Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 110 The New Prodigy

Don’s fellow teammates, fellow 1st-year students trying out to be on the Capere Astra team, also drew their weapons.

The referee placed a coin, and asked. “Who shall be the temporary Captain for the tryout players?”

The newbies assessed this through which person had the seemingly mightier the weapon.

And an almost 8 feet Morningstar that looked like it weighed 20 pounds or more seemed to be the coolest, so they all pointed at Don.

Don blinked. “Me? Alright….. I suppose heads.”

The new captain of the Capere Astra team, Rainer, nodded. “We’ll take tails.”

The referee tossed the coin, and it showed heads. He turned to Don. “Hands or feet?”

Don did not hesitate to answer. “Hands.”

Now that the arrangement for both teams were decided, the referee took the heavy ball, and tossed it in the air!

A newbie, somebody who was using a dagger blessed by the God of Slumber took the ball first. He started bolting for the X mark without any cooperation with his team…..

When someone from Capere Astra summoned a fire spirit companion to take the ball away!

“Blizzard!” Don yelled before the the fire spirit can take it, and a protective aura of winter killed this tiny creature..

The person kept on summoning more, these glowing balls with teeth and feet rushing towards him…..

But Don swung his morningstar at them just like a baseball bat!


No one could get close to him, and he was pretty much their main defense team. After the newbies saw the crazy fire spirits, they got scared—

But their temporary Captain yelled to them: “Look out for other attacks and protect that boy with a dagger! Protect him at all costs until he reaches the X mark!”

They listened to him, and an actual battle had begun. The newbies took the game seriously and looked for anyone with a power they can defeat.

It was like Rock, Scissor, Paper. You need to choose the right weapon for the right opponent.

Someone with a vine power can defeat someone that can fly, pulling them down back to the earth. Someone with a discus can slice through those bubbles Rainer put up.

The newbie who had the ball was close to reaching the X mark now, and as he was about to toss it—

Someone kicked him on the face!

Somehow, that single kick seemed to have stunned his nerves. He immediately collapsed on the floor, struggling to start moving again.

This person in the Capere Astra team, one called Gungho, was a Clairo Mage that can control the nerves of the person he comes in contact with.

He continued to kick more newbies, and had taken possession of the ball, flipping it up and down while mercilessly striking everyone on his path.

Don noticed his great Mage Focus, and told the remaining members of the team: “Don’t let him get near you!”

He rushed quickly to block this Gungho, but he had sidestepped his aura of Blizzard on time.

He just whooshed past Don, because he knows he couldn’t get near him.

“GRAAHHHH!!!!!” Don shouted…..

And summoned a hailstorm towards him!

Everyone in the audience was shocked!

“Does he have two Mage Types!? How can he summon hail and also be a Hero Mage!?”

“Wha— That’s so unfair!! We can only have one Mage Type, having two would just be too overpowered!”

One of the large chunks of hail fell on Gungho’s head and knocked him down.

Volken shook even more, but this time out of anger. It really was her, it can’t be anyone else!

Blue skin… Hailstorm…. This person, that little freakish girl…

She was the one who caused that slice across his face.

Ronin was interested in this development. He can now remember some noble lady yelling about her son’s face.

So it was him all along. 7 years later, he and Don meet again after that crashed 5th birthday party.

Don went over to the fallen ball, and hit it with his Morningstar, this time like a hockey player. He continued pushing along the ball amidst all the chaos…

And had landed that X mark!

The tryout newbies cheered, as this meant that their team would be likely accepted. The other batch waiting by the side envied them for having someone like Don by their side.

A Mage Focus powerhouse…. Someone naturally gifted. Even if he doesn’t train much, having both the ability to summon ice while also being a blessed Hero mage was enough.

It was enough to make anyone amazed and envious.

Don raised his Morningstar to the air, facing Ronin’s direction. “I did it! Did you see!?”

Ronin just rubbed his face. “He didn’t listen to my advice…. Ah, children.”

“What advice?”

Cermin returned, eating some candied apple he bought from the Banquet Palace. “Wait, the game is over so fast? And that little blue shit actually won!?”

“You didn’t see how much of a powerhouse he was, Your Highness.” Ronin said. “Ah, but he showed off too much.”

Even his quick leadership example was a good sign for his Gridiron prospects. But showing everyone how good he was in the first game…..

Not to mention this revealed past with Volken….. Tsk, it would be really too dangerous for this kid.

Volken went over to clap, asking the nurse to push his wheelchair near the winning group of newbies.

“Well done, Hero of Freja.” He greeted. “May I know your name?”

“Uh, it’s Don. Don Asuli.” He answered.

Volken raised an eyebrow. “Not Zafeiri?”

Don’s heart suddenly went cold, then shook his head quickly. “No, no….. But I do live with the Zafeiri’s now. I’m….. a distant relative.”

“I see… ” Volken sneered at how much of a pathetic liar this boy was. “Then do you know a little Zafeiri girl had ice powers just like you? I visited her birthday party once.”

Don froze up for a moment, then asked cautiously. “Is that so?”

“Yes… That’s how I got this scar, you see. I promised myself that if I ever meet that little girl again…”

He raised his finger, and made a slicing motion over Don’s face.

“I’d return the little gift she gave me.”

Don went quiet then said:

“You know, that does sound interesting. But I’m afraid the girl you were looking for was long dead. So apologies, you would never be able keep your promise to yourself.”

“She’s dead, eh? How unfortunate, how did she die?” Volken cocked his head to the side.

“Disease. Anyway, I hope my performance is up to your standards, Former Captain Volken.”

He made a polite bow, and was about to leave the playing field when…

“I would like to suggest a new member to the Main Six, as it seemed that this tryout resulted to Gungho getting a concussion.”

“There will be another game with a nearby Schoola, Ursa West this time. And so, why don’t this new prodigy with two Mage Types take over for a while?”

Ronin could only chuckle. ‘Ah, this old dog never learn new tricks. The same thing all over again?”

But Volken was not done yet.

“And since he was not yet well-trained, I would like to personally take him under my wing and teach him until the game. He shall be my responsibility if the team shall fail because of him.”


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