Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 34 - 35 Dapeng

Chapter 34: Chapter 35 Dapeng

Foundation Establishment Cultivator?

When Wang Zihan mentioned the term "Foundation Establishment Cultivator," Du Yunlong nearly jumped out of his seat. He had long known that Wang Zihan's background was impressive, but he never imagined that this seemingly powerless young lady was actually a genuine Foundation Establishment Cultivator.

In the world of cultivation, there are countless practitioners, but most only ever reach the Qi Refining stage in their lifetimes. Among a hundred cultivators, there might be only two or three who successfully establish their foundations.

Achieving Foundation Establishment means transcending the mundane realm, with powers so extraordinary they can command flying swords to strike from a hundred yards away. Such cultivators can live up to two hundred and forty years, and with longevity-enhancing techniques and elixirs, living to three hundred is not out of reach.

However, reaching Foundation Establishment is incredibly challenging. Du Yunlong had only hoped to reach this stage by the time he was in his forties.

Yet, this young lady, Wang Zihan, despite her grandiose demeanor, was clearly much younger than Du Yunlong—perhaps even a year or two younger. To have achieved Foundation Establishment at such a young age was truly astonishing!

Wang Zihan's revelation, however, sent the wrong message to Du Yunlong. She honestly admitted a hidden fact: "Yes, you're right. I do have an extraordinary master, but the reason I'm only at Foundation Establishment is that I'm only a registered disciple, not a direct disciple. I can't always receive my master's guidance and only get occasional pointers."

"Moreover, although I've learned some Buddhist techniques, my primary studies are orthodox Daoist techniques, which differ from what my master practices. This has delayed my cultivation."

No wonder Wang Zihan spoke of her cultivation level with such disdain. Du Yunlong was shocked to learn that her master, the Unblemished Goddess, was actually at the Nascent Soul stage. Nascent Soul cultivators can live for a thousand years and wield immense power, able to control the heavens and the earth, much like celestial beings.

Du Yunlong's greatest adversaries, the Pang brothers, were only Foundation Establishment cultivators. To think that the Unblemished Goddess had reached the Nascent Soul stage was almost like facing a divine immortal in Du Yunlong's eyes.

The fate of the Han Dynasty often hinged on the presence of Nascent Soul cultivators within the Celestial Sect. There's even a saying, "First comes the Celestial Sect, then comes the Han Dynasty." Although the Celestial Sect claims to have a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is shrouded in mystery.

Usually, it is the Golden Core cultivators who maintain the Celestial Sect's status, while the few Nascent Soul cultivators act as a last resort, intervening only in dire situations.

Wang Zihan's ability to be an apprentice to such a powerful master was impressive. No wonder she carried herself with such an air of nobility—she had the background to back it up.

Upon reflection, Du Yunlong realized there was more to Wang Zihan's story. Despite having such a revered master, she seemed to be somewhat neglected, as evidenced by her status as a registered disciple. This could explain why the Pang family dared to hunt her—she might have been less favored.

Wang Zihan confirmed Du Yunlong's thoughts as she continued, her voice drifting into a dreamlike quality: "I had been training in my master's sect for years. Although I was dedicated to the Dao, my cultivation was still quite different from what my master taught. Seeing my fellow disciples achieve the Golden Core, I became anxious and made some mistakes in my practice. When my master found out, she didn't expel me but allowed me to go home and clear my mind."

This indicated that Wang Zihan wasn't particularly favored among her master's disciples. If she were, her master would have intervened to help correct her mistakes instead of letting her fend for herself. Wang Zihan continued, "Although I returned to the Han Dynasty, I was still troubled. As long as I hadn't achieved the Golden Core, I couldn't claim to be on the path to immortality. I also had some personal issues that hindered my progress..."

Du Yunlong smiled, "It seems that my Extreme Yuan Radiance Thunder Refinement Divine Record has its own merits after all."

She then brought the conversation to the main topic, "On February 16th this year, I decided to wake up early to gather herbs on Mount Yuehua, which is famous in the Han Dynasty. Although there are no major sects there, it's known as a haven for scattered cultivators. Mount Huiyan, in particular, is abundant in spiritual herbs, though the terrain is treacherous and far more dangerous than Falling Star Mountain. Only someone like me, a Foundation Establishment cultivator, could safely climb it."

"The reputation of Mount Yuehua is so well-known, I couldn't be unaware of it!"

Wang Zihan's voice grew somber as she began to recount her mountain climbing experience in full detail for the first time: "That morning, I felt something was off as soon as I left. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it felt as if..."

Wang Zihan provided an example: "It was like walking into this temple of the Celestial Maiden, feeling completely at ease, only to step outside and sense an ominous atmosphere. Fire Uncle was away, and I almost turned back."

"But once I started climbing Mount Huiyan, despite its reputation for danger, I encountered no obstacles. Everything went smoothly, and I even collected many valuable herbs without facing any issues..."

Du Yunlong interjected, "That sounds odd!"

"Yes!" Wang Zihan was deeply affected by the memory, almost in tears again. She clutched her clothing tightly and continued, "But at the time, I thought it was just good luck and that I would surely make a great harvest. I hoped to find a millennium-old herb."

Du Yunlong listened quietly as Wang Zihan continued her story: "I had just passed Huishan Peak when I discovered a rare herb over a hundred years old. As I bent down to pick it, the sky suddenly darkened. It was still noon, so why was it so dark?"

Wang Zihan's face showed regret, pain, and helplessness: "When I looked up, the entire sky was almost pitch black. Fortunately, as a Foundation Establishment cultivator, I could see what was happening."

Du Yunlong speculated, "Could it have been an eclipse? I've heard of the celestial dog swallowing the moon."

"No, it was a giant bird—a colossal bird!" Wang Zihan's eyes were filled with terror. She trembled and said, "You might find it hard to believe, but I'm telling the truth. It was a gigantic bird that blotted out the sun. I've seen many primordial beasts around my master, but compared to this giant bird, they were insignificant. Those beasts were only a few hundred yards long, while even the Cloud Piercer, which can cross seas and oceans, is only a few miles long..."

"I can't even describe how enormous this bird was. Its wingspan was at least several thousand miles, or even tens of thousands of miles. I was so terrified I almost fell to my knees!"

In reality, Wang Zihan was even more distressed than she described. She had been on one knee, almost frozen with fear, and nearly had an accident due to her terror.

In front of ordinary people, she was a highborn lady, a celestial being among mortals. But before this giant bird, Wang Zihan felt incredibly small and powerless, unable even to think about resisting.

Du Yunlong exclaimed, "It must be the Great Peng! It could be the legendary Kunpeng!"

He had heard that the Great Peng was a colossal divine bird and even knew the saying, "The Great Peng's journey spans thousands of miles." He recalled a description of the Kunpeng: "In the northern sea, there is a fish called Kun. The Kun's size is unknown, but when it transforms into a bird, it is called Peng. The Peng's back is immeasurably vast, and when it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky."

Du Yunlong had always thought of the Kunpeng as a myth, a mere legend. While there were Nascent Soul and Primordial Spirit cultivators, and many ancient beasts from beyond the seas, the idea of a bird stretching thousands of miles seemed implausible.

But at this moment, seeing the profound fear in Wang Zihan's eyes, Du Yunlong believed every word she said.

Wang Zihan sighed deeply: "I think that giant green bird must have been the real Kunpeng... I was stunned and saw the Kunpeng flap its wings, causing the entire sky to be filled with its movement. It also let countless rays of sunlight through, illuminating thousands of miles of sky. I felt that the world had never been so beautiful!"

Du Yunlong breathed a sigh of relief, but Wang Zihan's shivering continued. Her teeth chattered, and Du Yunlong gently patted her shoulder: "The Great Peng's wing flaps created a massive cold wave that swept me off the ground, throwing me dozens of yards away. I almost fell off a cliff and froze to death."

Du Yunlong could hardly imagine how terrifying the green giant bird was. With just a flap of its wings, it could throw a Foundation Establishment cultivator several yards away, nearly freezing them to death. Wang Zihan felt as if her body had turned to ice.

In reality, Wang Zihan was even more distressed than she had described. As she was bent down to pick the herb, the colossal bird's appearance terrified her so much that she knelt on one knee. Even more embarrassingly, she nearly wet herself from fear.

In the eyes of ordinary people, she was a highborn lady, a celestial being among mortals. Yet, in the face of this enormous green bird, Wang Zihan felt smaller and more powerless than ever before. She couldn't even muster the thought of resisting.

Du Yunlong blurted out, "That must be the Great Peng! It's definitely the Great Peng, possibly even the legendary Kunpeng!"

He had heard that the Great Peng was a divine bird, and there was even a saying, "A thousand miles of Peng's journey." He recalled a description from a book about the Kunpeng: "In the northern seas, there is a fish called Kun. The Kun's size is unknown, but when it transforms into a bird, it is called Peng. The Peng's back is immeasurable, and when it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds that stretch across the sky."

Du Yunlong had always thought of the Great Peng as a myth, a mere legend. While there were Nascent Soul and Primordial Spirit cultivators and many primordial beasts from beyond the seas, the idea of a bird stretching thousands of miles seemed implausible.

But at this moment, witnessing the profound fear in Wang Zihan's eyes, Du Yunlong began to believe every word she said.

Wang Zihan sighed deeply, "I think that giant green bird must truly be the Kunpeng... I was stunned. When the Kunpeng flapped its wings, the sky was filled with its immense wingspan. The sunlight filtered through, illuminating thousands of miles of sky. I felt that the world had never been so beautiful!"

Du Yunlong let out a sigh of relief, but Wang Zihan's shivering intensified. Her teeth chattered as Du Yunlong gently patted her shoulder: "The Great Peng's wing flap sent a wave of icy cold air that knocked me several yards away. I nearly fell off a cliff and would have frozen to death."

Du Yunlong struggled to imagine how terrifying the green bird was. With a mere flap of its wings, it could send a Foundation Establishment cultivator flying dozens of yards and nearly freeze them to death. Wang Zihan felt as if her entire body was devoid of warmth.

"And then I looked up again," Wang Zihan continued, her voice trembling, "the sky was clear and blue, and the giant green bird was nowhere to be seen. Then I saw..."

Wang Zihan hesitated, struggling to find the words. Du Yunlong prompted her gently, "What did you see...?"

"A single white feather. A single feather from the Great Peng drifted through the air!"


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