Stellar Transformations

Chapter 328 - Book 12

Book 12 Qin Yu – Chapter 18 Emperor Yu’s Command

Silver Stream Galaxy; Red Leaf Planet.

In the famed location known as the Jade Sword School.

And in a particular hall, a heavy atmosphere clung to the ceiling; there immortal emperor Qian Qi and the jade sword school master – Yu Qing Zi, are currently feeling puzzled with their predictament. Both had rushed over from the Immortal Pill Alchemy chamber, after hearing the disastrous news.

“Martial brother Qian Qi, I presume that you have already received emperor Yu’s decree, right?” The young one of the two smiled hesitantly at the other. The speaker was Yu Qing Zi. The other was his senior martial brother Qian Qi, who just now removed a voice transfer talisman from their lips.

Qian Qi nodded, but his face was grave. “Yes, I’ve just gotten his majesty – emperor Yu.”

“Did his majesty’s orders seem......a bit odd? A bit foolish?”

“So you’ve also gotten his majesty’s decree, right?” Qian Qi sounded surprised as Qing Zi just acknowledged the same. “Originally, I had thought that his majesty would wish us to seek revenge against enemies of Yu Dian, but in contrast, his majesty did not care about Yu Dian’s death. His majesty stressed that we should capture any and all who are related with the school this Qin Yu belongs to, then use the ‘soul scour’ art to find the rest.”

Some short moments ago, the two had just received a list of orders from his majesty – emperor Yu. Orders was to:

1. Capture any and all related to Qin Yu using one suspect with soul scour to search for the rest. If the soul scour attempt is unsuccessful, then resort to killing.

2. If you’ve found Qin Yu’s martial elder or patriarch, then kill them and retrieve all the equipment from their body.

Qing Zi looked at Qian Qi with an expectant expression. “Elder bro, Qian Qi, what do you suppose the purpose for his majesty’s orders?”

“I presume, his majesty’s orders are to see the extent of power of this school Qin Yu belongs to.” Qian Qi pondered slowly, savouring the taste of his words. “In any case, to capture targets alive and administer the ‘soul scour’ technique is key to finding the school elders and patriarch and assassinate them. Then killing the target and retrieving their precious equipment...surely it is for his majesty to determine the power and quantity of the opposing forces.”

“Elder brother...that does makes sense.”

Unknown to the duo, the true purpose of their master is to determine if this Qin Yu was the same as the Qin Yu that popped up in the mortal realm during the Ni Yang’s Realm Arc.

The younger man frowned, a little hesitant with whatever was on the man’s mind. “Though his majesty’s orders...I can see that he values our successes this time with his affairs, but to instruct all the top experts of Indigo Bay star field to be under our temporary command is...just that I don’t feel too confident in my capabilities.”

“Indigo Bay star field has quite a number of top class experts under emperor Yu’s command, who will be under our directives, so rest assure, our success is evident.” Qian Qi smiled knowingly and encouraged his junior.

Spurred by his senior, Qing Zi glanced at his senior expectantly: “I’m grateful to have you, senior Qian Qi by my side, I know all too well about my inadequacies and my capabilities.”

“Well then, this matter should be divided into two parts. The first; we will gather all the available level 8 golden immortal of Indigo Bay here – in the red leaf planet. The downside is that the number of experts under belonging to emperor Yu’s faction is small and only a handful are mystic immortal stage experts.”

Qian Qi exhaled, a sharp glare flashed by his eyes. “That will be the first part of this two part plan. First is the gathering of experts, and the make sure the entire Indigo Bay is under our control.” That sharp glare was none other than a stone-cold severity.

“Brother Qian Qi, your meaning is......?”

Qian Qi smiled devilishly. “Did you say that, this Qin Yu was the Liu clan’s honoured guest, right? Then ensure we have complete control over this Liu clan, that way whatever Qin Yu does or wherever Qin Yu goes, he will be within the palm of our hand. By applying pressure or threats where possible, we can corner the martial elders of Qin Yu’s school.” What was the previous amiable looking man, now a scheming devil with a toothy grin. “For a puny little planet like Amber Moon, and likewise insignificant three major clans, a word from us would be enough to chain them to our cause?”

Joining the devil was the younger looking man. Qing Zi snickered with his senior, as the two plotted out their plans, “For a small clan the likes of them, their greatest fear is their destruction of their clan. At that time, if they still wish to sow and reap benefits from both sides of the fence, then they can do that in their dreams! We will directly blackmail for threaten them with their destruction. If any of them step out of line then we will annihilate them!”

For clans in a remote and insignificant place like Amber Moon, in the opinions of the thirty-six rulers under emperor Yu, destruction is but a fickle thing. Their deaths would not even create the slightest ripple in the grand view of things.

Taking a decisive stance, Qian Qi instructed his junior, “Qing Zi, make haste to make the call of gathering for all the experts within Indigo Bay that are under emperor Yu’s wing. Have them gather here in Red Leaf, the sooner this is done, the better.

“Don’t worry, I’ll do this right now.”

In the entire Indigo Bay star field, there are ten major galaxies, of them the Silver Stream galaxy is the only one completely controlled by Emperor Yu, the others are of other powers. Despite that, emperor Yu had inserted numerous powerful forces in the other galaxies to keep the power balance in check.

With a simple command from Qing Zi, many of these insurgents with powers above level 8 golden immortal stage, one by one or in groups, all rush to congregate to Red Leaf of the Silver Stream galaxy. Even the level 8 golden immortals or above experts of jade sword school gather to the call of their school master.

Time passed, masters and experts continued to gather in Red Leaf.

As a show of force, simply the jade sword school by themselves have sixteen level 9 golden immortals and fifty level 8s, not including many other lesser powers in one galaxy – Silver Stream galaxy. Though the collective forces from other places, by themselves, cannot compare to the supremacy of jade sword school.

From the Silver Stream galaxy, over forty are level 9s and a hundred plus a few are level 8s. Whereas from all the other places, there was a level 1 mystic immortal, thirty or so level 9s and a little more than a hundred level 8s, all convened in Red Leaf.

In just ten days.

Ten days’ time, Red Leaf was filled with waves of elite force of emperor Yu’s faction. The forces number in the hundreds; they represented most of the total forces of emperor Yu’s side.

In actual fact, immortal emperor Qian Qi did not reside in the jade sword school, his lair was not in Indigo Bay star field. The only reason why the man was here on Red Leaf, was for the purpose to practice alchemy and refine immortal pills. The man’s presence was more than enough to heighten the confidence of all that gathered as well as lending honour to all present.

Hailing from another galaxy of the Indigo Bay, was another mystic immortal named Hua Xia. Though, the fellow was a level one mystic immortal, energy equivalent as Qing Zi, but he wasn’t part of the title ‘thirty-six rulers’ group. The reason being that, although their energy levels were similar or within the threshold, to enter the ‘thirty-six rulers’ group requires personal strength and external backing. Qing Zi not only have formidable personal power, but also the backing of the jade sword school, which allowed him to become one of the thirty-six rulers.

A mighty army of elite forces, headed by immortal emperors: Qian Qi, Qing Zi and Hua Xia, of over seventy level 9 golden immortals and over two hundred level 8 golden immortals. A supreme force, unlike any seen in the last century, was about to depart to due to arrive in Amber Moon for their cause.

Sometime before the departure the preparation was already complete, all of the three major clans of Amber Moon were ‘brought’ into control by the leaders of this expeditionary force.


Such fearsome event of experts readying for war was unknown to a young man on Amber Moon. Qin Yu part of a small clan like Liu clan, which was restricted to one planet, naturally they could not have heard about the gathering. They could not have such extensive intelligence to hear about the strange gathering of masters on Red Leaf.

In a peaceful, ‘little’ residence in White Circle district, Qin Yu sat atop of stone stool, with his back ramrod straight, opposite his latest subordinates: Kong Lan, Tu Gan and Dan Meng. The four slowly sipped their fragrant tea ignorant of the incoming storm.

Qin Yu put down his cup, swallowed in small gulps. “Kong Lan.”

“What does master wish me to do?” the man in question looked quizzically at Qin Yu, waiting expectantly for instructions.

“I’m still contemplating about that same problem. If there wasn’t this problem, then I would have already left Amber Moon.”

“Master, are you, perhaps......referring to young master Han Shu?”

Qin Yu sighed, “I am, after all, he was my first and my own personal disciple, how could I just leave him here? If I took him with me, the dangers outside of here are unknown and unfathomable, following me would be dangerous for both of us.”

“Then let him stay on Amber Moon.” The silent totem, Tu Gang put in his two cents.

Qin Yu shook his head, again and again, unsure of how to proceed.

If he left Han Shu here then he would fare much better on his journey.

But that would be against his principles! He was a teacher, a master and a mentor. The journey is a long one, from here to the demon realm numerous unforeseeable hazards and obstacles will block his way, even a thousand years could easily be given up.

A hidden battle was been fought within his mind. Principle versus desire.

He was a master though! How could he have the heart to abandon Han Shu for a thousand years?

His subordinates were all deep in thought, trying to suggest ideas, Dan Meng also put forth her idea: “Why not let young master Han Shu stay within the Jade Immortal Mansion?”

Qin Yu chuckled knowingly, he had already thought about that possibility. “That cannot do. The jade immortal mansion is void of any life, there isn’t any inhabitants there. Think about it, how old is Han Shu at the moment? How could he stand the solitude, if I were to let him into the jade immortal mansion?”

This idea had to be scratched out.

This wasn’t alright, that wasn’t alright...

All these convoluted circles was giving Qin Yu quite the headache.

On one hand he wanted to be the respectable mentor, on the other hand he wanted to go his own way.

Respectability of a so-called master started on oneself and one’s self-discipline.

Perhaps he should leave some slips entailing mystic arts, cultivation arts and techniques to his disciple, then he could be on his way. If his disciple has reached a bottleneck, then he could give advice via voice transfer talismans! Did he need to be by his disciples side all the time??

“If he still cannot breakthrough then he can only ask other Xiuzhenists for help.”

Qin Yu hardened his heart, he couldn’t waste any more time here. What he wanted the most at this moment, was to rush to the distant shores of distant planets, to explore the unexplored, to seek his answers and to find his long lost brothers.

Just as Qin Yu had made his final decision, a rather red-faced Han Shu sprinted into the vicinity of the manor. His disciple’s face was one of excitement and light exertion.

“Master!” The fellow was still flushed. Excitement was etched into the dimples as a grin was constant on the fellow’s face.

Qin Yu couldn’t help but be infected by the fellow’s mirth, and he returned a smile which touched his eyes into merry slits. “Han Shu, what is the occasion?”

Han Shu bit his lip, in a very feminine but cute manner, and took a deep breath. His master just raised a brow in anticipation. “This disciple has...has...fal-...a crush on a girl.” The reminder of the phrase was barely a whisper, but to immortals whose senses are heightened above the likes of mortals, a bare whisper is clear as day.

“Oh.” Qin Yu replied almost on reflex, then his eyes unfocused and did a double-take on his disciple, surprise was evident on his face with wide-opened eyes. “What did you say?? Did you say, ‘you’ve gotten a fallen in love with a girl’???”


The fellow nodded his head repeatedly, as if excitement made him lose reason. “I met her two days ago, she seemed to be a very good person; kind-hearted and someone I can talk to about anything really....but I found out she was not a resident of Amber Moon...” Han Shu almost cursed in frustration, as if he couldn’t bear to leave her.

The topic was somewhat interesting to Qin Yu. “Well, tell me, how does she treat you? Does she reciprocate the same type of affection?”

Han Shu stared into the ground at his feet, he fidgeted nervous, somewhat too embarrassed to say. “, uh, think that me, also me...”

Dan Meng, the only female listener laughed out loud: “How shameless!”

At either side of Dan Meng, Tu Gang and Kong Lan also joined in the amusement, chuckled at the young man’s passionate exclamation. Seeing the amused looks, Han Shu suddenly felt very self-conscious and drifted between embarrassment and straight up awkwardness. He pouted like a little boy caught red handed stealing a cookie from the cookie jar, “Love is love. I will not hide from my feelings. I also feel that she also likes me as well, at least she likes me.”

“Master, this feeling! I want to chase her, I want to catch her! I want to marry her!” Han Shu stared wide-eyed at Qin Yu as his passion erupted.

Qin Yu’s mouth opened slightly, his disciple’s proclamation of love was like a gong to his ears, while he heart wavered.

Even his own disciple was more....more braver than him. At the time, he knew he loved Li’er with all his heart, yet, he couldn’t say it, he didn’t have the guts to say it aloud and kept it bottled up. As time passed, he luxuriate in that euphoric feeling they both shared, and still he could not confess. His own disciple was far more emotionally developed than he. His disciple could say the unspoken words he could not.

“Han Shu, I will support you. If you love her, then chase her.” Qin Yu chuckled as he folded his arms behind him.

Han Shu looked downwards, feeling gloomy and reluctantly explained, “It’s just that, she is a level 2 immortal, while I am at middle Kongming stage, that gap is quite large. Plus I think she comes from an upper class family with a formidable background.

“Level 2 immortal and Kongming, eh? That gap is not small, but it can be caught up if you work hard. As for family background, eh? If you like her then pursue her, you needn’t worry about her background.”

Qin Yu couldn’t help but emphasize ‘background’ with some heat.

Family background???

‘Ha ha, Li’er’s family background, now that is near unsurmountable. Just look at Li’er and those around her, like that, what’s his face, ah that ‘Zhou Xian’ prick, or even that incredible heart-stopping void creation technique of his. Anyone can see how incredible and extraordinary Li’er’s family background was.’

“Master will support you.” Qin Yu encouraged aloud, but deep inside he said to himself gloomily: “I may support Han Shu, but who will support me??”

Uncle Lan.

Still talking to himself: “Uncle Lan supports me, but his influence or authority isn’t enough to allow Li’er the freedom to marry whoever she wishes nor allow him to stand by Li’er’s side...I can only rely on myself...”

“Thank you, Master.” Han Shu was unaware of the inner envy his master was currently feeling, in contrast, he was feeling very ecstatic and promptly withdrew a jade slip from within the folds of his clothes. “Master, here. That girl’s portrait is imprinted within, once you’ve seen it, you will understand the situation better.”

“Oh.” Qin Yu just grunted a reply.

As Qin Yu swept the jade slip with his spiritual powers, surprise registered on his face.

The woman, his disciple loves, was that same woman in green he saw in the Amber Moon Tea House. It was during the time, ten years ago, when he sought to assassinate Yan Gao and kill the clan leader from the Yan Clan. He could still remember that woman! Back then, she was a level 1 immortal, but in a decades’ time, she became a level 2 immortal.

“It seems that my disciple has fallen for a lady belonging to quite a powerful family. I remember that the lady’s subordinates were all level 7 immortals at the time.” Qin Yu speculated to himself.

Since undergoing the ritual for ‘3-in-9 Soul Refinement’, his soul had become stronger at an accelerated rate unimaginable to normal practitioners. Upon opening the third layer world of his Atlas, he would become one of the most powerful forces within the immortal plane.

Presently, he had only just opened the second layer world of the Atlas. His power couldn’t be considered tyrannical nor a match for the major powers, but to smaller forces, he was a figure to be revered or respected.


In the days that followed his disciple’s confession, the fellow frequently accompanied that same lady in green around Liu Feng city, seeing the city’s sights. From his disciple’s foolish and, sometimes silly laughter, he knew his disciple truly was smitten by that lady.

He, himself stayed within the white district manor’s ‘white garden’.

His eyes were shut as he leaned, in a somewhat forlorn manner, against the railing of a pagoda, one hand grasped a jug of wine. Sometimes he would take a sip, others, he would chug continuously.

Sometime after, the Liu clan patriarch – Liu Ming Han approached the solitude pagoda, but seeing the man within had their eyes closed, he turned back to the way he came from, careful not to disturb the resident.

The resident’s eyes flickered open.

Qin Yu looked in question at Ming Han. “Mister Liu, what have you come today?”

The fellow smiled in apology. “Mister Qin, tomorrow is the day of the contest for the control for the teleportation arrays. The location will be on the Great Plains adjacent to the teleportation arrays themselves. If Mister Qin has the time, please feel free to attend.” Then immediately handed Qin Yu an invitation slip.

Qin Yu took the slip and murmured, “I will, if I have the time.”

Finished with the exchange, he closed his eyes.

“Then I won’t bother Mister Qin any longer. Farewell.” Ming Han chuckled quietly, then left.

With his eyes closed once again, he continued to enjoy the gentle embrace of the cool afternoon breeze. He was loved by the wind, and he loved it back, it reminded him of the cool yet delicate stroke of his beloved, Li’er’s hand. The time she caressed his face in affection and in love.


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