Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 115 - 105 Minor

Chapter 115: Chapter 105 Minor

Liu Suiyun didn't expect that the welfare that fell from the sky would actually fall on Guo Huijun. Fortunately, it still fell into his own bowl after all.

And Guo Huijun said respectfully, "Huijun has met Master's wife. The Dao that Master's wife talked about today is the best I have ever heard. I like it so much!"

Shen Yaqin was obviously stunned for a moment. The Dao she talked about couldn't be understood even by the Golden Core cultivators present. How could Guo Huijun, a warrior, be so happy listening to it? "Why?"

Guo Huijun had a thick smile. "Because I have listened to lectures so many times. Only this time today, everyone is like me and can't understand. Isn't this something to be happy about!"

"Rather than enjoying alone, it's better to enjoy with others!" Guo Huijun said with a smile. "Rather than you all understanding and me being the only one not understanding, it's better if everyone doesn't understand. Master's wife, I will come to listen to your lectures in the future. Every time you give a lecture, Huijun will come to listen!"


As soon as Guo Huijun said this, the whole place burst into laughter. Many people laughed so hard that they could barely catch their breath. Even Shen Yaqin laughed. "Very good! Very good! My disciple's vision is still good. Come to Chonghua Peak often in the future. By the way, I will invite you to have tea at night as a way to welcome you and wash away the dust!"

"Thank you, Master's wife!"

Shen Yaqin continued to ask, "Is there anyone else who doesn't understand and wants to ask questions?"

Although she said "want to ask questions", there were very few people who had the qualification to ask questions. Even several Golden Core cultivators knew that in such a lecture, unless Shen Yaqin allowed it, they definitely couldn't ask questions casually. Therefore, most of those who asked questions were Foundation Establishment cultivators.

They told about the confusion and difficulties they encountered in their cultivation. As a Golden Core cultivator, Shen Yaqin was extremely knowledgeable and often solved the problems that had troubled them for months or even years with just a few words. While Elder Zongyun and Elder Yunpeng were scratching their heads on one side.

Listening to Shen Yaqin's lecture was a very painful thing. The happiest one was none other than Guo Huijun because she was a pure warrior. Now it was rare that everyone was completely unable to understand like her. She thought this was a great and happy thing.

For Qi Condensation cultivators like Liu Suiyun, they almost couldn't understand at all. But it was precisely because they couldn't understand that they were so happy. As for Foundation Establishment cultivators, they also didn't understand much. Therefore, they didn't have any wild hopes.

The most painful ones were Golden Core cultivators like Elder Zongyun and Elder Yunpeng. They couldn't say they completely didn't understand Shen Yaqin's lecture, nor could they completely understand it. Sometimes they felt they understood seven or eight tenths, and sometimes they felt they understood three or four tenths. In short, it was a very painful thing.

Even if they had the opportunity to ask questions, they couldn't achieve a sudden enlightenment. Even though they understood many things, there were even more things they didn't understand. Shen Yaqin solved one or two of their problems, but there were more problems waiting.

The greatest pain was that when Elder Zongyun heard most of it, he thought he understood everything and understood everything once he understood one thing. But when Shen Yaqin finished speaking, he found that he was completely like a person with seven apertures open but only six understood - truly ignorant. The deductions he had made before were completely invalidated. That kind of emptiness after racking his brains almost made Elder Zongyun collapse directly on the ground.

I'm afraid that during this period, he will probably not be able to eat deliciously, food will be tasteless, he will have to get up three times at night, and even the beauties at home will not be on his mind. He will only be thinking about this lecture given by Shen Yaqin today.

Therefore, Elder Zongyun and Elder Yunpeng could only desperately scratch their heads. They knew that if they could understand all of this completely, there would be a qualitative leap in their understanding of the Dao. But now the problem was that they neither understood it completely nor didn't understand it. They still had to struggle for many days.

After Shen Yaqin answered a round of questions, she glanced at Liu Suiyun. "Suiyun, you have just entered the sect. How is your cultivation now?"

"This disciple has made a little progress!" Liu Suiyun didn't expect Shen Yaqin to ask him again. He quickly replied, "With Elder Peng's guidance, this disciple has gained a lot. I am expected to break through to the eleventh level of Qi Condensation soon."

He happily reported his achievements to Shen Yaqin. But in Shen Yaqin's eyes, a mere eleventh level of Qi Condensation was nothing. Even ordinary Golden Core cultivators were not in her eyes, not to mention that she saw Liu Suiyun's real cultivation level at a glance. "Very good! Very good! You are a good disciple of Nanhua. You have made great progress!"

But then Shen Yaqin changed the topic. "Since you have chosen the "Extreme Yuan Huang Lei Forging Divine Record" as your main cultivation skill and have the opportunity of Elder Yunpeng's guidance, you should cultivate this skill well. Now you have gained a lot. Establishing the foundation is also very close. But since you are expected to break through to the Foundation Establishment stage, then I will ask, which auxiliary cultivation technique are you going to choose?"

The whole place was a little shocked. No one expected that Shen Yaqin had already considered his auxiliary cultivation method before Liu Suiyun established the foundation. You should know that most masters would wait until their disciples consolidated the Foundation Establishment stage before letting them choose an auxiliary cultivation method.

And Liu Suiyun was also completely unprepared. "This disciple hasn't considered this matter. Please give instructions, Master's wife?"

He was really unprepared. Except for those loose cultivators who were desperate, most sect cultivators wouldn't waste too much time on auxiliary cultivation methods during the Qi Condensation stage to avoid overshadowing the main cultivation and missing the opportunity to break through to the Foundation Establishment stage.

And Shen Yaqin also told Liu Suiyun the pros and cons of this on the platform. "Although you can officially practice auxiliary cultivation skills only after reaching the Foundation Establishment stage, since you are expected to break through to the Foundation Establishment stage, you have to prepare early to avoid running out of spirit stones. You should know that although auxiliary cultivation methods cost the most spirit stones, they are also the main way for cultivators to earn spirit stones!"

Most cultivators will make such choices as advancing the main cultivation skill for improving the realm, using battle skills for fighting on the battlefield, and practicing auxiliary cultivation methods for earning spirit stones. Of course, there are also a few who specialize in one item. For example, sword cultivators who are completely dedicated to battle have combat power that is forty to fifty percent higher than other cultivators. But whether it is the progress of the realm or the speed of earning spirit stones, they are much slower than other cultivators and can only rely on fighting for training.

And what Shen Yaqin pointed out were all kinds of methods for earning spirit stones and improving cultivation. She said softly, "Our sect started with all kinds of thunder techniques. We are best at making all kinds of talismans. But our sect's auxiliary cultivation methods are not limited to making talismans!"

She said with confidence, "In our sect, whether it is making talismans, refining swords, taming beasts, making flying ships, making pills, cultivating spiritual plants, making armor, raising insects, using poison, or the extremely rare erudite technique, all are of extremely high level. Choose one item that you like! Remember, you can only choose one!"

She only allowed Liu Suiyun to choose one item. Liu Suiyun could understand very well. Although he had a faster progress and more time than ordinary cultivators because of the "Extreme Yuan Huang Lei Forging Divine Record", being greedy for too much will lead to nothing good. With his current cultivation level, he could only choose one auxiliary cultivation method to practice.

No matter which auxiliary cultivation skill it is, in theory, it is of great benefit to cultivators. It can even improve the combat power of cultivators and bring countless spirit stone incomes. Sometimes it can help cultivators break through bottlenecks and advance. But before reaping the benefits, there is an extremely long period of net investment. No one knows how many spirit stones, time, and energy will be invested in it.

Some cultivators simply neglect their main cultivation skills in order to practice these auxiliary cultivation methods. In the end, they achieve nothing. Therefore, Shen Yaqin asked Liu Suiyun to choose only one.

But for Liu Suiyun, such a choice was too difficult. He hesitated for a moment and wanted to speak but stopped. Shen Yaqin had already understood. "You child, really not decisive enough. In that case! Reply to Master's wife when we have tea at night. Huijun, come over at night. I will invite you to have tea and welcome you and wash away the dust!"

Only then did Liu Suiyun say with a smile, "Thank you, Master's wife! Thank you, Master's wife!"

With this little time to think, as soon as Shen Yaqin left, Liu Suiyun quickly asked around. Finally, he got a not bad answer from Chen Xingrui. "Although our Shenxiao Sect is full of experts, I think it's best for junior brother to learn well from Master's wife. Master's wife is most proficient in three methods!"

Liu Suiyun asked curiously, "Which three methods are they?"

"The first is refining swords!" Chen Xingrui counted on his fingers and said, "As a Golden Core great cultivator, Master's wife can easily control the pill fire to refine swords. The flying swords refined are not ordinary spiritual artifacts. At least they are medium-grade spiritual artifacts. Sometimes with a wonderful touch, several top-grade spiritual swords can be refined! In order to ask Master's wife to refine swords, I don't know how many Golden Core cultivators inside and outside the sect have been waiting for more than ten years in vain!"

"The second is making pills!" Chen Xingrui bent a finger. "Master's wife is not only extremely good at refining swords but also a real expert in making pills. Although she doesn't often open the furnace to make pills, every time she opens the furnace, she often collects hundreds of miraculous pills. The whole peak will scramble for them!"

"The third is making talismans!" Chen Xingrui said very proudly. "Although our Master's wife usually carries the Fensijing Sword with her all the time, her real killing move is on that pen. Now Master's wife can write without even needing talisman paper or spiritual materials. As soon as she writes, mountains collapse and the earth shakes and the heavens and the earth turn upside down. As your senior brother, I'm afraid I can't even block a single move!"

"With just a random movement of the spiritual pen, it is to such an astonishing extent. You can imagine how powerful the talismans carefully made by Master's wife are!" Chen Xingrui almost drooled. "It's a pity that Master's wife has always refused to pass on this method to me. Otherwise, I would have been invincible on Shenxiao Mountain long ago!"

"Besides, what did our Shenxiao Sect start with? It started with thunder talismans. Thunder talismans are the foundation of our Shenxiao Sect. Throwing out a stack of thunder talismans will either kill or cripple!"

"If you want to learn, start with refining swords, making pills, and making talismans. Senior brother won't deceive you!" Chen Xingrui said with a smile. "If you learn the talisman-making technique from Master's wife, can you teach senior brother one or two tricks? Of course, when you enter the sect and need any materials, just come to senior brother. As long as it's not too rare, senior brother generally has a way to get ordinary spiritual materials!"

This was almost providing an unlimited amount of ordinary materials. Afraid that Liu Suiyun wouldn't understand, Chen Xingrui added another sentence. "If you need any materials for making talismans, senior brother will find a way. I, Chen Xingrui, don't lack money. If Master's wife doesn't allow you to teach senior brother, making dozens of stacks of thunder talismans for senior brother will also do!"

But in this way, the choices in front of Liu Suiyun seemed to be only three left: "Refining swords, making pills, making talismans."

Which one should be chosen?


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