Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 19: Infinite Variety

Chapter?19: Infinite?Variety

Chapter 19

Infinite Variety

Apparently, it seemed like I was able to stop safely.

A little perplexed, I tried to lower my arms and stand up before realising that I was already standing.

I was unharmed. It had been a huge impact, but I didn’t feel any pain. I seemed to have survived somehow.

It had been a while since I had solid ground beneath my feet. I had to endure the feelings of nausea.

I shook my head that was on the verge of a blackout, and maintained consciousness.

Even someone that’s been away for a long time like me knows that loss of consciousness inside a Shrine has a direct link with death.

With brushing strokes I dusted off my shoulder, and for the time being I just took a deep breath.

My heart was still screaming. If I didn’t calm down quick, it would explode. My face was also still frozen stiff. When I looked back on it though, only to this degree was a great success.

As I thought, the 『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』 was an absolute defect.

What first came to mind was my childhood friends, the inventor must have been about as crazy as that.

Shouldn’t the deceleration function be the thing you design at the outset? The Phantom I used as my cushion was stuck entirely into the wall.

I couldn’t see that well, but it looked like there were two bodies there. The piled up bodies were lying completely still.

Since they took a human missile from behind, the Phantoms of a level 3 Shrine must be able to put up a bit of resistance.

The bulky black armour had a big dent in it, and had become cracked.

What the Phantoms had probably been carrying were rolling by the wall, a giant bow and sword.

From the phantom’s size, to their form, to their colour, to just about everything was different from what I had heard. Just what the heck was this?

What appeared in this Shrine should have been wolves, but what was knocked over was clad in bulky armour and equipped with the gear of an advanced knight.

The poor direction this had gone in was in a class of it’s own.

In the olden days there was that time I was abducted in a Level 3 Shrine... no, the Phantoms then were considerably weaker.

I hadn’t been going to Shrines lately, was this the way it was?

Maybe it’s just their outward appearances. I think I’m going to throw up.

And then, I finally took a look at my surroundings. My dizziness and blurred vision became clearer.

When I was flying, I didn’t have time to check where I was going, but this was an open room, not a passageway.

A high ceiling that you wouldn’t expect underground, and flat ground and walls that you wouldn’t expect to have been dug by wolves.

If there was a window so it was bright instead of gloomy, and if there weren’t any Phantoms it would be a wonderful room.

Near the walls I found a figure I recognised.

Black hair that had become disheveled, and a pale white face. There didn’t seem to be any wounds, but compared to when we met at the clan house, the girl looked extremely rough.

Or rather, that was Tino. That was Tino who I had accidentally handed down a strange request to.

The boy Gilbert and Greg-sama were there next to her, and they were all gasping and looking at me in amazement.


“Found you Tino.” Lucky.

......No no, not ‘found you’.

After so much chaos, a lighthearted greeting was awful. This was the time for a serious apology.

Although she was safe, compared to her usual appearance she looked unbelievably worn out.

It was obvious this level 3 Shrine had taken it’s toll on Tino.

Had it finally become time to display my kneeling dowskill to my junior? I couldn’t do anything except smile.

To me grinning, Gilbert shouted with desperation. “H-Hey, old guy. Behind you, Behind!”


It’s not old guy. It’s big bro.

That those words were what first came to mind was a show of my time away and acclimatisation to peace.

Showing carelessness in a Shrine was a disgrace to Hunters.

When I turned my head leisurely, what came into my view was the same type of Phantom that I had made into a cushion a short while ago.

A giant Phantom equipped in black iron armour. And there were two of them.

I didn’t notice before but it had the head of a wolf, not a human. And the right half was concealed by a human skull.

It’s red blood like eyes shined in the darkness. It was looking down on me, an intruder that couldn’t read the mood.

It rolled it’s shoulders and took a deep breath. Saliva dripped from it’s cleft palate.

If it were the usual me I would be unable to stand up from fear. Just the glint in it’s eye would have me throwing up.

However, due to my complacency my senses were paralysed and I was struck by another thought.

Huh. So recently level 3’s had guys as big as this coming out. Crazy. If this is what you get at level 3, then what comes out at level 8?

I’m glad I stopped going to Shrines.

The old me, I seriously used to be in command. Wasn’t that amazing?

The wolf knight carrying a huge iron pole that nearly reached the ceiling took a step back after seeing me grinning.

The wolf in behind with the rifle also let out a small growl and fell back.

Their noses were moving around. Their sharp eyes narrowed, and observed me carefully.

With this I finally understood the situation and dropped my smile. Hm? Is this maybe, certain death?

Am I in a pinch?

There hadn’t been any attacks, but a promising Hunter like Tino had become this battered, so there was no way I was going to be able to win.

As I frantically searched for a way through this situation, Greg let out a shaking voice from behind me.

“Impossible...The...Bosses are... frightened!?


“It’s frightened?”

That’s impossible. Those guys are wolves and I’m a sheep.

The fortification of Mana Material was also missing, I’m a sheep with a high certification level only.

When I raised my eyes towards it, the wolf knight in front of me took another step backwards.

It’s nose repeatedly moved in an up and down motion, it’s attention strayed from Tino and was centred on me.

Indeed, you could see that it’s eyes were strongly alert. What’s so scary about me? Greg-sama over there is scarier.

I followed it’s line of sight. I noticed the spot it’s eyes were directed at. Those crimson glints weren’t looking at my face, but at my chest.

-To what was hanging from my neck; Sytry’s Slime inside the metal capsule.

I took a step forward. The wolf knights stepped back.

The eyes were turned this way, but they weren’t looking at me. Hmmm? Huh?

These huge Phantoms were scared of this capsule just by looking at it. What’s inside of it then?

What have I brought with me?

With one more step closer, the wolf knights both took two steps back together. Did they completely recognise me as a poisoned sheep?

Luck had turned my way. Looks like this wasn’t going to be the place that I died. Without taking my eyes from the Wolf Knights, I shouted behind me.

Although I was feigning calmness, my heart was beating painfully.

“Tino, can you run?” “Y-Yes... of course!”

She answered back energetically.

This room has three paths out. The one in front was blocked by the Wolf Knights. No matter how frightened they were, there was no denying one of the wolf knights might reach the conclusion ‘Even though it’s poisoned it’s fine’.

Breaking through those two huge bodies was unreasonable. “That way.”

I pointed at the road that was the closest. This wasn’t a very big Shrine. Once Tino and the others got some rest, we would be able to escape together.

“U-Um, Master. Wouldn’t it be better, to defeat them?”

Yes yes, I know. If I could defeat them, that would be better wouldn’t it?

There is the all or nothing option of throwing Sytry’s Slime and betting that the enemies will die, but entrusting our fate to a slime that you have no idea what it could be was too risky.

If it worked while still inside the capsule, then it should be used as it is. I breathed out a sigh, and then remonstrated my cute junior.

“Tino, don’t misjudge the most important thing.”

“!! That’s-“

The number one most important thing. It goes without saying. It is – your own life.

In my point of view, putting your life on the line for a fight is something ridiculous. You are responsible for yourself so you can do whatever you want on your own, but it’s something I absolutely don’t want to do.

Then, a sudden clashing noise came from somewhere. Tino let out a small sound. “Ah-“

A shadow was cast over my field of view. Jet black armour approached before my eyes.

The wolf knight that had received the human missile had revived, and reduced the distance between us in one step.

At the time I realised it, a giant sword that was as tall as my own height was swinging downward from above.

An overpowering howl filled with resentment and the stench of a beast filled my senses.

As if cramping up, my body went stiff.

I couldn’t react. I couldn’t move a single finger. The blade came down like a guillotine.

A blow that could split my body as easily as cutting bamboo.

-And, without causing a single wound it was repelled. “...Ha?”

Greg’s voice. The Wolf Knight opened it’s eyes wide. It must have been completely unexpected.

It retreated a few steps back, and for a moment it forgot it’s resentment and stared down at the sword it was holding.

Next, a heavy sound together with a huge arrow struck against my forehead and were repelled in the same way.

Apparently the Phantom I had crashed into wasn’t dead after all.

And, it was mad. Naturally. I would get angry as well if I was suddenly thrown into a wall from behind.

The bow, sword, and the other two Phantoms glared at me. I just gave a forced smile. That was all I could do.

This was – death. I was going to die.

At my utmost limits, I finally came up with a counterattack.

I stuck out my index finger and pointed it at the Wolf Knights like a gun.

My left pinky finger was equipped with a Relic – a bullet finger, I started up the

『Shock Shot Ring』.

Blue light shined on my fingertip, building up a mana bullet.

Right before I fired the bullet, on a spinal reflex I had the idea to speak a hard boiled line.

“It’s too bad isn’t it? My lives – I have 17 of them.


Treasure Hunters live in a world of talent.

The human body wasn’t originally made to go to Shrines full of Mana Material and wage war on monsters and phantoms.

Even in this era in which Treasure Hunters were worshipped, the number of Hunters was relatively fixed for this reason.

What was unfortunate for me was that it was only after I became a hunter that I realized this.


And, luckily I was the only one among my childhood friends that had no talent.

Our party 『Strange Grief』, even without me had the ability to easily capture Shrines.

Also, the wealth that was brought in and the accumulated honour made me feel a little ‘better’ about it.

So, I showed no signs of talent or courage, no dreams, aspirations, or luck, but I was still alive.

The Safe Ring (kanji – barrier finger) was a ring among Relics that was about as famous as the Shot Ring.

Its effect was, at the time of an attack to set an automatic fixed strength barrier up for a period of time.

Simply put... it was a Relic that could prevent attacks only once.

Even though they were called Safe Rings, the price and rarity varied according to the strength and time duration of the barrier.

For me that didn’t want to die no matter what, the strength or how long it lasted was irrelevant.

No matter what price it was I bought as many as I could.

The amount in my hands now was – 17. The cost was about as much as buying two or three multi-floor clan headquarter buildings.

Originally this Relic would be like an amulet worn by the elite Hunters for their greatest time of need.

I’m probably the only one in the entire Imperial Capital with this many treating them as regular equipment.

Naturally I can’t fit all of them on with only ten fingers, but the others were stored in my bag so the result was still there.

Rather, without them, terrifying Relics like the 『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』

couldn’t be used.

Of course, I wasn’t invincible.

The barrier activation time of the Safe Ring is at most one second. Usually it’s an instant.

Once activated all of its charged Mana was consumed. Since I activated a few when I was crashing into walls on the way here, after blocking a few more hits I guess I’ll be crushed flat.

By that time I need to have made an escape. Saying I had 17 lives was an exaggeration. “...they dodged.”

Ruda exclaimed. The wolf Knight holding the large sword made a quick reaction to the blue bullet that came as fast as an arrow.

Aimed at the head, it stooped lower to avoid it.

The blue bullet passed by overhead – and a thunderous roar shook within the

cavern. “!?”

The Wolf Knight was thrown violently against the ground by the strong impact. Shortly after passing by, the bullet turned around and hit it directly in the back of the head.

The Wolf Knights were agitated. I looked away from them and shouted. “Tino, run!”

“!? Y-Yes”

In a snap Tino, the boy Gilbert and the others broke off running. The Wolf Knights only watched me, and didn’t chase after them.

Shot Ring was the general term for Relics that shot bullets of Mana.

The 『Shock Shot Ring』 was a bullet finger that could fire seven bullets that delivered a charged shock at the time of impact.

But regrettably, although the appearance was showy it had little power to speak of. The Wolf Knight that was hit in the back of the head and forced into the ground also seemed surprised.

There were a variety of different types of Shot Rings, but none that could defeat a powerful Phantom. They were only useful for keeping them in check.

The Wolf Knight on the ground rose slowly, pushing itself back up with both it’s hands. Like I expected, it didn’t have any noticeable wounds.

The wolves formed a fan shaped formation with me at the center. Two vanguards and two rear guards, it seemed well balanced.

Isn’t that gun bad news? Rapid fire types are the worst match up for me.

They had been frightened of Sytry’s Slime, but it looked like their anger at my counterattack had won out.

In their eyes was 10% fear, 30% anger, 30% resentment, and 30% caution (unreliable).

The first thing I needed to do was make a bit of time for Tino. In the worst case, I would just fly again.

If I took out my weapon, I thought I would more or less be able to hold off the enemies.

With a foolish smile on my face, I reached for the scabbard I carried on my back to unsheathe my sword Relic – and grasped at empty air.

I tried to grab for it quite a few times, but all I touched was the crossbow type Relic. It held the ability to manipulate trajectory. It altered the course of the mana bullet and my human missile, both of which it didn’t fire.

It was just called the 『Certain hit bullet-kun』 (The person that named it was me,

it definitely didn’t have the ability to hit things with certainty). “Seriously... I dropped it?”

I had the scabbard but there was nothing inside it.

I recalled my trip here, I was desperate to reduce the number of times I crashed so I don’t even remember when I dropped it. Even though it was expensive.

Well, in any case, I didn’t have a way to break through this situation...

The Wolf Knights were watching my nonsensical movements with caution. “Master-!? What are you -“

Tino, who was supposed to be running, was looking back at me from the entrance of the pathway.

It wasn’t just Tino, the other members were also waiting for me. But I told you to run though!

Also what is it, I need to hear it. What is it I’m trying to do here exactly?

To drop a Relic inside a Shrine, what am I doing? It’s not bad luck. Isn’t it just stupidity?

...Just an idiot.

It’s unavoidable, let’s resolve ourselves. We can fall together like this. “It can’t be helped, I didn’t want to use this.”

Feeling half desperate, from what was hanging from my neck, I removed the metal capsule that was about the size of my index finger.

The wolf knights eyes went wide as if suddenly remembering and they took several steps back.

After all, what these guys were afraid of, it wasn’t me. It was this. I knew it.

If we were going to die anyway, then everybody can go by this excessively dangerous Slime made by Sytry-chan.

Getting swallowed up is fine. I didn’t want to know any further details.

With fingers shaking from nervousness, I took off the cap. I took a secretive glance inside it.


I rubbed my eyes and looked once more to confirm. Frowning, I timidly put my index finger inside.

Tino and the others were watching with worry.

I gave a big nod, and then retightened the capsule.

Like that I held it up, and then at the same time I threw it at the Wolf Knights I sent out a Shock Shot as well.

The Wolf Knights made a commotion, with nimble movements they quickly created a great distance.

As soon as I had confirmed that the mana bullet had made impact, I started running towards Tino.

“Tino, move!”

Seeing me rush over, Tino and the others all started running together. The metal capsule burst open.

The Wolf Knights let out an overpowering howl, but I didn’t have the spare time to care about it.

We needed to hurry away before they noticed it was empty. What’s with that? Where were the contents? Scary.


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