Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 140 - 129 Chicken Soup

Chapter 140: Chapter 129 Chicken Soup

The seven Nascent Soul masters represent the core combat strength of the entire Shenxiao Sect.

Behind these seven masters, there are forty-seven elevated platforms, symbolizing the forty-seven independent peaks of Shenxiao, each with a Golden Core expert guarding it. Some peaks are even presided over by senior female cultivators of great power, who choose to remain behind the scenes.

Chu Cangshan grumbled, "If we count the Lady's combat prowess, our Zhonghua Peak would have ranked at least one place higher!"

Chu Nanhua, however, remained indifferent. "What difference does a single rank make? There's no need for Zhonghua Peak to compete for something so trivial."

His tone was light, yet brimming with confidence, which made Liu Suiyun recall the phrase "early formation of the Great Pill." Could it be that his master's goal is to reach the Nascent Soul stage? That would indeed be an astonishing achievement.

As for the thirty-three smaller platforms behind the forty-seven peaks, they represent peaks that once had Golden Core cultivators but have since fallen into decline. Their former glory is now but a memory, and they sit at the lowest rung of the sect's hierarchy.

These peaks, despite having once hosted Nascent Soul cultivators, have since lost their strength. Without a Golden Core expert to oversee them, their lineages have all but faded, with disciples scattering and seeking refuge in outer peaks.

However, these thirty-three peaks cling to survival, drawing upon their connections to preserve what remains of their legacies. Yet, without a new Golden Core cultivator emerging within the next decade or two, their fate is sealed, and they will vanish entirely.

This is the strength of the Shenxiao Sect, laid bare—almost all of their Nascent Soul masters and two-thirds of their Golden Core experts now stand on high platforms, exuding their awe-inspiring aura over the entire assembly.

Daoist Wangshan, Sect Leader Li Wanjian, and Daoist Ding Kuailing... The names were being called one after another, and soon Chu Nanhua's name was announced: "Chu Nanhua of Zhonghua Peak..."

Chu Nanhua stood atop his platform, offering a faint smile, met with applause from the crowd below. Meanwhile, the two cultivators presiding over the event continued to announce the names of other prominent figures, but Liu Suiyun found it all rather dull.

Where was Shen Yaqin's name? How could such a grand occasion proceed without the mention of his master's wife? The absence of her name made the entire ceremony feel meaningless to him. Despite the radiance of so many Nascent Soul and Golden Core cultivators, without her presence, it was nothing more than an ordinary gathering.

"Why didn't they announce the Lady's name?" Liu Suiyun asked.

Chu Cangshan replied, "As long as the Master holds his position, it is sufficient. Your Lady never cared for fame or recognition. But if her strength were taken into account, our Zhonghua Peak could surely move up another rank..."

Even the thirty-three declining peaks, facing the crisis of extinction, had their peak lords and acting peak lords standing tall, basking in the applause of the sect. But Liu Suiyun felt a deep sense of disillusionment.

The host soon announced that Sect Leader Li Wanjian would deliver a sermon. Though Li was only ranked fourth in the sect, he represented Shenxiao Sect and warmly welcomed everyone: "Fellow Daoists, elders, sectmates, and new elites of our sect, on this autumn day, we welcome another milestone in the Shenxiao Sect's legacy. Sixty-seven new elites will now stand shoulder to shoulder with us..."

Li Wanjian's speech was uninspiring to Liu Suiyun, who found it dull and repetitive. But the audience grew silent as Li transitioned into sharing his cultivation insights, captivating the assembly. The entire crowd was enraptured as this veteran Nascent Soul master recounted the various obstacles he had overcome on his path to cultivation.

Liu Suiyun, however, remained indifferent. It wasn't that Li Wanjian's teachings were too profound or too dry—in fact, he spoke quite well, stirring the emotions of the crowd. Most cultivators listened intently, utterly absorbed.

Li occasionally cited examples from both within and outside the sect: tales of deathbed confessions, the boiling frog metaphor, the power of maternal love, and the strength of the Dao heart. Each story illustrated how these figures had touched the Dao and created miracles, inspiring even Golden Core cultivators to pursue their paths with renewed vigor.

Yet as Liu Suiyun listened to these vivid stories, he felt a strange sense of detachment, as if the grandeur of the Dao could not be encapsulated by a few moments of revelation. Though he didn't know the term "spiritual pablum," he instinctively sensed that Li Wanjian's sermon, despite its sweetness, was filled with shallow, inferior wisdom.

Since it was merely shallow, it was no longer worth listening to. Liu Suiyun gazed into the distance, where he noticed the banner of Linghua Sect flying from a distant platform, and a sense of pressure immediately settled upon him.

The thought of his impending duel with Shen Que'er banished his apathy. Sitting upright, he retrieved a jade slip to study diligently, reminding himself that every page of scripture read brought him one step closer to enlightenment.

Unbeknownst to him, someone from a thousand feet away had been observing him. Daoist Yanhuo, upon seeing Liu Suiyun's devotion to reading even during such a grand ceremony, felt a deep sense of admiration. "Que'er, look at your Senior Brother Liu," he said. "Even at a time like this, he remains focused on the Dao, never letting go of his scripture. Though your talent is exceptional, you are far too complacent. In this regard, you are not even one-tenth as dedicated as your Senior Brother Liu. You must learn from him!"

His words shattered the reverie of several Linghua Sect disciples who had been entranced by Li Wanjian's sermon. Some tried to recapture that immersive feeling but were interrupted by Shen Que'er, who asked, "But isn't Sect Leader Li's sermon excellent? Why does Senior Brother Liu continue reading at such an important moment? I feel rejuvenated and energized by Sect Leader Li's teachings!"

"It's because..." Yanhuo Daoist, one of Linghua Sect's most senior Golden Core cultivators despite not having reached Nascent Soul, was an expert at navigating sect politics. The fact that he had earned the title "Daoist" without the cultivation level to back it up spoke volumes. He knew Li Wanjian's history all too well. Although Li was born without extraordinary talent and came from a mortal background, he had sixteen sect brothers, thirty-seven sect uncles, one hundred and sixty-seven fellow disciples, and nearly a thousand juniors. All of them were now buried in the earth, yet Li Wanjian still stood atop the platform today.

The blood and sacrifice behind this fact sent a chill down Yanhuo Daoist's spine. Remembering Li Wanjian's three successful marriages and the sacrifices he had made, Yanhuo Daoist felt not the slightest bit of romance. Instead, he carefully chose his words: "Because your Senior Brother Liu has already found his own path."

"No matter how much you listen to Li Daoist's teachings, you'll remain a slave to the Dao," Yanhuo Daoist continued with his own brand of "spiritual pablum," which rivaled Li Wanjian's. "But your Senior Brother Liu has already carved out his own way. Que'er, and all of you, must walk your own paths if you are to reach the true Dao!"

To counter spiritual pablum, one must dish out more of it. The Linghua disciples responded with fervent praise, mistaking his words for profound wisdom. In truth, Yanhuo Daoist had no real understanding of what it meant to "find one's own path." If he had, he wouldn't be stuck at the Golden Core stage!

However, he knew that it was better for his disciples to learn from Liu Suiyun than to waste their time on Li Wanjian's shallow teachings. "Although we cultivators live long lives," he cautioned, "I've lived long enough to know that time is precious. Every little bit counts, Que'er. If you want to surpass your Senior Brother Liu, you cannot afford to slacken even for a moment!"

Shen Que'er clenched her fists, filled with resolve. "I understand, Master. I will not slacken! I will surpass Senior Brother Liu!"

Her eyes burned with determination as she pulled out a Dao scripture from her sleeve. "Senior Brother Liu, I will defeat you!"

Seeing her fierce resolve, the other disciples of Linghua Sect followed suit, setting aside Li Wanjian's teachings and opening their own scriptures. But their enthusiasm quickly waned.

Compared to the dry Dao scriptures, Li Wanjian's spiritual pablum seemed far more entertaining and, perhaps, closer to the true Dao.

"Finally, Li Wanjian's sermon is over!" Yanhuo Daoist chuckled. "Next up is Daoist Wangshan's lecture. His teachings are worth listening to—he's known for slipping in some risqué jokes and occasionally a bawdy tale or two... Hahaha!"

This was his personal taste, and the Linghua Sect disciples promptly put away their scriptures in anticipation. Only Shen Que'er remained focused, unmoved by Yanhuo Daoist's words.

Perhaps bawdy jokes and risqué tales held no appeal for a young girl like her.

Truth be told, Shen Que'er was a constant source of frustration for Yanhuo Daoist. After returning last night, he and a few Linghua Sect elders had discussed strategies for today's event.


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