Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 27: Compromise

Chapter?27: Compromise

Chapter 27


“Well, sorry. That Liz, when she’s like this she won’t listen to a word you say...” I went back upstairs while apologising.

I was Liz’s childhood friend. Without thinking about our foundations she would pick fights with any and everyone, and she only listened to the initial members of

『Strange Grief』.

But it was only listening and taking into consideration. You couldn’t issue one sided commands.

There were several floors for training in the clan house, but the facilities were different at each level.

What Liz was monopolising was the one intended for 『thieves』. From close

combat to target throwing, traps to treasure chests, there was no better substitute for testing out the skills of a thief.

Originally it wasn’t meant to be something you used alone, but once it had become like this she wasn’t going to budge.

For the moment there was no choice but to give up or use another training range. Sven frowned and groaned at my apology.

“Tch, can’t help it. Master’s spartan tendency has started up again.” “No, see I was saying stop- “

“Right, no need to say any more. I get it I get it. Tino getting stronger isn’t a bad thing for the rest of us.”

With an expression that really looked like he didn’t get it at all, Sven nodded his head as if trying to convince himself.

...Well he doesn’t look like he understood at all, but whatever. If he was going to permit Liz’s violence then I wouldn’t say anything extra.

The people around Sven met eyes with each other and in the next moment they also nodded to each other. Liz really needed to follow their example of cooperative spirit.

There were many Hunters with high skill that had something wrong with their heads.

Sven and the others were also different compared with ordinary people, but in comparison to ones like Liz they had common sense.

Someone please do something.

As I left the training range the sound of a scream like roar resounded, but I decided not to listen to it.

Ah- ...I just want to forget everything and go eat ice-cream.


“The Northern Highway is closed off?”

While engaging in small talk, I was amazed at the news given by Sven. The Imperial Capital was also the Empire’s center of commerce.

Roads extending East, West, South, and North connected with towns and shrines. Even just one road being blocked off wasn’t a trivial matter.

I had heard that a Phantom from the 『White Wolves Den』 had attacked a merchant party the other day, but I didn’t think the judgement would be made to blockade the road.

“Aah, it seems multiple Phantoms were discovered. Looks like the details are still being investigated... a few of the knights sent to check on the situation were done in.”

Sven had a serious expression, shrugging his shoulders.

The behaviour of Phantoms was basically limited to the interior of Shrines.

If one was encountered outside once you could write it off as a coincidence, but if it happened another two or three times in a short period you couldn’t keep thinking it was an accident, and start thinking that something must have happened.

Which reminded me, something did seem off about the 『White Wolves Den』.

I really didn’t have the slightest idea what the cause was, and it was unrelated to me who never left the capital to go outside, but safe highways prepared by thinning out the surrounding monsters were the arteries of the Empire.

The many merchants that gathered also held the expectation that the roads would be safe.

It was likely that we would also be asked to cooperate in settling the issue. I wondered if Gark’s call might also be about this.

I tilted my head slightly in contemplation, but stopped thinking and breathed a short sigh.

There was no point in thinking about it. I had an ace up my sleeve. Of course, I wasn’t thinking about the completely useless Liz-chan that returned alone.

The one that’s useful in times like these, the man called Ark Rodin.

Ark was popular. And powerful. He was smart too, and his name carried weight. And so his ability to command was excellent.

Above all else, he had a good personality. His party members, as you’d expect were several steps behind him, but they had enough ability.

He could both act as a commander or a lone soldier perfectly, he was one or two drops of tasty man.

The Hunters of 『Footprints』 generally all had high pride, but there wasn’t anyone that wouldn’t listen to the words of Ark (except for my own party members).

If you gave him the right to command and threw him at something, everything would turn out smoothly. Conversely if it didn’t go smoothly then it was something that couldn’t be helped to begin with.

He probably wouldn’t be back so soon yet... Until Ark returned I needed to do whatever possible to stall for time.

Whenever he left the Capital for a long period of time he would notify us in advance, so since he didn’t get in touch this time he shouldn’t be away for very long.

While I was spacing out, Sven’s gave a warped grin towards the misfortune and pounded my shoulder with his hand.

“Master has a lot of composure as usual.” Without saying anything I gave a smile.

That’s because it was completely someone else’s problem.

I don’t mean to boast but my self preservation skills are pretty considerable. Speaking of my preservation skills, pushing things onto others was something I had always been doing to make it this far.

And I would continue to do so in the future. I could only do so. Before I caused someone to make a fatal mistake, please expel me to somewhere else.

“I’m not sure what’s about to happen, but I reckon a request will be coming our way. I was going to do some adjustments in preparation for that... I guess I’ll do them tomorrow.”

Our child truly caused you trouble, I sincerely apologise. However, Sven’s expression didn’t seem to be frustrated.

They had been around since we first came to the Capital, so they were used to Liz

acting rashly.

Well, 『Iron Cross』 was famous for it’s well balanced composition and reliable skills, with enough remarkable ability to defeat a type of dragon.

Even if they didn’t do any adjustments, they should have the leeway for some stray Phantoms.

At least the Wolf Knights from the Shrine the other day wouldn’t be able to be their opponents.

And then, a nice idea struck my mind.

If I sent Iron to Gark, wouldn’t everything be spearheaded over in that direction? Gark-san also wouldn’t complain if it was a Level 6 party.

Unlike me, Sven didn’t dislike subjugating Phantoms so it would be perfect. Today I really am... on the ball.

I looked at Sven and the others, the surrounding members of Iron Cross, and spoke with a smile.

“If you have the time, why not do the quest? By the way, tell Gark-san I can’t come over because I’m busy.”

§ § §

In good humour Cry Andoric left with a whimsical stride.

Sven saw him off, staring at his back with a far away look. A member of 『Iron Cross』that had been silent until then, a young man with the healer role Henrik Hefner, spoke with an exasperated tone.

“As ever... you can’t tell what he’s thinking... a carefree person, isn’t he?” “...Well, you know..., he’s not a bad guy really...”

While awkwardly scratching his cheek, Sven gave a wry smile.

Iron Cross was one of First Step’s founding parties. Compared to Arch Brave and Strange Grief their average age was slightly higher, but they were a young party part of the golden generation.

They were a rare party in which all members held the ability to cure wounds, and although they didn’t have any showy achievements, the well balanced composition of their party and the reliable way they conducted themselves boosted their reputation and fame.

Unfortunately in the same generation there were two monster-like parties so they didn’t really stand out, but outside of that generation they were evaluated as a party that was thought to have a shot at the top, and the Explorers Association and other parties held deep trust towards them.

Even though he was the Clan Master, the parties they belonged to were different. Their positions should have been equal.

Being used for chores didn’t give a very good feeling. To say nothing of Hunters that valued honour and dignity highly.

“...Shouldn’t it have been better to refuse... I mean, what’s that guy doing all the time anyway?”

His words displayed his veiled exasperation and discontent. The history of 『Strange Grief』 was known.

To 『Iron Cross』 that went step by step reliably, the pace they captured Shrines

could conversely be called reckless, a path of voluntarily exchanging your life for glory.

Henrik didn’t understand it, but he respected them. There was nothing about the name that did not inspire fear.

But their Leader was a different story. Henrik hadn’t seen 『Infinite Variety』leave for a Shrine even once. If anything, he had hardly ever seen him outside of the Clan House.

To the words of the young man that had only joined recently, the Leader Sven spoke in order to pacify him.

“No, it’s fine... we’ve got the time anyway. Having him owe us one isn’t bad either.” Henrik frowned at the reply of the leader that usually held his stance resolutely.

“While the others are out on hunts, the Leader stays behind by himself as a house- sitter....? Aren’t the other members frustrated?”

“Cry’s always been like that. Henrik, you’ve only joined recently so you might not know. That party revolves around him, and this clan revolves around him too.”

His voice was light, but it held strength as if to not permit any further doubts.

Being sensitive to what was left unsaid, Henrik held his tongue. Even if you had dissatisfaction, talking badly about your Clan’s Master in public was unwise.

“...If Sven-san says so, then it’s fine I guess...”

The depths could not be seen, it was an odd way of saying it, but he just couldn’t understand.

Carrying a second name, being level 8, the Master of a large-scale clan, and the leader of the well known 『Strange Grief』.

If someone didn’t tell him, it would be unbelievable. Even now that he knew it was hard to believe.

A Hunter needed to have a discerning eye to judge character.

Power will be determined by the amount of accumulated Mana Material, which wasn’t always apparent from appearances.

It was a world in which a large man with a fierce look could be defeated by a little girl.

He had tried to train his eyes to observe the interior and not be stuck on outward appearance, but Henrik’s eyes weren’t able to see Cry as a skilled Hunter.

He had too little gravitas.

“In the first place, Liz and Luke will pick a fight over anything so when the time comes don’t complain if you try to stop them.”

At those words he closed his eyes, and recalled the training grounds from a short while ago.

A bursting with flame like aura, that shouldn’t be taken out into town, it wasn’t possible to go out, the fighting spirit held murderous intent.

The penetrating cold voice was only heard from the entrance, but it was so terrifying his breath had caught in his throat.

The problem child of 『Strange Grief』. He knew the name 『Severed Shadow』. The Hunters at Level 6 that held a second name were only a small amount.

Certainly... to put yourself in the middle of that, it would be fine to at least admit that there was courage.

“...But he didn’t stop it...”

His dissatisfaction hadn’t been completely resolved, but Henrik’s expression had half-way loosened up and Sven gave him a gratified nod.

“Also, you might not get it yet, but that man as well is without a doubt... a monster. The descendant of the hero, the one expected to become the strongest Ark Rodin... he’s the only opponent Ark has ever admitted defeat to.

Liz and Luke also obediently follow him. When you’re part of the same Clan you tend to forget it...”


Sven talked with his eyes narrowed, and Henrik gulped.

“I’m not telling you to obey any order, just... don’t get careless only looking at what’s on the surface.

Don’t take everything he says literally. Read between the lines. You’re always doing so, right?”


Contrary to his brash manner of speech the Leader had a sharp look, Henrik bit his lip, and cut away his hesitation by answering loudly.

He had been careless. He knew the other was a Level 8 Hunter, and a short while ago he hadn’t been able to discern Cry to be a Hunter of a much higher rank.

It wasn’t as if he had been concealing his higher position... that shouldn’t be something that was possible.

If Infinite Variety had been guiding his thoughts intentionally, how frightening would it be?

As if to reassure Henrik who’s face had cramped up, Sven spoke cheerfully.

“Don’t make that kind of face. No problems were made. Besides... Strange Grief also has Anthem in it. As long as he’s their Cry can’t pull off anything too weird.”

Hearing that name, Henrik’s expression finally went slack.

All members of 『Iron Cross』 followed the Holy God and held healing ability. There were no Healers that were active in the Capital that didn’t know the name of Anthem Smart.

Even though they belonged to the same clan, first class Hunters were busy. Without exception, Anthem also rarely surfaced, but his reputation was well known.

The party with the dangerous name 『Strange Grief』 didn’t have many good rumours surrounding it, but Anthem alone never had anything negative said against him.

Historically, the conscience of 『Strange Grief』.

Specialising in abilities of healing and protection, he was a stern man full of benevolence that would not only help his party members but also others that requested his aid.

He didn’t know how true it was, but there was talk of being awarded for curing the untreatable disease of a high noble, and recruiters under the direct supervision of the Emperor approaching him. Rumours such as those were never ending.

That the members of 『Strange Grief』 could continually overcome Hunts that

were harsh even for skilled Hunters in good health should be due to that man.

“...The Imperial Capital’s foremost Paladin ―― 『Unshakeable Permanence』, is it?”

“A man that doesn’t tolerate any injustice. Straight laced maybe, and a bit of a stick in the mud, but reliable. Both Liz and Luke have to acknowledge that guy.

...Now, lets end the gossip here, lets go to the Explorers. They’ll know the situation on the highway.”

Ignoring Henrik who had said something more, Sven ended the conversation. At that moment the colour drained from the face of the rookie.

From now on if something similar happened, he shouldn’t look down on someone based off what was on the surface.

Certainly the composition of 『Strange Grief』 seemed disconnected from common sense, but that didn’t mean Sven hadn’t admitted that from the very beginning.

Apart from the members anyway, only the Leader looked like an ordinary person.

Seeing the sight of Henrik’s recovery, Sven recalled the time when 『First Step』was first created.

Translator Notes

-When describing Arc it called him a drop or two of tasty man, which I left literal because it’s kind if funny and also I don’t really get it. I could have made it dripping with appeal. When I ran a search on it it seemed maybe connected with a category of alcohol suitable for men. So I thought of maybe calling him a ‘manly cocktail’. Anyway I gave up in the end.

-Anthem’s nickname:

『不動不変』- if you want a rename you can click the definitions above and leave a comment with your idea. I tried to make sense of it in english, but maybe simply Immovable Eternal sounds better than Unshakeable Permanence.

more ideas (from the kanji ‘fudou fuhen’ it should follow a similar pattern)

– unmoving unchanging, everstatic everlasting, maybe ‘immovable indestructible’. I think that’s probably my choice. Immovable Indestructible.

*Today I like unmovable undestroyable. Maybe Unshakeable Indestructible.


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