Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 62: Feast

Chapter 62: Feast

Chapter 62 Feast

Zebrudia has many stores for Treasure Hunters.

For example, training center. Weapon shop and armor shop. Stores which sell various support items for Shrine exploration, an information seller store specializing in information about Phantom and monster. There are also stores that rent excellent Hunters as temporary member in a party. And some stores specialize in buying and selling Relics.

Among them, the one we have the most are 『Taverns』 in Zebrudia.

All Treasure Hunters love alcohol.

Most of the parties who finish capturing a life-threatening Shrine, have a party in their favorite bar and praise each other accomplishments, praising their good luck that allowed them to survive together.

And they wash away their fear, excitement and exaltation with food and drink.

Compare to regular citizen, Hunters eat a lot. Of course, it is the case for close-combat warrior who move their body a lot such as Swordsmen and Thief. But it is the case even for the rear guard, such as Mage and Healer. And that will serve as their fuel for tomorrow.

The amount of food and drink they spend on are far higher than an average person. Most of the Hunters are rude so there are several taverns dedicated to Hunters in the Imperial Capital.

It is a place where you can drink alcohol as much as filling a bathtub, they place importance on the quantity rather than the quality. Do you know how much I am talking about when their drinks come out in a barrel?

I took Sytry and Liz (and Tino with her wobbling legs) to my favorite tavern… We are in the 『Golden Chicken Pavilion』.

The Golden Pavilion is a tavern for Hunters operating in the Imperial Capital. The specialties differ depending on the name of the restaurant but today I felt like eating chickens. Liz prefer quantity rather than the taste, and Sytry let me pick, so, it is always my role to decide which place to go.

When I open the large double door which even giant Hunters can enter, a strong odor of alcohol surround and welcomes us.

Perhaps they finished exploring a Shrine early, the hustle and bustle of Hunters fills the spacious room. When I entered this world for the first time, the anger and the laughter of a light drinker made me terrified but I am already used to listening it.

A big man who fell down on the floor because he drank too much is being kicked to a corner by a robust female Hunter. The giant man who had rolled down to the wall begins to snore loudly without him noticing that he had being kicked.

Each Hunters weapon leaning against their table indicate that it is a Tavern for Hunters. Some of them still have blood stains on it. If they were fighting against Phantom their blood will disappear, so it is probably the trace of cutting a monster.

The Feast of Heroes. From this tavern I can see the scene, I pictured when I was longing for Hunters long ago.

The weak are weed out and only the strong and survivor are praised. It is a place I will never get in without Liz and Sytry.

“I take the seat next to Cry-chan! Syt, you are next to me. You will slip something in if you are on the other side of Cry-chan.”

When we reach the innermost round table, Liz take the seats on my right… and sit on the aisle side and threaten in an excitingly good mood.

There are often six people in a party. The tables in the tavern are lined up and designed so six people can sit comfortably. Liz is as always, a little too close.

Usually, I don’t mind because I have Anthem and Luke but I bought three pretty girls (In appearance only) with me, so I am attracting a lot of attention. I hope Liz-chan doesn’t go wild.

“……. This isn’t really bothering me. It doesn’t matter but… Shouldn’t you put Ti-chan right next to you? She is still, at least, your disciple, and I also have something I want to talk about with Cry-san.”

To Liz who is intimidating with her glaring eyes, Sytry is smiling without shrinking, I grab Tino’s arm who doesn’t have her strength and was swaying (already washed in the water).

Tino’s body tremble from the surprise. She is like a frighten small animal.

The appearance has changed from her previous short which exposed her thigh to a half pants that are longer and covering up to her knees. Although the clothed area has increased, it may not be effective as a countermeasure against Sytry.

Her Teacher looks at her frightened disciple with her line of sight and without concern about her condition, says.

“Hmm… Aah…… It is okay. Ti doesn’t need a seat because she will help with serving. Bring the food and sake I command! For the time being, Golden Ale. Take ten mugs, okay? Extra fast, please!”

She is too pitiful. As expect, I say something.

I was already full of regret. No matter if she is her disciple, she is still a full-fledged Hunter. And if she is on Sytry’s side, she wouldn’t rest.

Please don’t bully our mascot, please.

“Tino, my left seat is open so sit there.”

“Eh! Is… Is it fine!?”

After Tino stops for a moment, she smiles likes a blooming flower.

At that time, I noticed.

Is this possible… what you called a flower in both hand?

I always thought about Ark who is always in a Harem state with only girls with him, but this is amazing… There is no sense of superiority at all. Let’s apologize next time.

Liz and Sytry are… A thorny flower and a poisonous flower who glare at each other. And Tino is… a pitiful flower who look at them.

“…Tsk. … If Cry-chan says so. Ti, if you embarrass me, I will kill you.”

“…… Ti-chan. Cry-san sometimes has a bad habit so even though you washed yourself, if you get to close, he will rub that places again. Shouldn’t you leave one or two empty seats?”

Liz threatens and Sytry keeps smiling and says something terribly evil. In Sytry’s mind, what kind of person am I?

When Tino was about to come to my left side, I stretched my back and sit in a good manner. Probably because of Sytry’s previous savage action, her neck is still dyed in red.

Not as much as Sytry but she is pretty cute. When you are dealing with our member (Well, there are many good things about Liz and Sytry.), you will need more healing. Of course, my hand doesn’t crawl under her leg. I am solid as a rock.

Drinks are brought in.

On Liz, Sytry and Tino’s oversized mugs are the specialty of this store, the Golden Ale. For me, I have an amber liquid in my mug… It is a special tea with a whiskey-like color.

The liquor for Hunters is several times more expensive than ordinary alcohol. If you are going out with a High-Level Hunter, no matter how many livers you have, you won’t have enough.

I lift my mug. Sytry and Liz smiles and raise theirs, and Tino nervously raises hers.

“Well, it is a little early but to celebrate the safe return of Liz and Sytry from the 【Night Palace (Myriad Demon Castle) 】.

… Kanpai!

The mugs collide with each other and make a beautiful sound. The feast has begun.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading this small chapter.

This chapter was pretty short so there isn’t a second part.

If you saw Danmachi it is the same scene when Loki familia goes to a tavern to celebrate the return of their expedition.

This chapter was all about explaining taverns dedicated to hunter, next chapter will be about them feasting.

Oh and looks like Tsukikage-sensei made a spinoff of this series with Cry opening a bar/restaurant. There is 4 chapter right now so maybe one day I will translate those!

Tchao à plus!

Kanpai: Means cheers you know when you do a toast .


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