Stellar Transformations

Chapter 325 - Book 12

Book 12 Qin Yu – Chapter 15 Peak Level Demon King

+Previously on Stellar Transformations

Singlehandedly killing four of the five attacking golden immortals of Yu Dian’s group wasn’t enough to satiate Qin Yu, as he proceeded to test out his immortal puppet’s limits via melee with Heng Yu – the most powerful of Yu Dian’s group. Even with the self-destruction of Heng Yu’s yuanying, it merely jarred and numbed his puppet’s hand, while the most damage was jarring his soul that controlled the puppet. Once he’d retrieved all the loot from the group, he proceeded to reach the late dark star stage to open the second layer world of the Atlas...


His heart quivered with anticipation as he speculated about the amount of peak level demon kings within the second layer world. With these fierce new powers, even level 1 or 2 mystic immortals would be crushed by an army of peak level demon kings.

He held out the golden scroll that was the Atlas of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Then channelled his newfound powers of his late dark star stage into the golden scroll. Originally, to open the second layer world of the Atlas required the power of a golden immortal, but his late dark star stage had the power of a level two to three golden immortal, so entry should be easy.

Blinding light erupted from within the scroll, Qin Yu face split apart in a wide grin. He had succeeded!

“Creeeaak!” The pearl gates of the second layer world opened slowly and the individual presences and information of all the beasts within entered his mind.

The second layer world of the Atlas.

It was a mundane day for the divine and magical beasts, many were talking and carousing together. They had all spent years together, but just at this moment, when Qin Yu opened the second layer world, all the hearts of these beasts trembled slightly. They all looked upwards at the approach of their new master.

“There’s....there’s 28 level 9 demon kings!” Qin Yu’s heart pumped loudly in his chest. By the gods, that’s twenty-eight peak level demon kings. If he had opened the second layer world much earlier than would he have needed to use and directly control his immortal puppet to kill the five immortals of Yu Dian’s group?

Could have just sent five or six level 9 demon kings, and it would’ve been a done deal just like that.

“There are 28 level 9 demon kings, level 8s are just over a hundred and level 7s are as high as three hundred!” He felt his chest swell with vigour like a general inspecting his new batch of elite troops. That feeling that within his hand held enormous power; the feeling of supremacy!

“Attention all of the second layer world of the Atlas, who is the leader here?” He sent this message into the world through his mind.

Qin Yu’s voice echoed in the hearts of all the beasts within the layer, a moment later, a tall thin man, a burly fellow with a head of golden hair and a woman in a luxurious white robe, stood in the airspace above the surface. The thin man was slightly in front while the golden haired brute and the woman flanked the former.

“Master, this one is called Kong Lan. This world is under my supervision, as well as my two right-hand (man) and left-hand (woman) subordinates – Tu Gang and Dan Meng.” The word leader’s voice projected into his mind.

With a single thought. These three experts appeared in front of the eyes of Qin Yu, who was sitting in a cross-legged position on a jade coloured bed side.

“We greet the great master.”

The trio immediately bowed deeply.

Qin Yu nodded fractionally. “Alright, by opening the second layer world of the Atlas, I am already quite familiar with your strength. From what I observed, you are the leader of the level nine demon kings, magical beasts. You, yourself is a mid-class divine beast, right?”

“That is right, master.”

He had already inspected and paid careful attention to all 28 of the level 9 demon king. Of them, a smaller group consists of magical beasts, while the majority are divine beasts numbering up to 20 beasts. Their leader Kong Lan is, in fact, a mid-class divine beast, while the major group consists of low-class divine beasts. For Kong Lan to be the leader of all these demon kings, naturally, one can understand, he has the power to back that fact up.

“Master, Elder Brother Kong Lan is not just the leader of the 28 demon kings and a mid-class divine beast, but also an ascendant from the first layer world of the Atlas. Of more than the thousand beasts in the first layer world, he was the fastest to ascend to this layer world.” The left hand side woman wearing a body hugging white robe smiled dreamily and with a playful spark in her eye, as she gave Kong Lan an eyeful.

The moment he heard this remark, Qin Yu could determine one thing: ‘After the death of emperor Ni Yang and the time after, around one thousand magical beasts had ascended from the first layer world to the second layer world. To think that Kong Lan could be part of these thousand and also reach level 9 demon king stage, he must be ‘one of the talented ones’ mentioned by Shuo Yan before.’

“Kong Lan, ah. Your cultivation speed is indeed very fast!” Qin Yu exclaimed, and smirked.

The fellow humbly replied, “Master, it was simply because I was lucky. The class of a divine beast is a qualitative measure of their innate potential, having spent a hundred thousand years to progress from a level 8 normal demon to a level 9 demon king, is not something I would boast about.”

It was true. Nearly a hundred thousand years had passed since Emperor Ni Yang’s death.

“Ha ha, you don’t need to say so humbly. Within the first layer world, wasn’t there magical beasts that was still a level 7 normal demon in that hundred thousands of quietude and practice?” Qin Yu laughed and casually waver the man’s self-deprecating remark.

“Those people grew complacent and lazy, because there would be less of a chance for the master to give them tasks. However I, do not loiter around and waste time, and let nature have its way with cultivation! I do not sit around and passively cultivate.” Kong Lan frowned, obviously disliked some of these slackers.


This was the first time Qin Yu has ever heard of such a thing!

The lower the strength of a beast, the less likely the master would give them tasks, which means they will have less opportunities to please their master. This drives them to become complacent.

The white robed Dan Meng piped up, “Elder brother Kong Lan is right. Many of the Atlas relish in this concept, but most others also do not want to spend their lifetimes stuck within the Atlas. Those also want to go out into the outside world and test themselves, explore and journey with the master. Only those people work hard and cultivation fastidiously, eagerly competing for more opportunities from the master to certain jobs above world.”

Qin Yu gave them a faint smile, he too could empathize with their desires. Who would want to be under ‘house arrest’ for their entire lives, without having seen the outside world?

A light entered his mind as something piqued his interest. “Say, Kong Lan, you must have known many people over these numbers of years, how many magical beasts ascended from the second layer world to the third?”

Kong Lan showed a thoughtful expression, and answered: “Master, I’ve only heard this from the older generations of this layer world. They say that the step between a level 9 demon kings to a level 1 demon emperors are like comparing the babel tower to piece of paper; the difficulties to break through from level 9 demon king to level 1 demon emperor is beyond imagination. Of these hundred thousand years, only one demon king succeeded on ascending to the third layer world!”

“Only one??”

He finally felt like he could really comprehend the difficulty level of breaking through from the peak demon king stage to the lowest level of the demon emperor stage, though the difference is only one step.

Kong Lan explained, “Master, the number of demon kings of the Atlas are only between twenty and ten. To have even a single one breakthrough from the second layer to the third layer of that lot, is already an incredible occurrence. Under normal circumstances, only one out of a hundred will become a demon emperor.”

After a short pause, Qin Yu suddenly asked him, “Kong Lan, if I let you fight against a demon emperor, would you have some certainty in your success?”

Kong Lan immediately shook his head in denial, “I do not.”

Qin Yu started.

In his opinion, a mid-class divine beast at level 9 demon king stage like Kong Lan should be equivalent to a mid-class divine beast at level 1 demon emperor stage, which means the fellow would inevitably defeat a magical beast at level 1 demon emperor stage with ease.

The fellow wasn’t finished. “I am not for a demon emperor, but a mystic immortal should be possible.”

Qin Yu pondered about this: ‘Don’t demon emperor of magical beasts have similar strength as immortal emperors? But Kong Lan is quite firm on his chances with an immortal emperor than a demon emperor.’

Soon the fellow provided his answer, “Master, any who was able to reach the demon emperor stage is at least a divine beast. Only divine beasts have good aptitudes and potentials, as the possibility of a breakthrough to the demon emperor stage is too great of a hurdle for all beasts. That is why I do not have a chance against a demon emperor.” Kong Lan paused then carefully measured out his words: “For a mystic immortal, however, I have about a 50% chance of victory. But......that would depend on their equipment. If their equipment is just so and so, I could very well win, but if the immortal has the best grade armour, weapons and so on, I probably could not defeat the immortal much less than killing.”

Kong Lan’s shoulders slacked visibly, as he sighed he said, “That weapon is of weak and of poor quality.” The guy looked very dejected having a helpless and embarrassed expression on his face.

Qin Yu, on the other hand, was shocked to know this. He immediately inspected Kong Lan’s equips then all the equips of all the beasts in the second layer world. The results surprised Qin Yu once again; the best equipment on Kong Lan was a high grade immortal item, while the best weapon in the entire second layer world of the Atlas was just a high grade immortal class weapon. Not one piece of top grade immortal class equipment was found!

Dan Meng immediately explained why this was so, “When the previous master – Emperor Ni Yang, acquired the Atlas, his power was already at the mystic immortal stage. At the time, when he first caught us, his aim was just to fill up the first and second layer world of the Atlas, to him, we are hardly useful. He couldn’t be bothered to use us and would rather use the demon emperors of the third layer world almost all the time!”

Qin Yu turned to face Dan Meng. The woman was a veteran among the level 9 demon kings, and had to have known many affairs regarding the Atlas. “He would have hardly any use for us – demon kings, so of course, we would not have much good combat gear. It was just that Emperor Ni Yang was too wealthy at the time! He had tossed some high and middle grade immortal equips into the second layer world, and also dumped some middle to low grade equips into the first layer world.” Dan Meng sighed with some jealousy. “I can predict that the third layer world’s demon emperors should have the best equips. Since Emperor Ni Yang used them the most, they would have the best grade weapons, armours and other trinkets.”

Qin Yu smiled faintly. What a joke! Would anyone in their right mind give the better equips to the weaker subordinates rather than the stronger ones?

He could follow the Emperor’s train of thoughts at the time.

The Emperor, at the time, was already an immortal emperor and a sword immortal at that! Obviously, the beasts of the first and second layer worlds are of insubstantial existences to him, which he had captured only for the sake of displaying his prowess. The real elite soldiers of his army are the demon emperors of the third layer world!

He couldn’t help but sigh in praise of the awe-inspiring powers in the third layer world, his face glistened with expectation. “Ahh, the third layer world. I am truly looking forward to that.” He could simply imagine the heroic figures of the demon emperors with their indomitable equips and powers, with at least top grade immortal equips, possibly even......divine equips!

But he knew that was a faraway goal, after all, to open the third layer world of the Atlas would require an immortal emperor or equivalent’s power. He thought to himself: “No rush. I need to take one careful step after another, even the grandest of structures was built from laying the foundations! With eighteen hundred demon kings at my disposal, I should be a formidable force within this Indigo Bay prefecture (galaxy).” The forces under his command should be comparable to the jade sword school’s forces of the Silver Stream province (star field), after all, the school master was just a level 1 mystic sword immortal.

“Kong Lan, you are the most formidable of the second layer world of this Atlas, thus I will bestow you with a set of top grade immortal class weapon and armour.” Qin Yu withdrew the prescribed set with a wave of his hand from his Blazing Ice ring.

Instantly, two shining items appear and floated in front of Qin Yu. They were an assault division and defence division item, and were top grade immortal class items!

Kong Lan shuddered with pleasant shock, but immediately shook himself awak, then kneeled in honour and in gratitude. “My greatest thanks to the master.” He accepted the items with grace as he kneeled with one knee down and his hands above and forward accepting his master’s gracious act, then stored them away.

“Dan Meng, Tu Gang, the two of you are only slightly inferior to Kong Lan in strength. I shall grant you both a top grade immortal class weapon for now. In the future, when you have made greater achievements for I, your master; I will then bestow you with more rewards.” With another wave, Qin Yu withdrew a few top grade immortal equips from his ring

Dan Meng and Tu Gang were instantly ecstatic and elation was evident on their faces. It was the first time their master showed such generosity, and top grade immortal class items no less! For them, it seemed that their new master was much better, in many ways, than their previous one.

Still giddy with joy, the two chose one weapon for themselves that was most suited for them.

“Now then, you all are divine beasts, no less, and now you have the appropriate weapons, I ask this: how sure of you are you, in winning against a level 1 mystic immortal?” Qin Yu inquired with a quirky smile.

“A level 1 mystic immortal? I am fully confident in my ability to win against such a person.” Kong Lan said confidently.

With a top grade immortal weapon and armour, his new combat ability was at least doubled of his original combat ability, so dealing with a level 1 mystic immortal is no longer a difficult task.

“I would be the same.” Dan Meng and Tu Gan also piped up with their opinions.

“ about a level 1 mystic sword immortal?”

When one wishes to compare a normal mystic immortal to a sword immortal equivalent, one does not simply compare them. They are two very different entities.

The trio’s facial expression instantly froze. None had anything more to add and were completely speechless. Dealing with a level mystic sword immortal was light years different than dealing with a normal mystic immortal, and even they weren’t sure they could beat the former.

From his series of questions, Qin Yu finally grasped the extent of the strength his subordinates had.

“Kong Lan, I want the three of you to stay here in the jade immortal mansion, while I help you refine, improve and get used to, your new top grade equips. Once you succeed, I will take you with me to the outside world.” Qin Yu said with a gleeful smile.

Take them out to the outside world??

The trio’s face lit up like lamps and eye shone with splendour. How long had they stayed within the Atlas without being in the sunlight outside?? How long had they’d desired that so very much?

“Alright, you should all go about my jade immortal mansion and select a place so that you can practice with your new equips.” Qin Yu said finality.

“Of course, master.”

The trio followed Qin Yu and promptly left through the second layer world’s gateway.


In the jade immortal mansion, Qin Yu stood motionlessly next to the familiar fountain. He stared in the direction of the fountain, but wasn’t looking at it, he was staring into a far off space, somewhere in the distance. His mind was thinking about the brothers he missed so dearly and loved ones he left behind in the mortal plane.

“I’ve reached the later dark star stage and with the powers contained in the second layer world of the Atlas, I’d say, I have sufficient power to protect myself in this perilous immortal plane......About time I begin my journey.” He pondered, and estimated this was high time to leave this Amber Moon planet.

After three days.

Kong Lan and the other two had completed their merging and use of their new equips bestowed to them by Qin Yu. Now they could convey the full force of their powers with their new equips, and at this time, he decided to finally leave the jade immortal mansion with them.


That time ago when Qin Yu massacred the five golden immortals of Yu Dian’s group, he immediately entered the jade immortal mansion to cultivate, and by refining yuanyings he opened the second layer world soon after. During this time, the three major families of Amber Moon were in a state of chaos.

The death of five great golden immortals of the jade sword school including a second generation elder – Yu Dian, and four third generation disciples. Moreover, Yu Dian wasn’t some nobody of the jade sword school either. He was someone praised by emperor Yu, and within the territories of the jade sword school, his authority was second only to the school master, himself.

When the death of Yu Dian was known by the jade sword school of the Red Lead planet, the news had left them in shock. Only mayhem will follow.


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