Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 70: Northern’s feast(2)

Chapter 70: Northern's feast(2)

The prince's anguish echoed through the halls as he knelt, his hands pressed firmly against his throbbing forehead. It felt as though his skull was being crushed beneath a rock , each pulse sending waves of agony coursing through his skull. The pain was so intense that it clouded his senses, leaving him momentarily disoriented.

Then, like a shadow emerging from the darkness, Elenoir appeared before him. There was a primal ferocity in her face that sent a shiver down his spine, her demeanor sharp and intense.

"What in the seven hells was that for?" he demanded, his voice strained with pain and frustration as he struggled to maintain his composure.

Elenoir's response was swift and cutting, her words laced with a fiery intensity that matched her fierce grip on his neck. "Where the hell were you?" she snapped, her eyes ablaze with anger and confusion.

"I was... out," he managed to gasp, his breath catching in his throat as he attempted to push her hands away. But his feeble efforts were met with only a tightening of her grip, the pressure around his neck intensifying with each passing moment.

"And you left me here alone," she continued, her voice rising with each word, "you know how bored I was?''

The prince winced, his head swimming with pain as he struggled to maintain his footing. "Fuck it hurts" he pleaded, his voice barely a whisper as he reached out to grasp her hands, desperately trying to ease the pressure on his neck.

Surprisingly, Elenoir's demeanor softened, her fierce gaze giving way to a look of genuine concern. "Does it hurt that much?" she asked, her voice now gentle and soothing as she released her grip on him.

'What's with her?' The prince blinked in surprise, his confusion momentarily overshadowing his pain. He tentatively touched his forehead, feeling the persistent throbbing beneath his fingertips. Though there was no blood, the pain was all too real, pulsating with each beat of his heart.

He did not answer ,he just kept caressing his forehead.

Most of the guests carried on with their revelry, oblivious to his discomfort, while a few keen observers cast furtive glances in his direction, their curiosity piqued by the sudden disturbance.

Among them was Elenoir's father, his sharp eyes scanning the scene with a discerning gaze. His attention shifted from the back of the prince's head to his daughter's worried expression, a subtle furrow forming between his brows.

"Prince Maesinius," he addressed the prince with a measured tone, prompting Maesinius to turn around with a start. "It seems my daughter has indulged a bit too much this evening. Would you be so kind as to escort her out?"

The prince hesitated, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. "But sir, it would hardly be proper for a man to accompany a tipsy maiden-"

"Just do it," Elenoir's father interrupted, his tone firm yet tinged with a hint of resignation as he lifted his cup to his lips. He knew her daughter and his ward, the first needed no protection and for the second there was no need for it .

As he watched Maesinius assist Elenoir to her feet, a small smile played at the corners of his lips. Despite his reservations, he couldn't help but acknowledge the prince's sincerity , he liked the boy and he did not mind if they were to be family. Perhaps he wouldn't be such a bad match for his daughter after all.

With a resigned sigh, the prince guided Elenoir through the bustling hall, their footsteps echoing in the quiet corridor beyond. Elenoir, her words slurred with intoxication, looked up at him with bleary eyes.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion as they disappeared into the dimly lit hallway.

As they made their way down the dimly lit corridor, the prince guided Elenoir with gentle but firm hands, his senses alert to her stumbling movements. Her eyes drooped with weariness, and she yawned softly.

Before long, a servant approached them, offering to relieve the prince of the burden .

With a nod , the prince stepped back, allowing the servant to take Elenoir's weight and guide her forward.

As they reached her chamber door, Elenoir turned to the prince "You come with me, I have things to tell you," she declared, her voice tinged with urgency.

The servant hesitated, "My lady, that would be improper," she protested weakly, casting a worried glance at the prince.

"Shut your trap," she snapped, her tone brooking no argument as she locked eyes with the prince. Sensing that it was better to comply , he acquiesced, deciding to follow them into the room.

The servant gently guided Elenoir towards the bed, helping her to sit down with tender care. She sank onto the soft mattress with a contented sigh, her eyelids fluttering closed as exhaustion claimed her.

The servant tucked a blanket around her, ensuring she was comfortable before turning to the prince with a grateful smile.

''You can leave'' she said with a tired voice . THe prince and the servant started leaving

''Not you, come here.'' She waved her hands slowly. The prince looked at the servant who just bowed and left the room, closing the door.

The prince waited for her to speak, her eyes were open yet tired.She locked eyes many times with him, and opened her mouth to speak yet no voice came out.

''If you have nothing to said , it would be better if you were to sleep ''The prince suggested as he started walking towards the door

''Do you dislike me?'' She sked with a small and weak voice, the prince turned around in confusion


''I asked you if you dislike me''

He scractched his head, he was at a loss'' Why would you think that?''

As he settled onto the edge of the bed, the prince's brow furrowed with concern. "I don't dislike you, Elenoir," he reassured her, his voice softening with sincerity. "It's just that... there's much on my mind lately."

She studied him with tired eyes, her gaze searching his face for any sign of deception. "You've been distant," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper in the quiet room.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I know, and I'm sorry for that," he admitted, his tone heavy with regret. "It's just... everything that's been happening is a lot to handle."

"Nobody asked you," she interjected sharply

He met her gaze, his eyes filled with a mixture of apology and determination. "Yet I feel like it is something I have to do," he responded earnestly.

Her expression softened slightly as she continued in a bashful tone , "You know father has been pestering me lately, saying it was time to think of the future. Have you ever thought about it?"

"Every day," the prince replied wearily, as if a mountain was on his back . "These next months will be the most important for us. They will decide the fate of tens of thousands."

Elenoir regarded him silently for a few moments before sighing and turning away. "Whatever, close the door when you leave," she muttered, her tone dismissive and cold.

The prince's confusion lingered for a moment, but then he offered her a small, understanding smile. "Rest well, Elenoir," he said softly before rising from the bed and exiting the room. As he returned to the bustling feast, the ache in his head began to diminish, yet his heart was heavy for he knew what was to come


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