves busy.

Even more so for someone that is solo, they needed to be absolutely prepared.

However, to my words Tino immediately gave a smile that lit up her whole face, a rare sight.

“I’m free! Maybe the most free I’ve ever been in my whole life! Because, Master I’ve been waiting on you!”

When I had inquired from her teacher, I had heard that a horridly severe curriculum had been put together for her.

But, to be free to that extent...

Without any reservations, I pushed the punishment game I received from Gark-san onto Tino.

“Great. Work came in from the Explorers. I’ll leave it to you.” “......Eh”

Tino had an expression like she’d swallowed something bad.


“Master, I’ve just received the number one shock of my life. My maidens heart was shred to pieces. I never thought Master was the type of person who would do such a cruel thing. I’ve been deceived.”

“I didn’t trick, and I didn’t deceive.” “You raised me up just to drop me.” “I didn’t drop, and I didn’t raise.”

Tino hasn’t even done anything yet, but she’s lost all motivation. She had lifeless eyes.

She was laying her face on the table side on as she looked at me with bitter eyes.

In that posture she spoke without hiding her non-existent motivation unashamedly.

“If I can be honest, I had thought that with Master, we were going to go eat ice cream together.”

Tino is extremely weak to sweet foods. Someday I think someone will take advantage of that nature of hers.

“Your teacher said that you shouldn’t eat too many sweets.”

“That was a ruse. Onee-sama, she just doesn’t like Master going on dates when she isn’t around.”

Dates she says. If the teacher’s the teacher, the pupil’s the pupil.

Perhaps she thought the times I had asked her to escort me, was as companions. I might have made a mistake.

I’ve known her since around the time I became a hunter. In terms of how easy she is to manage, it’s about the same as my friends and Ark.

Her appearance scores high points in adorability. When she gives me a tough attitude, it’s hard for me to ask for her help.

Tino was drained of all energy, without hesitation I pushed the file towards her. “Here you go, Tino-? I’ve got a fun fun job see, isn’t that great?”

“Master, to you, am I just a convenient woman?”

“It seems like our pure Tino has been tainted by some guy.” It went in a strange direction.

“Master, it was you. You did it.”

Tino listlessly started reading the document. And after being silent for a while, she grumbled.

“This seems like a record-breaking level of shit request, Master.” “Yeah, I know.”

“Reward, time required, request contents, shrine difficulty, it’s completely without any good points. Who would take on something like this?”

“Yeah, I know.”

“...It’s almost like a punishment game.” “Yeah, it is.”


That’s why it flowed over here. That son of a bitch Gark used us in place of a garbage dump.

If there wasn’t any underlings I could coax with some lip service, then I would have refused. It’s been this way in all time periods and everywhere, things trickle down to those in weaker positions.

Tino was moving around restlessly, she spoke with a terribly reluctant expression.

“Master, I’m still just level 4. I’m a beginner. Even though I really truly want to be of help to Master, this time I will show some restraint. ...It’s impossible to rescue 5 people solo.”


“......I remembered some things I need to do.”

Tino got up with vigour. Before I could blink, she had started running.

As expected, she’s a thief. I stared in wonder as she disappeared from the lounge. The request paper was left behind on the table.

An enchanting style of getaway.

Hey wait, did that ‘I’ll defend it to the last’ Tino actually just snatch the ring and then run away?

Surely because of all the severe training assignments from Liz she’s learned how to run away well.

Hmm, now that I think about it, I can feel some affinity welling up.

I silently unfastened the two meter long chains that hung from my belt, and put them on the table.

Glittering slender silver chains, even without me touching them they squirmed in a snakelike fashion, making a jingling sound.

They are beasts. While they are chains, they are also 『Loyal beasts』. Tireless, without hunger, and most importantly oath sworn fangless dogs. Therefore they are called 『Dogs Chain』.

In the period of ancient time of which there are few written accounts remaining,

there was a household that used chains.

Trained in special arts, the chains would squirm without touch. Each held a mysterious power, and they were used to support their way of life.

Now all that remains of that time is legend, but among the Relics that appear in shrines『Chain types』are popular. Most likely they are the heritage of a ruined civilisation.

The chains rise up and for an instant, they take the form of a miniature dog.

I motioned with my chin, and it’s current form was lost as it left the lounge in snake like movements.

Translator Notes

-Tino is easily pleased by the ring – this hurt to read, he calls her a ‘cheap child’ in japanese T-T

-Convenient woman: In English this is sexual. But in Japanese it’s more someone that will listen to whatever even with one sided feelings. In the most positive interpretation a convenient woman would be one thats always willing to help out. Think Yun Yun from Konosuba, really nice, completely taken advantage of, and thrown away when finished with. She is just used out of convenience and not genuine friendship.

This chapter was rushed a little. May have some errors. I’ll be taking a break tomorrow, so no release.


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