Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 18 - 19 One finger

Chapter 18: Chapter 19 One finger

"The Four Corners Heavenly Essence Bean?" Du Yunlong's breath quickened. "That's unbelievably generous!"

At forty-seven years old, Du Yunlong had risen from humble beginnings to reach the peak of the Yuanlong stage, thanks to his ruthlessness and extraordinary luck. This was typically the highest point one could achieve without extraordinary talent, a level where the temples protruded prominently—a sign of a true martial arts master. In most ordinary sects, leaders and protectors would be at this level.

But in the eyes of true martial artists, the Yuanlong stage was insufficient. Those who had reached the peak saw this level as merely the beginning. True mastery came with breaking through to the Ge Shan stage, where one could deliver a blow with the force to strike from a distance, like shattering a mountain with a punch.

However, Du Yunlong had already passed his prime. His martial arts had grown more refined, but his body was beginning to show signs of decline. The chances of him advancing to the Ge Shan stage were slim. He had all but given up hope.

Yet, the more hopeless it seemed, the more desperately he craved it. Breaking through would not only significantly increase his martial arts prowess, allowing him to dominate both the Tianyi Gang and Yunzhong County, but it would also extend his lifespan. The Ge Shan stage could grant an additional ten years of life compared to the Yuanlong stage.

But the elixirs that could help him break through were nothing short of legendary. The Four Corners Heavenly Essence Bean was among these rare treasures. It could restore the vitality of an aging warrior, bringing their strength back to its peak. Even if it didn't lead to a breakthrough, the benefits would be immense. However, the bean was so valuable that Du Yunlong had once seen it on the black market, where it was snatched up for an astronomical price of eight hundred gold taels.

So, he asked again, "Are you saying this is the Four Corners Heavenly Essence Bean?"

"Exactly!" Pang Tianshan replied with a smile. "It's just one measly bean, perfect for someone in your condition. But in return, we'll need your help, Du Yunlong."

"Deal!" Du Yunlong roared. "Pang, you can count on me. I'll throw everything I've got into this. I swear, Gu Yinghua and Liu Suiyun won't escape us this time!"

They won't escape!

He nearly teared up. "I never thought a man my age would get one last shot at greatness!"


A golden sword struck the Fire Spirit Tiger, piercing its hide. The beast roared in pain, but before it could retaliate, Huo Qianshu's meteor hammers pummeled it, sending blood spraying everywhere. The tiger clawed at Huo Qianshu, pushing him back, and lunged again at Wang Zihan.

Liu Suiyun raised his sword, the Heavenly Tears Starfall, and another golden blade struck the tiger, slowing its movements. "Uncle Huo, now!" Liu Suiyun shouted.

Sweat dripped from Huo Qianshu's brow, but he didn't dare relax. He hammered away, blow after blow, until the tiger's fiery energy erupted, filling the area with flames. With one final crash, the tiger collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

"It's done!"

Liu Suiyun sighed with relief, driving his sword into the tiger from a distance to make sure. Then he slumped to the ground. But Huo Qianshu kept his hammers ready, carefully inspecting the beast's remains. "It's dead. Finally!"

The path Liu Suiyun had chosen was far more treacherous than the one Yu Changkong had cleared. Not only was it harder to traverse, but they frequently encountered powerful monsters like this Fire Spirit Tiger—just one of the many beasts they had faced in recent days.

Even with Liu Suiyun and Huo Qianshu joining forces, and Liu Suiyun wielding the Heavenly Tears Starfall sword, their battles were grueling. Some had escalated to the point where even Wang Zihan had to fight.

Contrary to what Liu Suiyun had assumed, Wang Zihan wasn't just a pampered noblewoman. With her crimson skirt now cut short, she wasn't a burden and often proved helpful, like now as she began bandaging Liu Suiyun's wounds. "Let me take a look at that injury, Liu Suiyun!"

"It's nothing serious," Liu Suiyun replied casually. "But we're falling behind schedule. Are you sure we'll have support when we reach Yuanzhou?"

Wang Zihan ignored his question, instead lifting her chin proudly. "You're at the peak of the first layer of Qi Refinement, right? You're close to breaking through to the second layer, aren't you?"

The Extreme Yuan Radiant Thunder Scripture was known for its rapid advancement, even rumored to be the fastest in the world. Whether it was truly the fastest, the technique allowed practitioners to progress quickly in the early stages as long as they could absorb blood and soul energy. Liu Suiyun had only just broken through to Qi Refinement, and now he was already at the peak of the first layer.

Such rapid progress was usually reserved for those with the best resources, the so-called "second generation cultivators." For ordinary cultivators, reaching the second layer often took months, sometimes even years. In this sense, the Extreme Yuan Radiant Thunder Scripture was indeed a remarkable technique.

Liu Suiyun acknowledged this honestly, "Miss Wang, you have a sharp eye."

Wang Zihan finished bandaging him and continued, "So you're at the peak of the first layer. With the Heavenly Tears Starfall sword, your strength is comparable to someone at the peak of the fourth layer. That's still pretty weak!"

Liu Suiyun wasn't offended by her blunt assessment. He was more impressed by her keen insight. Wang Zihan had pinpointed his level with startling accuracy.

Even though he wasn't sure of her background, Liu Suiyun knew this much: despite not possessing any spiritual power or martial skills herself, Wang Zihan's observational skills were extraordinary. "Miss Wang, you're absolutely right."

"If I'm not mistaken," Wang Zihan said lightly, "That Chaoyang Divine Thunder you used to destroy the Pang family's Iron Stone Formation wasn't really your own power. That technique, even in its diminished form, requires at least a seventh-layer Qi Refinement cultivator to cast."

Liu Suiyun nodded. "I used a one-time-use spiritual artifact to barely pull it off. I can't do it again."

"So, in other words," Wang Zihan said sharply, "Right now, you're pathetically weak, not even at the mid-stage of Qi Refinement. How do you plan to protect me on the way to Yuanzhou?"

Her words were harsh, but she wasn't wrong. In a small place like Yunzhong County, a fourth-layer Qi Refinement cultivator was already rare. And Liu Suiyun's actual level was only at the peak of the first layer. The Heavenly Tears Starfall sword's power was indeed formidable, allowing him to punch above his weight, but it was still limited.

Liu Suiyun admitted as much. "Miss Wang, you're right. All I have left is my resolve. Even if it costs me my life, I will get you to Yuanzhou safely."

For once, Wang Zihan nodded approvingly. "Not bad. At least you're qualified to be my servant. I did make one mistake, though. I didn't expect someone as brilliant as myself to misjudge anything!"

Liu Suiyun smiled faintly. "Well then, once we're in Yuanzhou, I'll treat you to a bowl of salty soy milk!"

Wang Zihan flashed a bright smile. "No, you've made a mistake. How could a servant like you even think of tasting sweet soy milk? The Extreme Yuan Radiant Thunder Scripture is probably the only technique you could find, right? It was foolish of me to discuss the great Dao with someone like you."

Liu Suiyun's expression darkened slightly. He knew the limitations of the Extreme Yuan Radiant Thunder Scripture. While it was incredibly effective in the early stages, it posed significant challenges later on, especially during the Foundation Establishment stage.

But he quickly regained his composure. "What, is Miss Wang going to reward me with a supreme cultivation technique?"

Wang Zihan smiled slightly. "Before you were injured, what layer of Qi Refinement were you at?"

"The seventh layer," Liu Suiyun replied immediately. "With the Heavenly Tears Starfall sword, I could hold my own against a ninth-layer cultivator."

If a first-layer cultivator could surpass three levels with the sword, a seventh-layer cultivator would only surpass two levels, but even that was enough to drive most Qi Refinement cultivators to envy.

Wang Zihan had already made up her mind. "That's more like it. You might just be worthy of being my servant. Remember, not just anyone can serve me! Liu Suiyun, I'll grant you a pointer—your path to the great Dao lies beneath my feet!"

As she spoke, Wang Zihan formed a delicate gesture with her fingers and lightly tapped Liu Suiyun on the forehead.


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