Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 47: Level 8

Chapter?47: Level?8

Chapter 47

Level 8

The sand golem slowly changed it’s stance, and faced our way.

It’s imposing appearance armed with a sword and shield looked like some kind of god of death.

Apparently the sand golem phantom that was famous for being a small fry, gained considerable power when it became a boss.

If the huge body only fell over I would be crushed flat. The 『Safe Ring』 wasn’t


...Why do these things always happen to me.

Before falling into despair, I first felt worn out. When I thought about it, since becoming a hunter I had only gone through bad experiences.

When I went to go view cherry blossoms, I thought I would die when a shrine suddenly appeared.

Well due to some pollen I immediately fainted, and by the time I woke up everything was already over.

The golem raised it’s sword in a casual motion. The jet black sword covered the moon.

And like that, it swung the sword down into the ground as if to intimidate.

Fierce wind pressure assailed me and Liz. A thunderous roar as if the whole world was collapsing was thrown against my body.

I accidentally activated one 『Safe Ring』 even though I wasn’t hit by anything.


I should have only come here after asking a trader to charge the Night Hiker and it was finished.

Because it was a simple shrine, and since Liz was also here I had gotten careless.

Liz frowned and held over her ears. She was in front of me, and even though she received the impact directly her stance was unswayed.

She was grumbling.

“...Tch. The output is high... I won’t be able to take any hits. A new model? It isn’t a phantom... 『Akasha』 huh. A troublesome thing as usual.”

What’s Akasha? Is it the name of the golem?

The huge column raised it’s arms to it’s head, and it’s legs bent. At the human like actions, I reflexively took a step back.

And all of a sudden – the sky darkened.

The giant golem made a huge jump, completely blocking out the moon. It was nimble contrary to it’s slow witted looking silhouette.

While I was astonished, the golem landed at a place ten meters in front of me.

It was like a meteorite had come down. My consciousness was paralysed by the impact of a monster suddenly appearing before my eyes.

I felt like patting myself on the back for still being able to remain standing.

Beneath the moonlight, it’s imposing appearance became clear. It’s whole body was covered in what looked like metal armour. At a glance, instead of a golem it looked like a heavily armed knight.

The only difference was it’s size. Large compared to a woman with a small build like Liz, it had a physique around twice the size of a man like myself.

I had seen golems several times before, but this was my first time seeing one so gigantic.

The sword was black with a sinister red design running along the edge.

The face of the shield was polished into a mirror, and it was large enough to cover the majority of it’s huge body.

The golem looked even stronger. Was there some kind of rule recently where phantoms had to wear armour?

The head had nothing resembling eyes. No, it’s body didn’t have any organs like those of a living creature.

I knew with the wolf knights that you could aim for the eyes, but this monster seemed to have no weak points.

Well, even if I knew them I couldn’t do anything about it.

I have no choice but to ask for the opinion of Liz-san the expert.

Liz was really uplifted at the appearance of a monster that could never have been predicted.

Whether the enemy is a human, an insect, or a golem it’s all irrelevant. She spoke to me in a voice that was a semitone higher than usual.

“Hey Cry-chan. Do you really want Tee to do this?”

She was a strict teacher. Disregarding normal Treasure Hunters, that was probably asking the impossible.

No, this would probably be difficult even for Liz.

The moment I started to say that, the golem standing upright leaned slightly. The high sound of metal being struck sounded, and I saw Tino land at the gap between it’s feet.

Apparently she kicked it from behind. So aggressive.

The golem turned as if in an annoyed gesture. Tino spoke in a weeping voice that seemed like it could fade away at any moment.

“Master... it’s impossible.” “...Yeah, that’s right.”

This wasn’t even a challenge was it...

The golem turned and mowed it’s sword down into the ground. The pressure from the sword gouged a hole in the ground, and Tino who jumped away to avoid the slash was blown away bouncing on the ground.

It wouldn’t be odd if you were cut right in half if you took that strike. For an instant my breath stopped at the sight, but apparently it wasn’t a fatal blow and she got back up straight away.

“Hm hm, I see...”

I nodded in a dignified fashion. I did understand but... it looked like it’s appearance wasn’t merely for show.

Large, fast, and heavy. It wasn’t a phantom that would appear in a Level 1 shrine. Let’s follow the rules properly.

The golem didn’t seem to show much interest in Tino, and it turned in order to pursue us.

Liz didn’t take the golem out of her sight, and spoke shortly.

“Should I do it? Or does Cry-chan want to?”

What’s with those hellish options?

Well no, I wanted to do it but I was worried about Tino! There was no helping it. “I’ll take Tino and escape, so you do it.”

The movement of the golem was definitely fast, but such a large thing could never keep up with Liz. If it was just Liz on her own, she could escape easily.

At my shameful words, Liz gave a small smile. Seeing it after a long time, it was an expression she often had when we explored shrines together.

And without hesitation, Liz flung herself at the monster much larger than herself.


The golem with a giant shield at the ready stepped back as if overwhelmed. Without actually seeing it, it was hard to believe a girl less than half it’s height could accomplish it.

Successive sounds resounded in the night sky as if a jack hammer was being used. The true origin of the sound were kicks. A shield that covered the whole body of the huge golem. Liz’s kicks continuously drilled into it. No voice was let out, but it’s feelings were transmitted from the way it was standing.

Sounds so fierce they made me worry about activating a Safe Ring.

Each blow was so powerful that they didn’t seem like kicks. It was simply monstrous. But the sand golem that could receive the strikes of a hunter that could capture a level 8 shrine was just as monstrous.

I mean looking closely, it’s like metal. Since it wasn’t sand anymore it couldn’t really be called a sand golem...

The broad, slightly curved shield had incredible hardness.

It was only natural something made of metal couldn’t be broken by kicks, but the limits of Liz’s physical strength were no longer in that realm.

It wouldn’t be odd for a regular shield to be destroyed by now, so it wasn’t strange for it’s defences to struggle.

However, the movements of the sand golem didn’t stop. Perhaps experienced in receiving blows, while being kicked it swung down the sword in it’s right hand. The blade that had the power to make the ground tremble fell right over Liz’s position, and shook the sky.

The sword bored deep into the earth, and the ground quaked. An angry shout came from behind the sand golem.

“Hey, Tee. Get out of here! Don’t keep Cry-chan waiting!” “Y-Yes. Onee-sama!”

When did she get behind it?

I didn’t even notice watching from a distance, so from the sand golem’s perspective it would have been as if it’s target jusy vanished.

As expected, Liz’s speed was overwhelming. With this, she’d manage somehow right?

Tino ran across the ground. The sand golem didn’t pay her any attention. It remained with it’s back to Liz without turning.

It’s head was turned towards me, the one person who wasn’t doing anything.

A momentary flash of light was emitted by it’s feet. For an instant, my vision was dyed white.

Terrific heat was slammed against my body. With my vision white, I heard Tino shriek.

I only noticed I was attacked after my vision returned to black.

The golem had moved back as if shaken. I could see the area around my feet glowing red.

Apparently I had suddenly been directly hit by heat rays or something. And my safe ring defended me.

Sand golems were crazy these days... they also had long range attacks. Wasn’t it supposed to be a small fry? Before and even now, if I made one mistake I would be dead.

For some reason the golem didn’t fire a second attack. It had just gone rigid. Like it was surprised I was safe after receiving the heat rays defencelessly.

Of course a phantom golem shouldn’t have any emotions so it was all my imagination.

A dull sound echoed, and the golem knelt. Liz had kicked it from behind.

“There’s no way something like heat rays are going to work on Cry-chan! This shitty small fry! He surpassed attacks by magic long ago!”

Is that right? I surpassed attacks by magic? ...It was the first I was hearing of it.

With loud metallic sounds, the body of the golem clattered as it twitched.

It had put it’s hands on the ground to get itself back up, but it couldn’t rise. Liz’s kicks wouldn’t allow it.

There was more force used than when she had been kicking the shield. I guess she couldn’t restrain her anger after seeing I had been attacked.

If she could, I wish she would do so before I was attacked, but there was no such luxuries.

I mean, wasn’t this a little bad? That golem wasn’t damaged at all. A sturdy phantom was Liz’s natural enemy.

Her way of fighting – or rather, the thieves style was to lead enemies by the nose with quick attacks and agile movement, striking at vital areas.

Liz was absurdly strong, but this opponent was without vital points so her affinity with it was bad.

Being able to kick it into the ground was incredible, but the situation was poor. Golems didn’t appear to feel pain or fatigue, so defeating it without taking damage didn’t seem possible.

While being attacked from behind, it raised the sword in it’s right hand high. And then swung it down towards me.

The distance between me and the golem was about ten meters. No matter how I thought about it, there was no way it could reach.

As I was being careless, the tip of the sword struck beyond it’s original reach.

That guy threw it’s sword. The moment I understood that, my 『Safe Ring』deflected the huge sword away. Wasn’t it’s accuracy way too good?

My eyes were submerged in almost total darkness. Now as I was prepared for death, my heart beat like an alarm. Even if I knew I was protected, there was no way to get used to the verge of death.

Now I had 『died』 twice.

The deflected sword rolled several times on the ground raising a cloud of dust. Concealing my shaking arms and legs, I folded my arms and gave a nihilistic smile imitating Liz.

“There’s no way this kind of physical attack is going to work. I’m level eight you know? It’s not even worth avoiding.”

Well, I can’t do anything either though... Was that hard boiled?

The movement of the golem stopped a second time. No way, was it at a level where it could feel nervous? I feel like golems had really progressed lately.

The number of remaining safe rings was four. I needed to escape without receiving any further attacks. ...My legs wouldn’t move.


With good timing, Tino leaped over panting for breath.

Even though she crossed in front of the golems line of sight she wasn’t attacked, was this the difference in our daily lives?

I was attacked even though I didn’t even do anything.

Trembling as if she was upset, I caught Tino who jumped over to me and tried to calm her down.

Her eyes were teary, her complexion was pale, her hair was dishevelled, and her equipment was dirty even though she didn’t seem to have any injuries.

I noticed she was also holding the Relic she had discovered in her right hand. A model hunter.

However, having a junior rely on me like this caused an indescribable sense of superiority to well up. My shaking legs regained power.

I felt a sense of duty to protect this junior no matter what it took. Though this junior was several times stronger than me.

“Teeeeee-! Just how long are you going to cling onto Cry-chan!?” “-!?”

Certainly we were full of gaps, but that’s not how to talk to your disciple on the battlefield. Such a strict teacher.

Tino shook as if she was struck by lightning, and slowly separated herself. Her face looked like she would cry.

But, we needed to escape. Even crying, I thought Tino would still be faster than me.

The golem rebooted. In resignation it turned to face Liz and struck down with it’s arm.

Of all things, Liz used it as scaffolding to climb up and send it’s head flying with a kick.

The huge body lost balance and fell to the ground. Liz was also sent back a great distance from the recoil, and landed splendidly on the ground.

With just Liz here I felt a sense of security. I waved my hand her way.

“Liz, I’ll leave it to you ok.”

“Yes-. ...Tee, do it properly. Kill.” “Y-Yes! Onee-sama!”

All Tino had said since earlier is “Yes”, “Onee-sama”, and “Master”.

The golem got up. It also couldn’t seem to endure having it’s head kicked off.

The legs that had been kicked also didn’t seem to have any noticeable damage. Did it have any weaknesses?

I checked over Liz who was standing grandly, then without any reservations I took Tino by the hand and ran away.

§ § §

What is that monster...

Noto shuddered at the image projected by the crystal ball.

The interception system Noto created with his disciples was a tactical type golem. It was created through continuous research and by not sparing any expense. It cost enough money to buy several high grade relics, and he was confident it was at the forefront of golem architecture.

It was adequate to be put into use by the 『Tower of Akasha』 that unraveled the mysteries of the world.

Presently there was only one made, and the kingdom’s knights were no match for it. It could even overwhelm multiple high level hunters.

The land battle model golem 『Akasha』 was designed to respond to any situation.

The specialised whole body armour covered every weak point including the joints, and could withstand the bombardments from civilisations advanced in science.

The main weapon clasped in it’s right hand was the 『Sword of Truth』. It was

made from a rare metal with extremely high affinity for magic, and its sharpness had been magically enhanced.

Using the vast stores of mana within it, physical strength was produced and released through slashes that could bisect an opposing blade.

The defensive armament, the 『Shield of Judgement』 was Sophia’s idea.

For 『Akasha』 that had it’s whole body covered in a special alloy, a shield shouldn’t have been needed. But since she firmly insisted, he decided to accept it. Constructed from metal one step stronger than it’s armour, it was particularly

resilient to being cut. No matter what Relic was used it wouldn’t be able to be penetrated.

For thieves that moved faster it could fire magic rays, and it had a function that could use it’s internal mana to form a temporary barrier. It was crammed full of features to the point it was excessive.

It was to the degree that even the 『Tower of Akasha』 that valued knowledge and

research admonished them.

There was absolutely no way they could lose. It was the system created as the last defence in an emergency.

Even if it was a hunter certified at level eight they still wouldn’t lose.

But that self confidence had been smashed to pieces in a few minutes. Noto’s disciples that had absolute confidence just a short while ago had pale faces.

『Severed Shadow』 that opposed Akasha without receiving a single hit was also astounding, but above all –

“Impossible... Both physical and magic attacks show no effect!”

If they were evaded they could understand. If he defended himself then it could also be acknowledged.

However, Infinite Variety received the attacks defenceless. And in spite of that – he was unharmed.

The heat rays were simple but difficult to avoid, holding the same power as advanced attack magic. Even a high level hunter couldn’t take a direct hit without resistance.

The thrown 『Sword of Truth』 was the same. Simple but difficult to defend


“I-Is it some kind of Relic!? No human can survive the attacks of Akasha unhurt!”

“But, he did it twice. It might be possible to block one using a Safe Ring, but is there a Relic that can defend against the attacks of Akasha multiple times!?”

“There is no chance it was a mana barrier right?”

“He didn’t use any magic arts. Damn, what kind of trick is it?”

Watching his disciples in fear and disorder seeing the mysterious person, Noto sighed at the unsightly state of affairs.

Before the unknown he felt curiosity more than fear. Rather than curiosity, it was an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

This time his second and third most reliable disciples were staying in the lab to operate the golem, his best disciple wasn’t here.

Most of all, the observing familiars that should never have been able to be noticed had been seen through.

Not only the sand rabbits that were used to watch the vicinity, but also the saimos that were used to monitor the outer area to a certain extent.

Akasha was their mental support.

One of the disciples spoke with a quavering voice in terror. It was a disciple that was particularly passionate in creating Akasha.

An expert in golem creation. It was because of that he had confidence, and also precisely why why he couldn’t endure the current situation.

“Look at his expression. Look how much leeway he has. The way he’s so defenceless is like he’s begging us to attack! I-It’s really like... he thinks we’re not worth anything. Like we’re insignificant.”

“It’s just a coincidence. Forget it. Akasha... still hasn’t been defeated yet! It’s the realisation of our research. Right now they’re retreating from the golem, okay?”

He rebuked his shaken up disciple sharply. But, he understood that his words weren’t very persuasive. To sum up the current state of things with the word ‘coincidence’ was too much.

His disciples regained composure from his strong words. They probably understood that arguing about it was futile.

“B-But, Infinite Variety – he said the rabbit owner was inside the burrow, it’s – too late, he knows that – “

“...There are a lot of sand rabbit burrows around here.” a

Translator Notes

I feel like a modern equivalent to hard boiled would be ‘ice cold’ or something. But saying hard boiled lends it a cringish ‘pretend’ feel that I’m not sure was intentional.


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