Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 62 - Barley Porridge

Ch62 – Barley Porridge

The people of the Little Brook Tribe were really shocked by the fact that the Big Bear Tribe actually raised dinosaurs, “You can raise dinosaurs?”

Even if some of the smaller dinosaurs weren’t scary, some dinosaurs, like the Centrosaurus, were huge and intimidating. It was very difficult for the Little Brook Tribe to take one of them down even if all of their warriors worked together!

How could such dinosaurs be raised?

“Of course. To raise dinosaurs, you just have to feed them grass. Then after they’ve grown up, we can kill them for meat.” Zhou Ji said.

The people of the Little Brook Tribe stared at Zhou Ji in awe.

Was that actually possible? How amazing!

Why hadn’t they thought of doing something like that before?

If it was possible to raise dinosaurs, they wouldn’t need to go hungry. If they didn’t go hungry, they could have more and more people in their tribe. If they had more people in their tribe, they wouldn’t have been defeated by the Giant Tiger Tribe...

While Bao Cheng’s thoughts were still endlessly churning, Xiong Bai turned to Xiong Ye, “Xiong Ye, who are these people?”

The last time the salt team returned, they had been missing many people. How had they managed to come back with more people this time?

“They are people from the Little Brook Tribe.” Xiong Ye said, “Let’s go back quickly. I have something to say to the tribal chief.”

The fact that the Giant Tiger Tribe wanted to attack them wasn’t good news.

However, the place that their tribe was located was easy to defend and difficult to attack. It wouldn’t be easy for the Giant Tiger Tribe to defeat them!

Additionally, they had killed so many people from the Giant Tiger Tribe. They probably didn’t have many warriors left to fight with, right?

Xiong Ye wasn’t very clear about the Giant Tiger Tribe’s situation, so he wanted to meet with Xiong He and the priest to have a proper discussion and think up a plan together.

The salt team’s return was a very big occasion!

Some people had already gone back to the tribe in advance to tell everyone else about their return, so when Xiong Ye and the others arrived, Xiong He, the priest, and everyone else were already waiting at the gate of their tribe.

Xiong Ye felt quite happy inside when he saw this scene.

This was the scene that he had always wanted to see. He hoped that he could do something good for the people of the tribe.

Xiong Ye saw the priest heading towards him excitedly and said, “Grandpa Priest, I’m back!”

Priest: “Zhou Ji, did you find the thing that the Beast God asked you to find?”

“That’s great!” The priest said, “Oh, right. The earth eggs have all been planted. Do you want to take a look?”

Xiong Ye and Zhou Ji had been gone for almost a month on this journey. Not only had the earth eggs all been planted, some of them had even begun to germinate.

The weather had been quite warm recently. If they were watered well, the earth eggs would bud very quickly.

“Alright.” Zhou Ji nodded.

Xiong Ye watched as his mate was taken away just like that...

There were still many things he needed to do as well. He needed to give the salt to the tribal chief, and he needed to discuss the Little Brook Tribe and Giant Tiger Tribe’s matters, so he could only watch helplessly as Zhou Ji left.

Forget it, Zhou Ji would return at night anyway!

Xiong Ye immediately went to talk to Xiong He. At this time, Zhou Ji had already come face to face with over two hundred baby dinosaurs of all types.

Hadn’t they said that there were only about a hundred? There were nearly three hundred baby dinosaurs here if he added them all up!

Forget it, the people of the Big Bear Tribe weren’t good with numbers...

Zhou Ji remained calm as he looked at all these baby dinosaurs.

All sorts of different dinosaurs were being raised together, and they were also being fed very chaotically. Even if these little dinosaurs had hardy survival skills, quite a few of them were already at death’s door...

“Separate the different types of dinosaurs and feed them the food that they like to eat.” Zhou Ji said.

“Why do we need to be so nice to them?” Xiong Ping didn’t understand. Although she fed on dinosaurs, she didn’t have any positive feelings towards them––many people in the tribe had been killed by dinosaurs!

“In order to raise them up and eat their meat.” Zhou Ji explained.

With this in mind, Xiong Ping, who had originally been a little dissatisfied, immediately recovered. However, she was still a little anxious, “These dinosaurs aren’t easy to raise. They eat too much, and the hunting team has to spend all day outside gathering grass in order to barely get enough to feed them.”

“How much grass do they eat every day?” Zhou Ji asked.

Zhou Ji had also considered the possibility that dinosaurs wouldn’t be easy to raise. Certain dinosaurs grew to be too big, and the bigger they were, the more they would eat.

That was why he had planned to try raising all sorts of dinosaurs before finally choosing the ones most suitable for raising as livestock.

Not all dinosaurs were that big.

Xiong Ping’s mouth dropped open. Although she was tasked with raising the dinosaurs, she had never counted them or calculated such things before...

However, Zhou Ji soon learned why the hunting team had been so busy. This was related to how far out they were traveling every time they went out to gather grass.

In the Big Bear Tribe, everyone was accustomed to not destroying the vegetation in the area around their tribe.

After sharing what limited knowledge he had about raising livestock with Xiong Ping, Zhou Ji went to check on the earth eggs.

The earth eggs were growing very well. He used his plant abilities to make them even better while thinking about where to find a new stretch of land to farm on.

Zhou Ji’s gaze landed on the mountain that he had almost levelled by accident.

There used to be many giant trees on that mountain, but now, they had all been uprooted or broken down, revealing the extremely fertile land that had been nourished by endless piles of fallen leaves. They would certainly be able to grow things over there if they tidied up the land there properly.

Of course, the land around the tribe could also be farmed.

When he thought of how much still needed to be done, Zhou Ji felt a little helpless.

“Zhou Ji, when do you plan to plant the plants that the Beast God told you to find?” The priest asked.

“I’ll hold a ceremony, then plant the plants that the Beast God has given us tomorrow.” Zhou Ji replied.

The priest looked at Zhou Ji and suddenly asked, “Are you finally willing to become the priest and take up my position in the tribe?”

Zhou Ji looked at the priest, “I am the Beast God’s messenger. I won’t become the priest.”

He really didn’t want to become the priest who had to be involved in everything. On the other hand, he could still find a way to keep his current position as the Beast God’s messenger.

Priest: “......” Did that mean he still needed to teach those children? After experiencing Zhou Ji’s learning ability, he was now truly despairing of those little childrens’ ability to learn!

Fine, he was also despairing of his own ability to learn.

However, he had a reason for it... He was old, and his brain couldn’t be expected to be as good as it had been when he was young.

After visiting the livestock and the farms, Zhou Ji returned back to the tribe.

The tribe had already begun to celebrate.

Xiong Ye and the others had brought back more salt than ever before. The people of the tribe were naturally extremely happy! Only, Xiong He’s expression was a little uncertain.

The threat from the Giant Tiger Tribe left him rather worried.

However, even he didn’t remain worried for too long. Let them come! If they couldn’t deal with it, they would simply fight!

The Big Bear Tribe had often fought with others before they had obtained a priest.

Xiong He calmed down when he thought about it from that angle. He found people to start boiling smoked meat and earth eggs in order to entertain the people of the Little Brook Tribe and celebrate the return of their own people at the same time.

All of the failed smoked meat experiments had already been consumed, so the meat that Xiong He brought out all consisted of the smoked meat that had been prepared well.

Not only was the burnt taste very faint with this smoked meat, it also gave off a very attractive scent. Earth eggs boiled like this with smoked meat were also especially delicious.

Xiong Ye and the others hadn’t eaten that well throughout their journey. At this moment, they felt like they couldn’t possibly eat fast enough. The people of the Little Brook Tribe were also very shocked––such delicious food actually existed in this world!

Bao Yu went over to Bao Cheng’s side and said, “Elder brother, I want to stay in this tribe and have a baby with Xiong Qi.”

Bao Yu had expressed her interest in both Xiong Ye and Zhou Ji, but had been rejected. Later on, she had set her sights on Xiong Qi, and Xiong Qi, who was someone who was very free in this aspect, had agreed.

Xiong Qi used to like Lang Yin for two reasons. First was that Lang Yin was very beautiful, and second was that Lang Yin’s animal form was white.

He thought that since both of them were white, they were very well matched.

However, Lang Yin didn’t like him and felt that he was too old, so he had given up. Now that Bao Yu was taking the initiative and offering herself, he didn’t hesitate to shift his affections to her instead.

Such things were common in this tribe. Xiong Ye had grown up with it and was used to it, and even Zhou Ji had become accustomed to it.

It wasn’t surprising that Bao Yu now wanted to remain with the tribe. She and Bao Cheng were the two strongest people in their tribe, but when compared to the Big Bear Tribe...

Other than peak level fighters like Xiong Ye, the Big Bear Tribe was also supported by a large number of strong warriors. These people had all awakened animal forms like black bears, black apes, and so on. There were also tigers like Hu Yue, and their combat power was no worse than Bao Yu or Bao Cheng.

This tribe gave them a very high sense of security.

Bao Cheng wasn’t surprised at his sister’s choice. It also abruptly occurred to him––he could also find a woman in the Big Bear Tribe to have children with and also live here!

The people of the Little Brook Tribe all began to think along those lines. And at this moment, Zhou Ji was busy cooking barley porridge.

He had picked out some of the barley that wouldn’t germinate, then produced a little more to add to the mix and started to cook porridge.

This was something he hadn’t had in a very long time... Zhou Ji suddenly felt his mouth water.


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