Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 48 - 013 Uninvited Guest

Chapter 48: Chapter 013 Uninvited Guest

In the Great Yan Empire, in the capital city of Yanqing.

Inside the Yanqing Imperial Palace, in a courtyard.

A man clad in a dragon robe, his face stern and his demeanor commanding, stood in the courtyard. He was the Emperor of Yan, Yan Di.

In front of the Emperor were several courtiers, accompanied by an elderly eunuch. Before them lay a corpse—the body of Zhao Tiande, the eldest son of the Zhao family, brought here by Yan Chuan's men.

"Zhao Tiande?" Yan Di's eyes narrowed.

"Yan Chuan killed Zhao Tiande and sent his body directly to Your Majesty. This is highly unusual!" said a courtier in a blue scholar's robe, looking towards the Emperor.

"Is he trying to provoke me, blaming me for letting the Zhao family assassinate him?" Yan Di's voice was cold.

"The One-Word King is growing up!" the scholar-robed courtier said with a furrowed brow.

"Your Majesty, should we reveal Zhao Tiande's death to the public? It might rally the people and counter the Zhao family," another courtier suggested.

"Your Majesty, you must not!" the blue-robed courtier immediately interjected.

"Oh? Changqing, what do you mean?" Yan Di asked.

"The One-Word King, although he doesn't interfere with politics, holds significant sway in the hearts of the people. His support has kept the Great Yan Empire standing for three centuries. Even though he's been in seclusion for seven years, his influence remains. If we publicize this, even if he doesn't appear, his reputation will stir a storm in the Great Yan. I have a troubling premonition!" Changqing said, frowning with concern.

"What premonition?" Yan Di's voice was solemn.

"By sending this corpse, he might be deliberately prompting Your Majesty to publicize it. This would reignite the people's memory of him and lay the groundwork for his return to the political scene!" Changqing's brow remained furrowed.

"Groundwork? Are you suggesting he's aiming to usurp my power?" Yan Di's face darkened.

"This is merely my speculation. After all, everyone in the Great Yan knows that this empire originally belonged to the One-Word King. He, like Your Majesty, has the rightful claim. However, while you hold the military and political power, he only has the accumulated prestige of three centuries. This could be a probing move, to win the people's favor first!" Changqing said worriedly.

"Changqing, you are overthinking. The One-Word King suffers from soul-loss syndrome and is only seventeen. How could he have such deep schemes?" another courtier shook his head with a smile.

"Perhaps I am overthinking," Changqing said with a wry smile.

Yan Di, however, was deep in thought, his brow furrowed.

"Moreover, if Your Majesty handles this matter discreetly, the Zhao family will surely suspect that Your Majesty and the One-Word King are in collusion, setting a trap. They would blame Your Majesty for Zhao Tiande's death, not a seventeen-year-old 'naive' boy!" Changqing added.

"Revealing it is not an option, but keeping it secret is also problematic. If Changqing's concerns are true, then the One-Word King's schemes are indeed deep!" another courtier said with worry.

"Please, Your Majesty, make the decision!" the courtiers looked towards Yan Di.

Yan Di pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, and said, "The Zhao family must be removed eventually. Taking on their enmity is no great loss. The One-Word King? I underestimated him. After a century, to reclaim the Great Yan? Impossible. My son will surpass him by a hundredfold!"

"The Crown Prince is a blessing for the Great Yan. With his extraordinary talent, perhaps a new One-Word King will emerge!" Changqing nodded.

"We seem to have not seen the Crown Prince these days," another courtier said with curiosity.

"The Crown Prince and several high-ranking officials have gone to the Forbidden Forest. Perhaps they will encounter Yan Chuan!" Yan Di stroked his beard with a smile.

Outside the Forbidden Forest. Yan Chuan's bamboo cottage.

For twenty days, Yan Chuan, Huo Guang, and Liu Jin had been consuming the flesh of demon serpents daily. Their cultivation was increasing rapidly.

On the table were three plates of fried and grilled serpent meat. Yan Chuan ate slowly while Liu Jin and Huo Guang stood respectfully beside him.

As he ate, Yan Chuan asked casually, "Is this the last portion of serpent meat?"

"Yes, Your Highness. I might have consumed too much," Huo Guang replied, his face flushing with embarrassment.

"It's fine. With higher cultivation, more food is needed. As long as you gain strength, it's worth it. How is your cultivation now?" Yan Chuan inquired.

"I'm at the seventh level of the Power Realm and nearing the peak! It feels like a breakthrough could happen any moment!" Huo Guang said excitedly.

"I've reached the sixth level of the Power Realm!" Liu Jin added, also a bit excited.

Twenty days, just twenty days!

"Good!" Yan Chuan nodded in satisfaction.

"Your Highness, the soldiers have had ample meat these days, and many have broken through. However, the demon serpent blood is running low!" Huo Guang expressed his concern.

"It's fine. The blood of demon beasts is just a temporary measure. We can hunt again in a few days!" Yan Chuan smiled.

"Yes!" the two responded.

Yan Chuan quickly finished the last of the serpent meat.

"Do not disturb me!" Yan Chuan said.

"Understood!" they both replied.

Yan Chuan retreated to his room and shut the door.

Sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, he began to meditate, "This last batch of serpent meat should help me push through to the sixth level of the Power Realm!"

In the military camp.

Several silver-armored soldiers guarded the large stone where Yan Chuan had written. This stone, which could attract countless beasts, was crucial for ensuring the soldiers had enough meat for their cultivation, so it was heavily protected.

At this point, it was no longer necessary for Huo Guang to lead the defense; junior officers were sufficient to handle the beasts attracted by the scent.

"Time's up. Begin attracting the beasts!" one of the junior officers called out.


The daily ritual of using serpent blood to attract beasts began.

Meanwhile, above the camp, amidst the clouds, a snow-white boat slowly approached.

The boat was shrouded in white mist, blending seamlessly with its surroundings, making it appear as just another cloud.

On the boat stood eight people and a crane, divided into three groups.

The first group featured a young girl in a white dress, with a delicate ribbon adorning her beautiful long hair. She was the girl who had recently ridden a crane to observe Yan Chuan painting at the dragon vein.

The crane stood beside her, and behind her were four black-clad attendants.

The second group consisted of a middle-aged man in a white scholar's robe, his demeanor refined and calm.

The third group included a handsome young man in a golden robe, accompanied by a dwarf standing beside him.

"Saintess, are these the soldiers in silver armor?" the scholar-robed man asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Wenruo, these are the silver-armored soldiers. The young man must be here!" the girl's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"A mortal boy? Yuxi, are you sure?" the young man said, visibly displeased.

"Absolutely!" Yuxi quickly shook her head.

In the Great Yan Empire, at the imperial capital, Yanjing.

Inside the Yanjing Imperial Palace, in a courtyard.

In the courtyard stood a man in a dragon robe, his face stern and his expression fierce. He was none other than the Emperor of Yan.

Before the Emperor, several officials stood, accompanied by an elderly eunuch.

Before them lay a corpse—the body of Zhao Tiande, the eldest son of the Zhao family, delivered by Yan Chuan.

"Zhao Tiande?" The Emperor's eyes narrowed.

"Yan Chuan killed Zhao Tiande and even sent his body to Your Majesty. This is highly unusual. Your Majesty?" One of the officials in a blue scholar's robe looked at the Emperor.

"Is he trying to show off, blaming me for letting the Zhao family assassinate him?" the Emperor said coldly.

"The One-Letter Allied King must be growing up!" The scholar in the blue robe frowned.

"Your Majesty, should we make Zhao Tiande's death public? It could rally the people against the Zhao family," another official suggested.

"No, Your Majesty!" The blue-robed official quickly objected.

"Oh? Changqing, what do you mean?" The Emperor turned his gaze to him.

"The One-Letter Allied King, while not interfering in state affairs, holds immense sway over the people's hearts. The Great Yan Empire has stood strong for three hundred years because of him. Even though he was replaced seven years ago, the people's support for him remains. Although he has faded from public view, if we make this known, even without his appearance, his name could stir up a storm. I have a bad feeling!" Changqing said, his concern evident.

"What kind of feeling?" The Emperor asked, his tone serious.

"By sending this body, he might be deliberately prompting Your Majesty to make it public. This would rekindle the people's memory of him and pave the way for his return to the political arena!" Changqing explained, worried.

"Pave the way? Are you saying he wants to usurp my power?" The Emperor's expression darkened.

"This is just my speculation. After all, everyone in the Great Yan Empire knows that this world originally belonged to the One-Letter Allied King. He, like Your Majesty, has the most legitimate claim. While Your Majesty holds military and political power, he only has the accumulated fame of three hundred years. This could be a test move to win the people's support!" Changqing said anxiously.

"Mr. Changqing, you worry too much. The One-Letter Allied King has a soul disease and is only seventeen. How could he have such deep schemes?" Another official shook his head, smiling.

"Perhaps I am overthinking it," Changqing said with a wry smile.

The Emperor, however, furrowed his brow, falling into a moment of contemplation.

"Moreover, if Your Majesty handles this quietly, the Zhao family might think that Your Majesty and the One-Letter Allied King are colluding and setting a trap. They would blame Your Majesty for Zhao Tiande's death rather than a 'naive' seventeen-year-old!" Changqing added.

"Neither making it public nor keeping it secret seems to work. If what Mr. Changqing says is true, then the One-Letter Allied King's schemes are too profound!" Another official expressed concern.

"Please, Your Majesty, make the decision!" Everyone looked to the Emperor.

After a moment of silence, the Emperor took a deep breath and said, "The Zhao family must be removed eventually. Taking on their hatred is nothing. The One-Letter Allied King? I underestimated him. To think he dreams of reclaiming the Great Yan after a century? Impossible. My son will surpass him by a hundredfold!"

"The Crown Prince is a blessing to the Great Yan. The Crown Prince is extraordinarily talented. The Great Yan might even see a new One-Letter Allied King!" Changqing nodded.

"By the way, we haven't seen the Crown Prince these days," another official remarked.

"The Crown Prince and several of his attendants have gone to the Forbidden Forest. They might encounter Yan Chuan!" The Emperor stroked his beard and smiled.

Outside the Forbidden Forest, in Yan Chuan's bamboo hut.

After twenty days of eating the flesh of demon serpents, Yan Chuan, Huo Guang, and Liu Jin had rapidly increased their cultivation levels.

On the table lay three plates of fried and grilled serpent meat. Yan Chuan ate slowly while Liu Jin and Huo Guang stood attentively beside him.

As he ate, Yan Chuan asked, "Is this the last of the serpent meat?"

"Yes, it is. I ate too much, so..." Huo Guang's face reddened.

"No matter. Higher cultivation requires more food. Just focus on increasing your strength. What is your current level of cultivation?" Yan Chuan inquired.

"I am at the seventh level of Strength Realm, and I am at its peak! I feel like I could break through at any moment!" Huo Guang said excitedly.

"I've reached the sixth level of Strength Realm!" Liu Jin also said with a hint of excitement.

Just twenty days—remarkable progress.

"Hmm!" Yan Chuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Your Highness, the soldiers have been consuming a lot of meat these days, and many of them have made breakthroughs. However, the demon serpent's blood is running out!" Huo Guang said with concern.

"No problem. It's just demon beast blood. We'll hunt more in a few days!" Yan Chuan replied with a smile.

"Yes, Your Highness," the two responded.

Yan Chuan quickly finished the serpent meat in front of him.

"Do not disturb me!" Yan Chuan said.

"Yes, Your Highness," they replied.

Yan Chuan returned to his room and closed the door.

Sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes, he began to adjust his breathing. "This last batch of serpent meat should push me to the sixth level of Strength Realm!"

Nearby, in the military camp.

Several silver-armored soldiers were guarding the large stone where Yan Chuan had been writing. This stone, which attracted countless wild beasts, was crucial for the soldiers to get ample meat for their cultivation, thus requiring strict protection.

At this point, there was no need for Huo Guang to lead the troops; the junior officers were sufficient to handle the wild beasts attracted by the scent.

"It's time. Draw the beasts!" a junior officer commanded.

"Yes, sir!"

The daily ritual of using serpent blood to attract beasts began.

Meanwhile, above the camp, amidst the clouds, a small white boat slowly descended.

The boat was surrounded by a white mist, blending seamlessly with the surroundings, appearing like a floating cloud even to those who looked closely.

On the boat stood eight people and a crane.

They were divided into three groups.

The first group consisted of a young woman in a white dress, with a delicate band tied around her forehead and her beautiful long hair cascading down. She was the girl who had recently ridden a crane to watch Yan Chuan paint at the dragon vein entrance.

The crane stood beside her, and behind her were four men in black, seemingly her attendants.

The second group was a middle-aged man in a white scholar's robe, his demeanor gentle and his expression calm.

The third group featured a handsome young man in a golden robe, accompanied by a dwarf of about half his height.

"Holy Maiden, are these the ones?" The man in the white scholar's robe, Wen Ruo, asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Wen Ruo, these are the silver-armored soldiers. The youth must be here!" The girl, Yu Xi, said with excitement in her eyes.

"A mere mortal youth? Yu Xi, are you sure?" The young man in the golden robe said, somewhat displeased.

"Absolutely!" The girl Yu Xi quickly shook her head.

"Lord Yang, since the Holy Maiden holds them in such high regard, why not wait a bit longer?" Mr. Wen Ruo suggested with a smile.

"Wait? What is there to wait for? Just go down and fetch him. I don't have that much time!" Lord Yang replied disdainfully.

"Hold on!" Yu Xi shook her head.

"Fine, we'll wait a bit longer," Lord Yang said, trying to appease her.

"The fog in the surrounding forest seems to form a formation," Mr. Wen Ruo observed with a frown.

"A formation? What kind of formation is it?" Yu Xi asked with curiosity.

Mr. Wen Ruo squinted and studied the surroundings for a while before finally shaking his head. "It seems to be a Feng Shui formation."

"A Feng Shui formation? Impossible. Can a mere mortal set up a Feng Shui formation?" Lord Yang was immediately skeptical.

"I'll take a look!" A dwarf accompanying Lord Yang stepped forward.

"Ding Wugu, you practice Feng Shui. What kind of formation is this?" Lord Yang asked, as if speaking directly to Yu Xi.

Everyone turned to the dwarf named Ding Wugu.

Ding Wugu examined the surroundings with a furrowed brow and eventually shook his head.

"Did you figure it out?" Lord Yang asked.

"No, but

a mere mortal could hardly set up a real formation. It's probably just some minor, obscure formation!" Ding Wugu said dismissively.

"Indeed!" Lord Yang nodded.

Mr. Wen Ruo, however, remained standing with his hands behind his back, carefully observing the scene below.

"Hmm? What are those soldiers doing?" Yu Xi exclaimed with surprise.

Everyone looked in the direction she indicated, where a soldier was pouring a bowl of fresh blood onto a large stone.


The blood splattered and surged southward.

"The smell? Such a strong odor!" Ding Wugu squinted, noticing the intense scent.

"A formation?" Lord Yang called out.

"No, it's a character!" Mr. Wen Ruo's eyes lit up.

"Let's go down!" Mr. Wen Ruo said, clearly excited by the discovery.

"Okay!" The others nodded.

With a step, Mr. Wen Ruo's boat quickly descended and shrank to a manageable size. They collected the boat and descended from the low sky. Only the crane remained circling above.





Clouds of dust erupted as they suddenly landed, startling the surrounding soldiers.

"Who are you?" a silver-armored soldier demanded.

Mr. Wen Ruo headed straight for the large stone and began examining the characters inscribed on it with great interest.

Yu Xi approached and also scrutinized the stone, while Lord Yang pretended to study the characters with equal seriousness.

The group paid no attention to the surrounding soldiers, viewing them as insignificant.

"Archers, fire!" an officer commanded.

The archers, who had their crossbows drawn, aimed at the unexpected guests.

With a single command, a storm of arrows was loosed, targeting the intruders.





The silver-armored soldiers were highly efficient, releasing over two thousand arrows in a sweeping volley. For ordinary people, escaping such a barrage would be impossible.

But these individuals were far from ordinary.

One of Yu Xi's subordinates, turning his head, narrowed his eyes and waved his hand lightly.


A massive barrier of energy appeared, halting the arrows mid-flight. The arrows suspended in the air, creating gentle ripples like drops of rain on a still lake.

The two thousand arrows were halted, leaving the silver-armored soldiers in shock.

The soldiers realized that these intruders were not something they could handle.

"Qinglong, don't trouble them!" Yu Xi ordered.

The black-clad subordinate, who had been glaring fiercely, relaxed his expression and said, "Yes, Holy Maiden!"


The storm of arrows fell to the ground.

At that moment, within a bamboo hut separated by a forest, Yan Chuan's body emitted a resounding rumble. Golden light radiated from him, and his eyes opened.

"Strength Realm, sixth level? Haha!" Yan Chuan sighed with satisfaction.

"Hm?" Yan Chuan's eyes suddenly narrowed as he looked towards the bamboo door.


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