Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 64: Everyone is coming to Lijia Village

Chapter 64

Li Xiaoya was still clutching a sweet potato in her hand.

Unconsciously, she squeezed it, and the roasted sweet potato immediately crumbled.

Wei Wenqing was even more agitated, his face turning grim as he abruptly stood up.

Sheng Yuxiao wasn't faring any better. He strode out from the inner room, holding a cup of water with milk he had just prepared for Li Xiaoya.

With a solemn face, he said, "Oh? A relative has come? Who is it?"

"It's me!" Wei Lin shouted as he got out of the car.

The villagers immediately craned their necks, examining this man with curiosity and intrigue.

Wei Lin was quite different from Wei Zhen.

Wei Lin wore a suit with an overcoat, dressed impeccably. He had a square face exuding righteousness, giving people a strong sense of reliability.

He looked exactly like the stereotypical rich person from TV dramas.

The villagers were instantly struck by his commanding presence.

Wei Lin quickly walked up, politely greeting, "Young Master Sheng."

Then he crouched down, speaking to Li Xiaoya in a warm tone, "Xiaoya, I'm your grandfather's godson. You can call me uncle."

Wei Wenqing's face grew even darker, wishing he could grab the stove beside him and smash it into Wei Lin's face.


He was Xiaoya's uncle!

Wei Lin was nothing!

Just a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Wei Lin's eyes reddened, not noticing Wei Wenqing.

His gaze was entirely fixed on Li Xiaoya.

She was so beautiful...

Even hidden away in this remote village, a pearl was still a pearl... Those powerful genes were truly enviable.

"Your grandfather is in poor health and couldn't come here to pick you up himself. Uncle has come to take you home for a family reunion," Wei Lin said, then let out a painful whimper.

"Xiaoya, your mother, your mother, is she already..." Wei Lin continued, his voice choked with emotion.

Wei Wenqing's blood boiled, anger burning through him.

Since arriving at Li Xiaoya's home and finding only her left... he had more or less guessed his sister's fate.

So he hadn't asked Li Xiaoya anymore.

He didn't want to bring up her sadness, nor did he want to immerse himself in pain.

But Wei Lin, as soon as he arrived, immediately brought up this matter.

He didn't care at all whether a child who had lost her mother would be upset...

He didn't care about rubbing salt in all their wounds!

"Yes, mom is dead. She's been dead for a long time," Li Xiaoya finally spoke.

The audience was on the verge of tears.

But unexpectedly...

[How can Li Xiaoya still be so calm?]

Not only was Li Xiaoya calm, but she also softly asked Wei Lin, "Are you very sad?"

"Of course..."

"Then go kowtow to mom," Li Xiaoya said, stepping aside to make way for him.

Wei Lin's expression almost froze.

Ask him to kowtow?

He had only ever kowtowed to the old man in his life!

Li Xiaoya's tone was light, "Go on, mom has been waiting for you all for so long. Go talk to mom."

[Li Xiaoya's attitude is so strange]

[+1, isn't this man her uncle? It's weird for an uncle to kowtow to her mother]

Wei Lin wiped the corner of his eye and slowly stood up, saying, "Alright, I'll go and have a word with your mother."

Wei Wenqing, on the other hand, almost laughed out loud with satisfaction.


He should kowtow to his sister!

Wei Lin walked in, and halfway through, he finally noticed Wei Wenqing.

Wei Lin's steps faltered, but he still covered his face in grief, not rushing to greet Wei Wenqing.

When he finally reached the inside, Wei Lin said painfully, "Did you and your mother live in a place like this?"


"Your mother suffered too much, endured too much hardship..." Wei Lin covered his face and began to cry.

Li Xiaoya struggled to pull out a large box.

Seeing this, Sheng Yuxiao immediately came forward to help pull it out.

After the box was pulled out, Li Xiaoya carefully took something out from inside.

As the camera panned, everyone was stunned.

[Damn! Damn! She's truly a top-tier beauty!]

[Is this Li Xiaoya's mother? She's so incredibly beautiful.]

[Ah, those traffickers deserve to die!]

What Li Xiaoya was holding was the only photograph left of her mother.

That photograph was once a group photo.

It was her mother and father's wedding photo.

After her mother died and her father ran away, Li Xiaoya had cut the photo.

She buried her father's part in her grandmother's grave.

Her mother's photo had been hidden in the box all this time, always hidden...

"You can kowtow now," Li Xiaoya said.

Wei Lin's pupils contracted.

The photo was of poor quality, and the indoor lighting was dim, which gave the person in the photo an indescribable ghostly quality.

He steadied himself and actually knelt down before the photo, kowtowing and crying out, "I'm too late, I'm still too late..."

Wei Wenqing watched this scene, feeling both satisfied and chilled to the bone.

Wei Lin was really willing to lower himself.

And it was precisely because of this that he had always maintained his act so well. No one could expose his hypocritical face!

He really wanted to tear off his mask in front of the camera... Wei Wenqing's chest heaved as he barely suppressed the surging emotions in his heart.

In comparison, Li Xiaoya seemed much more emotionally stable.

After Wei Lin finished kowtowing, Li Xiaoya asked him again, "Have you all been thinking about mom?"

"Of course, child. After your mother went missing, your grandfather immediately fell ill, and your aunt went mad..."

[My God! How could it be so tragic?]

[Ah, Li Xiaoya, go back quickly, reunite quickly!]

"What about you?" Li Xiaoya continued to ask.

"Of course, I also..."

[Uh, now that you mention it, this uncle looks a bit too spirited, doesn't really seem like someone who's lost a sister]

It was only then that Li Xiaoya finally began to shed tears slowly, saying, "You've all remembered mom all this time, right?"

"After mom died, I was very scared. The villagers wouldn't let anyone mention mom. Grandpa burned all of mom's things. Only I still remembered mom..."

Wei Lin's breath hitched, then he quickly pulled Li Xiaoya into his arms, "They were too cruel! They will receive their due punishment!"

Li Xiaoya closed her eyes, tears falling like pearls onto Wei Lin's shoulder.

Li Xiaoya thought to herself, you're too cruel as well.

Will you also receive your due punishment?

The villagers watched this scene of family reunion, their gazes flickering constantly, and soon dispersed.

When they had walked far enough away, they finally muttered, "What trafficking? Nonsense."

"Yeah. When your daughter marries into my family, I give you a thousand yuan as bride price. How is that trafficking?"

"These city people just meddle too much!"

"Does this mean Li Xiaoya's grandpa is going to eat bullets now?"

Xu Qiulai sat in the car, staring at the retreating figures of the villagers, her brows gradually furrowing.

After a while.

She turned her gaze back, only to see Ning Heng sitting beside her with reddened eyes.

Ning Heng clutched her chest and said, "Sigh, Li Xiaoya and her mother have suffered so much... I feel like I'm having another burst of creative inspiration."

Xu Qiulai: "..."

Meanwhile, Wei Lin was still saying, "Come on, come with uncle. When you go back, you'll be able to see where your mother used to live... That place is full of memories of her."

Li Xiaoya shook her head, "I'm scared."

Wei Lin paused, asking, "What are you afraid of?"

"That place is mom's home, but it's unfamiliar. So I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid. Uncle, and many others, will all be good to you..."

"Really?" Li Xiaoya looked at him with tear-filled eyes.

Wei Lin knew he couldn't hesitate.

So he nodded firmly and said, "Really!"


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