Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 52,Part1: 1 - The Worst of the Worst

Chapter52,Part1: 1 - The Worst of the Worst

Chapter 52 The Worst of the Worst

Part 1

In a backstreet of the Imperial Capital. In one of the hideouts in the Abandoned Metropolitan Area, Noto Cochlear scratched his head.

A few days after the research facility has been exposed and suffering a crushing defeat against “Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)”, there was still no sign of his boiling anger weakening.


The 『Tower of Akasha (Akasha No To)』 is an infamous Magic organization. The organization seeks the truth while using any means necessary even if it means going against ethics.

He can understand that they have many enemies. If it was a group of Hunter or the Empire’s Knights who attacked Noto and the others, then in that case even if they were captured, he wouldn’t have been so annoyed.

But that wasn’t even a fight.

If he closes his eyes, he can relive the scene vividly.

In the eyes of the one called “Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)”, Noto and the others weren’t even considered enemies. Moreover, he took Noto and the others for a fool by insulting them of being『Sand Rabbit Researchers』.

For someone who looks down on others but has almost never been looked down, like Noto, those words were unbearable.

The disciples uneasily look at Noto, who can’t hide his annoyance.

Until now, those Magi who have ignored all ethics to do research have now been frightened by only one Hunter.

All their prided magical attack has been invalidated, moreover, they have been crushed by a Hunter, who didn’t possess any staff, in one shot by his magical attack. It can’t be helped if they were anxious.

Magi are people who have a high resistance to magical attacks. This was because of the powerful magical power hidden inside their body that is causing a strong resistance to magical attacks. As a Magi of the 『Tower of Akasha (Akasha no To)』, their resistance has reached a level where they don’t get any damage by ordinary magic.

However, “Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)” spell, which was cast without chanting, has enough power to suppress all the disciples and Noto in a single blow.

If Noto and the others weren’t Magi, they would have been crushed to death by that blow.

Up until now, there hasn’t been any information about “Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)” being a Magi. They can’t deny that they weren’t on their guard. However, even considering all that, it was clear that this man possess Magic which was as powerful as a Magi from Akasha.

“Should we leave the Imperial Capital?” (Disciple)

“You bastard… Are you telling me to turn tail and run away!?” (Noto)

“N… No, but…” (Disciple)

I yelled at the disciple who weakly said that.

There was no way I would run away. Even if I can’t win against him, I will make him pay. Us being quiet for a few days wasn’t just for us to run away and hide.

Noto is a Magi. Fighting to the death for his pride wasn’t something he was going to say. However, running away now was too pathetic.

The research was doing well.

Their existence has been revealed to the Empire, but they are perfectly covered. Akasha is a big organization. They even have a collaborator in the upper class of the Empire.

”Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)”… That man suddenly attacked Noto and the others as if he was a natural disaster. If he didn’t exist, they would still have a chance to win.

No… Even if we leave the country, we can’t leave “Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)” on his own device.

“There must be something… Also, Sophia will be back soon.” (Noto)

His best disciple, who asked for a leave, had left them a valuable communication stone in case of an emergency.

Despite being talented, it hurt Noto’s pride to ask for his disciple’s help, but it was unavoidable as it was a crisis for the sustainability of their research.

I don’t know where she is right now, but she responded that she was coming back right now.

The research facility outside has been crushed but that was not the only war potential Noto possesses. If Sofia returns, our strength will be enough.

“Bu… But no matter how strong Sofia is…” (Disciple)

“Shut it. What we should think right now is… Let’s see…” (Noto)

After taking a deep breath, Noto looked at the faces of all the disciples gathered in the room.

As “Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)” let Noto and all the others go, there was no one missing. The wound received because of the gravity magic “Pressure” has been completely healed over the last few days.

It was something to be happy about for Noto and the others, but this was why a big question remain.

What was “Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)” purpose?

If it were to stop the research, the was no need to spare Noto and the others’ lives.

Some members are working in the Imperial Capital but the ones with Noto at that time were the core researcher. If all of them was captured at that time, then the near-complete research would have been put to a stop.

He must have another purpose to show himself in front of Noto and the others. Berating them was probably not his purpose. I don’t think a certified Level 8 Hunter will do anything purposelessly.

To warn us and drive us out of the Imperial Capital? But that was not a reason to not capture us.

Or else… He was aiming for the destruction of the whole “Tower of Akasha (Akasha no To)” and not just Noto?

At such thoughts, Noto smiled.

The “Tower of Akasha (Akasha no To)” is a huge organization. Members were spread all over the world. Noto who was infamous in the Zebrudia Imperial Capital was just one member. They weren’t an enemy a Hunter can handle by himself. Noto couldn’t see the whole picture drawn by him.

If he didn’t capture Noto and the others, he wouldn’t be able to grasp where the others research facilities were located.

“… Well whatever. What I should do now is to remove the pest inside the organization.” (Noto)

“!? Do you mean…” (Disciple)

Noto turned his dark and cloudy eyes to the agitated disciple.

“Unfortunately, … It seems there is a traitor among us.” (Noto)

“Wha!?” (Disciple)

As his eyes darken as if it became the abyss, the disciples took a deep breath.

Noto stood up and slowly approached his disciples.

All of them are talented Magi who studied together. Although they were ambitious, more than that they desire knowledge, Noto would have never thought of a traitor if this never happened.

“I will at least ask this… Among you, is there anyone that has leaked information?” (Noto)

“This is impossible… We are in this all together! Teach…” (Disciple)

The second best disciple refutes Noto’s word.

Noto was also thinking like that. Noto and the other researches were unacceptable in every country. Therefore, everyone here has dirtied their hand, let it be a little or a lot. If you are not suicidal, no one will leak any information to the outside.

However, the reality is that information has leaked.

“The localization of the laboratory has been leaked. The monster created by our experimentation was destroyed. Even today, it seems “Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)” went to the store upstairs. No matter how strong he is, he is still a human. I can only think that he has an informant on the inside.” (Noto)

To his words full of logic, the disciple wasn’t able to say a word.

Akasha’s cover-up was perfect. It had almost been a decade that no one was able to discover them.

No matter if the Hunter was a Level 8, I don’t think he can find us so easily.

Most of all, when I asked why “Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)” know the name of the Golem, he answered like this.

… A friend told me. Was what he said.

TL notes:

Thank you for reading this!

I always get some problem with the narration but this time it was particularly hard sometimes it’s 3rd person sometimes it is 1st person so complicated. But well as long as you can understand it is fine right?

So, the ice cream store was indeed a hideout of the Tower of Akasha. XD

And he went there to buy Ice cream and discover the enemy hideout.

He needs no insider to find you, just his appetite, wait doesn’t that mean the one who found them is not Cry but Eva. She is in fact the hidden boss. XD

See you in part 2

Tchao à plus!


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