Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 118 Game Changer

The day of the game against the Academy and Ursa West has arrived.

But Don was still having some pain issues around his shoulders and spine after what happened in the Training Room. Nothing major, but it can lessen his performance.

When Cermin checked where the sound was, there was no one else besides him and Ronin in that Training Room. Volken and Don had already left.

Volken ‘kindly’ assisted Don to the infirmary, and had his ‘training injuries’ healed there. When the nurse asked how he sustained so much damage, Volken said:

“Don just wanted to go beyond the usual and overestimated himself. He didn’t want to be seen as some weak maiden, right?”

Don gritted his teeth. He knew that Volken was threatening him while making an excuse at the same time.

If he told anyone the truth about what happened in the Training Room, he would tell the truth about his identity.

And so, Don agreed, got himself fixed up and given potions, and went home not saying anything to anyone. Not even to Ronin. He acted like everything was normal.

His brother too seemed to be experiencing something that he rather keeps hidden.

He found often suddenly stop in a daze whenever he saw nearby light, or wake up in the morning with the sun shining down upon him. And he would just stare and stare.

Until he would break away, like nothing had happened. Like he himself have not realized how much time he spent staring blankly..

The younger Zaferi brothers were really having a terrible week, and it did not end even during the game.

“Wish me luck, Brother.” Don said unenthusiastically to the cloaked Ronin.

“Good luck.” He replied with the same lack of enthusiasm.

Cermin was not here to watch the game, as he could not handle seeing Volken much, and he now served as the host and scorer for this game.

Nobody knew that he poisoned Cermin Drychspiel and sabotaged him because Cermin insisted to Councillor Verita not to reveal that truth.

And so, in the majority’s eyes, Volken Argentus did nothing wrong and was fallen hero of some sort.

“Welcome one and all! Those supporting the Academy and the Ursa West Schoola today…. LET ME HEAR YOU SHOUT!”

The boys shouted out of excitement for the game, while the girls shouted for this handsome host.

He chuckled, standing on the platform with a new singer. Back then, it was Rabuka, until her vocal chords were destroyed by acid…

But now, it was someone with high pigtails, orange hair and orange skin.

“OH MY GOSH, IT’S QUEEN LOVUSHKA!” The people from the Academy yelled.

So of course, the people from Ursa West assumed Lovushka was a girl.

The ‘Herald’ of the Academy itself, the man behind the Truth Serum, waved at everyone and greeted them with a cutesy voice:

“Good day, everyone~ I shall be singing the anthem for the Academy today, thank you for this great opportunity!”

The poor, unknowing men from Ursa West couldn’t help but blush at this pretty girl wearing a white dress that resembled a ballet tutu, and feathered collar.

“She looks so pretty… I wonder if she has a lover. If not, I would like to be a candidate!”

“They called her Queen… I will do my best to be her King, then!”

“No, I shall be the one to conquer her heart after the game!”

As they fought among themselves, Lovushka began to sing as the platform began to rise…



The Ursa West students: ….. … … ….

The Academy students: (Laughing their asses off)

This Queen….

Why does she have such a manly, deep and booming voice!?????

The Academy students just relished the confusion of the other Schoola, and cheered more for their ‘Queen’ Lovushka. Lovushka smirked and continued singing in his rich tenor voice.

Volken also grinned at this spectacle, and once Lovushka was over, kissed his hand to further confuse the other school.

“Thank you very much for a wonderful and surprising performance, lovely Lovuska.”

Lovushka answered back in his usual cute and feminine voice. “Haha, the pleasure is mine, really~”

Ronin just made a face at these two’s antics, and focused on Don who was preparing for the game inside the break room.

He had followed the team, unseen as usual, and watched behind the walls as Volken slowly approached this break room.

‘Volken is bound to sabotage him somehow, just like he did with Cermin. Now, the question is…’

‘Would I want to interfere, or would it be better if I do not?’

This side plot was related to a harem member, who in tangent would have been related to Cermin. But Cermin was currently AWOL due to his own actions before.

He had already changed and affected Don’s supposed story, that very much he could tell. Now, would he want to go further from here?

He felt like he should.

And how should he move forward from here?

Ronin envisioned everything in chess pieces. Don was currently the White King, Volken the Black King.

But even with Don being the King piece, it will be Ronin versus Volken in truth, controlling the chess pieces.

Volken will be making his move after Ronin, and so…..

What pieces should he move to secure Don’s safety?

When he caught sight of something pink at the side, he now knew what his next move shall be.

He left the wall he was hiding from, and went over to someone.

“Sister Rozenaur.” He said, his face hidden from the cloak.

“Oh, hello.” Marigold nodded. “How may I help you?”

She was beside her father, but Councillor Rozenaur was currently speaking with someone from Ursa West.

“I have heard that someone in Capere Astra was feeling unwell before the game. Can you check up on all the players to make sure they would be in their best health for a better performance?”

She blinked for a while, then nodded. “Oh, of course! My, you are right. We should have always do a health check on the players before the game.”

Ronin grinned, and went back to hiding and observing. There was no need to interfere from here, let Volken make his move first.

And he was right to make this decision, as this was a vital point on how the supposed result of the game changed.

Had he not interfered… Something terrible would have happened to Don that day.


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