Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 319:

Chapter 319:

On November 3rd, 1991, in the sacred calendar, the imperial capital of the Gabella Empire was filled with a joyous atmosphere. Although the grand ceremony planned for the Emperor was postponed due to the earnest persuasions of Scholar Aldridge, the news of victory still greatly inspired everyone from the court to the common people.

As the capital of the empire, it enjoyed the priority of the nation’s resources. Whether nobles or commoners, the people living here enjoyed immense conveniences – efficient transportation, low prices, and an abundance of goods. Even the slaves in the capital ate and drank better than the commoners in other places.

As the victors of the war, the empire naturally plundered or forced the defeated party to surrender a large amount of war spoils, which were first transported to the capital.

Thus, unlike other places, the residents of the capital, being the first to benefit from the war, desired victory from the depths of their hearts. When the news of victory spread, they spontaneously took to the streets to celebrate.

Kevin, accompanied by his senior, Mond, navigated through the jubilant crowd. The streets were alive with song and dance, and various musical instruments intertwined harmoniously. While dodging enthusiastic girls inviting him to dance, he closely followed his senior.

“Didn’t see that coming, little brother. I didn’t expect someone as young as you to be so popular,” Mond said, not without a tinge of jealousy.

Kevin felt helpless: “Please, senior, stop teasing me.”

He sighed inwardly, thinking that if only Mond’s receding hairline was a bit more cooperative, he would actually be quite handsome.

After wandering the streets for a while, they turned into an alley.

“Hmm, I didn’t expect to find a tavern in such a place. Shouldn’t it be on the main street?” Kevin mused to himself in surprise, finding themselves in front of a tavern.

Despite its secluded location, the tavern wasn’t short of customers. After all, everyone was celebrating the victory today, and groups of men were entering the tavern to drink.

A man stood in front of the tavern door, waving continuously at Mond and his group as they approached.

Kevin followed Mond towards the man. Upon closer inspection, he saw that he was a burly man with a thick beard.

Mond spoke first, pointing to Kevin, “Let me introduce you. This is my teacher’s new student—Kevin. Kevin, this is my friend—Ambolov. Haha, don’t judge him by his scruffy and unserious appearance; he’s actually the captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Ambolov, you sly dog, always making up stories about me to others,” Ambolov complained, giving Kevin a hearty slap on the shoulder. “Nice to meet you, Kevin. If you ever have trouble in the capital, feel free to come to me. Mond here, always buried in his books, isn’t reliable.”

“Thank you, Captain Ambolov,” Kevin replied politely, inwardly marveling at the man’s strength befitting a royal guard.

Ambolov said, “I’ve reserved us a spot. Let’s go in.”

The three entered the tavern and were led to a private room by the waiter.

Ambolov chatted away, and Mond, somewhat annoyed, asked, “Why did you call me here? I have an article to write.”

Ambolov feigned hurt, “It’s tough to be kind. If I didn’t get you out for some fresh air now and then, you’d probably have rusted your brain sitting in that Scholar Tower. Besides, everyone is celebrating the victory over Nestar. Isn’t it a bit too eccentric to stay home alone?”

“Why did you leave your Royal Guard brothers then?”

“I got those who weren’t on duty today drunk last night. They’re probably still nursing hangovers.”

While the two bantered, the waiter served them fine wine and delicious food, making Kevin’s mouth water.

After setting everything up, the waiter smiled, “Gentlemen, please enjoy your drinks to the fullest. Our boss says, in celebration of the empire’s military victory, all drinks are on the house today!”

Ambolov was delighted, “Hahaha, your boss knows how to do business. We’ll come often.”

Then he asked, seemingly casually, “Do you know who brought us this victory?”

The waiter hesitated for a moment before quietly responding, “Uh… it seems… it seems to be… Prince Antonio.”

Ambolov glared at him, “Why so hesitant?”

The waiter chuckled nervously, “Heh… no reason, no reason.”

Ambolov scoffed, “You’re bothered by the fact he was born to a witch, aren’t you?”

The waiter jumped in shock, “You said that, not me! Please be careful with your words. Recklessly discussing the prince’s lineage can be punished by the Emperor.”

Ambolov waved his hand dismissively, “Alright, we won’t talk about Prince Antonio’s lineage. But tell me, do you think people like wizards and witches are inherently guilty?”

Scratching his head, the waiter replied, “Honestly, they’re often the subjects of scary stories I grew up with, so it’s impossible not to have some reservations. But to say they are born guilty is a bit much. We aren’t like those ignorant villagers who take ancient tales as truth. Besides, I’ve never actually met any of these mythical beings in real life.”

He then whispered, “I heard from visitors from Horn Bay that their church is conducting a witch hunt, burning many at the stake.”

Mond interjected, “Oh? What’s your take on the Horn Bay church’s witch hunt? Are you for it or against it?”

The waiter, realizing he had spoken too much, quickly excused himself, “Heh, such matters are beyond someone like me to comment on. Gentlemen, please enjoy your meal. Call me if you need anything.” He bowed and hurried out of the room.

Ambolov and Mond exchanged a smile, then gestured for Kevin to join them in their meal and conversation.

When they were nearly finished, Mond asked his junior, “Kevin, can you stand guard outside the door? Ambolov and I need to discuss something privately. It wouldn’t be good if others overheard.”

“Of course, senior.”

“And knock on the door if someone approaches.”

Once Kevin left, Ambolov inquired, “Can you really trust your junior?”

Mond grinned, “Don’t worry. Although he hasn’t been in the capital for long, we’ve known each other for ten years. He’s a kid from the countryside with a heart as pure as a blank sheet. To be honest, I trust him even more than you.”

Ambolov grumbled, “Really, am I that unreliable in your eyes?”

“Alright, let’s get to business!”

Kevin stood outside, pretending to lean on the windowsill and enjoy the breeze, while keeping an eye on the corridor.

He couldn’t hear clearly what his senior and Captain Ambolov were discussing inside the room, only catching a few words intermittently.

“Duke… assistance… Edward… arrival… the prince… organization…”

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