Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 106 Commensalism

Ronin went over to his dorm room right after the first day of classes with a sigh.

Not because of the tiring experiences he had before, but the tiring experience that will happen later.

And soon enough, it came. While he was reading a rune book he borrowed from the library, the door opened.

Don entered with a scowl on his face, and did not greet him.

Ronin did not look up from his book, and just flipped the pages. He was the one to greet. “Welcome to our dorm room.”

There had always been an extra wardrobe and bed since this was the room that Maellan and Zeuxis shared. And now it was the younger pair of siblings sharing it.

Don went to his wardrobe closet, and found a pair of nightwear to change into. He silently went to the bathing room to get changed.

But before he could open the door, Ronin spoke again.

“I thought you promised not to be upset with me.”

“I am not.” Don lied. “I’m just tired, and I want to get off this binding on my chest quickly.”

“Mm-hm. Whatever you say, Don.” Ronin raised an eyebrow from the book he was reading.

Don couldn’t help but feel that he can somehow read his mind. Ever since they were kids, his brother had been very good at observing people and gauging what was on their minds..

He went to get changed, and she was now Donna.

If being Don felt freeing, being Donna felt comfortable. Not because the disguise was gone…..

But because he didn’t need to make pretenses over his emotions.

When he was her, he can be emotional and it would make sense. She can just let that emotion flow and not gain judgment.

“Alright, I am a little bit upset. But I have good reason to be.” She sat on the edge of her bed, facing Ronin who was still busy reading.

“Yes. It was a tough decision to make.” Ronin said out loud.

‘Not really’. He said in his head.

Donna untied her braid and brushed her hair. “Brother….. I feel like you are being fooled.”

‘Oh, how ironic.’

He closed the book with a plop! and went over to his own bed to lay there. “I will be alright, Donna. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Will you tell me how exactly did you become friends? What was this ‘dark experience’ he speak of?” Donna asked.

“Hmm….. Long story. Maybe some other time, you did say you were tired. Or was that another lie like you being upset?”

“Brother!” She stopped brushing her hair and glared at him.

Ronin sat up lazily. “What?”

“I don’t want to admit it, but you are reminding me more and more of the men you warned me about. Is this what you came to be from hanging around with that prince?”

“No, Donna.” Ronin wore a fake smile. “I just sometimes make mistakes that may upset you, that’s all.”

It was annoying that he had to pamper this child, but oh well. What are siblings for besides being a nuisance?

He went by her side. “My relationship with Prince Cermin is a complicated one. More complicated than it seems. But if I could put it in easier terms…”

“He sees me as his most prized pony, who does not make him fall off my back and obediently follow the tracks he wants me to go to.”

“All the other ponies before me made him fall, and he was hurt badly. So, having me, he came to value me too much.”

Donna considered this, then asked. “… More than you value him?”

“Mn.” He nodded. “It’s not an equal relationship.”

“Then he’s burdening you, Brother.” She insisted.

“No, no. It’s much like the orchids that attach themselves to trees.” Ronin further explained. “He gains nourishment from me, while I just remain unaffected.”

“At the very least, he’s not a parasite that will harm me. So this could be a little assurance to you, I can protect myself as well.”

Donna nodded. “Then what about our relationship, Brother? You seem to be like this to me.”

Ronin raised his eyebrow. “How so?”

“You let me attach to you, but also keep your distance. I barely know you than he knows you. I don’t even know what your powers are and how you manage to go to this Academy….”

“But even worse than that… I don’t know who you are. What your beliefs are, your temperament, your habits, the little things that make a person…”

She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. “It’s like there’s an invisible wall, and I couldn’t get past through it. And I noticed that you have this wall around everyone.”

“Just like father. Just like all the men I disliked. The only difference you have with them was that you know what to say for people not to notice that wall.”

Ronin’s mouth went into a straight line.

Since when did this little girl became so wise-mouthed? She speaks like some sage now, even using back the metaphor technique he used on her.

“So, could all of us just be orchids to you? Hanging around while you pay us no attention?”

Ronin had nothing to answer to that.

He resolved to drawing a One Word Command rune in his mind, and just said.

“Donna, all this nonsense that you speak…..” Ronin smiled. “Just….”


Donna blinked. “What was I saying again?”

“You were telling me how much you were jealous of my friendship with Cermin.” Ronin wore a ‘warm smile’. “So, I have a proposition for you.”

“What proposition?” She asked.

(I am not jealous though…. Have I ever said that? I just wanted Brother to talk to me more than him and be closer to him since I am his family. Why did I suddenly forget…..)

“You remember my research, right? Well, a Councillor and I travel during Week’s End to gain volunteers for this research.” He interrupted her thoughts. “But the volunteers are too few.”

“So how about we draw them in with a bit of busking?”

“Busking?” She frowned. “But I’m not a performer, Brother.”

“But you are strong. Especially your grip strength, from carrying that heavy Hiemal Morningstar.” Ronin grinned.

“And so… Why don’t you challenge people in the streets for a test of strength, wrestling with your strong arms, and if they lose, they had to volunteer for our project?”

She rubbed her chin. “And you believe this would be very beneficial to you?”

“Of course! And we might be able to gain some money too if we add betting to the mix. Wouldn’t that be helpful to the House Zafeiri?”

He chuckled. “Why, maybe after a year of busking, we could earn enough to patch those leaks and you can sleep comfortably in your room.”

“That is true…” Donna said, looking excited.

But actually, she was more excited by a different thing.

(I would get to know more about Brother’s project and spend more time with him, bond with him. That’s all I want out of this, really. The money is just a bonus.)

Ronin just shrugged at this thought of hers.

Let her feel happy about the thought that she might get through his wall. Let all of them be happy and not realize this orchid and tree relationship that Ronin has with them.

As long as it doesn’t affect his goal…. He’ll just consider it as a ‘bonus’.


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