Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 42,Part2: Slime 4

Chapter42,Part2: Slime 4

Chapter 42 – part 2

Using fabricated eyes and ears to witness the unexpected scene, the old magi wearing the green robe pressed on his forehead.

He was at one of the many reserve labs that had been prepared in advance.

He had transported all the equipment from the basement underneath the White Wolves Den, and a number of hurried disciples were working hard constructing the new lab.

An exceedingly rare space expansion Relic – the 『magic bag』 twisted space-time and boasted of more capacity than what appeared.

Shelves, desks, formulas and methods, as well as rare catalysts were taken out and arranged identically to how they were at the White Wolves Den.

All of his disciples were people once disgraced and disqualified as Magi.

People that were captured for attempting taboo magic for the sake of their curiosity that became too strong.

Spontaneously releasing large scale attack magic, and causing a large number of casualties.

Or using a live human in repulsive experiments.

Those that held sufficient ability as Magi, but were broken as people somewhere.

And, once praised as one of the most prominent Magi in the Imperial Capital, but expelled after demanding forbidden knowledge.

That man – for Noto Cochlear, those fellow comrades were convenient pawns. “-...What, is there to say...”

“What is your will, Noto-sama...”

One of his disciples dressed in a black robe, a man with graying hair and a poor complexion asked Noto who had his eyes closed concentrating his mind.

Noto slowly opened his eyes, then looked at his disciple sharply like a bird of prey. He tapped the desk with a wrinkled fingertip. It was a habit of Noto’s when things didn’t work out as expected.

“It’s no good... it’s defeated. Damn, the amount of hunters... was way too large.” At the bitter words the disciples widened their eyes in surprise.

In fact, his disciples had seen the moment their teacher had treated the phantom and transformed it into a far more powerful “failure.”

The Phantom had gave a panicked sound. It’s expression was in agony as it’s body constructed by Mana Material melted.

It resulted in a powerful monster that went against the nature of the world. Seeing that scene secured a deepened respect for their teacher that was fresh in their memory.

“...It can’t be... was their a flaw in Sophia’s potion?”

“...No. The effects... were definite. If it was twenty people it would have certainly buried them... Damn it, why were those guys...”

His best disciple’s accidental creation was more effective than Noto had imagined.

Injected into the lowest rank Wolf Knight, it’s body composed of Mana Material broke down, and in exchange for it’s form it gained power.

Mana Material was also referred to as a substance that was a source of evil. So to speak, it was a source of mana.

The break down of Mana Material transformed into a huge source of mana, and as it surged forth it created a force field that repelled attacks like an impregnable wall. Originally it was an ability held by high level phantoms and monsters, it was a power incomparable to what it held when it’s body was stable.

Of course, it wasn’t invincible.

It’s body was liquefied, and once it ran wild it didn’t last long. Once it became like that it could never turn back.

The mana material that made up the body wouldn’t take long to return to mana, and vanish like dust.

But according to the man’s calculations, before that happened it should have been simple to wipe out the hunters that came to investigate.

There was one thing that was unexpected – as soon as Noto had withdrawn, an increased number of personnel had arrived.

And it was several times the number that had initially arrived to investigate.

For the man once referred to as sage, it was completely beyond his expectations.

Even more, they weren’t the common sort.

Famous in the capital, hunters of the clan 『First Step』, together with the once feared 『War Ogre』 and current branch chief of the Explorers Gark Welter; to annihilate them was considerably difficult.

And furthermore, at the time the hunters were being strangely cautious without a fragment of carelessness.

And truly unfortunately, the battle had shifted from Noto’s expectations.

When the arrow of Iron Cross was deflected the possibility of victory crossed his mind, but as time passed the fact that it’s body was shrinking was discovered, and now with the weakness such as 『cold』 that even Noto did not anticipate, it was hopeless.

After all, he shouldn’t have done anything excessive, huh.

In front of Noto who had an unpleasant expression, one of the male disciples clicked his tongue staring.

“Sofia hmph. At such an important time she isn’t around... always acting so self important...”

“-...Well, it’s fine. It’s unavoidable. They saw the experiment, but we shouldn’t have to worry about being followed here.”

Contained in the disciples voice was anger and jealously that could not be restrained.

Certainly, the drug that Sofia produced may have hit upon a new technique. Sofia was naturally talented.

Noto’s disciples were all excellent, but among them her intelligence was


It seemed like there was no courage to step into the abyss of magic, but with time there was talent that could surpass their teacher Noto.

Supposing Sofia hadn’t unfortunately left the Capital, the Phantom would most likely have been strengthened even further.

However, this time was just a test, it wasn’t Noto’s ultimate goal. It wasn’t fatal for it to not go as expected.

He couldn’t imagine that the likes of hunters would arrive at the conclusion it was Mana Material running wild, and even if they did they wouldn’t then jump to Noto. There was only one person that remained as a problem.

The Level 8 that used ingenious schemes that had appeared in the capital like a comet, distinguishing themselves in the twinkling of an eye.

Feared by every criminal syndicate, a man who’s life was targeted.

The magic organisation the magi belonged to, holding vast influence with different nations, considered him a man to be wary of.

Known for reckless heroism, a slayer of dragons, his name shook.

Those that recklessly challenged him were said to be crushed without even seeing his face.

The master of 『First Step』.

He was one of the reasons Noto decided to withdraw from the White Wolves Den. And he was probably the one that sent such a large number of hunters over.

The elder Magi gripped his staff tightly until his knuckles turned white. “『Infinite Variety』 far, do you plan to get in my way!”

He wasn’t set back to the start. The results of his research remained in his hands,

but it was doubtless his path of ambition had dropped slightly.

The phantoms held a reasonable amount of strength, the White Wolves Den that did not manifest many relics and was unpopular with hunters had met a high amount of requirements for Noto’s desire.

Supposing that at the time 『Infinite Variety』 visited the White Wolves Den he had... it was meaningless speculation, but his mind could’t help but be drawn to it.

What’s more, if he was still going to be an obstacle to his tests, it was something he couldn’t ignore.

People that got in the way must be killed. His lips warped, and sunken in the darkness the sage smiled.

At the moment, Noto held no power. At least he didn’t think it would be enough to defeat a hunter certified at level 8.

But in the event that his wish was fulfilled and he gained power, he would certainly use any means to choke the life from him.

As Noto burned with resentment in the dark, one of his disciples that had been observing the outside with a flying familiar rushed over.

His eyes were unusually wide, and his cheeks were twitching. The hands he placed on the desk were shaking.

“...T-There’s trouble, Noto-sama.”

“What is it?”

As he concentrated his gaze on him, the disciples voice shook. a

“.........『Infinite Variety』 is... at the shrine, above.”

He didn’t understand what had been said. At the shrine above? Who?

“-...Don’t give me such a ridiculous story!!” “B-But, truly―”

Impossible. Noto had only made the decision to move his research equipment here a few hours ago.

It was Noto himself that made the decision. There were many places he could have changed to, he hadn’t even reported the information to his patron.

“And yet...he was above?” Impossible. Absolutely impossible.

While glaring at the pale face of his disciple he frantically spun through his


Even if the location of the laboratory was discovered in advance, to pinpoint that they would move here was impossible. He didn’t choose a place near the White Wolves Den.

Moreover, it was way too premature. Noto hadn’t even finished preparations to resume the experiment.

“The sun has already set. Yet he still came at this time? Hunters are supposed to be active during the daytime.”


His disciple’s expression didn’t lie. No, Noto’s disciples weren’t foolish enough to come up with a lie like that.

In that case, the possibility was, internal ― could one of the disciples be leaking information?

He checked the faces of each disciple that couldn’t conceal their surprise at the abrupt situation.

They had all been disciples of Noto for at least a few years, Magi that he knew. He had verified their history beforehand.

His most recent disciple was Sophia, but right now she was absent, so she would not know of the change of lab or the events that had occurred.


The main thing was that every one of his disciples had joined in with experiments that would never be permitted under Empire law.

That included human experimentation. He didn’t think they would be permitted to offer information.

Noto’s disciples all shared the same lot.

After a little hesitation, Noto cast away his doubts.

『Infinite Variety』 had a formidable eye of discernment. Now was not the time to start infighting.

He had heard that he rarely appeared on the surface, so his intentions this time were obvious.

A fearsome insight that could choose this laboratory out of all of them, with things like this it was impossible to remain hidden.

Looking around the laboratory he bit his lip. It took time to evacuate.

No matter what it took they had to earn time. He couldn’t afford to lose the research equipment now.

If the reports were seen, Noto’s existence would be discovered by the Empire.

If Noto was discovered to still be trespassing in taboo territory, the Empire would chase after him in a frenzy.

Although he had collaborators in the upper levels of the Empire, they would not protect him.

It was unavoidable. The chances of winning against a level 8 were exceedingly low, but they had no choice but to make use of the interception system.

He lamented again at the misfortune that his most reliable top disciple wasn’t here.

Sophia was a researcher but she was strong. She was the most skilled at operating the interception system, and it was Sophia that had mostly created it together with Noto.

The scene at that time ― he wrinkled his eyebrows remembering how she had confidently declared that even 『Strange Grief』 could be defeated.

Unexpectedly, at the moment they would fight 『Strange Grief』 the person themselves wasn’t there.

He looked around surveying the room. To the faithful disciples that waited for their teachers words, Noto made a declaration.

“It’s regretable, but we must retreat. A few people must lay down their lives to stop him. Everything... is for our dearest wish.”


Translation Notes

ノト?コクレア – noto cochlear, his last name appears to be the part of the inner ear.

His first name could also be ‘Not’ I guess, kind of arbitrary right? I’m terrible at katakana, I

remember the first one I ever misinterpreted, I read tour as sewer. Whatever.


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