Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 120 Exorcism

Marigold also noticed his alarm over his own actions.

But that alarm did not last for long. Don seemed to be fully consumed in the game, or more like the fight, as he waged war on every single person on his path.

Including his own teammates.

“Hey! Don, you can’t just take the ball like that without a warning—“

“Grah!” Don set a score, making it now 4-0 for the Capere Astra versus Ursa Polar.

He kept on hitting everyone on his path with his Hiemal Morningstar, ruthless and seemed to have completely lost his mind.

The Capere Astra team wanted to win, but they wanted to win as a team. The more Don continued to play this way, the more they disliked him…

To the point that they asked for a break during the game itself.

Volken the referee, let it pause for a bit and walked over to Rainer, the current Captain.

“What’s the problem, boys?” He was grinning innocently.

Rainer was wearing a scowl, and called out. “Don, get here!”

Don went over quietly, and Volken just watched this whole drama ensue with his hands behind his back.

“What do you have to say for yourself, young man?” Rainer looked him down. “Right now, you did not only trip Xali but also dealt a huge blow on Galeha’s shoulder.”.

Don did not make a response, only clenching his fist and growling deeply at the back of his throat.

Yet the team couldn’t notice how odd he was acting, as they did not really spend much time to get to know him as what he truly was as a person.

He was always training with Volken, and had no chance to bond with the team, and so, they do not really have much impression towards him to begin with.

And now, their impression towards him after that whole debacle had become very low.

“Speak!” Rainer clutched him by the collar. “You are not a dog to just growl at us, say what is on your mind!”

Even the audience from both schools were shocked and confused by this sudden argument brewing between teammates.

They could not hear what was being spoken, but it was clear that there was a problem with their youngest player.

“That little boy seemed too wild to me. Does he want to hoard the honor all to himself?”

“That’s not how Gridiron works. Teamwork is as much as important as personal skill!”

“He must be an arrogant little upstart that thinks he’s so good just because he can use two Mage Types!!!!”

But Marigold sense something more to this. She went over to break the fight.

“Everyone, please calm down—“


Don roared, and summon an Aura of Blizzard around his own teammates!

Everyone was forced to defend themselves, as he started a rampage towards Capere Astra, with Volken just watching at the back.

Ronin clicked his tongue.

Should he intervene more? Use one of his skills?

With how things were going, Don would be seriously implicated just like Cermin, and maybe end up sending more than one victim into a coma and fatal injuries this time.

But Volken had his guard up on him as well, he had to consider that.

He may not know that Ronin was here, but once he used his skill, he would eventually know. And it will be his own safety in jeopardy.

Volken must have already known from Pavone that the rat he was looking for was someone from Scholars who had a Commoner Heartstone. And that’s a trait that’s very easy to narrow down, only unique to Ronin. The only reason he had not attacked yet…..

Was because they were on separate Spires, and Volken had not ‘caught’ him yet.

Should he risk himself for the sake of his brother? That’s not really something villain-like to do…..

And a part of him enjoys the carnage, enjoys the bloodshed and wanted more.

‘Decihmar’ never lefts his mind.

Eventually, once Don was about to knock out every single of the remaining Main Six players, Volken raised his hand.

“Enough. You are going too far, Bluebelle.” He told him, and then—-

Summoned his Rapier Lunis!

He went on to make a show of valiantly fighting Don himself, acting like the hero against this proud and arrogant newbie that has gone berserk!

The audience were fully on his side and cheering him on, not knowing it has all been an act and Don was not himself because of this bastard former captain.

“Knock him out with your fist!”

“Teach that brat a lesson!”

“Make him pay!”

Volken grinned at the last one, as it sure was his goal to do so.

He whispered as he aimed to slash over Don’s face.

“Time to make you pay indeed, Bluebelle!”


A loud shout rang, along with the sound of wings flapping.

It was Sister Marigold and…..

She was flying.

On her back grew rosy pink butterfly wings with white and gold spots. She had flew quickly—

And pulled Don away just in time!

The Rapier Lunis still managed to graze Don’s face, but it was just a light wound, and not a deep permanent scar like the one on Volken’s face.

“He had been possessed!” Sister Marigold said as she lifted the struggling Don away with her own skinny arms up in to the air, so he could do no harm to himself and to others.

She spoke with the same amplifying spell so that everyone could hear her, and know the truth of the matter.

“The spirit of a dead Silver Wolf resided within him, can’t you see? No human would act this way for no reason!”

She looked down to her father, Councillor Rozenaur, who’s expression was unreadable because of his mask.

“We must exorcise him, Father!”

“Marigold… Get down!” Councillor Rozenaur told him. “Get back here quickly and retract your wings!”

Marigold did so, and she had noticeably gone weaker just for a few seconds of flying, not to mention carrying the possessed Don.

She let her father catch the both of them, and then…

Collapsed on to the ground, her wings breaking off!

“Grrrrr… Hmm?” The struggling Don/Silver Wolf was very mad at her at first, but upon seeing her collapse…..

He went over to her side and sniffed her, then nudged her with his head to make sure if she was still dead or alive.

The people were shocked by this behavior.

“No way… He really was possessed!”

“I never knew spirits of divine beasts can possess a person!”

“How did it even get inside his body!?”

Councillor Rozenaur approached Don menacingly with that mask, and then…..

Took out a branding iron, and plunged it deep within his right shoulder!

Don howled just like a wolf from the pain, as the iron singed and burned through his skin, smoke rising from it.


“Spirit of Skollhati in the form of a Silver Wolf, I command you to leave this mortal be!”


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